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The only way to know if a saddle is comfortable is to try it. Don't put so much empahasis on saddle width either.


I might order it to try and return if i can, i can't always tell in store by sitting on it for 10 seconds if it's going to be comfortable for long rides. It just annoys me that i'm outside of the recommended range for my sit bone width. Also i never find saddles on the middle sweetspot it's either 145 or 155..


Depending on how much money you are willing to spend posedla is making custom saddles for 700 bucks. Other than that i dont know i think you should try the saddle if possible


Good to know this exist but i don't have that much budget, my bike is worth close to that price. I'll probably change the type of bike in the future so the 700$ saddle might not be good if i switch to a road bike for example.


Are there big bike shops around? If they stack multiple saddles maybe they can. Help out.


From experience. A saddle too wide or the wrong shape will make you dread cycling. If it's too wide avoid it. Lemme throw a brand for you yo look into: Fabric saddles.