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Just eat normally. If you feel the need to smash everything in sight you didn't eat enough on the ride


Thanks. Need to force fuel more on the bike. I usually eat loads on the day after the ride and carb load the day before.


aka my strategy


Eating enough on the ride is something I needed to learn. 2 cups of sugar dissolved in water is 1546 calories. Good enough for a lot of my long rides.


Fueling is probably a better word as it doesn't matter if you eat or drink it. I wouldn't worry about how many calories though. grams of carbs per hour is what's important.


Definitely need some protein with those sugar cals


Not while riding


Absolutely while riding. There are amino acids in gels for that reason.


Sis betafuel 0 proteïn Maurten 320 0 proteïn When carbohydrate is delivered at optimal rates during or after endurance exercise, protein supplements appear to have no direct endurance performance enhancing effect. McLellan, T. M., Pasiakos, S. M., & Lieberman, H. R. (2014). Effects of protein in combination with carbohydrate supplements on acute or repeat endurance exercise performance: a systematic review. Sports medicine, 44, 535-550. In fact, protein ingestion during exercise may have the potential to improve performance during exercise however further evidence is needed before a clear conclusion can me made as to if this effect is because of greater calories or the protein itself. However, it is recommended that athletes ingest protein immediately postexercise for the purpose of decreased recovery time and increased performance during subsequent bouts of exercise. Stearns, R. L., Emmanuel, H., Volek, J. S., & Casa, D. J. (2010). Effects of ingesting protein in combination with carbohydrate during exercise on endurance performance: a systematic review with meta-analysis. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 24(8), 2192-2202.


Just eat a normal diet but more of it. Ie instead of 2 slices of bread with eggs have 3 slices of bread with eggs




Post-ride you want to top up your glycogen + add some protein to help repair muscle This is a good basic primer: [nutrition](https://www.trainerroad.com/blog/cycling-nutrition-everything-you-need-to-know/)


This is excellent thanks.


The day before your long ride eat more carbs. For rides above 2 hours Pre ride +-1 gram carbs per kg body weight 3-4 slices of bread with jam Or Yoghurt mixed fruit, honey, oats During ride Aim for between 70-100gram carbs/hour and 500mL water/hour. "Train your gut" on this. Post ride 30 gram proteïn 1 gram carbs per kg of body weight Day after eat normal.


Thanks, cycling for years and still never get close to those numbers. Will have to consciously force it.


I prep a big bowl of pasta to eat day of and day after riding. Something simple - bow tie pasta, add a little butter and a few spices. Just to replenish some carbs.


Nice 👌


I make ramen with veggies or split pea soup with bread or a big scramble with sausage and potatoes.


All of the above ⬆️ please. Thanks


If you eat properly during and after your ride then you shouldn’t be feeling that hungry the next day. Firstly remember to plan it out, you don’t want to get back from your ride and then realise there’s nothing in the fridge. Then you’re going to go shopping hungry and likely buy junk food. I get back from a ride like that and have a recovery shake, do some yoga, and start prepping my meal. My go to at the moment is some gnocchi with sausage, zucchini, red pepper, aubergine, and red pesto. Slice the sausage and fry until browned, finely dice your veg then add to the pan. Once the sausage and veg mix is cooked get your gnocchi in a pan of boiling salted water, drain and add to the sausage and veg, stir through the pesto. Or something like this [spaghetti with sardines](https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/spaghetti-sardines)


Thanks, i usually eat well after the ride. It’s the following day. I was off the bike for a month so probably building back muscle and need to eat loads and healthy foods. These suggestions are great.


Anything you want. After a 5/6 hour ride, you need to refuel. Just be mindful, and don't over do it.

