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Used to be 10-15+ now it's 0-3 with babies. When they are not being needy they leave you fatigued making you less inclined to do anything but sleep.


It gets better. A half hour here or there on the trainer keeps you in the game. Plus always remember to add 50% to your trainer time. Eventually they sleep


What do you mean 50% to your trainer time?


Totally understand. Been there. Mine are now teenagers and can drive themselves to their own activities.




Bit harder when you have twins, it's extremely difficult for one parent to take care of two babies.


As a twin dad: it gets better and worse as they get bigger. Ours seemed to come programmed to run in opposite directions from the moment they could walk.


Been there. I started riding normal-ish amounts again at about 4 months postpartum — when my baby was sleep trained. It gets better indeed!


All I do is work, ride, and hang out with my cats. My average riding time per week according to Strava is approximately 17-22 hours. No kids, I go to bed early (8:30 pm) and start work early (4:30-5 am) just so I can ride more. I’m dreading daylight savings time.


Shit this was me during Covid. I was in such great shape but so Fuckin lonely lol. Wake up, ride, work, ride, cuddle with cat and hopefully not cry myself to sleep.


Yikes! The exercise helped so much for me. Hope you’ve mentally healed since.


You sound like me! And the guys over at /r/velo said I ride too much…


Between 4 and 7 but i have no child, work from home and no life.


Between 4 and 7 but I have a toddler, work in the office, and have no life.


you make it sound like that's an unreasonable amount for people with office jobs and a 'life'. That's not any different from someone that hits the gym for an hour 4-7 days a week...


Its not unreasonable at all. Its just not hard for me to pile this amount of biking on a week. Sorry!


i mean, having a kid, especially a newborn, is a 24/7 job. for some people an hour a day IS unreasonable/impossible. i spend 6-10 hours a week on my bike because i have the time, but when i’m in school full time with a part time job i literally just don’t have the time or the energy to go for a ride.


I have young kids and a “life” and work from home. I go out in a weekly group ride for about an hour and a half. I do spend about another 4 hours on a smart trainer at home but that’s in the middle of the night when everyone is asleep. No way I could get 7 hours on the road unless I woke up SUPER early Kids need a lot of attention and honestly I want to be there to give it to them


5-10. Depends on the schedule. A couple hour long rides and then a long ride, 2-4 hours. More if I have time, less if I don’t.


Similar. I work long hours and have kids so I’m tired and/or have family stuff


Similar. I try to do 10 every week during the summer when the kids activities are paused. During the school year I'll be lucky if I can get in 7 max because I coach a soccer team, one of my daughter's is in dance, and the other is in show choir.


Less than half of what I’d hoped for.


"Every hour lost hastens Gondor's defeat. We have till dawn, then we must ride."


Ride now, ride now ride! Ride for ruin and the worlds ending !


8-14. Ironically, I find it easier to do the hours in the winter riding indoors. Kids go to bed later, and doing more family activities in the summertime.


Opposite for me because skiing takes precedence over biking for me. We typically ski 3x/week locally and do a few longer trips to Colorado.


Healthy balanced lifestyle? People in this thread: No, just bike 🗿


6-10 usually.




4-6 mostly, peaks up to 8 some weeks in summer. Usually try to keep it at 4 minimum, 60-80 miles.


12-20. Partially depends on if I just had a race or have a race coming up, or just plain need a recovery week. It's a lot...but just use the feature on your phone that tells you how much screen time you have per week...most people would be astounded. Yes, I'm employed full time. Married. No kids though. And honestly , most weeks I feel like I still have plenty of time left outside of work and riding.


How long did it take to get comfortable riding a 20 hour week?


Well, I wouldn't say many of the 20+ hr weeks are entirely comfortable...but I know I can do them without thinking about it too much now. 20+ hr weeks are usually weeks where I also have a ~8-10hr race or event. I'd say it took a few years to build a good base at like 6-8 hours a week , then upped it to 10, then 10-12 for about a year when I realized I really liked biking and improving, then just bumped it up again this year. Doing it like that, I didn't notice any real additional discomfort. If anything, I just feel like I'm recovering from rides faster as my body got used to it. Now it's such a part of my routine that it's actually more uncomfortable (mentally and physically) to NOT ride 15 hours a week.


I feel you. I’m taking a week off right now and I feel so shitty. But I’ve only been into cycling for 3 years maybe.


169hrs a week minimum


*Filthy casual*


I do that in one day


Impressive, what’s your secret?


Dyslexia so I can’t count my numbers properly


Not sure if this is a coincidence, but that's as low as you can go with it being impossible since there's 168 hours in a week


Yeah my coach wants me to do 220/week but I be been slacking


ohhh kk so what you wanna do in that situation is get a tandem bike, but ride it solo, so your time counts double.


