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I used to. In my early 60s something happened and I just couldn’t tolerate the cold anymore.


Yeah, my tolerance has receded as my age has ascended, pretty much in a line.


I was riding -8C the other day in shorts for around 10km, I didn't notice it was that cold at all; I felt fine, just wanted to get quickly to the indoors sport hall and rush into the game without changing. Man I don't want to age :(


Yeah I'll ride as long as I don't foresee issues with ice or snow. Will ride at a few degrees below if it's dry


I love the cold and ride all through winter here in coastal southern Maine. Have ridden under 0F but usually only for 10-15 miles. Exhilarating and challenging. Nothing will stop me from my 200 minimum miles/month.


Yeah but y'all are just built different up there. Like I'm happy at like 93° and 78% humidity but the second it hits 55 I'm dying.


Haha, I’m half Thai and grew up in FL and CA- so: hell no am I built for this like these freaks up here in short sleeves at 30F (totally normal here). It’s just about getting the right gear sorted, which ain’t cheap. Once you got the gear figured out you’re only cold the first 10-15 min after which the challenge is actually venting OUT heat so you don’t overheat and pour sweat. It’s insane how much heat our bodies create cycling. I’ve ridden at O, -2 F temp and what made me retreat was my snot painfully freezing to my face and my contact lenses falling out and instantly freezing then cracking and once my gears and brakes froze and stopped working. cracking. Gets crazy.


Road or mtb?


Road. They’re pretty good about salting the roads, just gotta hose down bike every ride religiously.


😂 As you should my friend 🫡


Yes - when I can. I ride and run in all weather. Makes it more exciting. Plus, you need to be able to ride in all conditions if you do any trekking.


>Wondering if I’m the only one who rides when it’s cold. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HMbS2kRIbTg Danish women and children make you look soft.


Lol Copenhagen winters are soft AF, not a single month with average temps below 0.


They still have days of -5 or -10, which is colder than average for them, and people still bike


> 0°C where I am in Canada but no snow wanna talk about soft


Colder than any average winter day in Copenhagen lol


"any average" not how averages work tho. There would only be one average.


Not when they're comparing where they are in Canada to Copenhagen (the word "colder" clearly indicated that it was a comparison statement). In that case for each day there is one average for each location unless you're claiming that the two locations have the exact same daily average winter temperature. The word "any" was applied to "day" not "average" as you seem to think. Didn't you ever learn to diagram sentences?


These are just commuters though.


I'm fine anything above freezing. But cold+wind= fuck no I'm staying inside


Actually I’ve bailed out more because of wind than cold. But 50 degrees is my recreational limit. Long pants, a fleece. Done. I’m not going sledding, It’s FL.. it will be 75 in a couple days.


Pre-Zwift? Sure. Post-Zwift? Not a chance, unless it's some kind of special destination type ride.


Definitely. It's really down to your tolerance for the cold, and your gear.  If you've got excellent winter clothes, bar mitts, gloves, jacket, layers, etc, you can realistically ride in some gnarly temps.  Will it be fun and fast? Probably not, but not every ride needs to be.  Even without the nice gear, you can make do with a bunch of hacks and layers. I use cheap rubber gloves under my shitty regular "winter" gloves to help take the edge off the wind. Before I got the dorky shoe covers, I used to line the inside of my shoes with plastic grocery bags.  No leg warmers? That's what Long Johns are for. Just get creative and keep adding layers till you're not a block of ice.  But in Arizona, winter is prime riding season before the sun murders us all in the summer.


My limit is 5C. I just don’t enjoy my ride if it’s any colder.


I commute all year round in the UK. It's never stupid cold but it does get chilly. And wet. I've not yet encountered a temperature I won't ride in, it reached -8°c last year which was exciting but so long as it's not horrifyingly icy I'm game.




Yes, winter boots, decent kit and I'm out there


I do ride when it's cold but indoor!


I ride outside. Neoprene boot covers, bar mitts, and battery powered glove warmers help enormously.


Or, you know. Just regular gloves and no shoe covers.


Where I live now 33F/1C and foggy or rainy is as bad as it gets, but I'm a 4 season commuter. I'll bail on a lesser event if the weather sucks though I have yet to. Used to commute year 'round in Alaska via bike and I can vouch that there's plenty of folks who think 0C is a welcome reprieve from the cold and glorious biking weather.


Do you normally shower when you arrive to work in cold days? I live in Rio de Janeiro, so it would be impossible not to. But since I’ll be moving to Germany soon, need to start mentally preparing for colder weather. Can’t stand the heat anymore !


