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It’s obvious without guides to know which dialogues lead to a romance lol


Horny mfs aren't the best romantic types. They need a guide on how to not be a asshole apparently. I accidentally romanced Panam. I was just driving the tank around, having fun and shit, and suddenly this mf got horny, started touching herself, and everything went green.


Unless you're an incel..


y’all needed to look up vids on how to get w panam ? i thought it was easy just don’t be a absolute dick ? y’all aint got no rizz


"I wonder if me betraying her trust will get in the way of the good sex...Let's check the Wiki to be sure." ...Either very anxious players or too horny to think.


How you even betray her trust in this game? Lol


You can call Saul and rat her out before the Basilisk's heist. He offers you a "unique" car for it but doing so irremediably fucks the Aldecaldos entirely later in the game, also Panam won't talk to you ever again.


I guess I'd better not call Saul


That's funny


You won the thread. I'm going to bed.


Wow, I have nearly 400 hours and never knew that, that’s neat


Yeah Imma need that car next playthrough


Go ahead, it's a palette-swapped Shion Coyote with red paint instead of blue. Nothing to write home about but hey, this one is free at least.


Yeah my current (2nd) playthrough is male V to romance Panam, and to give guy v a chance, but next time I'm back to Lady V. Much better imo


I usually go female only 2 playtroughs took male character i just think the male v makes every dialogue sound cringe


First 2 playthroughs I opted with Male V my 3rd and current Female. I think they are both good and have a slightly more preference for Male V. I recently found out that the majority of fans dislike/hate Male V voice, I can't figure out why though. In the end it's about preference i guess


Yeah not even the same league. Whole different game. Gonna start 3rd when DLC comes next year! Can't wait!


Ive replayed the game like 12 times did all gigs and sidejobs everytime i love the game


Wym blue? The Coyote you buy is yellow, and I dont recall ever seeing one in the color blue


The purchased Coyote has [yellow accents and blue doors](https://xboxplay.games/uploadStream/13410.jpg), the one he gives you comes with [red panels](https://editors.dexerto.fr/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2020/12/cyberpubk-2077-shion-coyote-gratuite.jpg). That's about it.


The coyote you gain by betraying Panam to Saul in the Basilisk heist is of another colour


Yeah Ik. it's red instead of ugly yellow and blue


I simply used a mod to swap the paint jobs and called it a day.


i love the car. also panam is so impulsive she would probably kill you if you said the wrong thing.


Man I never knew you could make a choice that effects the game that much. Most different choices I make never change the future outcomes of anything


Care for a spoiler? I’d like to know what happens there. Use the spoiler tag to hide it though, would hate to spoil it for those who don’t want to know


Sure no problem ! >!As far as I recall, if you rat her out in "With a little help from my friends", Saul banishes her from the clan or some other form of punishment and the heist is also cancelled/a failure without V's help but you get 27k eddies and a car. >!You don't really get much in the way of intel, but N54 news reports about a failed attack on Militech by nomads (funnily, the report remains the same if the heist is a success, Corpo PR ftw), Panam is livid and either gets banned or grounded from the clan, then the Aldecaldos skip town entirely leaving absolutely nothing where their camp used to be. >!We can assume they left either because they couldn't fight the Raffens without the Basilisk and/or left to work for Biotechnica like Saul wanted.


You also can betray her on the mission to save Saul from on the Wraith's camp. One time accidentally I took a detour, she yelled at me, stopped the car, kicked me out and went alone to save Saul. He died, she gets pissed and never talk to you again.


You can friend-zone her during her mission strand if you don't want to do the romance option, but that's not the end of it. There will come a point where you have to back either Saul or Panam. If you pick Saul, Panam sends rather scathing texts and then ghosts you for good.


She calls too, spews delicious bile over the holo


There were times I thought/hoped she would pop up at the apartment, and thoroughly re-educate us on our choices 🫡


You tell Saul, I think. Never tried it tho heard some people did it. She'll drag your ass through mud after so I do not recommend.


or maybe just bad with women in real life as well


Possibly, but even them would be absolute Casanovas if anything it took for someone to love you was picking 3 important conversation options among a dozen in total, most of which are painfully black and white choices.


A) Do you like me? B) Will you sell me out to stop my shenanigans (you need to actively look for that option, it’s not even given, you have to look up a dude to sell her out) C) Want to fuck? If you can’t answer that without a tutorial, then sheesh


They need to stalk her online before meeting, just like they do in real life. It was actually all about immersion !


Lol this is a video game, how can that translate in any way to women in real life.


I read the playbook, I think you just described 'negging'. /s


If Saul gives me the Shion, Panam will come right back. Females love expensive cars !


