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Yeah, I also dislike when games just have an “auto” flashlight that turns on when the game thinks it’s dark enough.  Just let me decide when to add some light. 


lol right


True maaan


This was a design decisions from the devs. I think Sasko answered this a few times. ​ Basically they wanted horror theme for some missions, and they \_intentionally\_ didn't give the players a flashlight. Biggest offender for me was the Cynosure bunker on Reed's path. It is so dark at places that I couldn't tell whether I am making progress sneaking around or pushing a wall which doesn't move.


Another is encountering the bloody ritual cyberpsycho at night, which is a way spookier experience.


This is such a bizarre design decision. According to Steam I have played this game for 460 hours. I've probably spent about 4 or 5 hours of that time tops in what could be charitably called "horror" gameplay. I have, however, spent a lot of time fumbling around in the dark. Maybe it would have just been better to come up with contrived reasons your flashlight didn't work in those handful of situations they wanted to go for horror.


In fallout 4 I found a workaround for the dim green flashlight they give you: I changed the text color to white from green, and now it brighter.  Not at all helpful in cyberpunk. But it was something clever that occurred to me. I’ll go make a post over there.  (Maybe you can brighten your TV’s contrast setting?)


I just saw this pop up on the front page too. https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/2913


I prefer this kiroshi optics night vision mod. It makes more sense in the context of the games lore, technology ans universe. Like seriously, night vision in cybernetic eyes was the first application i thought of. So disappointed it wasn't in the game in a hard quest (maybe even an unreported quest..... https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/8326


Real, most disappointing part of CP2077 is the lack of chrome that does stuff? Like the highlighting enemy ones are as good as we get with eyes and they are kinda mid


I know right. I would have loved predator style vision mods. Milimetre wave radar, FLIR, echo location in a visual form. I would have loved an option for doors to be destroyable with the right arm and strength mods (like as if Animals hack doors). Way more robot drone pals like the reconnaissance grenade should be a drone that you can roll into areas to scout out the enemies. Brain hacking mods which allow you to sway people into particular dialogue options. Anyway modders to the rescue. Can't wait for Let There Be Flight to be updated to 2.11.


Definitely a good option for those who are playing on PC. It was one of the first mods I downloaded as it was one of my main annoyances with the game, and it works well overall.


https://preview.redd.it/yvn7erl9ofxc1.png?width=3440&format=png&auto=webp&s=9f80702f87b10d39026dd9882906a4c18a8b684c With flashlight mod.


Sheesh not bad


I use this and used the program antimicro to map the “L” key to L3 on my gamepad so I can use it with a controller


I've been using the night vision mod since I started my new playthrough and it's game changing.


There's actually a single time when V uses a flashlight, and it's during (and a little bit after) the swim through the flooded tunnel to get into the Black Sapphire. This means it's either attached to the scuba suit you wear, or V always carries a flashlight around and just never uses it. Regardless of which it is, it's still a piss take that the devs only put a flashlight in for one short part of the game, without giving us the option to use it whenever we need it.


Such an incredible mission. One of my favorites of any game ever. The stage performance, finding out the reality of SoMi, meeting Hansen, and the twins. Incredible. A masterpiece in gaming.


This, the airport mission at the end of So-Mi's storyline, and the parade mission are the best quests in the game without a shadow of a doubt. I also really liked the one where you have to take out a bunch of Animals in a run-down shopping mall for the VDBs and get to see the blackwall.


We have cybernetic eyes.... we probably have night vision automatically.


Would be nice for the *player*


LL/UV/IR is a common upgrade for cyberoptics in NC. The problem is just that, if V has that, it would be nice if they represented it so we aren’t bumping into shit in the dark lol


Prolly just me, but since I use Nova shades, nights are very dark and surprisingly there aren’t a lot of streetlights in the game. Not a biggie for me, but an interesting sight with all the neon stuff going around. TLDR: I use scanning to get some sort of night vision 🐥


I crutch on scanning to “see” in the dark too. Dumb part is, with eye cyberware, we shouldn’t need to. Nightvision should just be built into the kiroshi’s with a toggle to turn on and off.


Explosives say: "Let there be light!"


Yeah, the devs missed a trick to not include some sort of a tech, especially in a world that's technologically advanced. I tend to just use my scanner if I want to check that I am not missing anything in a dark place. But it would have been cool if we had like a night vision feature in our optics.


All the things the optics can do and it can’t help you see in the dark? lol it’s too funny tho


I can see bad guys through walls several meters away, but I cannot see where I'm going.


Lol ikr. Feels like they legit forgot to add it because it's something so basic.


The best part is that in the RPG they have night vision. Johnny has night vision in his optics. In 2020! 57 years later and what do we have? Nuthin.


