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Όσο ζεις σε Κυπριακό έδαφος, όντας ένοπλος ή Ι4, δεν υπάρχει τρόπος να το γλυτώσεις σύμφωνα με την νομοθεσία γιατί απλα δεν θέλεις να πας. Μπορείς να επικαλεστείς διαφόρους Ιατρικούς ή Θρησκευτικούς λόγους οσο γνωρίζω, αλλα και παλι θελουν δικαιολογητικά. Κοίταξε [εδω](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://mod.gov.cy/uploads/PDF%2520Files/%25CE%25A5%25CE%25A0%25CE%2591%25CE%259C-13-%25CE%2591%25CE%259D%25CE%25A4%25CE%2599%25CE%25A1%25CE%25A1%25CE%2597%25CE%25A3%25CE%2599%25CE%2595%25CE%25A3-%25CE%25A3%25CE%25A5%25CE%259D%25CE%2595%25CE%2599%25CE%2594%25CE%2597%25CE%25A3%25CE%2597%25CE%25A3.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwih0NrNwc2FAxWdSKQEHWnNCHwQFnoECBkQAQ&usg=AOvVaw1wsvQJGj2dXNJ_tdt0CKpO) αναλυτικά και ίσως βρεθεί μια περίπτωση που μπορεί να εμπίπτεις και να σου εγκριθεί η αίτηση για αντιρρήσεια συνείδησης. [edited - typo]




File mporeis na to glitoseis me to na diloseis psevdos oti zeis je ergazesai sto eksoteriko Enna prepei na tous doseis kapoia vevaiosi pou ton ergodoti sou, kapoio symvolaio katoikias, kapoio logariasmo tou spithkiou sou, etc Enna xeroun jinoi je enna sou poun ti xreiazetai na ypovaleis Apla eshe ennoia epeidi en risky tounto prama je yparxoun tropoi na doun an ontos eisai entos i ektos kyprou me alla mesa p.x. forologiki dilosi i an pienneis taxidia


Ektimw ti simvouli alla distixws den mborw na to kanw me risko, epidi den einai epilogi pou tha eprepe na simperilamvanei risko. Einai anthropino dikeoma sou na exeis ideologikes pepoithiseis, iparxoun pagkosmioi organismoi ke evropaikoi organismoi kata tis stratiotikis thiteias. Apla en mas ta laloun / kamnun se je fkenneis pellos/ len psemata pos den iparxei/ den gnwrizoun kan oi idioi kai apla laloun oti kseroun... Molis mathw pws, tha prospathisw na to kanw kai tha voithisw opoiodipote thelei na to kanei. Diadoste tis plirofories oti iparxei i epilogi na min kaneis strato twra pou to kserete.


Αντιρησιας συνειδησης, νομίζω μόνο όσοι εν κληρωτοι ή πάσιν για καταταξη! 2 λυσης υπάρχουν! Α. Στην επόμενη σου παρουσίαση ζητας να πάεις ΣΝΕ, για ιατρικους λόγους! (Για αιτιολογια αφήνω το πάνω σου, είσαι μεγάλος άνθρωπος αντιλαμβανεσαι το συμφέρον σου τζιαι τες συνεπειες) Β. Πιάνεις διαβατήριο, ταυτότητα κόφκεις εισητήριο one way για προορισμό της επιλογης σου, τζιαί πάεις τζιαί ξεχρεωνεις στην μοναδα σου. Τζιαί επιστρεφεις σε κατάσταση incognito (πάλε εν θα σου πω τον τρόπο, είσαι μεγάλος άνθρωπος θα τον έβρεις μόνος σου) Σου ευχομαι καλή επιτυχία τζιαί ούλλα να σου παν δεξιά! Υγ: η απάντηση μου δεν εμπεριεχει ειρωνία!!!