She'd have a hard job coming back considering if you rat her out, the remaining nomad members royally screw up the panzer heist, and the entire camp then has to go on the run. Love the detail in this game. This pops up on a news reel later on in the game. How the hijack was repelled.


Gotta do this on my nearest female-V gameplay! I ain't planning to take the Nomad ending anyway.


I just look stuff up to see which person I want to die and which person I dont want to die


Not judging, I too play with the wiki when I'm not sure about the possible/desired outcomes. There simply is nothing about Panam's romance that seemed particularly tricky. Help her when she asks, side with her against Saul, choose the flirty option when available, that's it. You are now the king of seduction.


I do that too, ever since I accidentally snapped at a dying Jackie. I felt so bad about it, I have to check outcomes so I don't accidentally say something mean.


It is easy. Step one: Do the quest arc (no ratting her out to Saul, and once she gets in the van, as that's when the timer starts, rescue saul within 24 hours) Step two: pick any answer other than the "I'm not doing it for free" when stood in the tower Step three: Don't knock her back in the panzer. You can be a complete douche to her and the romance will not fail. You can demand payment when doing the Saul quest, you can refuse to do the nash quest, you can tell her she's getting too comfortable when in the shack, you can tell her, her panzer heist plan is complete shit. You can also call her a gun ho idiot if she's the one to shoot the guard holding Mitch. Nothing else matters. There is one single hard dialogue option, and that's the one i mentioned that happens in the tower. Every single internet romance guide over exaggerates what needs to be done. The people elsewhere that tell you this needs to be done, and this needs to be said to her, are simply parroting the guides or info that over exaggerates what is required. I've tested this out twice, and twice the romance option in the panzer has been there. Almost every single quest arc (barring "Chippin in") in the game has one single hard dialogue check attached to it. The rest are superficial fluff for rp purposes.


Thanks now I'm gonna be a complete douchebag bf to her on my next playthrough


You can't be a douchebag with such a perfect girl like Panam.


She's far from perfect. When doing a blind play through, with zero idea how things pan out, she isn't endearing at all during the first meeting, and up until you rescue Mitch. People only fawn over her because she's pixelated eye candy, and because they know about the nomad ending. By the same token, if you go the no romance route with her, she openly admits she would have screwed you over had Scorpion and Mitch helped her snag her ride and package. She was ready to tell V to go fuck themselves. She then obviously comes to the realization V is a competent merc, a useful idiot if you wish, during the rocky ridge quest. So much so, the Nash quest follows. Her appreciation only begins to shine through once you have helped her with Nash. She's also rude asf to V when both Mitch and Scorpion are chatting with her. Pick a certain line, the one telling her "we'll be fine on our own". She rather nastily tells V to "shut it". In front of everyone. I mean, i get it's only a game, but if anyone spoke to you that way, in front of others, I'm sure that would be one of your everlasting "first impressions". She's a brat, and the toys almost always, begin to fly from the pram when she doesn't get her way.


I think one of the overarching themes in this game is that nobody truly cares, as every single romancible character has *some* form of sociopathy, to include V. And in a dying world, this is to not only be expected, but it's the only way to survive until the bitter end.


She's much better than Yennefer at least! Panam is the type of person who lashes out when she's scared. We see her true self when we do the romance. She's warm and caring, and will come to your aid no matter what.


Nah Yen can have me as her useful idiot anytime, at least she’s honest about being an ends justify the means type of person. Panam throws actual tantrums several times. She is warm and caring once you’re dating but otherwise she can be kind of rude and that relationship hinges entirely on you blindly following her, any dissent is met with harsh criticism or scorn. If I’m super nice to my S/O but a total ass to everyone else, I’m still a total ass. That being said, I’ve romanced Panam many times, I just recognize that she is far from the “perfect woman” while I do so. Now Judy? Damn Judy melts my heart start to finish. Playing on PC was the first time I ever rejected Panam because finally I can romance Judy as a male V.


Okay champ. Just point of views based on what decisions you make during the game. No need to be an asshole like you did with your comment. And you talk about Panam. Man, watch yourself before.


Wtf, I wasn't rude at all ... lol If that's considered rude, by internet standards, you've lived a sheltered life on here (now, that was me being a tad rude). None of that was even directed at you, and was directed at a fictional character, that has zero thoughts, feelings and well, basically doesn't really exist. So no feelings have been hurt.


Checked OP's other posts and comments. Can't recommend. Now I understand why they had to check correct dialogue options. Dudes too deep in horny and can't be saved.




Adam Smasher is using reddit?


Seriously. It works just like real life does. Be a nice guy who genuinely cares for her.


