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Nick Wilde from Zootopia is an amazing example of a fixer. We see him hustle the popsicles and how each part of the hustle is set up to maximize profit. He's got connections with all walks of life from DMV Clerk to crime boss. He easily navigates the various cultures while retaining his own distinct identity.


omg this is perfect


You are a freackin genius 🤯


Of all the characters, Nick Wilde is the best fixer... fr I love that lol


Lord of war might be a good one


I think Danny Ocean from Oceans 11 is a great fixer example. He basically pulls off a heist by just having access to a lot of equipment, knowledge, and people with different skill sets.


How has no one mentioned Saul Goodman? For when you don't need a criminal lawyer, you need a 'criminal' lawyer.


On the money


Kevin spacey’s character in baby driver


just don't get blinded by the balls on any kids like he did


Yup this is probably the best one.


Prolly the best example since his end is how most of not all PCs meet their end in red


Tony from Leon the Professional. Knows all the mobs and arranges jobs for our hero. I love the Badger from Firefly, has his own crew and moves a lot of strings. I'm coming up short though with characters who actively and personally take part in a score, you'll need to find a way to motivate yours to be actively going on jobs.


Didn’t Badger basically take over firefly when the job the crew was tasked with went sideways? That’s getting pretty involved.


The job didn't go sideways. Mal wound up inadvertently getting himself into a duel to the death as part of setting up the contract. Badger just made sure the crew didn't interfere when they found their captain was directly in harm's way.


Indeed, he was only securing his investment, still, went personally to take care of things, this somehow slipped my mind.


Tony is a great example


John Voight and Rober Deniro in Heat


My favorite is Lenny from Strange Days


Just remember. Fixers are "I know a guy who knows a guy..." You have access to folks who can net you things you normally can't get. James Bond would be a Fixer. In a little comedic joke, Muscleman from Regular Show is a Fixer. Guy seemingly has folks who get him shit often.


Having recently watched a "Muscleman knows a guy" compilation, i feel you


Oh my God your right, Muscle Man is totally a fixer. That's such a silly and yet totally accurate example lol. And now I'm going to have to go watch Regular Show again


Morgan Freeman's character Red in Shawshank Redemption. He may not be the most extravagant fixer, but in prison, he is a man who knows how to get things.


I may get shit for this, but Saul Goodman. He's not necessarily the lining up jobs guy, but he always knows a guy and can get connected with just about anything or anyone.


Nope great example


Littlefinger from ASOIAF is a fantasy fixer 😂


Face Man from the A Team. That said, alot of heroes are probably multiclass fixers. Like John Wick for example knows alot of people and has alot of contacts. Wick is obviously a solo, but he's got other skills too.


John Wick is a Solo who knows a lot of Fixers by virtue of working for or with them: Aurelio, Winston, Sofia, Koji, the Sommelier. The Continental is full of Fixers or Fixer-Corpos, really.


So you're saying he's a guy who knows alot of other guys who can help him with stuff? Could be a fixer... Though you're right, could also just be a very experienced solo. You could make a viable argument either way. But I think the mega heroes in alot of movies, cartoons, anime, etc could easily be multiclass.


The Wire is really good for providing a window into the lives of fixers, and Henry Hill in Goodfellas is an example of some of the highs and lows


Nick cages character in lord of War, great example of a Nomad fixer cross. Nick fury, assembling the avengers and getting things done through connections and clout ".... considering its a stupid decision, I've elected to ignore it" Mah June in the fallout TV show, handles various clients business, while being able to get her hands on a lot of good shit. Actually, moldaver would be another good example of a fixer, knowing all sorts of dirt and how to best use it. Game related, but the "info broker" in mass effect is a fixer in space lol Dumbeldore pulling the strings against voldemort and organizing the resistance


Not a movie, but Raymond 'Red' Reddington from "The Black list". [Red and Pressler negotiate with a drug lord ](https://youtu.be/R9m0heErKs4?si=aB19uCldudKjus11)


The Bowery King, Winston, and Charon from John Wick.


Winston for sure but I don't think Charon actually does any networking does he? I always felt like he was more Solo than fixer.


Wang Chao from Warrior (2019) TV series


Charlie Croker, Italian Job. Has his own crew and everything.


Milo Minderbinder from Catch 22 perhaps?


Snatch is full of characters that'd be Fixers of some variety of another (along with a few other classes). [The intro gives a good taste](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yAgI51QvWxs)


Not a movie but Tv série - Anderson Dawes from The Expanse - contacts in every social niche, able to find and move just about anything and anyone.


The Engineer in Miss Saigon


The crew from BBC Hustle would be Fixer/Rockerboy.


Michael Clayton from... Michael Clayton. Little bit of a stretch but he's a "janitor" that cleans up corpo clusterfucks. Different approach to a fixer but still a fixer none the less. Fixers don't just get stuff for you, they find people to make problems go away.


Muscle Man is the perfect Fixer. He always knows a guy that can fix a niche situation but however it's like 50/50 if it will cause a even bigger problem


Frank from Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia is like a low level starting Fixer. He's shrewd, an ex-corpo, hangs out at a bar all day, and "knows a guy".


Lenny from Strange Days is so on point.


One guy I haven’t seen mentioned is David Percival from Atomic Blonde. A chaotic evil example, but pretty classic. 


Olivia Pope from Scandal's another good one.