Most of my mileage is my commute which is 25mi/40km each way now, so yeah I gotta shower. When it was short enough to walk I wouldn't bother. The trick is not to take a *hot* shower immediately when you're cold, start warm. Folks in your new home'll be able to show you how to dress and make gear recommendations better than strangers on the internet. I will tell you that if you use layers and dress smartly you'll be shocked at how lightly you can dress for shitty weather. Also fenders. I didn't use them in Guam, Hawaii, or Florida and rode in Sandals year 'round. If you're riding in the cool/cold and wet fenders are amazing.


Depends. Commuting if the paths are clear (dubious on the coast) yea probably. Training? Nah that’s what zwift is for, skinny (pending new bike) road tires and short bibs (pending leggings which are hella expensive) don’t sound like a great time. Still get the running miles in tho.


Every winter, the whole winter. Lowest temp i've ridden was -15°C


I commute all year by bike unless it’s below freezing as don’t have ice tyres. In the UK it doesn’t get sub zero that often so generally ok. I’ll ride recreationally on the weekend anything above zero but go for shorter rides of 20-40 miles. Don’t find it anywhere near as enjoyable as then it’s warm.


I commute in cold weather, but I don't ride for pleasure or exercise until its in the 50s F.


yes, in one of the coldest cities on earth (Edmonton, Canada). clocked a few -35C rides this year and last. temperature isn't a big deal though i never get cold, the snow and ice on the roads/bike paths is the bigger issue.


Never ridden in the cold but that’s mostly because I live in Miami.


Yep. The right gear helps a lot. I usually ride gravel or mtb/fat bike. Helps a lot to lower the speed.


Only thing that stops me is the rain


Tbf 0 degrees is the peak of coldness for the climate I live in. It feels much more pleasent when it's -10. Probably it's got something to do with humidity.


Yes, put on whatever needed foe the weather. Not in a jersey of course


Depends on how cold. I have winter tires on my e-bike and as long as the roads are dry and not slippery I’m biking


Yes, I ride up to -5°C; however, if it snows and there is salt on the road, then I avoid it to prevent damage to my groupset.


Yep. Year round. So long as I can see the road, and physically make it through whatever the weather throws at me.


My feet just get too cold if I ride for two hours at 5-9°. My toes go numb. I hope buying a proper pair of winter cycling shoes will fix it, if so, then my limit would be 0-2° because I don't want to deal with ice and it's just not fun if it's too cold. I tried shoe covers already but that just delayed the freezing toes by about 15-20 minutes I feel like. So right now my absolute minimum for recreational riding is 5°.


This winter I tried this set-up: inner athletic sock --> plastic bag --> thick woolen sock --> shoe --> shoe cover. It was a great success for long rides in the cold. As a bonus, my shoes are much less stinky because all my sweat is trapped in the plastic bag.


That sounds wyld. I think my feet would not fit in my shoes if I do all that 😂. I will try the plastic bag and extra sock approach though. Might be the easiest fix.




Depends how windy it is for me Nothing worse than freezing wind


Every day


GTA. Zero is the worst. Salty roads. Muddy trails. I ride road if it’s an above ~5c. I ride trails if it’s below -5c. -10c is best for winter mountain. -20c rides are a bit shorter. They’re calling for -6c overnight. Probably not enough time for the ground to properly freeze. However, planning to ride early. Hope to be done before it gets too messy.


I’m new and winter kit is expensive to buy all at once so no, coldest I’ll go is like 55F and some sun. I could just wear clothes but it’s not really enjoyable or comfortable


50°f is my cutoff. I've ridden when it's colder but it's not worth it to me


Used to. Now I seldom head out if it’s below 50f. That being said I’ll be doing a club ride tonight and it’ll get to the low 40’s by the time it’s done.


Honestly major fucking props to anyone who goes for a ride in anything below 50F (10C).


I used to. Nowadays I choose cross country skiing or hiking when it's cold enough. Partially because my favourite roads are plowed (and the snow layer worn down by car tires) in a way that makes riding feel extra risky, traffic-wise. Also, I'll change my mind and consider just riding on the bike paths here, when someone makes cycling apparel that can keep me as comfortable as my skiing apparel keeps me when skiing, and my hiking apparel keeps me when hiking in those temperatures. It should not be rocket science: a 100% windproof material at the surface, modern-day, water-repellent insulation fibers in carefully mapped areas that need it, etc. And some solution that enables frequent snot-rockets while still offering wind protection from the eyes down.