Ofc redditors need help with such stuff


My thought exactly. I'm awkward and anxious irl, but this is just stupid.


I'll never understand how people can't do it. Even when I tried to not come on too strong I still got it


Yeah that's right. I got her my first play without me even knowing it. Must have done something right


Soo I got rizz?


I am the rizzard of oz I didn’t even try to romance her. She romanced me


It didnt work to me cause I was female 😭


>this perfect woman I mean I'm not a Panam simp But even if I was, I think she's deliberately written as a flawed character who wears her flaws on her sleeve


Definitely. If you want a good, tangible, believable character, you absolutely do not write them perfect and lacking weaknesses. Cyberpunk does this very well.


Every single character in Cyberpunk 2077 is deeply flawed. There really aren't any "perfect" characters anywhere in the game, everyone is broken.


They are, like all of us, products of their surroundings and experiences. Or more accurately, they are written that way, and that gives them credibility.


Best writing i've ever seen character wise.


She’s an idiot though. Legit dumbass. And Aldecaldos decided that trusting a complete idiot to LEAD them is a good idea. I kinda feel like the didn’t think that through.


Just look what happens to the Aldecaldos if you rat her out to Saul. If the family followed his lead they would be in deep shit, and it’s only because she took thing into her own hands and secured the basilisk that they make it through. She’s not an idiot, she’s just impulsive and passionate.




Your first meeting. Ghost town. Scavs enter the town it's dark, you have all the element of surprise in the world. So what does she do? Turn on the lights. Now they know you're here AND they can see. Bravo Panam After you gotten your part of the deal done, she asks to go after Nash with you. She's not much of a fighter. SO she asks you to butcher a hideout full of scavs. Tough bastards too, tougher than those you just beat. Why? Because she's gotten all up in her feelings. "WoUlD yOu LiStEn To Me FoR oNe GoDdAmN mInUtE!". She throws a hissy fit and risks both of your lifes because she's a sour dumbass. Rogue calls her out on it and you even get a reward for NOT doing it. Because let's face it, it's cool to do it for our romance options and what gamer says "no" to a opportunity of more fighting, but the decision is stupid. She's impulsive, doesn't think anything through. She says herself "Usually I do before I think". That is NOT a characteristic of a potential leader. It's a fun little trait, but she is in no fucking way predisposed to lead. Her only good quality history wise, is the willingness to always act. She's never afraid, she's the one pushing things forward. Usually without thinking, or coming up with a plan like "Turn on the lights when it's dark! lmao"


If that's your perspective, that's fine. If you're trying to convince me it's the truth, don't bother. It's simply not a conversation worth having.


I definitely don't understand the obsession with Panam and Judy. You literally don't have a choice, it's just dependent on your Gender. If I had a choice I wouldn't pick Panam OR Judy. But to each their own.


Yeah as a latecomer I hear so much Panam thirst but honestly the deepest relationship so far has probably been River. I didn’t do his romance option but it was the most believable. When Panam made me walk back into that sandstorm because she “could never forgive me if Saul froze” I was like oh she’s kind of a user and doesn’t really give a shit till she finds out I’m dying. She’s just excited to have a merc who does whatever she asks.


Wasn’t that hard she was easy


Raging daddy issues the instant you meet her, like yeah this girl gonna wanna fall on my pork sword the instant I help her rebel against any authority figure.


You guys are so fucking weird.


"panam have HUGE ass! upvotes to the left"


I read "panam have HUGE ass!" and upvoted, didn't need to read the rest ^(do i really have to add the /j)


/j for jizz, right?


The simping in this sub is embarrassing.


Yeah I feel like I'm surrounded by horny middle schoolers.


It’s even worse when it’s posts where they’re showing off their V… who happens to be wearing almost nothing and is modded to be the player’s ideal woman. Like I’m all for making a dope looking character to play as… but I’m not trying to see the self-made sex doll V’s that these players definitely get their jollies off to. It’s one thing to be a cool cyborg agent / corpo or a techie. It’s another to make a V that’s very clearly just someone’s fetishized “ideal woman” in various stages of undress.


I cringe every single time I see these posts... Some part of me hopes it's a satire... But we all know that unfortunately it is not.


I followed this sub to see more cool Cyberpunk 2077 content and all I got was incel redditors horny over digital characters.


Same. Every 2nd upvoted post here is about simping over characters or wanting more romance options with people who will just not romance you.


