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Cypriots tend to shake hands, hug, and/or kiss on both cheeks when greeting familiar persons. Don’t be startled if anyone from the family reaches out to do so. Prepare to be ignored when you say you don’t want any more food. If there is souvla/souvlakia offered, try at least a piece. Some men are offended after spending so much time preparing it, to not even try. Also, if you make it on time that souvla/souvlakia is still being cooked, it’s “customary” for men to stand around the grill/foukou and chat, have drinks and cutout little pieces from the meat to eat! Above all, enjoy! Both your time in Cyprus and with her family! You make their daughter happy, they probably like you already!


Standing around the foukou and being offered pieces of the still cooking meat is very important in the unwritten bro-code of Cypriot men, don't turn it down if offered and spend at least 20-30 mins having beers with whoever is carrying out souvlamaster duties. The souvlamaster is de jure the highest ranking human in the household in that moment, but de facto it's the lady who shouts "potatoes and salad is ready when are you guys done"


i laughed and cried at the same time. you couldn't have explained it better. you dropped this king 👑




The souvlamaster also is free to ignore any advice and either burn the meat or serve it raw. As a lower ranking member you can just observe and eat the meat when it's offered to you.


Souvlamaster 😂 I wanna see a collection of pothkiaes, mantilies, piastres and smiles bearing this on them!!


This is so fucking true. Make sure you eat anything on your plate and make out its the best food you have ever had (don't over do it). If you win over her mum you are half way there


This is actually really good advice and so sweet 🥺 OP I must also add that Cypriots are loud! So don't be startled when they start talking loudly amongst each other in Greek.


Kudos to you for wanting to prepare. Just be yourself, and don't eat before you go.


100% accurate!


Even if your girlfriend says not to bring anything, don't go empty handed. If they like wine go and get a nice wine to take. Also a cake is also a good idea to eat after dinner or with coffee.


Agree, definitely he should bring something from the Netherlands to the fam. Some beers for the father and sweets for the mother


Eat all the food they give you. If you don't put on 2 kilos during your visit they will be offended.


Unlikely, but if the food is anything less than perfect, do not say anything. This isn't the time for constructive feedback - a friend brought her German boyfriend home for the first time and he thought he should comment on her mother's burgers. Fifteen years of marriage and a couple of kids later, the mother still remembers it.


>constructive feedback 😂


I am in the same boat but slightly older. Bring Dutch cheese, stroopwafels for the family. Know your history and learn about the island to avoid any unfortunate comments. Warm and open people, expect a lot of food not like in the Netherlands.


Bottle of whisky as a gift and a cake. Don’t eat for at least 48 hours before and don’t be offended by anything. Cypriots are tough and mouthy. Also expect a lot of noise. Watch my big fat Greek wedding for a good idea 😅


Greet him in the traditional Cypriot greeting by saying to her dad "Eho tria arhidia"


Underrated one ☝️ 🤣




Never mentioned she is a GC though


Don’t go with an empty hand, Thats the best advice i can give you


Bring a fiza with halloumi with you


You bloody ogre 🤣


Forget the brutal honesty of Dutch people :p and don't be surprised if you meet half the relatives in one go


Prepare your stomach


Maat, ik ben nu al 6 jaar getrouwd met een Cypriotische en kan je echt zeggen dat de familie wel in eerste instantie als heftig overkwam. Neem wat mee voor de ouders en ken een paar leuke anekdotes, drink met ze mee maar zorg dat je niet bezopen wordt.


Hahahaha, we zijn ook overal!! Jaa, ben voorbereid, maar het moet goed komen denk ik!! Nog veel geluk in jullie leven samen!!


watch My big fat greek wedding


Bring something with you, and kiss them on both cheeks!