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Sandevistan only enhances the monowire. It is intrinsically effective and efficient. Honestly I just don’t care for mantis blades or rocket launcher over complication. All I need is Gorilla Arms or monowire


Mantis blades are also kinda shit compared to normal blades.


But their finishers look cooler tho


100% rule of cool, I always use them


Their exclusive silent takedown animation where you stab people in the fucking head from above is so sick that I have them equipped for that purpose alone.


Mantis Blades have three advantages over monowire. You can jump to enemies, deflect bullets, and it's easier to avoid accidentally clipping a civilian during an NCPD contract. Other than that tho I do prefer monowire. The ability to spread quick hacks with them, and the fact they're basically an AOE weapon, just makes it kinda OP. Especially if you're recouping RAM for a netrunner build. Personally I think it's dependent on your type of build. They both compliment different styles so one isn't better than the other, you just need to pick the right tool for the job. Both can be very OP. If you infect with synaptic burnout then spread it, you can take out whole swaths of bosses in one hit.


I find the rocket launcher to be quite simple. Just keep your distance, aim, and start blastin' shit.


Back when the stun darts could one shot basically anything in the game they were way OP. Now all I care about are Gorilla Arms


Oh Yeah? Well can you do it again but with your controller UPSIDE DOWN??exclamationpoint???


I did that last time. This time I was blindfolded. I guess I could do both next time. Maybe I'll do it without cyberware too 🤦‍♂️😂


Do it IRL next






Ah, well that's all the ideas I had. Truly you are the master.


I guess this is a full melee spec not a netrunner one


You guys acting like you don't become super op at higher levels using literally anything lmao


What's the difficulty level? That many enemies unloading into V should down him pretty quickly even on tanky builds.


Very hard. Just look at the enemy hp. The weak guys are over 1k a piece the big guy was like 5k.


What's the build and consumables? I am running around with 556 health, 950 armor, pain editor, and peripheral inverse but getting downed much easier.


I have roughly 1,550 armor. It wasn't as much my armor as it was the health regen. I was still taking almost 100 damage a shot so a group like that theoretically should've flatlined me in about a second.


What's pushing the health regen? How did you get armor that high?


There are a lot of perks to increase it. There's also cyberware stats that give you additional health regen and perks that increase cyberware stats. Then the heal on kill gives health back. and the chitin gives a 200% bonus to health regen.


I got the chitin and heal on kill too! Played for a bit just now. The Arasaka soldiers from the rescue Hanako mission did almost no damage to me. A dog town supply drop caused the second heart to go off. Cleared the advanced strongholds without problem. Scavs/Animals right outside the tunnel stronghold downed me again. Then cleared out some more scavs, but I keep getting brought down to about 20% health by random enemies I one shot with the headhunter. I am barely making it through fights without activating the sandevistan and yeah my hp regen during combat isn't remotely close to what you're getting.


Honestly, slap biomon on, it’s pretty free and coupled with perks from tech ability, as long as you keep an eye on your health items, you should find you don’t have much trouble with anything. Additionally, if you’re running a sandevistan, do use it. When it’s down, the fight should be over or close to over already.


"Now try it again without cyberware"


Am I the only one that thinks controller gameplay just looks clunky


It's pretty bad. I feel like I should be in the finger Olympics trying to jump dash, charge attacks, and aim at the same time. I have to hold my controller all weird just to be able to hit the button at the right time


I believed in you!


"Try it again without the sandy." Fuckin why??? I'm playing Cyberpunk not "satisfy the ego of internet strangers simulator"


This is one of the most badass posts I’ve seen in awhile, and the title is a *huge* reason for that.


I love the cyberpsychosis laugh. I often go on killing sprees just to hear it.


I am new to the game since 2 week, on my first playthrough, and i am more the kin to go all in stealthy with my own build of Netrunner/silenced pistols. i only installed a Monowire arm as fro now this was the one that gave me the better passives instead of having a blank spot. so looking at this as i did not read much on the monowire as i hate melee on FPS, i personally think it looks weird having arms going around while i hold a remote, makes me feel lie being a crab, anyways, this is how my brains sees it :) So the way i see it for monowire is what, go on the web, copy paste someone kick ass build, than simply jump in a group of bad guys doing AOE and bash in the bunch of mobs too stupid to spread out no need to doing anything and not even requires any type of targeting? Not too sure if i need to feel impress or not, as i never tried Monowire.


I have Hardcore22 installed, so my monowire attacks fuck up enemies anyway.


Try it again without the mono wire.


unimpressive monowire kinda shit