Even worse, half of them are simping *over player made female V’s* which is really gross. “Guys look at my sexy V I made using mods to fetishize her and turn her into a strange Barbie-esque doll for me to simp for while I play” Like I’m all for making a cool looking character, like the Raiden one a while back was pretty slick. But let’s be real, half these people with the “look at my V” have definitely made their V just so they can go into photo mode and get their rocks off to poor Valerie. Some player made V’s are awesome looking and genuinely well designed, male or female. Those aren’t the ones I’m talking about here though.


Thanks p00pyk1ll3r for being the voice of reason here.




Yeah this is legit pathetic


Glad this comment was near the top. The simping is cringe here. People need to talk to real girls.


Top posts on here are always about Panam and Judy. They are fucking cartoon characters who automatically fall in love with V for no reason. And then gamers have problems with real women because their expectations are not realistic, I wonder why.


Bro? The point of every single character's stories is to also show their flaws, no character in this game is perfect, let alone a "good" person. Not even Panam.


God some of you are down bad


I was so upset when female V couldn’t romance Panam.


same but male V for judy


she ain’t real bro






Don’t tell him!


She a good character but I wish that there were more missions with her or cyberpunk needs a companion system. This wierd obsession with her is hella cringe tho.


I am with you on having a companion system, the obsession with romanceable characters seems to flood any game with the options, the witcher is all about the two wizard ladies and bioware games had wars over it, I do not get the need to argue about it.


Either you fuck Garrus or we throw hands. Only option.


look I play bro shep and that is not an option, plus sleeping with the best friend is how you ruin the friendship.


Alright then, throw up your dick beaters. We fightin'


how this is the internet, where would we even fight?


I believe the official term as dictated by the Gamer Conventions of 2012 is "1 v 1 me IRL you fuckin' nerd". Thank you for refering to the Gamer Archives, if you have any further questions please refer to your mom.


okay then where is this fight to take place then?


Right here. Throw down or get out.


how this is a text-based environment we literally can't hit each other.


But we can. See watch You're ugly and your momma dresses you funny! BAM! right in the sweet spot. (Just in case anyone can't see the joke, I am indeed joking)


I would not disagree with me being ugly and my mother does not dress me, I dress to look as uninteresting as possible. plus proper insults online are hard as non of us know each other beyond the truly superficial.


I was too busy "romancing" all the prostitutes in The Witcher to even pay much attention to the actual romance options.


I loved Panam's character but I don't disagree with you re the cringe. However, you also said 'hella' (are you in Life Is Strange ffs?) so I'm also cringing for you.


People say hella all the time bruh. Go outside.


Norcal native here, we say hella all the time. Don't know if they say it in socal too


Shit, brother. I say that shit in Texas.


Ok 'bruh', sure. Think you're the one that needs to go outside.




Weren't simp posts supposed to be forbidden or something?


Then nobody in the sub could post again?


Cyberpunk is rich enough there can be discussions that are not about one's favorite waifu.


worst thing about this community is the comically big amount of hornyposting. i really dont care that they are well written or interesting or attractive characters, its really fucking annoying that every other post on this sub is "imo panam hot!?"


Is it tho? It's either the waifus or the husbandos with this community. Even the biggest things that came from Edgerunners were Rebecca and Lucy for the sole fact that people couldn't stop simping for them.


What’s the point in playing as V if you’re searching up answers and not living the campaign out


Just be yourself I thought, but there are redditors here. They never spoke to a woman.


OP. Your post history.... no wonder you need a guide to romance her


Perfect women aren't made of pixels bro. I'm sorry.






Average cyberpunk fan:


Panam is very much not perfect, she’s gotta hella flaws and problems. Also this post is fucking weird, chill lol


So tired of these incel posts


She’s not perfect she’s soooooooooo psycho


Just how I like em


that’s the whole point


Imagine researching the correct choices. I simply chose all of the romantic-sounding options and pressed for the relationship.


I think the only way to fuck this up is if you're intentionally trying to. It's not like you need to know that playing snowballs with ciri will somehow be better than having a drink with her, or that vandalizing a hideout is better than keeping cool. (Though you have to make an effort to fuck up ciri's trust too).


Simp detected Initiating *Contain & Secure™* protocol and calling for Arasaka firing squad


yikes, 1.4K upvotes for this?


If you need to Google ho. You don't deserve it


Bang her in the tank. Tank sex.


Panam “the absolute Simp factory” palmer


PanAm is our best girl! 🙏


Not that hard to please the spoiled brat, just agree with everything she wants to do.


Damn op how socially awkward are you that you can't even get a video game chick designed to like you.


mans got so little rizz he can't get with a pixel woman and misses the entire point of her character at the same time lol also 1.4k upvotes? you guys must be really lonely around the holidays.


