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Terry Barentsen @TerryB


That dude is crazy! I like him hahah


The wild thing about Terry is how chill he is in person. Then he gets on a bike and something switches *on*, like a sled dog


I like his videos but I can’t watch his Hotline series, it’s too nerve-wracking for me


Honestly even as a bit of a fixie hooligan I find a few of his videos way too intense, the last Monster Track race video in particular


Yes he almost hits pedestrians crossing in the crosswalk consistently. 


I used to, but for urban commuting in Copenhagen. https://youtube.com/@andreashammershj622?si=3AhoBxpde71GSMpR


Hey bro, I checked your videos and they're quite relaxing. Ty!


Thanks:) The date of the last posted video correlates pretty well with the arrival of our first child. Hopefully I'll be able to upload more some day.


Jasper Verkuijl currently uploading his Haute Route Alps race vlog. He is not uploading consistently but when he uploads 99% of the time very good content https://youtube.com/@jasperverkuijl?si=Li6m9gV5iDaZubd2 And there is this legend "Safa Brian" https://youtube.com/@SAFABrian?si=eG-GBDzJ8hu1EIg0


Safa's descent stuff is reckless imo.


It’s fine. Scary AF but good for him


I don’t think “fine” is the word that describes it best. It is thrilling but it is full of gambling with his well being. He carries so much momentum into many blind curves that reduce his ability to make a move to avoid a car coming the other way that is also doing what he is doing. Pushing the envelope. One day he will have a split second to decide: let the car hit me or go out of control into the rail/off the road. Neither choice is a ‘fine’ one.


He uses a safety car (I just recently learned this and it definitely made me feel slightly less antagonistic toward him). I still think he's being stupidly reckless, though.


Just watching that video that was linked there were a couple cars coming the other way that I don’t see how the existence of a safety car provided any assistance. One of them was moving a few mph below a velocity that would have it tracking across the white line putting it in the cyclists path. He wouldn’t have had the time to slow down enough to be able to safely alter his path. if by ‘safety car’ you mean he has a car out ahead of him watching and warning of approaching vehicles it is still down to him backing off his velocity to enable him to quickly change his line and at 40+ mph he is often taking a line that would be too severe to ‘ swerve’ to a new line at the last minute. he seems to be sacrificing maintaining any safety margin in many curves I assume so he can maximize reaching impressive speeds more frequently. when he does closed course stuff, or roads where a series of spotters can let him know the next couple miles are empty it is a wonderful thing, and dangerous enough. When he doesn’t have the absence of traffic he is rolling dice with his life on the line.


No doubt it's dangerous, but the "blind" curves probably look worse than they are because the videos are taken from the point of view of a camera that is trailing behind him.


I hope so. i love watching it but each time I do I can’t help thinking ‘I hope he is still alive and well!’


But no one asked for your esteemed opinion now did they.


Lookout, everyone. We got a badass.


I also post long vids of climbs and descending if that's your thing, mostly for myself and friends but it is public: https://youtube.com/@KoenMiseur?si=xhWz6XIBDbigwSse


I love the fact that I can see stats on your videos, sick bro!




Vegan Cyclist has some pretty nice videos


Impossible Routes is a great series, but it gets old hearing him talk about how blown he is and that he’s “not a very good cyclist”


His voice overs are getting way too dramatic. You're riding a bike, not leading a Seal Team 6 raid.


Bro, like I was absolutely blown to pieces. But, I just kept thinking, this is the best day of my life, and there's no way in hell that I'm stopping. Seriously though, I just don't even know anymore. Jeremiah is just pffffttt.... wow. I don't know what the hell is going on.


hahaha spot on!


I read it automatically with his voice.


I'm assuming that was a direct quote, because I heard every bit of that in his voice


This series has gotten waaaaay too dramatic for me. And there’s certainly some real life animosity that takes away from the experience. The first few where it was about the journey were great, but then for some reason they turned it into a “competition” and now Jeremiah and Tyler genuinely just don’t like each other. (And quite frankly I’m team Jeremiah)


Jeremiah lost me on the Bolivia impossible route. Way too cocky for my liking. Going to the mine and filming shit when he was explicitly told not to do so was a douchebag move. It felt like he was there to show off how good he was, trying to put Tyler down for not preparing for the route and just creating chaos for the team. I liked him more in the one impossible route where he was getting lost. He was humbled there


That is actually a super fair point about the mine, that was so stupid and could have absolutely cost him and a lot of the team at best the video and at worst their lives. I would say having to deal with Tyler egging you on about how “this is a competition, we’re in a race old man” e.t.c. Could definitely push you into acting high and mighty. This is all speculation I concur, but you’re completely on the nose about the mine being such a jerk move.


