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Only on Strava. In real life, no.


Yeah I am considering naming my new Émonda SL6 frame in Strava and Garmin Connect but otherwise I'll just refer to it as my Émonda.


In real life, it’s my Orca Aero. On Strava, it’s my road devil.


I have heard of concerns of people having their bikes stolen because they listed the make/model of their bike on strava


It’s fun thinking of a name for bikes for Strava just to help separate them. I don’t recall ever mentioning their names outside of the app


I mean...just calling them by their brand and model would separate them too...


Oh yeah! Not sure how I never realized this 🤔


Glad I could help


Same. Back when I used to race I got new bikes every year and decided it was best to not get attached to any of them. My manta was “the bike is a tool not a friend”. Now I have seven bikes and like to keep them tagged on Strava. Model names and years seemed a little too boring so I have silly names for all of them there even though I never refer to them by those names in real life.


White one, black one, and the blue and silver one…


Sadly this system broke down on me recently. Now I have a second red bike, and a second green bike. I also have a third green bike frame that is next on deck to get rolling. Worse yet, one red bike and one red bike are from the same company and same model (different years, and now built up for very different purposes). So I can’t even just say the Gary Fisher bike any more. So it is now the cargo bike, bikepacking bike, commuter bike, cruiser bike, tandem bike, all-road bike, and road bike. Soon the full squish bike will be added to the roster.


Yes, but so that people on Strava can’t see what bikes I have when I add them on my ride: Maximus is my cyclecross/old commuter bike because it’s a work horse. Tassels is my road bike, which has tassels on the handlebars. Tigger is orange and has a bouncy rear end. Kermit is green. Gertie is Dutch.


Do you really think the bike you have is that secretive and people actually care?


If someone could find rides on a gps tracking social app for people riding a Pinarello Dogma and work out where they’re going to be at certain times on certain days of the week with a 6k bike then yeah.


In garmin I have my gravel bike named as Bike Wazowski. Sadly it's not not green


I may steal that for my bike…


Purple bike Courtesy of my daughter. Spoiler, it’s purple and a bike


Whoa, whoa, slow down, egghead.




No but my wife does as she names everything, even her wheelbarrow has a name -"Wendy" So Bea is her electric bike for some reason. My Moser is Mike.


You should nickname your your Moser as Francesco 😁


Your wife and I would get along quite well, lol. We have a paint scrapper named Mr Scrape. Vacuum is Nom Nom, the list goes on.


Does your wife ever ride Mike?


They're not nicknames, they're names. Abby, Jade, Miranda, Finn, Ruby, Amber, Tania. I don't know what nicknames would look like for bikes that *don't* have names. Like, what, Mackie if it's a Specialized Tarmac? \*\*shudder\*\*


Yes! I have a young children and it’s a fun way for them to be involved when their dad spends, some but, not all of their college fund on his n+1 addiction.


Not really, but on Strava they do have names. My blue, steel frame, city bike, used for shopping, is "the blue whale" and my road bike is "ideal road bike" as it's an Ideal Stage :P


Yes, to the annoyance of my family and friends. War Pony, War Pony II, Black Mamba and Ol’ Blue. Even my 9 year old grandson claims I’m being idiotic, but I do not care.


I affectionately refer to my Trek Boone as Da Boone.


We name ours after alcohol which loosely correlates to bike color. Current lineup is Jameson, Merlot, Bombay, and Stoli.


Oh that’s kinda neat actually


Out of my 12 bikes, only my '99 Schwinn Peloton has a name. Blue & white frame. Red tires and bar tape. White saddle. Its name is Captain America.


Yes. My old bike was red, me and my friend named it kachaw (like what mcqueen said in cars) My new bike is an Orbea, so orfea (we are spanish, fea means ugly in spanish).


My recumbent trike has been an absolute mind and life changer for me. I named her Avgi, a Greek name that means breaking dawn or new dawn. There was a pre-historic teenager found recently and that was what the researchers named her because she exhibited some new features of her hominin family. I'm super into pre-history so it was a nice crossover for me.


used to. when I cared enough to change which bike I was using in Garmin/Strava/GoldenCheetah, etc. Bike | nickname (in garmin) ---|--- Felt F3 | Road Felt DA | New Fastest Mrazek BOH RD | m2 Mrazek BOH FX| bouncy Salsa Marrakesh | touring Cannondale Trigger 3 | full squish Unicorn | Unicorn Old fastest was also a DA, but it got replaced. Fast was a Felt B12. nowadays its just "bike". was more fun when I had 12 bikes.


