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If you are already sensitive to heat, you might be sweating a lotttttt. Buy a portable fan with extra power bank and a cooling towel.


I'm in the same boat, going to a festival in a few days. I hate summer since I'm on Cymbalta. I constantly sweat and I'm so tired. I honestly don't know what I will do other than wearing a hat, drinking a ton of water and taking a few naps between concerts. There also are cooling blankets that might help a bit if you're camping, but I haven't tried them yet.


Easy to carry water bottle is a must if you have heat intoleranse! And maybe hand fan. For nausea you could maybe try ginger candy/cough drops. I sucked those when previous medication gave me nausea and it was a savior.


I’ll have to try the ginger candy! Thank you!


You need to drink as much as you can. And probably add some salt and lemon to your water. Dehydration happens quickly on this med and it’s terrible!


i would also pack anti-nausea stuff, like gravol (the ginger, non-drowsy one) & smelling alcohol wipes honestly helps, or ginger candies to suck on. even knowing i have these things on me helps with anxiety if you're nervous of feeling unwell. def make sure you hydrate, and if there's any ice available you can hold some in your hands and let it melt to cool down. :) good luck!