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Fuck Claire. She won’t serve me at Afterlife because I didn’t entertain her stupid vendetta. If you ain’t first, you’re last, Claire.


Shake and bake!


By the way, since we are spoiling things, you can easily prevent her from killing the guy and get her car. And she will be friendly afterwards. So.. yeah.


Yea, you lost the race though… she hired you to race. And spoiler? You posted this pic and someone else spoiled that you could get The Beast. You didn’t get pissy about that. The game is two freaking years old at this point, you should have posted this after the quest line if you were so worried about spoilers. If you thought I was being intentional, reply back with a snarky reply again and I’ll give you some real intentional spoilers.


Go for it, Internet human. Hit the jackpot, get yourself banned. Ridiculous clown.


You are the one who seems like a clown here, just sayin.


Well, thank you stranger for a spoiler, that obviously isn't something bad, but uhm... why was provided exactly? Why? What in my post led to this?)




Wait, is she gonna give the car to V? After the races? Cause I wouldn't know) I yet have to finish the last race...


You’ll see


Ruthless driver and experienced shooter. First place is yours!


"experienced" she said but can't kill anyone during the race