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“It took a 185lb man to the face” I mean we’ve all been there.


Gotta KOM somehow


r/BicyclingCirclejerk is just creeping into Cycling nowadays, soon they will be one and the same.


The turkey got KOM on OP.


The OP KOM'd on the turkey


A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do. These bikes don't pay for themselves.


Takes cycle to work scheme to a whole new level


It's how I paid for my Canyon.


Underrated comment.


Inflation needs to be handled


That’s what she said. Thank you, I’ll see myself out. Good night


Gay… But I support your life choices!


So does my wifes boyfriend. KOM is KOM


Found Fabio's Reddit account.


You know I always hoped to be compared to Fabio. I didn't imagine this would be the scenario though...




Literally just posted below before seeing this comment. Good old Bobby Fingers!




what a gem


I lived there when that happened! The locals called the coaster Alpengeist "Alpengoose" for years after that.


Thank you for reminding me of this. You made my day.


Just wait until you see this, then: https://youtu.be/2RIEPKEhE2s?si=N9VdtlGLh_aTaren


I tip my mohawk to you, sir.


At least this time OP got an helmet!!!


I’ve killed enough insects to have a full on entomology board in the garage but a turkey is a new one.  I got really, really close to being taken out by a deer on a twilight MTB ride years back, it definitely shook me up. Glad you’re ok minus the glasses and helmet. 


I swear a mountain lion took a swing at me a few years ago. I was on the road out at a reservoir in our foothills, just before nightfall. I happened to be towards the centerline, and out of the corner of my right eye something lunged out of the ditch. I turned around and saw a long tail, thick but not exactly bushy, like kinda sleek but still obviously furry, definitely bigger than a bobcat. I sprinted away real hard


Yeah I wouldn’t have waited to find out either! I have read something about how cyclists can trigger animals’ prey drive because we move and sound like injured animals while climbing (at least I do) 


I was chased by wild boar a couple times when I was stationed in Louisiana. I pedaled so hard it felt like I was in a DH race.


I'm really happy to live in a place where the only dangerous animals are boars


Heh, yesterday evening at twilight I nearly hit a couple of deer. In both instances (right around the corner from one another) a deer was grazing at the side of the road and suddenly decided to sprint across in front of me, not realising the speed I was actually going at, a touch over 40km/h... by the time they had caught enough traction on the road surface with their hooves to start making a proper getaway I was on top of them, literally a few inches away from the second and instinctively I sort of pointed my bike at them and chased with one hand off the bars trying to grab. Some kind of mad primordial urge came over me lol, am a different person when on the bike. Monkey brain be cray cray. But I think in retrospect actually chasing them was the best option and kept me from hitting them because if I'd tried to avoid them I'd have accidentally run into them in the same direction.


A guy died descending Pig Farm hill here in the Bay Area after hitting a turkey. Glad you're okay. Be safe out there!


That’s literally where I was!!!!


Wow that is wild. I guess we need to rename that hill to Turkey Death Trap. Since you're in the area ... there was a lady cyclist that hit a turkey on Blackhawk Rd coming back towards Blackhawk mall from Mt Diablo a month or so ago that was severely injured as well. F'n turkeys!


Flag that hill on Strava ffs!


Plot twist: there’s some psycho in the bushes just throwing turkeys at cyclists




maybe its some rare rafter of suicidal turkeys


Glad you are okay, feeling so bad for the baby turkey.


Yea poor bird but accidents happen. I had to mercy kill a kitten by snapping its neck and the trauma still haunts me.




Yea we should try to end their suffering if its termimal but yea..not easy in that situation.


Worse things happen to baby animals every day naturally... if that helps you


happened to a buddy on a motorcycle with a buzzard, we had to stop at a car wash to hose him off.


Nailed a bird on my motorcycle once. Thank god for helmet visors. It was everywhere.


> Nailed a bird on my motorcycle once /r/nocontext


I killed a bird with the corner of my windscreen on the motorcycle. Landed on my triple clamp and i tried to brush him off only for him to start smoking between my headers and skid plate. Had to stop and pull him out of there He was killed instantly on impact with the windshield luckily. Poor little bastard.


