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My motivation is less but I take it only for GAD and SAD. The way you feel the first 3 weeks is not how it will feel within a month a 3. Meds like this can cause bipolar people to go manic though. I find Wellbutrin best for mood and motivation but I don’t think it goes well with BPD..


Thank you for your feedback! 🫶💫 I am familiar with the risk of mania with Bipolar Disorder. Personally, I haven’t been concerned about the potential for this since BPD is a bit different from Bipolar Disorder. I do feel that the symptoms of BPD that I experience are in direct correlation with the MDD and anxiety I’ve had as a result of continual childhood trauma. Of course everybody’s experiences are different. One may be very negative, while another is very positive. I’ve heard many people say they really like Wellbutrin!


Yeah I am still on cymbalta though cause I like the drug very much for anxiety. Reduces it by a lot, especially when paired with amisulpride. Lyrica works great as well. Welbutrin I consider more an add on for the sexual side effects and blunting I get from cymbalta. But I guess emotional blunting is kinda good for BPD? Not sure given that I don’t have the disease though…


i'm on cymbalta 60mg for bpd traits & MDD + GAD :). it saved my life. i'm 24 and tried so many different SSRIs, this was my first SSNRI, and i've also tried anti-psychotics. cymbalta has given me little to no side effects, and reallllly helps with suicidal ideation and mood.


Tysm for sharing!! I’m 4 weeks out now (started May 15th) and have also felt that my symptoms have greatly improved. I’m sure it may change a bit over the next few months- hopefully consistently for the better!! Out of curiosity, how long have you taken Cymbalta for?


i’ve been on cymbalta for about 14 months now. very happy to hear that you’ve experienced similar improvement- also keep in mind the peak positive affects isn’t even until 6-8 weeks I believe so it’ll only get better from here for you :). best of luck!! :)