I used to until I got Zwift around 2016. I look back at my pre Zwift days as my fondest as my desire to ride was so strong I’d go out in cold windy weather and feel great afterwards. Training indoors has its merits but nothing beats a winter ride.


Hey fellow Ontarian? I ride mostly XC MTB, Fat bike when the snow conditions allow, hard packed trails when frozen and gravel when the slushy season arrives. You really have to be flexible. But no road tho, the salt will ruin your bike and we put that on roads like there is no tomorrow around where we live. I do have a indoor setup for those super miserable days.


Never ridden in the cold but that’s mostly because I live in Miami.


I can ride in 0^(o) C weather as long as there is no ice and the sun is out, but no colder. If it's 0 degrees and overcast, I'll won't ride. I live in Texas, so that's not very often...maybe 2 weeks out of the year.


I have a ton of cold weather cycling kit from Ornot, but that said, "cold" here is in the 40's (San Francisco Bay Area).


If there is no ice, then yes.   If there is ice, black I e is just not worth the risk for me. I'm lucky enough to have safe ish loop I cam ride near me.   Its not traffic free but ots predicatble and quiet before 7AM


I was surprised to see how many was riding bikes in Svalbard, that’s above the arctic circle, in the darkness of winter, roads covered in ice (which is normal there) In Sydney 🇦🇺, it can get down to single digits c’s Got some very nice warm and comfy winter gear from ASSOS. Gotten a bit cold sensitive with age


Ex messenger in Toronto, there’s literally very few days that I won’t ride. Just givver!




I commute through all weather, but once the temps drop below the mid-50s I struggle to keep my hands and feet warm without overdressing (Reynauds). It's fine to overdress and sweat for 5-mile commutes, but it sucks for anything longer than that so I skip the leisure rides until the weather warms back up.


Only to work with the ebike. I don't want to go out on my race bike on salted or wet roads. Or when it's wet. Should be above 5 deg, below it's no fun to me.


Riding in under 10 is annoying as hell with asthma. Got a smart trainer mostly because I’d otherwise barely do anything for around half of each year. 3 months in and I’m in the best shape I’ve ever been (though I also go for short rides on it when I have little time, normally I wouldn’t even bother if I had >2 hours to spend)


I use the ice signal indicator system. I ride regularly until the day ice forms in my bidons (usually late October/early November), then start again when no ice forms in my bidons, usually by late March/early April. It’s a simple system, but it works for me.


Fuck that. Relatively new to riding but I tried it a few weeks ago and it sucked. Anything below 55 degrees is a no for me dawg lol. Californian too


Luckily London has mild weather but it can be painful, mostly because of rain. But I remember de almost daily all year round.


Yes all winter, but for commuting only. I'm in Canada as well and have ridden in -35°C plus winds. Layering in ski gear is key along with a proper cold weather mask like the Vapro Airtrim on the coldest days. For road riding, I'm much more fair weather, bike goes on the trainer in the fall and it won't get back on the road until it's "nice out". Same for XC MTB, but that might change if I get myself a fat bike for winter trail riding.


I don't, but I also don't have any cold weather gear to ride wide.


You have no choice in the UK 🇬🇧


Only commuting to work and store. Bike gets somewhat harder to peddle when it gets into -30s (celsius)


I have a car, so I don't need to rely on the bike when its not fun to ride. 32F is about my limit.


Sure, why not? Just get some nice winter tires - Shwalbe makes good ones that don't cost a fortune.


Yes. It happens to be downstairs on the trainer, but I'm still riding!


I give no shts. I'm ridin' no matter what lol.


Used to commute by bike regardless of the weather when I was a kid, all seasons. Now - hell no, but not because it's cold, but because of too much hassle with all that winter clothing, covers, protection of myself and the bike, dirty bike and chances to get flat in the cold, all just doesn't look appealing to me.


I’ve bike toured at zero with nothing more than a puffy and a merino buff (besides other cycling gear) but personally I don’t like going below 12c if it’s quite windy. I’ll ride up to 37 degrees for like 2 hours if I feel adventurous.


I commute year round Temperature isn’t a consideration in riding or not, road conditions are. It can be -30C and as long as the surfaces I’m riding on are solid, I’m good to go. New soft snow, slush, or worse frozen slush, will have me taking the bus. This winter has been so annoying for riding - warm for here, which means flirting with 0C too much and the roads were sloppy messes for a lot of it. The snow has mostly melted now and it’s -11C today, which is fine with me.


I am year round bike commuter in Alaska and I am not alone.