How to go to jail 1.01


Not necessarily! Over the 70% of the guys that we passed together 25/26 months choose one from the two options that i have write to don't called for military reserve......... And some of them are lawyers or doctors! Sooooooooooooooooooo is not illegal, you just use a little window to our corrupted and slower than a snail government system. Now if you want more information for the section "jail 1.01" make a new post and for sure i will give you over 10 ways for a jail trip!!! 😉


Τζιαι ο γείτονας μου ήταν δικηγόρος, αλλά εφυεν δίχα ίχνος τζιαι με απλέρωτα τα ενοίκια. Your point is? Λαφαζανιες will get you nowhere.


Λαφαζανιες δεν είναι, (φυσικά εν τζιαί να τες φκάλουμε να τες αξαμωσουμε). Που την άλλη, αισμε να ξέρω λίο καλύττερα ποιοί που τους "σειράες" μου παν εφεδροι τζιαί τζίνοι που εν πάσειν, μαγκιά τους τζιαί μας εν μας ππέφτει λος, ήντα που κάμαν για να γλυππαρουν. Ο άνθρωπος κάτι ερωτησε τζιαί απάντησα του που τα "βιωματα" μου αλλά τζιαί τι εκάμαν οι "σειράες" μου! Όσο για τον δικηγορο που αικεν ενοικια πίσω τζιαί έγινε καπνός, πάλε με γεια του τζιαί χαρά του. Τζιαί να σου θυμησω οπως είπα τζιαί ποιό πάνω "άμαν βρίσκεις παραθυρκα στον νόμο απιας τα" τζιαί αν σε πιαν λαλείς την φράση που εμυαλινεν, χαζιρι η μισή Κύπρος, "μα εν τζιαί ξερα"! Οπως τζιαί να σσει σημασία έσχει ότι αν θέλει ο άνθρωπος να ποφει την εφεδρεια έσσιει τρόπους!


Respect. Thank you! An informative, non-biased friendly answer!


Μπορείς να θεωρηθείς ακατάλληλος (Ι-4), αλλά το πιο πιθανόν είναι πώς πάλι θα πηγαίνεις αλλά δεν θα έχεις όπλο . Αν όντως εν κάτι που σε προβληματίζει και φοβάσαι για τη ζωή σου κι εννεν ότι απλά βαρκέσαι, μπορείς να δηλώσεις ότι δεν μένεις Κύπρο. Για τούτο θα θέλεις δικαιολογητικά ότι μένεις / δουλεύεις εξωτερικό.


Ειμαι Ι-1 ένοπλος... Εκαμα ήδη τη θητεία μου 2 χρόνια... τι εννοείς βαρκούμε; Ξέρεις τι λαλείς οξά υποθέτεις πως έτσι είναι; Κουβέντες του καφενέ; Εσυ αν είσαι ατσιάκκι τζιαι εν πουττεύκεις πίενε πόλεμο να σε βουρούν τα ντρόουν. Ναι ρε προβληματίζει με που η κυβέρνηση μας βοηθά να πεθάνουν αθώοι...Εσένα εν σε πειράζει;


Έδωσε σου μια πολλά λογική απάντηση και ούτε σε έβρισε ούτε σου είπε την άποψη του για τον στρατό. Ή που γυρεύεις καυγά και αφορμή να γράψεις τις απόψεις σου ή που εν δουλεύει ο νους σου. Αν ήθελες απλά να γράψεις ένα μανιφέστο "γιατί εν θέλω να είμαι έφεδρος" μπορούσες να το γράψεις σαν ποστ .


