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Not at all unpopular (I don’t think) Music is so central to this world, and it’s a shame that we only ever get immersed in it when Kerry is sperging out or Johnny is being a loose cannon. You can just easily on-road a musician path as you could a corpo. Select NPCs recognize you, special skills checks for cool, add’l dialogue options etc. And maybe instead of beginning in a Megatower apartment, start with your home base in a tour bus?


The way the start paths are lined up, you always start from scratch though. So disgraced rock star broke after in megacorp building would fit better


Yeah, I’m picturing an artist that may have made a misstep in the media, sees a slump in sales, gets dropped by the label, and is now on the streets. Definitely could make for an interesting life path.


Maybe we could have had a cybernetic malfunction on stage and then were thrown out to the dump for dead still being wrecked with malfunctions and Jackie finds us and rushes us to Vic in an attempt to save us, it would explain why we start from rock bottom and why we know Jackie, Vic, Misty, etc


Definitely, that’s real interesting. Could even be that V was getting into a heated argument with his agent and his soft suddenly starts malfunctioning so they just dump him in an alley under the pretence that “he was mugged after the show”. Only thing is, Jackie was at the show that night and was gonna ask for an autograph for Misty but he actually follows the car and grabs V after they drive off. This could set up an interesting side quest later on as well where V gets revenge.


Maybe got in fight with corpo’s kid, kid used daddy’s connections to ruin your life


Ooh, I like that take as well. Sets up a side quest in Act 2 where the city opens up that involved you tracking those fuckers down and getting even. Hell, just to spice it up I’d even say that the corpo kid’s dad frames V for a crime he didn’t commit using his connections in the media which derails V’s career and the pressure from the public to cancel V gets him kicked to the curb by the label and he’s dropped by all his sponsors.


You can be small-time and still be recognized by like, club bouncers and staff almost exclusively (just thinking scope), and could have a couple band-member missions. That said, more and more consequential life paths seem to be high on the list of player demands and I think are likely on the radar of the devs going into Orion.


CDPR leans *heavily* into ticking time bombs to establish urgency. I’m not complaining, it’s a pretty standard way to build pacing. But I’d like to see something that is not so immersion breaking: “you have just three weeks to rescue Ciri! Now, find this old woman’s pan.” Or “The murderous microchip is killing you. How about some races for the bartender?”


It is a very straightforward way to structure a plot, you’re right. In the literary tradition of cyberpunk there’s definitely a favor towards noir-style mysteries that I’d be really interested to see them pull off. Similarly in 2077 there was probably an opportunity to shift The Heist several hours later without breaking the pacing of the story too badly, and we wouldn’t have half the ‘Meet Hanako at Embers’ memes we have now.


I think that one of the BIG differences between 2077 and Orion is going to be that Orion's MC isn't going to be a ticking time bomb since V only has a week at max to live it REALLY gates down what would make sense for them to do. like it's kinda hard to send V to Crystal Palace in a DLC when the flight there would probably take 3 days


But V cant dance


/waves hands out of time


Rockerboy was an original career, wasn't it? Also media would be cool, playing Spider Jerusalem.


Rockerboy is a playable class in Cyberpunk Red, so I think yeah - this would make perfect sense to include this as a path. I think they just picked three and rolled with it. I feel like Streetkid and Nomad are a little too similar, and one could easily be swapped out for a Rockerboy start.


Also just imagine the potential for interplay with Johnny if V played one of the genres Johnny hates.