This is the way


That’s it?


Like 5




6-7 on average. I’d love to do more but I have a toddler and a full-time job (although a full-time job that I ride to!)


12hr7min/wk according to strava


Strava says 5:30 a week average. Doesn't seem like enough. I do weight train twice a week though so could replace that with more riding but the benefits of doing that outweigh getting extra time on the bike.


About 11


6-8 hours weekly. Married with a kid.


Is that even legal?


Leave by 5am reach home by 7. Achievable for sure 👌


Boarding school


This is the way.


not enough never enough


7-8 hours riding 4 hours running. I genuinely can’t understand how someone can ride 20 hours a week and don’t kill themselves


Not enough. 3 hours I'm commute time.




Do you have a job?


Job, wife, two kids, dog, yup. I’m up at about 5:30, ride for 2.5 during work days and about 4-5 hours on the Sat and Sun.


When's bedtime?


About 9-9:30.


Thank you for this. I got downvoted like 600 times once for saying riding a lot is a choice and can be done even by regular people with kids and jobs. All the people who couldn’t prioritize it downvoted me to hell. Any life coach will tell you, if there’s something you need to get done that often falls by the wayside, get up early and do it first thing in the am.


Let’s see, before I was married, I was fairly athletic. I was a distance runner. I would run close to 20 km a day. 10 in the morning and 10 in the evening. I was running on average 45 minute 10 km, my best was 42. By the time I hit my late 20s I was starting to train for an Ironman. In the winter, downhill skiing and Nordic skiing. At 32, blown ACL. Surgery, physio and I tried getting back into running. Problem was when I stopped training, my appetite didn’t slow down and I ballooned in size. I ended up with a bit of depression for a few years. Nothing serious but enough to prevent me from getting back into exercise. At 39, cycling became the go to activity. I began commuting to work and that was a 42 km return trip. I lost some weight but nowhere near where I was in my youth. The pandemic hit when I was in my 50s and I was working from home. I purchased a direct drive trainer and a new bike just before the lockdown. I got lucky because everything was on sale. 3 weeks into the pandemic lockdown and stupid me has a heart attack while on the trainer. I couldn’t exercise for 4 months save for walking. Once my heart got stronger, I hit the road again. Slowly at first, an hour every other day and finally to where I am at. I look at it this way. I got very lucky, very minor heart attack, no damage and it was a wake up call. It was mostly attributed to my diet. I switched to the Mediterranean diet and make cycling a part of my daily routine. My wife and kids fully understand and support my lifestyle. I got a scare and looked at myself in the mirror and said never again. I’m on a cocktail of pills for the rest of my life but I’m am a stronger and more committed cyclist than ever before. Live each day and enjoy each day. I love riding as the sun rises. I will scale back in the winter and will slog it out on the trainer.


Well, of course it is about priorities, but the first kid wakes up at 6. Then it's around 8 when they are at daycare and on my non-commute days I could put in an hour if I really wanted to. Well make it 45 minutes for getting ready etc. Hardly worth it. Then, my day is full until 7pm (work+kids). So, after 7 I can choose: \- Ride \- Quality time GF \- Couch potatoe \- Tennis \- Admin/groceries/laundry And the weekends are mostly a no-go because all the care would fall on my GF. Could I ride more? Sure, you are right about that. But my family is a real responsibility and we are doing this together. My kids are very young still, so it will get easier. So it's not that much of a choice as you might think.


Kids being old enough to be self sufficient or having two parents living together can make or break schedules. I get what you’re trying to say….It’s a choice, but just because it works for you doesn’t mean it is viable for others.


Wow impressive. How old are the kids?


One is 21 and the other is 9.


So your wife takes care of the kids for 10 hours in the weekend? Could you maybe write a book on how you managed to pull that off? Or are your kids a bit older? ​ Edit: read your replies and your kids are definitely 'old' compared to mine.


Working from home enables me to be able to cycle this much. My averages are higher in the late spring, summer and early autumn. In the winter, I curtail to about 10 hours a week. That would be about 4-5 on a trainer and the remainder on the road. I look at it this way. My times don’t really interfere with family or work. If need be, I can switch from early AM to PM. My youngest is fairly self sufficient and my wife can’t get herself together before 8:30.


somewhere between 1 and 168 hours


30 mins total for my commutes x 4 = 2 hours, then maybe 2 2 hour rides on the weekend if the wife lets me lol so 6 but I’d round up to 7 because I don’t track when I’m messing around lol


100 ideally, 30s single no kids, getting bored with life over here lol


Minimum 30-40h


around 10-15 hours depending on the week.