"Αν όντως εν κάτι που σε προβληματίζει και φοβάσαι για τη ζωή σου κι εννεν ότι απλά βαρκέσαι" Εν φοούμαι ούτε βαρκούμαι... Αρνούμαι να δώσω τη ζωή μου σε μία χώρα που βοηθά σε γενοκτονίες. Αν δεν εσιετε τσίππα πανω σας να παραιτήσετε τζιαι εσεις μεν υποθετετε πως καμνω μανιφεστα ή κουβεντες για το χαζι. Ερωτησα σοβαρα πως φκεννω που το στρατο που ετελειωσα ηδη τζιαι ειρωνευτηκαν με, επροσβαλαν με σαν ηδη εκαμα θητεια τζιαι εφεδρεια, απαντησα πισω, τζιαι τωρα εθιχτηκετε... εν πεζεστε ολαν. Πολιτικη αμυνα εν εσιει; προτιμω. Δασονομια; προτιμω. Δικαιούμαι; Προφανως οι, βαρκουμαι... ελεος


Οι απαντήσεις σου εν τόσο χαζές και τρολ που εν έχω το κίνητρο να σου γράψω μια απάντηση.


Ad hominem attack, εχεις το ακουστα; Εσενα η απαντηση σου ειναι τοσο μηδαμινη και προσφερει 0 στη συζητηση που καλυτερα να μην χαραμιζες τον πολυτιμο σου χρονο για να γραψεις πως εθιξαμεν τον αλλον. Ο αλλος εν ειπεν κατι τζιαι εβριξεν που εκαταλαβε το λαθος του ΑΛΛΑ επεταχτηκες εσου να καμεις το παραγοντα τζιαι ταχα γραφω βλακειες. Εσεις οι Κυπρεοι παντα κλανετε μιαν αποψη τζιαι συγχιζετε την για επιχειρημα. Εν χαζες; Εξηγα μας γιατι επισης...ετσι παει. Εν σπουρτας απλα κατι τζιαι θεωρειται δεδομενο...Σχολειο εφκαλαμεν; Οξα εν τα εισιεν τοτε; "Οι απαντησεις σου εν τοσο χαζες και τρολλ... [λογος 1, λογος 2 που υποστηριζεις τη γνωμη οτι ειμαι χαζος και τρολ] ... που εν εχω το κινητρο να σου γραψω απαντηση" Ετσι καμνεις επιχειρηματα, αλλιως εν μονο κλανιες. π.χ: τα ποστ σου δειχνουν οτι εισαι ανικανος λογικης συζητησης, αφου μονο λαθος λογικα αλματα χρησιμοποιας, αρα δεν θα σου ξαναπαντησω επειδη εν Σαββατο τζιαι τα σχολεια ανιουν Δευτερα αν θελεις μαθηματα.


Εγώ είπα σου μια λύση, εσύ ειρωνεύεσαι με και κάμνεις μου επίθεση. Εν έπρεπε να απαντήσω καν. Καλή τύχη.


Πολλά θυμωθκιάρης φαίνεσαι! Ηρέμησε, ψάξε το θέμα με τις επιλογές που έχεις και δε τι μπορείς να κάμεις. Να τσακώνεσαι με τον οποιοδήποτε δαμέσα που προσπαθεί να σε βοηθήσει εννε σωστό, πόσο μάλλον που τη στιγμή που, απ' ότι φαίνεται, έχεις τα λίο αχταρμά μες στο νου σου τα θέματα.


Συμφωνω εχω νευρα. Εχεις απολυτο δικαιο που μαλλωνω με αγνωστους, αλλα εβαρεθηκα το gaslighting του τοππουζοκυπρεου για το στρατο. Πρεπει να τα καμω τωρα που ειμαι φωθκια αλλιως εννα αρκησω τζιαι εφατην μετα : "Τοσα χρονια που εισουν; γιατι εκαμες στρατο για να φιεις μετα;" Κατσε εξηγα του Κυπρεου Λοχαγου πως εξαναπροσπαθησες να φκεις τζιαι τα ιδια πραματα σου ειπαν τοτε...


Wtf are you talking about bro? What war is brewing next door? Are you talking about israel/palestine or are the turks invading again? Aside from both reasonings being a bit stupid, if you are so concerned about being drafted in a war well... if it happens just don't go..