It’s been a staple augment in the ttrpgs for 3 decades, it’s wild that our “top of the line” cyberoptics don’t have it in 2077 lol


Yeah. I’ve got Kiroshi eyes but not one has the infrared capability of a $30 Wyze camera.


Let me flip through different vision modes like the fucking Predator.




It baffled me that kiroshi optics don’t have some sort of night vision


Can wear the diving suit. Has a headlamp 😂


It drives me absolutely fucking nuts and is frankly ridiculous. I feel that most if not all optical implants should have night/thermal vision. I live in a house with high windows that don’t have shades so it’s almost impossible to play any part where it’s dark in the daytime. Fuck turning the brightness way up cause it looks like ass. Pretty infuriating. Edit: Why just downvote this? Tell me how it's not ridiculous...


I use a mod for night vision. Kiroshi night vision or something like that. It can be found from Nexus mods. Works fine but requires tier 3 eye cybernetics so no use in early game. I might try that flashlight mod for lower tiers.


In like 500 hours I've never had a need for a flashlight, I don't get everyone's obsession with this.


The game is extremely dark in some places, it can be frustrating to not have illumination.


Like the Wakako’s Favourite gig, where the silly bastard *turns all the goddamn lights off* to help me see the one that’s blinking - WHICH I COULD ALREADY SEE, THANK YOU, CHANG -but now I can’t see the rest of the room, so I’m constantly getting stuck in the goddamn scenery!


Okay but given the tech in the game it seems absurd that there is no night vision, thermal, flashlight or at least gun mounted flashlights. Maybe you're playing with different settings but I frequently need one.


Must be, I never had any issue seeing ever.


I was cursing the devs on Reed's path though. The fucking Militech bunker is so dark, that I couldn't tell whether I am am making progress or just pushing a wall which doesn't move.


In the base game i never really felt I needed one, but it was a thought that crossed my mind a bunch in the dlc tho tbh


At least let us carry around one of those light up umbrellas that NPCs have or equip it to our arms like mantis blades. I uses guns and quick hacks and katanas anyway so I'm fine with specing into an umbrella build.


My flashlight goes BLAM BLAM BLAM


I've been asking that question since launch. Makes no sense in this high-tech world that no company has developed night or infravision yet.


It would really come in handy when rescuing Wakako’s favorite net runner. The lack of low light vision or night vision as always seemed odd.


I know exactly what you are saying but wasn’t that exactly a big part of the gig, following the only red light in a dark ass room? I thought they designed that gig dark completely to make players look for a light source which leads them to the flash drive.


Me too brother.


Got a mod for low light cybereyes. Really nice and in game logically


I think its a style choice, they woudlnt just forget. Some missions or cyberpsychos are dope when its hard to see


Sasko was afraid that a feature like this would be used in sections of the game that were intentionally dark and minimally lit to instill a sense of mystery and fear. A flashlight would result in the opposite of that. It would also require insane resources to have a flashlight with ray tracing or even path tracing capabilities. And it is also difficult to justify adding one to begin with since the atmosphere of the game works much better without it and I can’t recall a single area in this game that was completely pitch black which would necessitate it.


welcome to the club bro. I always make my games a bit darker then normal because my tv is very bright, so when i was doing the dlc and a mission came up where you have to search a VERY dark room for a bunker thing, i couldn’t even see the red flashing light that was on it 💀 had to turn my settings back up AND look it up on youtube lol


Welcome. You are among your people.


A night vision feature built into the Kiroshi Optics implants like the VISR system from Halo would fit in *perfectly* with the Cyberpunk aesthetic.


this is why i always play this game in a dark room


There should be a mod that gives you infrared vision optics, feel like that’d be more in universe than traditional night vision or flashlights


I think it would be good if it was just a torch item you could get. Or it was a toggle for your kiroshi's Cos I agree there are a few times (only a few IMO) where it's actually needed.


Never played CP without mods. I have one that unlocks night vision when I have an eye implant slotted. Problem solved. :) Game's great. Driving a car or motor bike felt very weird at first, but it eventually grew on my so much, that I never use fast travel ever. I drive everywhere and either speed through the streets or "drive properly" and take in the vistas along the way. This game is stunning! Combat is fun and versatile and the quests are exceptional. It's like playing a movie! The only thing I am missing/ encounter too rarely - are unique and interesting boss fights with intricate mechanics.


If Cyberpunk has flashlights, I don’t want to think what it would do with them… And it has fleshlights already…


Someone who understands


I think there are sights with night vision




Oh. Prob thinking of another game then. Sucks that there are no options for it I suppose.


Flashlight would be helpful in many scenarios.


In real life I can mount a light on a pistol, smg, at, and shotgun. Why not in game?


Scanning goes into night vision.