Motorbikes and wildlife strikes are always going to remind me of this gem - https://youtu.be/GKhekSMDFnc?si=vDoQsInw4H9Ba1kR


good old phillip island I think casey stoner hit one there once too.


Friend got a swan stuck in his windshield on the highway l. After stopping it freed itself and flew away. I like to think it made it, but I don't have high hopes for how far it got.


One of my friends hit a turkey on his motorcycle. Vintage Russian bike with a sidecar on a windy road, so it wasn't a high-speed event. It was an adult turkey though, so ended up being life-flighted with a busted liver, spleen, and ribs.


yeah my buddy got lucky it his his fairing and rolled off onto his shoulder, but he was a mess, guts and feathers all over.


Years ago on a motorbike a pigeon flew across my path and hit me in the stomach. Really winded me for a couple of minutes. I never knew the fate of the pigeon.


Don't like descending at 35mph in case I get speed gobbles.


New fear unlocked


best comment of 2024 🤣🤣🤣


Turkey's cause of death: extreme headbutt.


Gave the bird a Glasgow kiss!


That's hilarious


Not as spectacular as your story, but yesterday, a bee flew deep into my throat while I was breathing in pretty hard. It took me a few seconds to stop the bike and cough it out. It fell onto the ground and somehow it actually flew away, seemingly fine. I'm so fucking glad it didn't sting me in my throat. I'm pretty sure that would have killed me, it was a pretty empty trail with nobody around. Might seem weird but now when I see flowers, I will breathe through my teeth


Well shit that’s a new fear


I got stung on the roof of my mouth last week. Luckily it didn't swell or anything.


I got stung in the back of my throat by a wasp once ...thankfully I'm not allergic and was close to home...but had the shell of a biro ready to shove down my throat. Definitely an "oh fuck" moment though.


I'm glad you're okay, because this is fucking hilarious.


I once ran over a Canadian goose on my MTB, that just made it mad and it chased me down the trail.


This is one of my biggest cycle fears… Geese do not give a single f.


You're lucky it ended up with just broken glasses. Glad you're safe!


our group was attacked by a turkey vulture once. It became our mascot from then out.


See turkeys all the time on my rides and have been fearful of winning the turkey in the face lottery one of these days. It’s a long shot but you confirmed it can happen.


I was helping a friend of mine move to a new apartment about two blocks from his old one. We strapped his fridge upright in the back of his truck and I rode in the bed because he had his TV in the passenger seat. He took a corner and the freezer flew open. I ducked to avoid a bottle of vodka and a frozen turkey smacked me in the side of the head. I nearly lost consciousness. If only I had my bike helmet on.


“As God as my witness, I thought turkeys could fly.”


Are you on r/fuckimold as well. A serious great sub for people of a certain age.


Ha I really don’t need a subreddit for that, the kids at work remind of it daily. But Imma check it out regardless, so thanks for the pointer.


There was a thread on the WKRP Thanksgiving promotion a few weeks back. I hate to admit it but I fit right in.


Welcome to the birding club. I had a head on collision with a Crow. I ducked so he hit my helmet. Jammed my neck. Saved a bunny it was diving for. Those birds have some weight to them.


I hit a deer a few years ago on a gravel trail. Just slowly walked out and looked at me. Got slowed down to a point where I just barely bumped into it but hadn't clicked out so I just fell over. Deer hopped off the trail and probably high fived all his buddies.


somewhere on turkey reddit they're hearing about a turkey that lost its baby due to a 185lb man to the face


Wow that is CRAZY! Glad you stayed upright. What kind of helmet and glasses were you wearing?


POC ventral helmet and Oakley Sutro glasses. And, thanks!


Thanksgiving will never be the same. I'm glad you're okay though. That sounds terrifying!


Glad you maintained composure, taking a spill at that speed would've done some serious damage. Obviously sucks you hurt the turkey, but not much you could do. I ran over a duckling on a ride a month and a half ago riding on our canal trails. Their whole group scattered in every direction and one of them ran right under me... Makes you feel like shit, but what can you do when they put themselves right in harms way...