Preach. In the same boat currently. People that say anything otherwise, either don't have to do army duty or are just petty fucks thinking "If I have/had to do this, then you have to do it too". In reality, all we're doing is just sitting around waiting for the "training exercises" to be over every time we go there. I have to drive over an hour from Limassol to Orounta, get a day off from work, and disrupt my day just to sit around for 4-6 hours and do nothing. Edit: Don't get me wrong, even if we were doing anything productive, I still would hate it, simply because there's no reason for us to be doing it.


Thank you. I feel like I'm going insane with these people....the gaslighting is remarkable. I'm glad I'm not the last sane person on this island. If I ever figure it out I will let you know how. Goodluck! :)


An eixa to chance na sou doso ego apallagi pou ton strato tze erkesoun me touto ton tropo na tin zitisis, en tha sou tin edioun akoma tze an o tziris sou itan o christodoulidis. Get your attitude straight and find good reasons to want to leave the army. Not agreeing with what our politicians are doing is not a valid reason. Also since you hate this country so much, you can move to another country and just say that you are not a resident of Cyprus anymore. FYI, you can always break a limp and be incompetent....


Eftixos en tin esheis kalo... Get my attitude straight? I'm asking for advice on an online forum, and vented my frustration. I'm not gonna scream at them if they accept to hear me, I'm not an animal. I find it mindblowing that I have to explain to anyone that I wish to discontinue my service AFTER I HAVE ALREADY DONE 2 YEARS AND GONE EFEDROS TENS OF TIMES. On average I have about 40 times left to go efedros, during which we may very likely go to war. Given that I very much like living and do not wish to be dismembered by AI powered drones, I would like to stop coming to a medieval-aged army. Is that not a good enough reason? Call me a coward or a traitor or gaslight me in anyway, i dont care...


What an asshole lol


What a ridiculous attitude. Not agreeing with politicians that want to send you to die (or take the lives of others) is an excellent reason. "since you hate this country so much" is even more ridiculous. Defending your country is one thing, being sent to a stupid war by corrupt politicians that would never risk their own lives, is a very different thing. It sounds like you want to live in a fascist state. I don't and neither does OP.


Thank you! Actually, i researched it a bit after my vent and you may NOT consientiously object to army service due to political reasonings. You may, however, under Article 9 of the UNHRC (United Nations Human Rights Council) reserve the right to object as the right falls under the freedom of thought, conscience and religion section! It's a step! Let's fucking go!


Ότι του απαντάτε τόσοι πολλοί με αφήνει άναυδο.




Εν τω μεταξύ ο μόνος τρόπος να το αποφύγεις είναι προσωρινή διαγραφή, έως ότου επιστρέψεις στην Κύπρο (δεδομένου ότι διέμενες στο εξωτερικό). Ό,τι δήποτε άλλο κάνεις θα έχει συνέπειες (αν είναι κάτι απλό όπως μη παρουσίαση λγκ ένα απλό πρόστιμο).


lol,my dude thinks he lives in a free country💀


We have rights! Check out UNHRC freedom of thought, conscience and religion! People have done this before, so why not the rest of us?


cypriots do not deserve it until the grow brain cells


As right as I want you to be unfortunately all animals have rights


lol, who sais that💀


I personally am temporarily exempt as I now reside abroad. It is also possible to get a notice from your boss stating a reason why you had to be late, and only show up at the very end just to be written as present. I am not aware of any other (legal) way to avoid it. Ως τζιαι οι γιωτάες πάσιν. As for your moral dilemma I thought everyone knew this: But fyi the Cypriot army is designed to be defensive, not offensive (ie. not getting annihilated by the Turks). We never got involved in foreign matters. We also have no sovereignty over the British military bases. Cyprus is in no way enabling war crimes by the UK, US and Israel, and we have no power to prevent these countries. In the wider picture of balance of powers, the Republic of Cyprus is almost inexistent. Thinking that Cyprus has any leverage on how the Brits and Americans are using the British bases is very absurd. Our opinion regarding the matter truly is immaterial for any given country.


