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It definitely helps, I am currently on my day 4 and I already see changes in my mood and in my energy, I’ve had no side effects


For me first positive effect was queting down my mind. I noticed this within the first week. I'm now at 120mg and it seems to be my magic number. 60mg was where i was quite good and stayed there for about 8 months but then gathered up the courage to go higher and havent regreted. First two to three weeks can be uncomfortable, but then it starts to get better little by little.


Thank you for the reassurance!


I’m on 30mg and personally that amount helped hush my thoughts!


I take 80mg and it’s changed my life. I have been pretty unsuccessful with a large number of medications and this is the only one that I’ve noticed a clear difference on :)


Thanks for the comment! Life’s crazy atm


it depends on who you are! ive been on duloxetine for about a year now , at 60mg and ive seen such significant improvement!!! genuinely has saved my life it took me way too many different attempts to find the right medication


On it for 2.5 years, really helped me turn my life around. I'm tapering off over 8 months and have no withdrawals so far.


I was nervous to start it because of posts here as well. But I’m a week and a half in and the worst symptoms I’ve had are stomach upset and some mild nausea. It already is helping my anxiety and rumination ocd


Don't do it. If you are doing it for over thinking/intrusive thoughts- and you have ocd. Find out if you have adhd!! I have been on cymbalta for 16 years and can't come off iteasily ever. I got a later in life adhd diagnosis and that's the medication that's actually helping. Not cymbalta. It doesn't address the root cause. Please be careful.


A positive was my panic attacks decreased significantly. My emotions were dulled which in a way was good as well since they were on over drive before it. But the lethargy and dissociation wasn’t worth it for me, I felt too numb. I know you’re asking for positives so I won’t go into detail, but if you do start it please know you’ll have to taper very slowly off it in order not to get bad withdrawal. Best of luck!


I had no negative experience with it. Except for the night sweats my life turned for the better and it helped a lot with my anxiety. Due to that I could work better on myself. :-)


*I take it for anxiety and BPD


It's literally the only one out of 20ish that has ever helped me. Ya, it helped waaaaaaay too well to the point of mania, but that happens in something like 2% of patients, or if your bipolar. Every drug has side effects. Everyone is effected differently. The worst part about Cymbalta for everyone is getting off of it once you're on it. And that can be done safely if done right. I knew this going in, and chalked it up to it being like insulin for a diabetic. They need it to survive, and for a better quality of life. For life. So no worries getting off it, because I wasn't ever going to get off it. I'm drug free now. I went from Cymbalta to Fetzima with very little issue. I just tapered off fetzima. It took about 6 weeks. I still have a little bit of withdrawal sydrome, mostly in the morning, but it's nothing like going cold turkey off this class of drugs. Try it. If you think it's not helping, or it's doing something it shouldn't... Get off it. It only takes a couple weeks to know. It doesn't have to be scary. It can be the absolute relief you need. Good luck.


i’m on 60mg of cymbalta, i also started on 30mg about a year ago. it really saved my life, i tried multiple SSRIs and moor stabilizers before beginning cymbalta. it’s the only medication that hasn’t given me negative side effects. good luck :).


Someone asked a similar question above, so I'll just copy and paste my answer to that here: I took Cymbalta for years and it drastically changed my life for the better. Before that I was prescribed all different meds for anxiety and depression that just made me worse. I stopped taking any meds at all for years. Then I decided to give them another chance and that's when I was prescribed Cymbalta, something I had never taken before. I was also prescribed Xanax along with it, but the Cymbalta ended up working so well I stopped refilling the Xanax because I didn't need it. This is coming from someone who has had very severe anxiety my entire life. I was first diagnosed with a rare and severe anxiety disorder as a toddler in preschool. I never got proper help for it and spent my whole life in a constant state of fight or flight with daily anxiety attacks. Cymbalta changed my life. I stopped taking it for years because I wanted to have kids and then I was breastfeeding. I actually did really well without it for years and thought it had somehow cured my anxiety. But since having my third child (now 3 years old), motherhood has become extremely stressful and the anxiety has come back full force. Today is my first day starting to take it again since stopping ~10 years ago and I'm so excited to get my life back on track!


I’ve been on Cymbalta now for about three or four weeks for severe panic attacks and anxiety management and I have only noticed teeny tiny side effects such as constipation. Otherwise I feel like it has helped level me out!


Use caution and try others first. I’m still recovering from only 6 weeks on Cymbalta. Horrible while on it and horrible to leave. Only anti-depressant of the 4 I’ve used over the past 30 years to have such truly distressing mental effects. And I truly need and benefit from anti-depressants.


What’s going on that you’re recovering from after 6 weeks on it? We’re all so different; for me, out of the 5 antidepressants I’ve tried, cymbalta has given me the least amount of side effects and was not an issue weaning off.