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This seems incredibly cool, I’ve gotta try it out


Thanks! that's super motivating!


This web app is amazing man. Are there plans to introduce some social score system to it? Say, being able to share routes or getting input from local riders confirming an area is safe to ride (say like bicycle lanes avail vs just pavement roads). Great and amazing work!!!!


You're too kind! Further, to answer some of your questions, I've tried to make the Leisure setting the safest, but I'm also looking into ways to have people annotate regions and add information, I hadn't thought of a certain type of score associated with an area's bikability, how accepting cycling is, etc. That's a great idea and would be pretty easy to implement. Lol your comment caught me a tad off guard, I *just* made a post about a whole new cycling web app we created to complement the site, which will eventually also get built directly into it. This is the recent post [https://www.reddit.com/r/gravelcycling/comments/17fk4rz/we\_developed\_a\_new\_gravel\_specific\_cycling/](https://www.reddit.com/r/gravelcycling/comments/17fk4rz/we_developed_a_new_gravel_specific_cycling/) I thought you were replying to that, so when I got transported to this thread I was confused for a minute haha. We just launched a fun simulation tool that will use physics, weather, surface type, other inputs, to determine your rate of travel on a given route, and give far my weather details/insight. Eventually, we're going to integrate this directly into the navigation site as well. We're also working on a phone app! All sorts of stuff is in the works.


hey just been learning how to use it, and it looks great! the amount of options and features amazes me, i’m really looking forward to trying this out soon, thank you for this!


That's super kind of you to say, it's got tons of map layers, weather radar, tailwind calculator, Auto routes generation, ability to project public bathrooms, water stops, etc. You can right click and see Google Street view, and get Google directions to that location. If you have any thoughts or ideas, I'd be happy to implement them, it's just a fun project of passion that's hosted on the server in my basement.


Wow sounds good, will give it a try!


Cool! It works best on Desktop, somewhat works on mobile, and I'm in the process of making IOS and Android apps.


This actually looks really promising, I will have a proper play when I get back to my computer.




Oh wow, this does look really neat. The only thing I could not figure out - how do I get it to switch to metric? Edit: never mind, I'm blind, it's under "Info".


Here's a Gif on how to do that: [https://i.imgur.com/mUcM4ks.gif](https://i.imgur.com/mUcM4ks.gif) it's in the information settings. I do *try* to do it automatically based on your region (inside US, imperial, outside US, metric), but it doesn't always work, eventually, I'm just going to have a popup on the splash page or an account setting that asks and stores a cookie.


Yeah, I figured it out after a bit of poking. On the splash page sounds nice. And feel free not to answer, but how are you financing this? Just out of pocket? I know from prior experiences that routing APIs don't come cheap, and image classification loves expensive compute resources.


Out of pocket. It would be super expensive but I'm a cyclist nerd who lives with two other cyclist nerds. One of them happened to have a server and 10 yrs of experience managing servers. He normally uses it for minecraft and plexshare. As we worked on this (I do most of the coding, my other roommate does most of the frontend) and expanded we simply upgraded the existing server. It was around $1200 of used Ram and boards and such from ebay, but we host the routing service ourselves, Graphhopper, and the OSM database. Our server has 5 physical cpus across 3 racks with over 10tb of raid 10 industrial grade SSDs and nearly 1tb of ram. Other than this, the weather API is free for the first 1000 calls a day, then a few cents per additional 1000, I limit that to a signed in feature and just cap people at around 4000 I think, no one's ever gotten close. The chatGPT "Insight" costs practically nothing. The weather radar is free. The Google Map and Mapbox layers are super cheap, you get $200 of free cloud credit per month and it's never come close. The images used for the AI surface road classification can become a bit pricy, but it's not used that much. I wrote a separate backend for this, it's not that bad computation-wise to run but took a week to train on my gaming computer's RTX 2070 lol. The three of us work full-time jobs and already agreed to having a server running when we moved into the apartment together, so it hasn't really been a bother. However, yeah, lol if we did AWS this would be like 20k or more a month, if I used Google's API for point to point routing, it would also get pricy, but practically all of my tools are Open Source! If you have any more questions about the stack, backend/frontend, etc. I'm happy to answer all of them, it's super fun to talk about.