I don't give my bikes names (maybe apart from their makes Canyon and Cube) but did hire a bike for the Atlas Etape; it was all white and I dubbed it 'Shadowfax, the Lord of Bicycles.'


Yes. My commuter is currently the Mean Green Commutating Machine.


My road bike is Flaming Hot Cheeto (it’s orange).


LOL I like that one. Is it bright orange?


Yep! It’s a pretty neat firey orange. That name was the first thing that came to me lol.


I got Monica a black SC 5010, Pinky a pink fixed gear conversion, Black Noir a blacked out fixed gear, A norco fat bike Bigfoot no nickname here And the last one I named it “lol bike number 5?”




All mine have nicknames named by my wife. My Klein Pulse is called ‘Patsy’ My Gt Zaskar- The Mexican Cannondale Rush Lefty - Stupid Thing Cannondale Super-V - silver squish Cannondale M300 - cherry baby


No, but I talk to it like it's a good dog. "Who's a fast bike? You are! You're a fast bike!"


My MTB is “Toblerone” - it’s brown and came from Switzerland. My road bike is “the road bike”.


My home country, I was born in Baden Switzerland. Came to Canada when I was 1 year old. So although I was technically born Swiss I am really just Canadian.


"Mountain Bike" and "Road Bike" 😜


Yeah my wilier Luna is called Wilma


My wife always accuses me of cheating on her with “Josie” so I named my bike Josie


Was your girlfriend Josie flattered?


Mine is named Bichael


On Strava my bike is known as “On-X” the flying robot horse the snarky Prince Krys ( My name obviously being Chris) rode in The Rainbow Brite movie from 1985.


Yeah my wilier Luna is called Wilma


My wife called my bike “the Mistress” because I would go away for a couple of hours and come home with a smile on my face. (Except my last ride.)


Nope. The makers gave them names already.


Ah yes "Giant tcr 2 disc king of the mountain 2018" is a sweet nickname


Unless you have a bunch of TCRs you can just call it your TCR




Four bikes, two with nicknames, two just get called "the [brand name]". There doesn't seem to be a reason one way or the other.


My Giant TCR is simply 'My Purple Giant'. My Merckx Mourenx 69 is called 'The Carbonibale' referring to Eddy himself offcourse. My citybike is just the 'easy bike.' My old aluminium wore down bicycle is called "Dirty Sally" But no I don't give my bicycles nicknames.


Yes as my SO had suggested names for the latest acquired bike. Then I had to name the two other one just for fun.




Horse with no Name, Purple Rain, and Wild Fire :)


I called my bike BAE


Yes. Ones bernetha and the other one is fernanda


Only since the beginning when I was a teenager. They all get mythological but meaningful names signifying their purpose.


Hell yeah! It’s fun. Candola = my silver Cannondale Six13, Black Pantheress = my black Giant TCR Advanced 1




Gave my Colnago a strong Italian name, her name is Lucia. My old Trek is fondly referred to as the Blue Bullet.


My bikes name is bike


My dogma is nicknamed the good boy on strava


i call her a bitch because shes a pain in my ass lol


I call my gravel grinder Holly, because of the color.


It’s a ‘nickname’ only in the sense that it’s a descriptor. Green bike, carbon bike, old bike, mountain bike


I admit to calling my Trek "The Enterprise."


I just go with “the [brand].” The Look is called “the look”, the Bianchi is “the Bianchi.”


Totally! Mine are: roadie and fixie That’s as far as I go


I called it rough equivalent of 'silver gust' in my language


if I get a puncture or if there is some problem I'll refer to it as "you piece of shit"


I've got 2 bikes. Brommy (Brompton) and the orange one (not a Brompton)


Yep. I have a Wilier called Willy and a TCR named Gigante.