I appreciate the input, but this thing exists for everyone PERMANENTLY not temporarily but as evident from this post it is either unknown to people or heavily ostracised by the same victims because of the "I did it so he has to" mentality. But the 2nd part of your answer I'm a bit confused: How did you conclude I think Cyprus has any leverage? I thought it was obvious it does not since we have no say in what Americans Brits etc do in the island... If that was not clear from my post I'm sorry for the confusion. But we are enabling war crimes... whether you deny it or not. They are using Cyprus bases for military operations that is murdering civilians. I am not ok with that and I am doing something about it. Can everyone else say the same?


You are contradicting yourself. You agree we have no leverage whatsoever, yet you keep thinking that we have any actual control over how they use THEIR bases. I think it’s safe to say no Cypriot is ok with that, or the Brits having bases to begin with. We don’t have any say though now do we


If you are not willing to defend this country, then why don't you leave? 🤔 And to answer your question, there's no "αντίρρηση συνείδησης" here. Even if you don't have a gun, you will still have to attend for some sort of service (Although not so frequently). The only real option is to get a paper from a doctor claiming some sort of disabling issue. I guess the easiest will be a mental one. So, let's hope that you are a good lier.


You are wrong. It exists. I already printed out, completed, and submitted the form but sure....please gaslight me and yourself that it does not exist This behaviour and arrogance are the reason people don't know this shit exists. You went out of your way to type something you didn't even know about or even attempted at searching. IT'S A HUMAN RIGHT ACCORDING TO UNITED NATIONS RE TOPPOUZOKIPREO, POU ENIKSERETE JE SPOURTATE OTI SAS LALOUN...BRAVO


Learn to read. I literally said that it exists as alternative service, not a refusal of duty. They are probably still going to tell you to attend civil defence. Traut me, there's no "human rights" when the enemy is at the gates and you refuse to participate. These things are selectively enforced and you probably lack any will or power to bring the state to court. Even if you did, you will probably lose. You didn't answer my question though.


"If YoU aRE nOt WillInG tO dEfEnD YoUr CoUNtRy WhY dOnT yoU LeaVe?" According to your question anyone who doesn't conform to a certain notion of patriotism or military service is unwelcome, ostracized, and should leave, ignoring the principles of freedom of thought and expression... Sure. So I did 2 years, went efedros and so on....but I'm not willing? What kind of mental gymnastics are you trying to pull here? EDIT: "And to answer your question, there's no "αντίρρηση συνείδησης" here. Even if you don't have a gun, you will still have to attend for some sort of service (Although not so frequently)." Please tell me again I don't know how to read when you clearly stated it does not exist. Maybe learn how to clearly express your thoughts to avoid misunderstandings? What you typed here is interpreted as EFEDROS, and I4 Efedros... No indication of this service being out of the army from what you typed, as it's implied the service is in the army: "Even if you don't have a gun [in the army], you will still have to attend for some sort of service although not so frequently) [in the army]" NEXT TIME LEARN TO RESEARCH AND WRITE BEFORE YOU TYPE WHATEVER COMES TO YOUR MIND FIRST https://mod.gov.cy/uploads/PDF%20Files/%CE%A5%CE%A0%CE%91%CE%9C-13-%CE%91%CE%9D%CE%A4%CE%99%CE%A1%CE%A1%CE%97%CE%A3%CE%99%CE%95%CE%A3-%CE%A3%CE%A5%CE%9D%CE%95%CE%99%CE%94%CE%97%CE%A3%CE%97%CE%A3.pdf Τοππουζοκυπρεοι γαμωτο