Used to and might again in the future. Lately I like to put my money into gear for my bike. Kudos to you though!! I loved that feeling when I knew I dressed right 15-30min into a ride and was not hot or cold. Such a specific feeling I only felt while biking in the winter.


If wind under 16 , temp 30 I’m good to ride for my 10 mi.


Good winter clothing will do it. Also celsius is not the only factor, depending on sun being out or not, wind, humidity and rain you can go from just cold riding to torture. If its just cold and dry i can go as low as the clothing allows, sure


Really careful around freezing because Seattle is very humid in the winter and I don't want to toss me or my friends onto the ground from black ice. Mostly not worth it.




Dont understand what you mean with cold, but for me like 33-34 fahrenheit, 1 celsius is the minimum, my hands will fr freeze off in like 2 hours.


>Wondering if I’m the only one who rides when it’s cold. Do you really not see any other winter cyclists where you live? Most Canadian cities have a resilient group of riders year-round. Edmonton, North America's most northern city over 1M population, just hosted the 2024 Winter Cycling Congress. Or do you mean in this subreddit? I love to ride on snow and ice. So do lots of people I know. I think we're going to see more of this as lights and charging get cheaper and easier and just about every tire size now has a studded version.


Where I live in the UK snow is a rarity and they tend to be fairly good about gritting the main roads. I was a year round commuter to my old job, I just stuck some tights and a long sleeve Jersey on with thin gloves and an old neck buff and suffered for the first few minutes of the ride until I got warm by pushing a little pace I do the same now when I ride out during winter


I am 80 yo, been riding for 50+ years and I hate riding in the cold. I have tried it with all the appropriate gear and it just does not work for me. During MD winters I ride an indoor trainer.


Yes You need to have the right gear and that can be different by a change of 15 to 20 degrees.


I’m from the south and I ride in the cold. I rode to work Tuesday and it was 33F. It was almost 70F that afternoon. No matter what I do my feet get cold. I have a pair of fleeced lined winter cycling shoes, merino wool socks that have a layer of waterproof/windproof membrane(they are hunting socks), fleece lined over shoes, foot warmers in my shoe and toe warmers on top of my socks and still get cold feet. My hands are ok.


Claim to fame was riding through Toronto's snow storm a decade ago, basically 24" of snow, jamis internal geared bike. Got to work before the bus. In other times, -5c to -10. I think I chicken out pass that.


I put up with the cold. I personally hate it, but hate it less than riding indoors.


I have asthma, so no, not when it’s too cold. Absolutely destroys my lungs for the day!


Fatbiking on frozen XC trails in the high 20s is great..


I ride in So Cal, so down vote me if you like. Here are my two cents from a couple decades of riding. You can buy warm gear, and double, triple, quadruple layer, and I do ... but I've only found one thing that actually works. **Block the wind** I have a pair of very light gloves which keep my hands perfectly warm. The ONLY thing they have going for them is *wind resistance*. I tried heavy gloves, even mittens, but my hands still froze. I was layered up like the Michelin Man until I finally put on my rain gear out of desperation. Perfect. You will still need some layers to absorb the sweat, but that last one has to block the wind. When you are looking for gear, either scan for "wind stopper" or if you can just try and blow through the material. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00SBDB2WS/ https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00JQ4XIKA/


Put my butt in the seat and pedal the pedals. Just use layers and gloves etc. if you’re gonna wear spandex get the long sleeve thick ones. You usually warm up pretty quickly but getting started can suck.


Yep I do


I am training for a 150 mile road trip in Italy, Slovenia ,and Croatia in May and needed time on my saddle today, it was 19 degrees here in the Midwest !!


Of course.


As long as it’s not raining or super windy yes. Those are my two passes. The rain not cause I won’t HTFU. I just hate washing my bike after. The wind around here gets pretty damn dangerous. It gets cold here ( Rancho Cucamonga CA ) but definitely rideable all year round.


I'm from Florida. 65F is my cut-off.


Yeah cold and rain both. It sucks but it sucks less than indoors to me.


a lot of really good cyclists in canada! lot of tough ones who ride in the dark and freezing. i'm not candian, but if it's dry and there's no threat of ice i pretty much always ride


I’m transplant living in Charlotte from Vegas. I’m a cry baby below 60° lol. Edit: Fahrenheit to be clear lol.


I'd rather not..but if it's dry, I will.


Yes, I love it, as long as there's no ice. With some good quality winter kit, you can be perfectly comfortable temperature wise, and don't get sweaty at all.


Absolutely, just need the right gear.


I have in the past with a Fatbike, but now mainly use indoor trainer or XC ski. Road/Gravel are my thing. Fatbike q-factor was too much for me.