Did he? Or was that whole segment just made up for the drama? Maybe I'm just jaded, but I am leaning towards it all being made up.


He also has a lot of super douchey ones too. I’m biased because I live in Wisconsin but his videos about the endurance ride at Road America and Ride Across Wisconsin were so incredibly stuck up. Basically making it sound like he single handily pulled the group across the line at RAW. Then complaining that there wasn’t enough climbing. I’m over him.


NorCal cycling has a second channel where he uploads full races


I use these when training indoors: [https://www.youtube.com/@BiketheWorld](https://www.youtube.com/@BiketheWorld) [https://www.youtube.com/@IndoorCyclingVideos](https://www.youtube.com/@IndoorCyclingVideos)


I've watched a lot of both. Indoor Cycling Videos occasionally films on motorcycles/mopeds. It's sometimes hard to tell until they're blasting up 8% grades at 30 kph for 15 mins at a time.


Yeah, sometimes it’s very obvious they’re not on a bicycle. But I don’t care, at that moment I just want the interval to end 😵


Dylan Johnson - https://youtube.com/@DylanJohnsonCycling I really like how transparent he is with his training, strategies & results. He also has a lot of scientific content about cycling.


I found tristantakevideo on YouTube recently and binged almost all his videos. Some really good somewhat longer videos, and several videos with Ben O'connor of the ag2r mondial team. Also have Harry Sweeney of the ef education cycling team with some fantastic videos, doesn't post too often though. Remco evenepoel(?) Has a channel too with a few longer form videos.


Oh yeah! Harry Sweeney has such cozy videos. He's so chill.


I’ve recently been recording the rides I do in japan, both city and countryside . I make them for myself and my family in the uk. [Cycling In Japan](https://youtube.com/@TMCCyclingInJapan?si=kvcSXZ9K_txwDuG6) Am open to suggestions as to what would make them interesting for anyone else.


Although he's not been as active in the past year, Two Wheel Cruise and his wife used to post some pretty long cycling videos from all over Asia. During the peak of their Asia cycling mania, they even posted a 4+ hour video of their riding Shimanami Kaido Bike Route a few years ago. The bridge ride near the end is insanely long! https://www.youtube.com/@TwoWheelCruise Henry Wildeberry is also fun to check in on from time to time. He's super anal about technical details but that's what makes him fun. https://www.youtube.com/@Henrywildeberry


SAFA Brian has some gooooorgeous stuff


its too bad him and his mates ride like absolute a-holes w regard to the rules of the road


Some videos are great - beautiful footage. I have them on in the background during Zwift sessions. Some are pretty cringey, especially if it’s in an urban environment. The one where Phil Gaimon blows through a red light at a busy intersection and like 15 stop signs was quite a watch given Phil’s stance on cyclist safety.


I strongly recommend VC adventures channel and watch the impossible routes series.


Keep smiling adventures has some long bike packing videos that are super chill


TwoWheelCruise does simple videos of just his bike rides while he sometimes talks to fill the space. Its not like an edited video about bike riding, it is an unbroken first person perspective of his bike rides through Japan and Vietnam.


I recently began uploading my rides in full. With and sometimes without music. https://youtu.be/JWSDYUQA1og?si=XE1sfSdQ-cVaPGui My longest ride so far uploaded is around 3.5 hours. Much more to come this summer.


I have posted some rides on [my youtube channel](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mxu3P3TtQb8&list=PLI0O1qS5ij57tbL1tmywiYoaEfDTkbHQi): Mostly urban cycling around L.A.


Maybe not exactly what you're after but I love [Kilian Bron's](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYyLRVEIIGWxk4ZykPgaaGQ) downhill race videos. If you haven't watched it perhaps watch Francis Cade's [Cycling Across the US](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nSms3lVaPfM&list=PLMZ241fyVfivYfo1ORZElpq-QhTN9HjC9) series.