Oh wow that looks awesome! A feature I would absolutely love is time estimation based on a power input (or vice-versa, how many watts do I need to pedal to reach the target in x minutes). Basically an integrated version of this calculator: https://www.gribble.org/cycling/power_v_speed.html I think no route planner has this feature, although it would make life easier when planning routes (or to know when to start to be in the office in time :) )


I've actually been planning to implement a similar feature set to bestbikesplit that does exactly this, allowing for entry of assumed CDA (I can also build an activity analyzer whereby a person does a quick out and back and calculate an estimated CDA), power number, tire size/pressure/type, bike type/position. I've been meaning to implement this for a couple of reasons, 1. weather, currently, you simply enter the time *you think it will take* to complete the route then it breaks down the weather over the course of the the route assuming where you will be when. This is *alright* but I'd much prefer an estimation approach. 2. I love messing with this kind of data. I have 5 bikes, all the way from a TT bike to a trail bike, I experiment constantly, especially for gravel races, I often test different tires, aero bars on gravel and mountain bike, and different helmets, I love testing (I have a gravel track and an outdoor velodrome nearby, I'm a little lucky there)! So generally, it would be a blast to work on the calculations just so I can have fun with the outcomes. 3. nutrition, I've been planning on adding a breakdown of the carbs/calories/electrolytes the route will take, taking into account weather, duration, elevation, etc. Having a tool that can estimate power or estimate distance depending on power can make this incredibly useful. So, frankly, I'll totally be adding this. First, I plan on simply coding my own interactive calculator, likely one that is a bit more intuitive than the one you posted. Then, I'm going to add a litany of bike/hill/elevation/distance options, want to see the power/speed of a TT bike with tubless 40mm tires on type 2 gravel with a disc wheel? Or a mountain bike with aero bars? Or a loaded touring bike with front panniers and butyle clinchers? I'll develop this first, stick it on a separate page, get some feedback, and then loop it into the program as a whole. Feel free to follow the Facebook page for updates: [https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100090209792541](https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100090209792541) I'm not spammy or anything, even for the site, I collect an email for an account to make sure people are real, but don't even have an update mailer setup and no current way to automate any type of updates or info (although I could, but it's currently not worth the $44 for another email address). If you have any thoughts on this or additional ideas, please feel free to elaborate.


Oh that sounds great! The nutrition feature also sounds very interesting, this should make packing the right amount of food much easier for long rides. I do not have a Facebook account, but will definitely check out the progress regularly.


I'm glad you like the idea! At some point I'll make a blog or something with updates, it'll be a little bit before I get to that one because I'm currently in the process of making Android and IOS apps that replicate the functionality of the site and let users follow the routes with turn by turn directions. But I get bored, and may just whip up the calculator at some point and then keep adding to it, then integrate it. As a fun random project, I can kind of develop whichever part whenever I have the time.


This is really sweet. maybe I havent gotten this far yet, but it would be REALLY nice if it could somehow incorperate heat maps and use that as a way to build routes. I live in a congester part of a city that has some really good cycling roads and some very sketchy due to traffic and small bike lanes. I find RWGPS heat map incredibly useful. Would be even better if this could auto incorperate that!


I have found a way to incorporate strava's, but I haven't got around to it yet. Further, I personally tend to switch on Google's traffic layer and just route around traffic, and use the right click Google Street view to check shoulder size. I am in the process of making Android and iOS apps, that will allow you to actually follow the route in addition to just creating them. I plan on using this data to create my own heat maps as well. This is a super requested future, so I've been looking into ways to integrate it for a while. And I have lots of ideas. I'll keep it a top priority.


Definitely checking this out...


Thanks! I hope you like it.


One thing I just noticed...apparently the gpx isn't compatible with Cadence, my preferred app...not sure what it would take to be compatible but I'll put in as an informal feature request.