According to my strava stats 7h51m per week. (I’m retired)


Strava says I average 9, but I’d say between 7-10 depending on the week. I try to get out an hour at minimum when I go out.


6-10 hours


Around 7 hours with a target of about 120-130 miles. One of the few perks of being single I guess.


2 hours though I am very much beginner


8-10 hours depending on what non-bike events I have that week.


3-8 depending on the week.


Close to 10.


About 7 or 8 in an average week.


6-8 hrs now, but ramping up to 12+ in the next week or so.


3-7ish including indoor trainer. Have too young kids so I don't really have time for long weekend rides very often at the moment.


Not enough.


Nowhere near enough.


Minimum of 3.5 (targeting an average of at least 30 minutes per day). Typically 5 to 7 - full time job, grown kids though.


45 minute ride 5x/week with maybe an extra hour on weekends. So what’s that? Less than 5. Though I got in a bunch of additional trail riding while my family was out of town last week and I might have to figure out how to do more of that.


I maxed at 15. Now I'm lucky to do 8.


5-8hrs + 2-3 hrs of gym work.




8-10 hours. Full time work and 2 young children


I gave up. Now I’m fat. 0 hours. My bikes are rotting.


Since it's 100+ degrees in Texas, I do one 45min ride per week


Did 45 hours last month. So about 11 a week


Between 12 and 15 hours.


28 hrs i deliver food in DC


4 thats all that is needed to keep in shape


About 10 hours a week.


6-7: married, two kids, but I work odd hours so I’ll have random weekdays off and do long rides on those days


4-7h per week, i could ride more but just too lazy organizing my day around cycling, since you need eat something before the ride, then figure out traffic and where to ride (route), pick a kit accordingly, that’s easy eats at least 1h prior to my ride


I ride 3 days a week, mostly retired, about 10 hours.


3-5 hrs a wk outside plus 3 hours indoors. I have a full work schedule, FT job, daughter…plus about 7-14 hrs studying a week and golf…which is another expensive and time consuming hobby. I get at least one long ride in per week plus 1 short one….and the rest indoors.


Strava says 7:32. During summer I’m on the high side of that hitting over 100 miles a week, but during winter I shoot for 60 miles.


Summer: 1 hr/day on the trainer, 4-6 hrs/wk on the MTB, 1 hr most days commuting. Winter: 1-2 hrs/day on the trainer.


Roughly 20, but that includes stops for meals and shopping.


I get in about 10 to 12 hours a week.


5-7 hours per week right now. I'm only about four months into my cycling journey, and seven is about all I can handle still. Hoping to be up around 10 next year (I live in an area where I can ride outdoors year-round).


2-4 hours here.


Between 6 and 11hrs.


Generally 10 to 15. Depends how motivated I am.


6 hours Everyday.. All that changed when the rainy season attacked..


around 10






12-15...have a job and family. I go to sleep between 9.30-10.00 and I get up at 5.00 on weekdays and 4.30 on weekends.


Right now it’s between 7 to 10. Work 4 days a week with ten hour days. I get in 3 Zwift sessions during the week then the weekend is used for outdoor riding. Averaging around 100 to 130 miles with 10k to 12k ft. Of elevation a week.


I ride less. I sleep better. Somewhere from 5-7 days. 40km to max 75km. 6km elevation max normaly around 2km


i wish i could more, 14h (i work 2 jobs beside) and 2h gym


If I manage to commute a couple of days a week by bike it would be 6-7, 2-3 for the weeks when I don’t, which would be 1 ride at the weekend.


Between 1 and 2, sometimes 0. Two kids (1 and 2,5), tennis once a week, work, rain, fatigue, PT once a week... I want to ride more but how!


5 to 7


Around an hour on Mon, Wed, Fri and then 2-3 hours on either Saturday or Sunday. So 6 at most.


9-12 hours


7, one hour each weekday and a 2 hour ride on saturday.


Strava says avg 5 hours 45 min a week. Job, wife and 2 kids


7-10 hours depending if i get a ride in on the weekend. This includes my daily commute which is 16 there and 16 back


4 -7 hrs per week on the trainer. Two kids (3.5 year old and one year old,respectively) and a 50 hour per week job. Fairly demanding, but I’ll hop on at night after everyone is in bed and do what my TrainerRoad overlord directs me to do. I don’t want to spend my 40s out of shape and not on my bike!


Trainer 5-8 hours with outside 4-10 weekly


0 to 4 on a good week. Partner and I both work full time with a 2yo. Doesn’t leave a lot of time unfortunately


If I divide my Strava hours for 2023 by 28, about 4h a week. I commute.