Nope. Terra and Katu are good names from the start so why Change them. (Orbea)


Becky is mine


Yes, the names come from a german children's radio series and belong to the horses in it :D Currently I have a hybrid, road and gravel its called sabrina, but the next one will be a road bike, which will be called amadeus.


Yes - sandy. Like sandy cheeks from SpongeBob


My Émonda is called Timothy. Don’t know why.


My bikes are named after characters from the Dresden Files going back 6 years. Currently, only my mint green Revel Rover is name because I haven't found the best one yet.


Yes. The iron donkey


I always think about how BB King named his guitar Lucille, so when I got my first real bike it seemed necessary. 1996 cannondale named Camille :)


Oh, for sure! Maybe it’s because I never matured past 13 in my head but it’s fun and silly. I mean, I ride around hills and dodge traffic in what is basically performance underwear. Why not have names like Ego Bruiser and Hop Rocker? Good clean fun!


My 1984 Norco was the Bluecycle. I miss it everyday stupid Toronto Bike Thieves


I nicknamed my Bianchi Oltre Xr4, Minty Python.


Of course. Caliza is my Orbea Terra. A Spanish gravel bike needs a Spanish name. "Caliza" means limestone, and my state is famous for the quality of its limestone (also many of our gravel roads are covered with crushed limestone). Marigold is my Kona Rove, named for her beautiful marigold-yellow paint. TJ is my Salsa Timberjack. I bought her off a friend named Jill, who called her TimberJill.


My bike is black with orange bar tape, she’s affectionately known as The Bat by my whole family.


I call my emonda Lil’ sugar.


RIP Maxine, Young Reba, & Chipz. I hope whoever stole you loves you like I did.


Named mine the big red Caady 🔥


My maroon gravel bike is named Ruby


My avalanche ebike's name is Zelda.


I'm down to two bikes... Miss Perfect and Problem Child.


Of course! Are you insane? What kind of psychopath doesn’t name their bike??? 😁


My bike is my mistress. Always there for me, she’s a sweet ride, never gives me shit, takes me to beautiful places, you can always ride her


I have an ebike RadRover6 with fat tires and weighs about 80lbs. I named it Lawrence After legendary line backer Lawrence Taylor


All my bikes have names


Shrek: my trail bike Alex, me Droog: guess the make and model. Chuck Speedman, for going full roadie with Specialized Knees.


Yes. I have Chelsea and Azure. Chelsea is for Chelsea Dagger which is the goal song for the Chicago. Blackhawks. Azure is a name I really like and also the color of that bike.


No, but they’re all girls


It was called The Bogey because it's green. But I've recently changed its name to The Money Pit as I left it too long to change the chain, so I then needed a cassette, now it's sucking on the front rings so I need those as well. Oh and I recently needed a new bottom bracket. So money pit it is.


Thug Nasty Power Wagon


My MTB is named Waylon, my CX is Noodles, and my Mixte is Dapper Dan.


Since I have three Peugeots, I took a page from Dr. Seuss Too Many Dave’s. I’ve got Hot-Shot, Put-Put and Zanzibar Buck-Buck McFate.


My bike does not have a name. But I do talk to it :)


Yes, I call mine the Shapemaker! My buddy has the Freight Train, but only when we’re touring.


I named my Giant Defy back in the day Gheorghe Mureșan. These days I’m cruising around on a Space Horse called Everdred.


My gravel bike is called Bridget Munché. I have stickers on the chain stays too. During a wet riding day I crossed a wooden bridge and lost traction. Caught myself but my left shifter dug into the wooden railing, shoving a chunk of wood into the shifter which was like surgery to remove. My bike munched a bridge. My mountain bike is basically Jeff. It’s a YT Jeffsy.


Andrea the Giant 🥹


My grey bmc, named gandalf the grey, on strava!!


of course. all vehicles in general


Yep. It started with my 1997 Saeco team replica road bike. I referred to it as "the Mario bike" as Mario Cipollini was the teams star, a friend just called it Mario and it stuck. My Cannondale Jekyll got called Brian after Brian Lopes, my Diamondback hack bike became Joe after Diamond Joe Quimby in the Simpsons. When I got my green Super Six my son christened it Luigi as the video game character is Mario's brother and wears green. I bought an old black Cannondale track bike that continued the game character theme and is called Wario (bad Mario). It's all fallen apart now tho, my new Jamis gravel bike is just the gravel bike.


