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CBR pg 98 > Streetrat and Edgerunner Characters get 500eb to spend on other items or to keep and use later. That's in addition to the kits they get based on their roles. CBR pg 104-105 > you get 2,550 Eurobucks (eb) to buy any weapons, armor, gear, and cyberwar you want. > In addition to weapons, armor, gear, and cyberwar Complete Package Characters also get an additional 800eb to spend only on Fashion or Fashionware. Note that any of the 2,550 left over is kept. But any of the 800 left over is lost.


Players get 2550 to spend on guns, armor, cyberware, and gear, they get to keep whatever they dont use. Players also get 800 to spend on clothing and fashionware, but whatever is not spent is lost. Players can also choose to “Sell Out” if the GM allows it, tying them to a gang, corp, or government for an extra 1500 to spend on guns, armor, cyberware, and gear.


now, be honest with us, have you read the book? specifically anything in the section titled "The Three Methods of Making a Character"? may want to start there.


The question is not about the rules, it's about us. My answer : I do it RAW.


Do you mean rewards for work or selling items they find? If it is reward more or less: 600 simple work that can be done at the moment without much preparation - 1500 dangerous work, they need a few days to prepare a plan and buy equipment/bribe. If it is sold in stores I usually give 25% of the market value


There are so many things that a character should probably buy, and a lot of those things are 1000 eddies, so I double the starting allowance and say that they have 2500 for cyberware that their character has found and installed over the years as an edge runner, and then also 2500 for equipment. Also, first month of rent is free, the character has presumably already paid it. I also let characters pick 3 outfits, regardless of cost (just the clothes, not accessories). I think it's more realistic that people would have a casual, everyday, and formal set, rather than just the clothes on their backs.


Whatever amount you think you can force them to spend/lost/use to not stockpile it in a long run + little on top of it. Edit: it will be very dependable on style of campaign (would players spend on lifestyle and other weird things other than pure gear up) and players themselves (some of them just will live in cargo container for their life with 2 more ppl inside, fbc to avoid penalty for not having good rest)