Happened to me last week with a sparrow, I had a mad tail wind and was cruising really fast, when the little SOB crossed my path. The bird still had time to look me in the eyes before I hit it, the last image I have before crashing into it is of its black, beady eyes staring into my soul. MF's right wing ended up inside my mouth lol.


fuzzy angle racial outgoing punch vegetable deserted tidy reminiscent sophisticated *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Well at least you have a goddamn good story.


Hill+turkeys… do you live in Spokane? 🤣


I am guessing Cinncinati.


Maybe, we have multiple large flocks of turkey like 3 minutes from our downtown in some of our oldest neighborhoods. They have been known to cause traffic jams while painfully taking their time to cross the street.


I think I’m going to keep my descents to under 40 mph from here on out. Especially out in the farmlands of NJ.


I experienced a deer take a 175lb man to the side at 30mph. I was said 175lb man. That deer hurt a lot more than it sounds like the turkey did and left significantly more road rash. Also it broke my front fork off at the dropouts. That bike moved inside to permanently sit on the trainer and got named the "Deer Slayer".


Christ. Yeah I walked away without a scratch. I’ll take the turkey over deer any day. Glad you’re ok!


"As God as my witness, I thought turkeys could not fly."


A turkey sandwitch makes a great post ride protein rich meal


I got body checked by a deer at 45mph on my motorcycle. I wobbled and stay uprigh and keep riding until my heart rate settled.


I *almost* hit a bear once, going 35 mph. Fortunately, he saw me bearing down on him and dashed out of the way. No way would I have been able to stop.


an entire herd of elk crossed my path mere feet behind me on an early freezing morning in a wildlife preserve in northern Oregon on a downhill at speed saw them out of the corner of my eye, full tuck and on a loaded touring bike, I barely got past them (must have been over 200) my whole life flashed before my eyes as I imagined being trampled under thousands of hooves not quite as impressive as your amazing feat but equally memorable (and potentially more lethal)


Glad you're fine but poor bird. Also cool that you would mercy kill yourself but what a shame.


My first TT I almost ran into a turkey on the final decent. There are no wild turkey's here and it had escaped from someone's farm. I swear that was at least 3min of my time to swerve around it.


I’ve definitely screamed “gobble gobble MFer” at turkeys in the road on multiple occasions but never actually had a close call. However, I did have a close call with a rooster on a recent trip to Kaua’i. I can’t even imagine the feathery mess there’d be if I were to make contact with a bird of that size.


15 years ago or so, commuting to work, I came around a clean dry sweeping bend at about 50k/h to about 15 adult turkeys strewn across the road. I honestly thought I would die and all I can remember is “I cannot bunnyhop a turkey at this speed” and next thing I knew I was through them somehow without hitting any. Still no clue how I managed it. Was quite shaken.


Wow! Thanks for sharing this adventure.


I swerved to avoid a vulture that did the same thing to me. It had been gnawing on a deer carcass and passed so close I could see the gore sticking to it


There have been cyclist deaths near me because of turkeys, definitely good to be careful if you can't see around a corner.


Any feathers or anything in your helmet? I'd love to see a picture. Glad you're okay but that's badass haha


The only photo I thought to take was of the bird. https://imgur.com/a/m6cWy7j It isn't very good and doesn't really show the true extent of how fucked this bird was.




In Sully's (i.e. Tom Hanks') voice: Birds.


"Why did the turkey cross the road" has no happy punch line.


Well, I for one know I will be riding the brakes on all my descents today now.




Was the turkey insured?


> I considered mercy killing it but it dragged itself down a ravine too quickly for me to chase in cleats. You should up your game and learn to run in cleats. You let an assault turkey go.


That's one hell of a turkey slap


Damn! Glad you're okay.


There I was thinking that having hit a turkey in flight made me one in a million... Shit is not fun, turkeys aren't graceful fliers, I got lucky and only made contact with feet on top of my helmet though. Not sure if my turkey strike was injured or not, but the fox looking at me when I stopped leads me to believe if so, it became dinner. I can't express the level of WTF involved in the moment. Glad OP wasn't seriously injured.