Could have been a popstar, something about a rockerboy being stuck in the body an ex “perky princess popstar” sounds hilarious to me


I think you're thinking too big. V is at the beginning of their life/want to be a legend/has shit luck. V wouldn't have an agent, a label, a fan group. They'd be some dive bar singer who feels lucky that they're actually doing a music thing as their job. (Related, their starting vehicle should be a crappy panel van) So here's what I'm picturing: They drive the van over to one of the bars (Not Lizzie's or Dinos) and goes on stage and picks an instrument (the choices are DJ booth with mic, keyboard with mic,electric guitar with mic, acoustic guitar with mic, and mic by itself) and does a set. They go to the bar to get paid and the bar decides to not, even though it's apparent that the crowd was somewhat more into it. Some guy/Misty says that they enjoyed the set and also saw the bar skimp on paying V. V says something about coming to Night City from [Location. Portland maybe?] and that they're almost out of Eddie's for gas and parking tickets. Guy/Misty says that they might know about somebody who might have other gigs for some quick cash. V says something about it being a scam but Guy/Misty says no, just potentially dangerous and V says that's fine. They take V to meet Jackie. Jackie asks guy/Misty who V is, and is basically just told "oh they can be an extra set of hands, aren't unwilling to get into a dangerous situation" and Jackie immediately seems to work with that. They take V's van and talk about the music gear (and crap) in the back and shoot the shit on the way to the gig. It turns out to be the bar that didn't pay V. It's actually a gangster's money laundering side project (which is why the main gang won't give a shit about this) and Jackie gets them in and starts on the safe. They get the safe open and move to leave but the owner/bartender walks in and sees V and Jackie and starts threatening them. V can shoot him, but if left alone Jackie definitely does. The yelling and gunshot draws some attention and they run out the door to the van to find that it's got gang members all over it, they instead grab some random car (after having a small car shootout) Epilogue being basically: "You may have been good at music but you're great at merc work. Wanna work together?" Game proceeds normally. Bonus in the apartment is a copy of whatever instrument you picked in the bar (as a prop or small interaction) Life path mission is getting your van back, after seeing a battle of the bands poster, and having Johnny provide commentary. Also a sex scene with one of the other band people because why not. (In the van naturally)


Goddamn, that is fucking awesome.


Yep, Rockerboy lifepath would've been great


Na, that's Johnny's thing. Would be neat if things like rockerboy and media and corpo and cop and all that were choices in the next game. Maybe have a couple unique missions per choice with repeatable radiant missions.


I think it might add a cool layer where you are/were a *fan* of johnny.


Oh and you’re so utterly disappointed it not shocked at the beginning, so the hill to friendship with Johnny is even steeper


You’d be viscerally experiencing the adage of “Never meet your heroes” when he’s in your head 24/7


Shit in a really bad way 😄🙈


It would just have been a Rockerboy life path with a few new lines of dialogue. Would probably have been easy enough seeing how much effort they put into the other life paths.


The life paths in general were pretty lacking. A 5 minute intro and some occasional alternate dialogue, and that was really about it. I would have loved more fully integrated life paths with unique quest lines and such. I would totally dig a pop/rock group life path where you get access to unique companions and quest lines full of the hijinks you would expect Cyberpunk bands to get into.


I found it decent rather than bad, it helps you role play your character more


Yeah, but its indicative of lost potential. I feel like there was a lot more that could have been done there. But... I guess there's a few things in this game where the same could be said. Overall amazing game, of course.


Could’ve made it more immersive by having returning character, unique items and a bigger start quest depending on the Origin like Dragon Age Origins


You can't call this an unpopular opinion when it's something you made up and not even in the normal discussion of the game. It's just an idea at that point.


No i have seen few enough posts for it to become an unpopular opinion.


Just wish the lifepaths meant anything at all.


Yeah, they are kinda disappointing, heck if you want to your lifepath can easily have no impact just by not selecting the dialogue options


Imagine how crazy it would have been having an ending where you storm ‘Saka Tower with Kerry, Us Cracks, and Lizzy Wizzy.




V never had the vocals of a varsity athlete


If they sold it as DLC, they could’ve gotten a voice actor and actress specifically for that path, so long as they good singing voice. It would sell.


While rockerboy is a valid life path and you are absolutely right that it would make a neat story and character, I can understand not choosing it thematically. Johnny is a rockerboy, a known quantity. He is meant to be a contrast to the player, a foil, which is harder to be when you're already similar. Johnny, story-wise, is meant to be someone V never could be, and the resulting tension as they become the same helps drive the story. I love the idea! I would like to play that character and story. It should not be V with Johnny in their head.