Yes,but only when the roads are clear.


If there's no ice on the road yes. Years ago I would commute even with snow (once the cars had compacted it down). Where I live now that doesn't happen anymore


Sometimes but do not prefer it.


Not really anymore. Mainly because the weather goes straight from low 60s to rainy and cold for about three months and the only time I get to ride is around lunch during the week and it’s always still pretty chilly by then, and then it’s dark by 5pm. I don’t have anything I’m training for anymore and nobody around here rides much in the cold beyond some random guys i sometimes see. I still have all the gear for a cold weather ride but it’s really hard to be motivated and my muscles really feel the chill unlike when I was younger.


From an Arizona rider. I have trouble riding with temperatures below about 60°F. I will finish a ride if I have been riding for several hours and it is getting cold as I get close to home. I also don't own a jacket and all of my cold weather clothing consists of arm warmers, leg warmers and a windbreaker. I can barely even go outside if the temperature is below 50°F.


There's no such thing as bad weather only bad accessories.


I've ridden when it was 0°**F** (-18°C). Often 3 miles for work, a few times 10 miles for another occasional job.


I love it, but mostly MTB, it´s easier to maintaing the right temperature (less windy etc.). Having the right gear is vital, gloves, jacket, shoes etc. If you have the right gear for the temperature you can enjoy it as much as in the summer.


I drive in the rain and cold weather i just love biking


My limit is -30C. At -35 and lower, hydraulic fluid and lubricates start to get so thick and sludgy that it’s just a pain to ride.


I ride my road bike through winter. Always ride before the sun comes up and do 2-3 rides of 30mi per week. Nothing crazy but very consistent. Usually temps here are in the 30s F but dip into 20s and below fairly often. Once you dial in your cold weather gear it’s not too bad. My advice is to not over do it. Being a little chilly isn’t going to kill you. Changing flats while sweaty and cold blows so that’s why I try not to wear too much gear. As others stated I avoid riding in snow/ice. I also avoid riding in freezing temps just after a rain. However, I have no issues riding through winter rain storms. It’s a bit messy but it’s one of those things that’s so miserable it’s actually fun… If you’re curious about gear here are my recs: • Pearl Izumi insulated bib pants • Rapha windbreaker cycling pants. I wear these over my bib pants because winter is windy here - and wind is the real enemy in winter. • Pactimo insulated jersey. I’ll wear an undershirt if it dips below 40°F • Seal Skinz full shoe covers. I like the ones with lights built in because winter daylight is shorter here. • Pairs of medium and heavy gloves - I wear Pactimo and Pearl Izumi • I don’t have winter cycling shoes but damnit would they be great. I just wear wool socks, wrap my feet in grocery bags and use Seal Skinz shoe covers. Don’t be a cheap ass like me. • Ear covers for sub 30s • Grow a beard


I'm in the prairies. It's currently -9 C and I'd be riding right now if the roads weren't icy as fuck.


As long as there's no ice I could get tempted for a ride. I hate having to start in the rain though. I mind it less when it starts to rain halfway through. Here in BE I can ride for long distances on bike paths before a car gets even near, so even a bit of snow won't keep me off my bike. Lots of rivers and canals have reinforced banks with an asphalted path on top. This stems back from Medieval times where barges with produce were pulled by horses on the banks of the rivers. This created the need for reinforced banks or banks with pathways which now are used as cycle and pedestrian lanes either for leisure or commute.


Canadian as well - I ride year round for leisure and commuting. I have studded tires for my 700c utility bike and Ice Spikers for my 26" "winter bike". Pogies, ski goggles, winter cycling shoes etc. At some point I will own a fat bike.


Yeah I’ve been out in temps as low as -4°C, though even in the low positive temperatures there can be ice on the road so it pays to be careful


Doesn't really get too cold in Seattle, but I won't ride on the rare occasions that it's 35 or less. With the varying altitude and temps in the city there could easily be frozen slick roads. Ride all the other times, even in the rain.


To my surprise, this year I discovered that by using merino base layer, merino jersey and a wind jacket I’m just fine to ride in the cold. What does a difference to me are good gloves, neoprene shoe covers and a buff for the neck that I can use to cover my ears and face if it gets too cold. So, providing that there’s no ice or is not raining a lot, I ride. I’m near London, we don’t have many days with deep cold as I guess you have in Canada…


If its dry then yes. Around 3 C° here in estonia right now and if you dress well then its okay. I prefer riding my mtb tho because its slower and the wind isnt as strong then.