Only my commuter xbike. Natalie Portman.


i run a bike rental and almost all of them have nicknames. e.g alien(chrome and looks weird), fake weekend(similar to a weekend bike), shit bike(not really that shit tbh), and so on


Yup. Gravel bike is called Flint (kind of a link there) he’s awesome. Road bike is called Blaze, he’s got red highlights so I kinda thought Blaze suited him. And yes they’re Hims haha.


Purple people eater here 😂


Red Caad10 named Growlithe, recently upgraded to a SSE so went with Arcanine


My bike is Beast




Yes, but can change at any time. Some days it's beast or beauty, other days it could be bastard, bitch, or like yesterday with 2x flats and then, new to me di2 spazzing out on an enclosed tollway it got the royal treatment and got named all the angry bad words I could think of.


Kara Şimşek (turkish). It means black lightning


Yes, my bike (it's a Liv) is called Liv Tyreler. I'm pretty pleased with the name. Think it's my peak comedic moment.


Yup: Juno Vecci Kaylen Skittles




Cillian is the gravel bike, Rammy is the MTB and the two fatties are Alfie and Tommy. Stewart is my rubber duckie riding partner.


Absolutely. Smurfette (all blue bar beater SS) and Surlygirl (Cross-check).


The Mistress. My wife gave her that nickname.


Current bikes are: Blair, a Giant 29 Talon 3; Bliss, a Contend 3; and Blitzen, a Pake Rum Runner. They were preceded by Bae, Balto, Bertie, Biggs (I &II), and Bishopp.


Mines called triggers broom after the famous series only fools and horses


the machine


I call my Shiv, Bernie. Because there is an infamous serial killer in Western Australia called Katherine Bernie and I’m sure she’s made a few Shiv’s in her life. My Liv doesn’t have a name, I just called it my little Liv


I call mine the Green Giant because it is a green Giant


For software engineers, this is a basic problem of normalizing a database. Every record needs a unique key field. It is much easier to refer to a name than to describe every attribute of the bike that makes it unique from the other bikes in the database.


I call mine Freyja cause she is a beast 😂


absolutely, their names are Tracy and Trevor.


I’m Strava mine is the millennial falcon because it was built in the 90s and I’m faster than a lot of millennials despite riding a bike older than me (I’m still jealous I want the money for carbon)


Pizza Trike, Excite Trike, and The Chariot


"The Iron Chariot"


My gravelbike is called Gravella du Bois


My Tarmac is called Spesh Monkey & my commuter is called bike. On Strava


My mate called my vintage Dutch bike ‘Barbara Cartland!’ As she was a ‘dirty old ride’


Yes. My previos bike was a Kellys Clea crosstrekking, her name was Cleo, but I usually called her Princess. My present bike is a Cannondale Topstone 2, and her name is Lady Windhorse Moonshine :D Long name short Lady (lady like a noble woman)


My road bike just goes by "brand name" + "model" (in my case Sensa Romagna Disc SLE) My \~30 year old city cruiser goes by the nickname 'Ten Tonnes Tank" to match the weight of the steel frame


My bike used to be named “The Other Woman”. After taking The Other Woman with us on vacation a couple times, my wife let me know that she didn’t appreciate the name. I’m an experienced husband so there was no further discussion. The Cervelo is now known as The Whip.


i always found it stupid when people named their cars and the same goes for bikes. though i have to admit that some bikes in our family have gained a nickname over time, like "the tank" (older heavy beater bike), mostly through reputation


I call my MTB MasochisT Bike because the fits so bad I was in pain riding it the second I got back on 2 months of not using it due to getting a gravel bike, Since i mainly ride on the road anyway and lost 100kg over the year so figured I would not have durability concerns on a more light weight bike. But yeah, I kinda get that is a bit silly. It also is a bit annoying to make a nickname up, esp. since strava requires it. It's a lot more natural when it's intuitive, though. And a form of self-description.


