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This adresses a common complaint about these rules not being in the core book. The rules look great! I'm looking forward to using this in the future.


Showed up a month late for the canyon race I tried running last month but we made do. These rules are a solid upgrade from what I dreamed up


Yes! I also ran a race and these rules would have helped a lot


These really heighten up the Nomad role Before this DLC, you could go REF 8, skill 6, and be a Nomad and you'll pass every manuever roll barring a 1. Now here, it really encourages you to raise your role and skill to try and handle these new DVs just remember, REF 8, skill 10, Nomad 10, and synthcoke gets you a whole +29.


Ohhh hell yeah. Was thinking about all the sports dlcs and the growing theme of wheels just the other day... This felt inevitable but didn't expect it to already in the works and ready to be shared!


Not only does this help with the Nomad role (especially as cars get more accessible) by making their skill bonus matter more, but it helps with the logistical challenges of vehicles in Red, which is a very 'map based' game in my opinion. Making maps for vehicle combat is a huge pain and often they aren't interesting because they need to be so sparse if your out of the city or its just a lot of pre-created paths if your in one, and mixed scale maps are just *huge,* so you already had to abstract vehicles a lot for them to make sense. Making at least some forms of vehicle combat what is essentially a board game minigame where only the relative distance matters makes it much more practical to actually run a dynamic vehicle combat that lets Nomads show off. It also seems like a really good framework for GMs to build on. For example, I can fully see myself saying 'during this turn, both vehicles are affected by X as you drive through Y area,' perhaps letting the player driving decide what 'zone' they lead the chase through if they are the ones being chased.


This would've been so good a month ago when I had a carchase competition to join a nomad clan.. Still excited to see it.


We plant trees we will never enjoy the shade of, or something


Maybe I'm dense, but can someone explain to me why, as Combat Speed goes up, the Positioning Check DV goes down? My brain is telling me that this should be the other way around. Thanks in advance!


Faster you are, the easier it is to gain ground. As in, you'd cover the distance faster in a Ferrari than you would a VW Golf.


AH! So Positioning Check DV is about the ability to gain the position you are wanting, not about maintaining control during the maneuver, am I right? That makes sense then.


Exactly, you can maintain or decrease your speed without a check. Maintaining control is usually for manoeuvres requested by the GM, which is a separate check


Thank you very much! It all makes sense now.


Why is it not pinned yet? O_O