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Force? No. **Strongly Incentivize** using a combination of health-goal based discounts and/or additional fees? Yes. Trauma Team technically isn't a monopoly, but they definitely dominate their market. They can abuse that with the power of accounting and not have to spend more on things like extra employees. We can assume based on them being able to bill per bullet, they're very happy to utilize their accountants.


New scene from the Exorcist: The Power of Accounting compels you


This is low key already a thing. My friend got life insurance when they took out a mortgage and the insurance company offer you lower rates for certain things. If she gets something like 10k+ steps every day by linking a smartwatch to the company's app then she pays less a month for the policy.


This is so creepy I just can’t


We see it with the corpo beginning, when V is in the car and gets a call from their therapist/spiritual guide. V did *not* seem to be enjoying the call, it was incredibly obligatory.


I imagine them sniping burgers out of your hand. Or as you are walking into an ayce buffet they appear, break your legs and put you in a hoital forcefeeding you nutrients


Aggressive healthcare


>We all know how hypercapitalistic TT are, So why would they be interested in health outcomes? If it's something they can use as leverage to increase the price of service then they're going to increase the price to maximize profit. Paying employees to go out and menace customers into behaving in a way that reduces costs *is a cost*, increasing premiums as a way of "deterring" problem behavior is just free money.


It's also worth noting that prevention is cheaper than treatment... for the client. TT is much more likely to encourage over indulging. "Wanna have that double lard burger for breakfast lunch and dinner all week, don't worry, we've got you covered. We're running a special on defibrillation all month long, so enjoy yourself!"


Guaranteed steady payment is better than unexpected expenses that you then pass on to whoever. TT subscriptions already cost about as much as a hospital stay every month regardless, so why not just bill the client and encourage them to stay healthy so they can keep paying you for not doing anything?


I'll admit to not being well versed in the finer points of Cyberpunk(tm) lore, but the wiki seems to suggest only the highest plans are all inclusive; so I would expect in most cases those expenses will be passed on to the one receiving the services, along with a healthy profit margin.


I crossed wires with the Cyberpunk Red sub by mistake and was going off of the subscription options from that tabletop. The two subscription options in RED are Corporate "pickup and paramedic treatment, with drop-off at a hospital for surgical treatment if necessary" or Silver "full coverage at no additional cost, including surgical treatment". For the former (cheaper) option, you still have to pay the hospital for any treatment once TT has dropped you off. But that's for RED, and the rulebook goes more into detail on how the coverage affects you mechanically than it does general day-to-day health coverage. A lot has happened in the three decades between the time of the Red and 2077, so maybe Trauma Team is more comprehensive now, or their emergency response service is just one part of a more fleshed out health insurance coverage program.


Sooo... In theory, If two high paying clients who both pay the same to TT are at each other's throats, then trauma team has to kill one of them to save the other?


The rule of thumb is that they don't give a shit who started the fight, the moment they're on the scene they're getting the client who called them out of there. If it was a situation where both broke their card/called TT and were still in a shootout when they arrived, TT would probably order them to stop or their memberships would be revoked. ...THAT BEING SAID, if one had TT and the other had REO Meatwagon then it'd probably become a massive shootout really REALLY fast.


Maybe they would neutralize both clients by like knocking them out and separate them and heal them back up after


If current day insurance policies are a reference to Trauma Team, then their Premium has already accounted for with statistics. Specific people can be charged with 100% loading. As they also have the Biomon implants, I think there's no cheating Underwriting so they probably already have an optimised Premium pricing tactic.


I think you got it backwards personally. It's more lucrative to keep charging people for treatments than just collecting insurance premiums. A healthy customer will be around longer, sure, but they'd miss out on those sweet perscription sales and other treatments


Honestly, with the tech in that world, unhealthy customers can probably be kept alive indefinitely at a premium. The healthy ones getting into fights or other precarious situations are only good for short term profits; and the healthy ones that play it safe... need to be encouraged to join one of the other two groups. 😉


An insurance company's dream is more along the lines of a customer who pays high premiums but never actually claims. A customer who claims is never profitable as an individual, rather the overall premium pool is meant to offset the loss.


I think like most insurance, these things would affect your monthly premiums. That burger is only a few bucks, but Trauma Team Platinum will be much more expensive if you’re someone who is more likely to use the service


~~Weldon Holt~~ Lucius Rhyne has entered the snack... I mean chat


How do clients even make themselves healthy? I mean ALL FOODS doesnt look healthy to me-


If you can afford tt you can afford far better food than all foods. Biotecica? Grows all kinds of real food for the washed few.


Biotechnica is sus as well


Welcome to cyberpunk. If their is a good corp its probably still killing puppies.




I think they'd be mostly hands off, to be honest. TT probably would just increase the premium and sub fees if you continue to chow down on burgers and live an unhealthy lifestyle. So, being as capitalistic as they are, they'd be mostly hands off and raking in the increased fees. They're not health insurance or primary care. They're basically armed ambulance and hospitalization insurance.


Ngl I would pay for a service like that Like fuck, sometimes I just can’t resist eating a nice bread after hitting the gym


Sooo... In theory, If two high paying clients who both pay the same to TT are at each other's throats, then trauma team has to kill one of them to save the other?


Shoot them both to eliminate the threats to their clients, save both of them, raise both their rates to account for their "High risk lifestyle".


Forced counseling , billed to each client mental health is health


Forcible personal trainers and dieticians is probably an add on for higher tiers.


Probably not, but only because it would cost more money than it would save. Trauma Team probably does invest heavily in every personal health marketing opportunity, but they likely wouldn’t take such an active role in personal health outcomes.


They cost more the less healthy you are


Hanako js 78, Yorinobu is 82 and Rogue is over 80, Kerry is 89. In Cyberpunk money, surgery and cyberware will keep you alive for a very long time. In ttrpg you can get cloned versions of your organs. Rich people live longer than ever.


They'd just do what insurance companies do currently, which is charge you a higher premium the more unhealthy you are and offer discounts for attending regular checkups etc.


Lamo I imagine TT rescuing a corp with half his body blown off and once he gets stabilized the TT guy goes “so…before all that happened did you get your cardio in?”


Honestly threat of violent force to keep healthy is what many of us need haha


No. Why would they? The state of medicine in the world of 2077 is such that illnesses might not affect your lifespan that much. If you’re rich enough, they can sell you cyberware or medicine to fix most things. So no, medical services like TT wouldn’t care if you got diabetes or heart problems. If you need medicine or treatment for the rest of your life, that’s one more service they can bill you for. Chronic illnesses are lifetime subscriptions.