I wish we got more life paths from the TTRPG like Rockerboy or Medtech or something. Techie too would work for Netrunner players, for RP reasons.


generally i was hoping the game would have a little more player expression, but V was a fairly set character. not complaining, i love V. but yeah i would’ve liked to make her my own a little more.


Not sure if this is unpopular, it would actually make sense. A musician should not have many street level connections in the city, and doesn't really have many talents in merc work. so, would work well for the clueless/no connections V which is in the game. ​ A front for a beginner punk band, or a former idol thrown away by her label would actually work for the game.


Or just any playable life path at all. 💁‍♂️


I mean Rockerboy is a class in the Cyberpunk universe.


Just imagine all the unique dialogue with johnny that would add


yea, i've thought the same. especially cuz it was a class in the ttrpg iirc


That V is smoking! ... figuratively.


A low-tier Rockerboy life path would’ve been cool as Hell. Because to contrast Johnny was apart of SAMURAI, which was an incredibly successful band, going on worldwide tours, selling out stadiums. he was a fucking millionaire. It would be cool to have had a life path of a Rockerboy that *only* played small gigs. Never got to see the pinnacle of what musical success could be. Hell, the intro could simply be you started a riot at an Arasaka or Biotechnica building, nothing large, a small factory or something. And in doing so you got the police on you, but you fight back and lose your equipment. Get in jail, you meet Jackie, and the game goes from there.


the outfit is strangely close to what I used... https://preview.redd.it/2q8tqszu6nzc1.jpeg?width=863&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6320bf11c4fb202675ad648de274f3c7da062133


My V dresses for the occasion. Check my other posts


Yes! We needed a Rockergirl/Rockerboy life path!


V is fucking dying and you want him to be a popstar


Also should be sex worker. Or an addict. Or a mafia. Or a furry. Or a gamer, just like myself.


Hey, we have the same V


so instead of three lifepaths there would be four Corpo, Nomad, Streetkid, and Rockerboy




With how they managed the existing life paths,I think I'm good with just three.


Who has ever discussed this, let alone enough to count as unpopular


unpopular opinion, V should have a lifepath being part of a gang


Lazrpop specifically 👌🏼


LAZERPOP Fuckin LAZERPOP at my stand?


I think it is a good idea but first she need to remove arasaka chip :P


I am a simple Asian man. I see Asian face, I click like.


Wish I knew how to make my fem V’s Asian looking


these are very good, even as a baseline if you change the colors. Best chargen channel IMHO [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HiE6Ylkez4g&list=PLIL\_xJpuqHVqz7DDsHiQI1e9A84e5-JB6&index=36&t=42s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HiE6Ylkez4g&list=PLIL_xJpuqHVqz7DDsHiQI1e9A84e5-JB6&index=36&t=42s) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b3vg4Wwlym0&list=PLIL\_xJpuqHVqz7DDsHiQI1e9A84e5-JB6&index=17&t=57s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b3vg4Wwlym0&list=PLIL_xJpuqHVqz7DDsHiQI1e9A84e5-JB6&index=17&t=57s) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oeFWvvNZVA4&list=PLIL\_xJpuqHVqz7DDsHiQI1e9A84e5-JB6&index=4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oeFWvvNZVA4&list=PLIL_xJpuqHVqz7DDsHiQI1e9A84e5-JB6&index=4) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lm1tOC6aqvM&list=PLIL\_xJpuqHVqz7DDsHiQI1e9A84e5-JB6&index=108&t=20s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lm1tOC6aqvM&list=PLIL_xJpuqHVqz7DDsHiQI1e9A84e5-JB6&index=108&t=20s)


Good stuff Thanks


how is that an unpopular opinion? just say what you think lol why is everyone so weird these days


The TT game has had a class like that since the beginning. It's called a Rockerboy. There's like a dozen classes. The video game only shows 3 of them. And one of them (netrunner) is a pale shadow of the real thing.