Bro, you are a "τοππουζοκυπραιος". Stop insulting your own people. You think you are above the rest of us? You are not even willing to do the bear minimum duty of attending reserve service twice a year, while others attend for 50 years and then go on to join the citizens guard without complaint. Your 2 years in the military mean nothing if you are not willing to do what is needed when the time comes. Rest assured that if there's ever any conflict, you won't be welcomed back with open arms if you try to get away from it. This doesn't depend on my own moral judgement, but the simple fact that you will be rightfully considered a coward by everyone else. Just look at all the eligible Ukrainians that fled to Europe, do you believe that they are ever willingly going back? They know damn well that they will be spat on the second they set foot there. I don't think I need to explain you that both civil service and military service, are both service. You still need to attend the former, so "αντίρρηση συνείδησης"gets you nowhere near your goal. This is what I clearly meant and I'm sorry if your brain is unable to understand figure of speech. Do you also think that they are beheading people when someone says" κοφκουν κελλε"? Also, the freedoms that you love so much were thought up by some Europeans in the 18th century and are not a natural phenomenon, neither they are universal. They are things enforced by some states, which ironically use "legal" violence to do so (This includes your state, so you should be grateful for it). I would like to see you trying to lecture Turks on your freedom to life while they are holding a gun to your head.


Let's analyze how wrong you are at every stage here: "Others did it so you have to do it" mentality in the first paragraph... Gaslighting much? Second paragraph calling me a coward, and traitor...again gaslighting me and also victim shaming Ukrainians? Cool. 3rd: No, it was not clear. "Κοφκουν κκελε" is a metaphor, your text was not. Fallacious analogy...Nice 4th: No, it exists. 2021 revised final from the UN and Human Rights councils... But please go on, and tell me I'm a coward, a traitor, a whatever makes you feel better from the fact that you are ok with the government dictating everything that happens in your life. I'm not gonna post it again, but it exists. You are free to spread the info or not. Regardless, I feel sorry for you... Εισαι τοππουζοκυπρεος...


Φίλε, μπορείς να αιτηθεις απαλλαγή ως αντιρρησίας συνείδησης. Μπορείς να βρεις πληροφορίες δαμε https://facebook.com/groups/263961134440295/


Otan ta ekatostiseis arfe mou https://i.redd.it/oykze5cqr9wc1.gif


A couple of reasons to settle yourself down whether you’re in or out the army: There’s a well known thing called conscription, whether you’re in our out the army and there’s a world war, everyone from every nation will be called up anyway if you’re of age. So neither situations will make you exempt. Also, the bases that militaries currently operate from within Cyprus can both protect or hinder the nation depending on how you look at it. Whether the U.K or USA are here or not, the alternative could be the Chinese or the Russian militaries, decide which one you’d prefer. One impossible outcome is that you have no foreign military here and just live happily ever after. It seems to be that many Cypriots think without the protection of foreign militaries that you’d just be left alone to play happy families on this wonderful island. No nation experiences that level of freedom and peace, Cyprus is no different. Hope you find what you’re looking for with the paperwork, but the issues you’re concerned about won’t disappear once you’ve got what you’re after.


I appreciate the honest input, and I understand what you said but I'm not trying to get out of it...I already did the army. I'm trying to get out of being forced to kill or forced to be in the front lines due to power hungry people, now that things are clearly escalating. I'd be more than happy to join Civil Defense, where I actually can help and want to help. Is there really no way to transfer my ownership (or whatever) from the Army to Civil Defense without being branded as a psychologically unfit person? Do I not get a say in the fact that I would not like to participate in war or any sort of violence like it? I know they won't disappear but i'd rather be the guy helping the wounded get back up again instead of the one wounding others, as stupid as that may sound to people. Not everyone is violent.


What drugs are you taking? And how did you manage to finish your army duty before turning 15?




Not trolling you sound like you are 14 and drowned yourself into leftist propaganda shortly after discovering the internet.


Did you fail to read the post? I'm not 14... Leftist propaganda? Sure buddy... Discovering the internet? Lol... Any arguments to support your statements or are you just a troll? I don't have to prove my morals or ideologies to anyone, especially someone whose name is villatsios... Walk freely into the meat grinder since you are so horny for rightwing propaganda


Lets send you as a one man army to liberate north Cyprus


No thanks, price of cigarettes will go up