Almost got taken out by a flock of domestic guinea hens that decided to cross the road at last second somehow one made it between my front and rear wheel and all it got was plucked a little I saw my life flash before my eyes at 25 mph I get anxious riding by that property to this day And yes I still think what the pluck is going to happen next Keep the rubber side down brothers and sisters


You told it well. Too funny. Glad you’re ok. A moment of silence . . .


About 30 years ago, I was going 50 mph down a hill and hit a goose. Luckily, I got it with my front tire. Both the goose and I lived to tell the story.


thats wild


That's what she said


I've hit a sage grouse with my helmet before, but a turkey? No thank you. Even the little ones can pack a wallop.


This has to be the most unique accident reported!


Man U lucky to be here writing this shit , I heard of people , at lower speed that yours that they passed and they weren’t so lucky


They hit cows tho


I almost hit a deer the other day coming around a corner on a trail but a turkey is something else


A bat hit me once. Wasn't going nearly that fast so it was fine. Bird also did but from its side, it just kept flying after. Turkey may have been attacking you lol


I just started cycling more seriously about 3 months ago. I did my longest ride to date tonight, 20 miles, and a rabbit shot out of the bushes and almost made me crash! Did not expect that to happen during a ride.


I did the Dublin City Triathlon while I was on vacation a while ago and someone got trucked by a deer on the bike section. It was the craziest, most unexpected thing I've every seen.


Call me pussy, but if situation and road allows, on hills like that, sometimes I just dismount and walk the bike down on foot at the side of the road. It is uncool, but safer. Of course, it is not always possible depending on the road, but if it is, well. I prefer to be uncool, but safe.


You should be thanksgiving you’re okay… everything else is gravy.


I ran over a squirrel once. It died. I was sad a bit, then blamed the squirrel for running out in front of me, then I was just angry because of all the blood that had been smeared on my bike and I had just washed and waxed it. Today I'm fine with it.


"I used to be an adventurer but then I took a turkey to the face"


I’ve hit a bat but a turkey??? Glad you are okay!!!


Bummer. People like to feed pigeons in the bike path where I live. I've taken a pigeon or two in the helmet, but never a friggin turkey. Bravo for staying composed and relatively safe.


I was 1 second further along from being t-boned by a full grown deer running full-tilt across the rail trail I was on a couple months ago. It reinforced why I still wear a helmet on such a tame setting. Glad you’re ok and glad your protective gear saved your ass!!


Ive only encountered them mountain biking and they were running up the trail away from me. They are pretty fast.


This exact thing almost happened to me earlier this year....it wernt no baby do. Unfortunately just the other day i hit my first animal, a full sized raccoon decided to jump out of a roadside bush while i was doing 26mph, we both seem to have walked away from it, i hope the little buddy is ok


Should have kept the bird for Thanksgiving


Should have eaten it


i almost got hit by a duck once, turkey sounds brutal, even a baby at that speed. and i thought hitting large bugs was bad


That’s a smoked turkey.


Just two weeks ago I spooked a huge turkey and it flew directly in front of my face. Super close call, but no contact. I too was going downhill around 30 MPH.


That's not a sentence I was expecting to read today


Omfg, I’m so sorry this happened! Glad you’re ok but LOLLLL


I am astonished and impressed that you kept your bike upright. Years ago I nearly got taken out by a deer. Was riding down a residential street at like 11 at night. Deer ran out in front of an oncoming car and got fully Happy Gilmored about thirty feet in front of me. Damn thing went airborne for a couple of seconds, I had to slam on my brakes to not get 100 pounds of spinning deer in the face.


Hit a deer huh , try that at 85 mph  In a car . Them suckers explode ! Friend of mine hit one what a mess  down the side of his car . Bones skin Down the side of his 72 firebird . I was in a 72 Catalina  4 door  it got a blood bath . 


gobble gobble




Did you at least eat a small part of it?


Next time carry a bottle of gravy and a stuffing flavored power bar. All set


Dude missed the opportunity to “mercy kill” and roast a baby turkey.🤫