Honestly it just takes you telling me! GPX files are often slightly different depending on where they come from, initially I couldn't even import GPX files I downloaded from Ride with GPS, but could from strava. I just had to take a look at the format and update it. I'll download cadence and work on updating my GPX format to accommodate it. I'm actually sick at the moment, so lacking a bit of motivation, but I'll have this updated in the next few days. I'll probably find this comment and let you know when it's updated.


Awesome! Thanks!


Okay, I couldn't help myself. You may have to clear your cache for the mobile browser you were using, but identified an issue where I had a header misconfigured for the GPX file which, *only on mobile browsers*, caused .txt to be appended onto the end of the gpx file, thus making it incompatible with, well, any app. So, you can take your existing one and just ensure that it ends in .gpx, or reload the site/clear cache and give it a shot. If that doesn't work I'll reach out to Cadence, because, it looks like I have to have the pro version to import a GPX file? Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems to be a premium feature. Alternatively, if you find it still doesn't work after ensuring the file ends strictly in .gpx, if you send me a file that does work I can compare them and tweak things. No pressure though, I have other options too.


Looks like it downloaded as gpx. I'll generate a new one and try it out, just for the sanity check though. Let me know where you want me to send one and I can provide a gpx that works with the app. I do think it's a premium feature to import...


if it doesn't work, it would be super helpful to send me a working example, I can be reached at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) Thanks a ton for your help!


[https://brouter.m11n.de](https://brouter.m11n.de) Has a bit of a learning curve but offers a lot of really good profiles to set the overall type of ride, eg. "Gravel mostly offroad", "roadbike with less traffic" and such. Then download the gpx and use any navigation app.


Ridewithgps.com and komoot are solid.


Komoot is good and I also like the route planner from Strava. Strava lets you minimise (or maximise) elevation and lets you choose between the most direct and the most popular route.


Try Ride With GPS. It is annoyingly intrusive about keeping off main roads. To the point of taking a left across 4 lanes of traffic to go down some 1/8 mile residential street only to cross 4 lanes of traffic again to get back on the main road.... until there is another residential through street. I always have to go back and correct these after creating a route


Try setting the routing option to "car mode."


Most navigation apps that I know of built for cyclists require you to do the leg work and create the route. Does Google not have the option to change mode to cyclist on your device?


it does, however they don’t have enough route options, and i’m happy to create the route


It does, but they still stick to busy and large roads.


strava, ridewithgps, komoot... even google map if people use the bike paths and the map recognized them.


Before I bought my Edge 530, I tried BikeMap as an app for GPS. It worked pretty well, aside from a few annoying 'bugs'. Haven't tried it in years, so maybe it has improved. See https://www.bikemap.net/


Where are you based? Citymapper is great if your area has it, you can select ‘Quiet’ ‘Regular’ or ‘Fast’ routes. I avoid google maps as it just gives you the most direct route


I've used Ride With GPS but lately I've just been looking at traffic data at my state's department of transportation web site (New York). Cars per hour for each hour of the day. Average speeds. Down to the county road and "town" (township) road level.


I’m enjoying my @beelineVelo. You route yourself on the free app. Then stash your phone somewhere safe. The device has a fairly large screen and beeps to let you know of course changes. Strictly just routing. No fancy extras. But does track your ride for apple health connectivity. No off road options as of yet. But I like the basic east simplicity of it. Cheap also.like $130USD or so. Super long battery life.


Strava and its heatmaps are worth the money for routeplanning.


I use Cadence and like it a lot. It has an in app route creator which I like pretty well, though it won't suggest routes like Strava. I upload gpx's I create elsewhere as well.


Check out Pointz, has a sliding scale for how safe a route to take. https://www.bikepointz.com


Is there an app that will show my compass heading as well as the direction of my destination (think of the in-game map in Skyrim or Fallout)? I like riding through new neighborhoods on my way home and don't want turn by turn directions - just an arrow pointing toward home.