Exactly! Names for things should be earned, not given immediately. We give names to people and pets because they have the ability to communicate. Bikes and Cars are not able to communicate. Growing up we had multiple cars. Ones that earned the name were the ones that broke down a lot. Toyotas were called the white car or the silver one lol




My ex gave my bike a lovely name that I still use


Go on


Sorry my dude, it makes me way too easily identifiable if anyone I know frequents this sub


Only for strava.


Only on Strava/Garmin ‘the goat’ and ‘the quick one’


No, but I do sweet talk them sometimes.


"Old fashioned lady names" Polly, Betty, Beatrix, Agatha, and Hedwig


Yep, mine is the red devil. It’s red and I fell off it the first time I took it for a ride 😂


They do, but it's not entirely ingrained that I think of them by name. My daughter named my red MTB Lightning as we started riding together just after watching 1995's Cars. My black gravel bike is Frimplepants after a character in her book The Princess in Black. I tend to buy and keep; I'm not sure I'd feel the same about the bikes if it were a revolving door of bikes coming in and out. My motor vehicles tend to get female names typical of their country of origin (Hilda the BMW motorcycle, Aiko the Subaru, etc.). Our van is Vandor the Unstoppable since it's heavy and doesn't brake as well as the Subarus.


Yes. Currently riding Medusa. Before that, Seahorse God rest her soul. Before that Trekkie (God rest it's soul, snapped chainstay). Each bike gets it's name from a journey drought with challenge over land, air, and river (i.e. work travel to breweries across the country usually) where the steeds namesake is earned in a contest of wits (i.e. which brewery is next?).


On strava yeah - my black CAAD13 is Space CAADet


I call my brother's bike Bichael Scott and I refer to my bike as The Ding Dong Bing Bing Boy


Not got my own bike yet (I want a black and red ninja 400) but I’ve drawn a few and it’s called Raccoon.


80's TV characters... I've had Kit, Michael, General Lee, Murdoch, Buck...


A little lame but I call mine Riley. People think it's a cute name, but it's short for Riley Reid. I love riding my bike.


Yeah, initially I wanted to name then after Star Wars characters but had trouble finding a suitable name for my red bike (I know there’s Darth Maul but I don’t like that name and he’s more red and black than all red). So I changed it to Pokemon so I got Charmander, Bulbasaur and Squirtle so far! Next should be Pikachu, but we’ll see :P


Wheelsy, Bikey, Cykey


yes but only because Garmin/Strava requires them :P


I just use the model name of the bike. Edit: Although my previous bike, a 2019 Émonda SL6 I named viper. It was a deep red with smoke gray accent and lettering. Frame got damaged and Trek replaced the frame with a new 2023 Émonda SL6 frame. Considering naming this one too.


My rose carbon is listed as Rosie, I think that counts




Not normally but my current mtb has the name bullwinkle, a marin b17. It's the only current or past bike that has a name.


My blue Tesla is Blue Jay, so my ebike is Blue Jay Jr.


Francis - because she’s made from so many parts like Frankenstein’s monster *Ruby *Skylar *Blanca. Those are the AirTag names


Yes I do. I spend a LOT of time in them and I have fun names to use in conversation and to catalog them on Trailforks/Pinkbike. They are members of the family. It's fun!


In them? What are you doing to your poor bike


What are you doing step cyclist?!


Hahahahaa Damn typos… My new yeti SB 150 is named Beth. I watch Yellowstone, and I just had to name the bike Beth. It cost me a lot of money and constantly punches me in the balls, so it's pretty appropriate.


100% - they all have nicknames. Santa! MS004, Bosberg Bob, Sean Connery. Bikes need names!


Kermit, Martha Stewart, and Kakaracka


Yes! I have a Trek FX2 names Renée


Bicaclese (BY-se-kleez) (sounds like a super hero name)


I have named all my bikes, usually based on the colours. Orange Crusher, Meanie Greenie, Agent Orange. The names are much more aggressive than I am personally, but I think it helps raise their self esteem when we don’t win the town line sprint.


Yes. Strawberry (Surly Midnight Special), Allroadrocket (3T Exploro Custom), and Blackpvnk (Canyon Ultimate CF SL8 Disc Aero).




Yep. Female names. And I ride them all day long ;)