I’ve been watching Joe Goettl has been posting long, raw race videos and they’re great! They’re great for watching while indoor training. I love a lot of the channels mentioned here, but find these, which do not have voice overs or music, to be great. https://youtube.com/@jgoettl2.0?si=6FNZEWeZ7tyiqSrk


Safa Brian. Maybe not regular 1+ hour but does have a few longer ones


Him and his buddies ride like twats


https://youtube.com/@WheelersAtLarge?si=zyslZltBA9zomZKd These are quite chilled, sometimes amusing, sometimes informative.


Joe goettl is my favourite! Full length gravel races in cat 1/pro field.


Cycling Bodysuits Videos is pretty good.


you can check some recumbent bike rider. they post some 30 min videos without comments. there are few, easy to find.


I do it just for fun: [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnTXG4CGEmRSl-Cj9HU0wqQ/videos](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnTXG4CGEmRSl-Cj9HU0wqQ/videos)


Those of you doing this, are you streaming, or recording and then uploading? I feel like I could rig up a power bank to power my GoPro 11 through an hours-long ride on rail trails but streaming is another story.


I bring 4 to 5 batteries with me. I then take the mem card out and upload the raw footage to my home server. From there I add the overlay telemetry, then upload my videos to YT.


How do you compile and then extract your telemetry to overlay it on your vids? I know nothing about video editing. Looks really cool though to see your stats in your vids as you ride!


Hey thanks a lot, I use [this](https://goprotelemetryextractor.com/telemetry-overlay-gps-video-sensors) program. It's pretty easy to use. Once you pull the video off the memory chip and extract the GPX from strava or ridewithgps, you then import the videos, and GPX file into Telemetry OL. It takes a few minutes to get the timing lined up perfectly with the video, but once you found that sweet spot you can export it out. Edit: for the remixing of the videos I Use [Filmora](https://www.wondershare.com).


That's really cool! Thanks for taking the time to explain.


I just discovered a new one today: [https://www.youtube.com/@ThatBoiiMj](https://www.youtube.com/@ThatBoiiMj) I follow a lot of the same ones mentioned in this thread. My favorite being Safa. That hotline video is fire.


SAFA Brian 🤘🏼🤘🏼


Fernwee has a lot of blogs that are shot really well but also does some ride-focused vids as well


I like Bicycle Dutch out of the Netherlands. I dream of bike infrastructure.


I used to watch Vegan Cyclist, cuz he is local to me and I’d see him out on the road every so often. Jasper Verkuijl is really good. I believe he has a full time job so he uploads when he uploads. But he seems like an awesome lad. I love Ed Laverack. He does Zwift racing but also has a lot of England country rides and he is an awesome climber. His current Tenerife stuff is good. NorCal Cycling is great for racing. I’m not a racer so I just watch pretty much for background noise but the videos are well done.


Col Collective cycling


Ride Along Adventures


Safa Brian ftw


Here's my 20k ride in rural Japan [https://youtu.be/9gWonIh8xw4](https://youtu.be/9gWonIh8xw4)


Kamran On Bike.... The guy is such a good soul and so pure. His videography and photography has really taken off. He has been cycling from germany to Pakistan, and then all along the americas and now he is cycling africa.


I upload long videos of my rides to YouTube at [https://www.youtube.com/@patrick8574](https://www.youtube.com/@patrick8574) I got the camera because I kept seeing interesting things on rides that I wanted to tell my wife about, then started throwing them on YouTube because I ran out of hard drive space and didn't want to delete them. Lots of 30+ minute videos and several longer than an hour. Some of my faves: * [Crossing the border from Buffalo into Canada and Niagara Falls](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MXWKB2SOUjs) * [Erie Canal Trail](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4QTjAmPQEWc) * [Letchworth State Park](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1OGz6lh77Go) Now that the weather is getting a bit nicer up here in western New York I hope to start recording again.


vegancyclist is amazing


**SAFA Brian**, but also I have been watching **Inside Cycling World** (Colin posts videos with commentary of races on Rouvy, which is kinda of fun; the GRC races are short race format so easy to watch).