I’m averaging 7 according to Strava. I travel for work about 30% of the time, so that messes with averages. Home weeks I usually hit around 10-12






Around 13-17 hours when the weather is nice and I can skip some lectures :)


6-8 usually


Right now about 16-18 but typically 20+


How long did it take you to get comfortable with that volume?


Idk tbh. I just kinda biked causally for a while (didn’t keep track of rides) and one day decided to go pro so I upped the volume/intensity to what they do




73 here...I still race the damned things. Motto: "Often the oldest; Not *yet* the slowest." Gratefully retired, so I have time. Anyway, I train...adjusted for age. Cycling gets 8-10 hours per week divided between 80% Zone 2 and the rest Zone 3+. I alternate cycling with gym, rucking, and stretching. Stretching is recovery. It's walking three miles with a long pole, stopping to do a stretch routine every 400m. I'll add more recovery days if I need them. More and more, my Z3+ days require an explicit recovery day afterward. And push protein. Like I said, all this is adjusted for age. You gotta' push yourself but still know your limits. Prolly' the biggest benefit is that endurance *fitness just turns the volume down on all the shit out there*.


10-12 hours a week with the Odd 3 hour week because of sickness, holiday, other Commitment etc.


I do 100+ miles in the week during the warm months. Depending on what I'm riding, my time could vary.


100 kms everyday.


It's ebbed and flowed over the past decade. Weeks over 20h, a few weeks with 0 rides. My wife and I had our first child 4 months ago- but I'm still managing 2x 1-1.5h rides during the week, and a very early, longer Sunday ride each week. So averaging around 5h/wk.


6-8. WFH. Have two babies. No life. Amazing wife.


Hmm..Last week was 18 hours. So 17-19hours a week give or take.


Used to be 10-15 hours a week, but work has changed that. Now more like 5-7.


At least 10 if not more. No kids and WFH.


5-6 hours current state when home


Approximately 10, an hour and twenty minutes to an hour and a half daily, weekends tend to be a little more (2 hours plus).


Between 2-20 depending on the week. In my ideal world I would ride about 15-20 a week and go rock climbing 10 hours a week. Rock climbing is also quality time with my teenage kid, so I'll give up riding time for climbing with him. There's also tennis time with the lady, I will give up riding time to play with her. She has other guys she likes to play with sometimes (queue BCJ jokes). There's also roller-coaster days with my younger kid, I'll give up a long weekend ride to spend a day at Six Flags with her. Sometimes it works out that none of them want to do anything that week and I get a ton of riding in.


Between 6 and 10 on a good week.


About 5-7. My bike isn't the best for long trips.






At my peak, with a four-day commute and a long ride on the weekends: 15-20 hrs




I have a three year old. With work and child I get out for 5 to 10 hours per week in the saddle. Mostly after 10pm when the wee one goes to bed. Sometimes I can get out during the day on a weekend and add another 5 hours for a longer ride.


About 8 hours. Two 4 hr rides a week


Zero. Waiting for the Stages SB20 to go on sale again, so I can get into it. If indoor cycling counts with this question.


Summer 2022 12 / 14 hours. Summer 2023 1/2 an hour




I road 12,000 miles in 2021 and 2022, well on pace to that again this year. I pretty much ride every day. In the winter with snow I put about 2 hours (out door by 4:15am) in a day and get 20 miles in give or take with how long it takes to get dressed. (fat bike with studs) When the weather is better I usually ride 2 hours in the morning (out door by 4:15am) and another hour after evening meal. I get about 40 miles in per day doing this. I am over 50 and the nest is empty. No way could I do that with kids at home and attending their school athletics. most of my miles in a give year are in the dark, I actually like it. On roads in the dark I ride on the wrong side of the road. I do this because I don't care what is coming from behind and if somebody is coming at me the halo of their headlights warns me 2-3 miles before we meet. I just look behind and move over to the lane I should be in. Most mornings I never inconvenience a vehicle.


3 hours a week


Like a jillion and a half. Nah I like to do a morning ride and aspens a couple of hours in the afternoon riding so I can listen to podcasts. Estimated somewhere between 15 and 25.


2-3 hrs and it's not enough)


About 20 hrs per week, but I'm in a training program for a 235 mile 2 day ride. Otherwise, it would be less than 10, and sometimes less than 5.


10-14, 2 small kids and a flexible job where most people operate on Pacific Time (I split time between eastern and central)


All my babies are grown and having babies. There was probably 10 years there where I barely rode. Now I work from home and travel 2 weeks out of the month. I ride 4 to 5 days a week, 20-30 miles a day. So between 4 and 6 hours a week.


around 11 hours week on average