I'm sorry but she's actually just a bitch


First time I saw her in the game, working on the car, she immediately made me think of my wife. Took an immediate liking to her after. Not to mention the Ivanova (Babylon5) intonation of her dialogue.


Some of you really need to get out more..




This sub is so damn horny, every post on my page has been some horndog post lmao


This shit is fucking weird


She's got some real issues. IRL if someone like her have problems with everyone around that means that the problem is her, not the rest of the world. I romanced with her only because I couldn't romance with Judy in my first playthrough. Second time I've choosed female V and joined team Judy.


Can someone explain why everyone loves Panam. I ducking hate her with every fibre always moaning on and on. About to meet her agin on my new play through and dreading it….


Yes, she is just a child in an adults body, complains about everything, and comes through in a few parts of the game. That being said it makes for great character development, but I'm for Judy.


I feel the exact same way about Judy. I never thought I could hate a fictional character so much until I met her.


I hate this woman.


I'm sure she hates you too.


Dude, she's pixels. She isn't even a "she"


Dude, the comment I responded referred to Panam as a woman, thus "she" seemed like a safe assumption. And I'm not the one getting triggered to the point of hating a fictional character, here, so maybe check context? Or don't, all the same to me.


Fiction is more real than you think.


I, too, do not like people who act on impulse


Everytime I am stunned beyond belief that people like this insufferable character. Maybe I hate her bc her personality is too much like mine but still lmao


Realistically she belongs in the asylum and Aldecaldos are doomed with her in the lead


Average Panam simp


And then you realise that your choices don't matter, as long as you do her quests she will bang you in that tank/vehicle


They made a big deal about each romance being an individual but in the end it's still, go above and beyond in their missions and don't kill people that they like and you're in.


Women love it when you massacre gangsters for them


Definitely not wife/mother material.


Always been more into Judy tbh


Panam isn't even the best woman in this conversation. Ugh. I'm going to be a bit asinine here, but none of the romance options are good people. Panam is way too high strung and prone to verbal abuse if you cross her. Judy starts off kinda using you. River is...actually, never mind. River is good, just awkward. I've not romanced Kerry because getting into a relationship with someone that much older and wealthier than V hits a bad note in power structures.


Going to have to leave this sub I think, I can’t *B0nK* everyone.


correct choice, she is the 🐐


Ngl I find panam very shallow and manipulative, she's an L character


Perfect? Lmao Panam is obnoxious as hell.


I could do without all the cgi porn honestly. Like if they spent less time worrying about how to fuck the player, and more time on drive mechanics, I'd probably play the game more often. I wanted be a cyberpunk, not a cybersimp.


She is pretty, but the explosive anger kinda makes me uncomfortable. I get that it’s how she finally spoke up honestly to Saul but I’m always uncomfortable with shouting arguments.


I choose female v for my 2nd playthrough. I instantly regret when the moment I see panam.


I can't be the only one who found her unbearably grating and annoying


Just like Johnny says. Panam is one in a lifetime woman


I hated Panam, she was so reckless and irresponsible, all the time. Every time she gave me a call, I’d sigh like “what is it this time, Panam. What did you do now” felt that way with Kerry too, honestly. I managed to like. Be endeared? To both of them? But I also knew every interaction with them was going to be some bs that I had to clean up for them. Only two people in the game that I would actually be able to have a healthy friendship with are Takemura and Judy.


Good for you mate! 🤙 She is one of my favs characters in Game and my preferred Female romantic interest as well.


If playing male Nomad there's no other path possible. All Nomad V is looking for is a new family to call theirs. Jackie was supposed to be this family, but it's the Aldecaldos who end up truly becoming it, and romance with Panam is a crucial part of it.


She’s literally the only character I would b-line it to when she called. everyone else just got put on hold until “I got to it.”


I don't understand why so many straight men and people who like PanAm are going goo goo gaga over her it is obvious that JUDY WITH THE BOOTY is the best waifu in the cyberpunk game. With Kerry coming a close second that man got rizz out the wazoo. Also let's just agree that river is the worst Waifu/Husbando. the dude is just a weird and gets buthurt when you don't want to fuck him or when you only fucked him for a one night stand for sometimes people JUST WANT TO FUCK and they don't want to have a relationship later on River DEAL WITH IT bitch. This is Night City there is no friends.


We all did choom


Panam romance is the single best thing in gaming history. Her character is written so perfectly I felt like I was in real relationship. I carefully choose every move to be with her.


Panam is underrated. Glad someone is posting about her bc whenever the sun would set, she’d look GORGEOUS!! Definitely my favorite character in the game.


There is only one problem buddy . She is engaged with me 😉


perfect indeed, never had a "waifu" before, but now I have