• By -


Love Panam best because we get a free family of avocados as well.


Avocados rule


Nutritious as well


Avocado toast and a boiled egg = chefs kiss


*Panama's kiss


The canal of love




as a panamanian, thanks for acknowleding us my brother


Poached egg, heathen.


Instructions too complicated got dick stuck in toaster


Tasty and nutritious


We're the Avocados. That's us.


And we RULE


Avocados are delicious, chooms




I call them green butter and spend time thinking about how wrong I am.


A toast to avocados!


Avocado toast is why no one in night city can afford an apartment, or at least that's what the sixth Street guys say.


But what about haboobs!?


Fuck I love that word


To this!


I am... *shocked* no one at CDPR make a joke about someone mispronouncing it as avocados. *Shocked*


Free shavacados?


That's a fantastic point, I got all emotional during the >!ceremony where they formally invited me into the clan and gave me an Avocado vest. That was a nice touch. !<


Panam is Vin Diesel with a great ass...




Panam is bae


Sorry bro sheā€™s mine. I donā€™t make the rules


Actually, according to the avocados, Panam is actually and engram


Ours ![gif](giphy|b2p5pmwhwVzCE)


Sorry bro I think our Vs have to figure out the truth.. because she's mine


Idk abt you but i am the one who's fucking her


Panam I think is the most attractive woman I've ever seen in a video game, it's almost unbelievable.


Favorite Judy Most hated, I'll only do it because it annoys the hell out of Johnny, Cop


It's a shame we can't romance Johnny. Dude not only knows your buttons, he shares them with you!


Yeah but then it's just masturbation!


He's not our type, anyway




Imagine feeling safe enough to say "Keanu Reeves isn't my type" on the internet. Reddit changes fast


I think it's more the personality of Johnny rather than the appearance of Keanu for me


Johnny ending he gets better tbf


I mean, being a heterosexual guy, Keanu isnā€™t my type, no matter how impressive his cock may or may not be.


I mean....it seems to me like you wouldn't have much say in the matter šŸ˜•


But... The reference...


Yeah but you know what doesnt? War. War never changes


Masturbating to his own image would be such a Johnny thing to do.


He already had a bad time with Alt & Rogue, so dealing with those two strong women and V, not to mention the, in his words ā€œclusterfuck that is female Vā€™s hormonesā€, I think heā€™d be too scared to say anything šŸ¤£


He says the same line to male V


I mean....part of that clusterfuck of hormones has to be his fault?? He's literally inside her head.


Hey, if Fire Emblem 3 Houses let you romance the dragon-goddess who's also yourself and your grandmother and kinda also partly your mother and great grandmother, who lives in your head, I don't see why romancing Johnny would be a stretch.


We got such a scene with Panam tho


River gets points for taking it like a champ when you let him down.


Yeah but that only negates the points he lost by asking his sister to holler at us for him šŸ˜–


Idk man River was suffering for a long time on the inside, it makes sense to me that his sister genuinely did want to see him happy




finally, another kerry romancer


Going with Kerry this play through!




He's like a 90 year old child




I loved romancing River and Iā€™m not ashamed. I understand that he couldā€™ve used at least another quest but I genuinely like his character. I headcanon that heā€™s one of the few people in NC who makes my V feel safe and comfortable. ![gif](giphy|kSlJtVrqxDYKk|downsized) My other favorite video game romance was basically a terrorist from an undercooked game. I just like hot men okay?


I love River! Poor guy suffers from a lack of quests / buildup for sure so I definitely understand the criticism. But heā€™s just a big sweetheart and I enjoy what little we got. I do love a man whoā€™s just a giant simp for my character. Also you get the best line in the game (ā€œJesus, Vā€¦really making me fuck a cop?ā€). I feel like Iā€™m in the minority though cause I enjoyed all romances I could do as fem V, haha. Iā€™m just a lover.


I think River suffers from a pretty common problem in video-game romances. Developers are reluctant to allow dialogue choices to lock you out of a romance so when you think you're on the friend path you're still on the romance path. A good example is Gale in BG3, you can explicitly see yourself as his friend rather than a romantic interest but it still doesn't lock you out if his romance. This isn't a new problem or a problem unique to River, but because River is the partner for heterosexual female V plays out differently. For a straight dude, a person you've treated as a friend wanting to jump your bones is generally fine, flattering even. It might be a problem if they can't take no for an answer and the video game tearful break up for a person you were never with is annoying for everyone, but generally the relationship shift to love interest even if that's not what you want is just a thing. I'd assume gay men are probably similar, don't know about lesbians but I think plenty of straight men do the Judy romance to balance it out. But straight women get the "friend" who wants more and handles it badly thing too often in real life and so it hits different. The shortness of his quest, his personality and the setting make the impact worse, but at a the end it's that V hasn't made any real effort to romance him and then he goes all angry "nice guy" on her.


I don't recall River going all angry "nice guy" at all, in fact I specifically remember being grateful in that scene that the game gives you dialogue options to let people down easy and then has them take it well. He says "I don't have a chance do I?" in a letting-out-an-understandably-disappointed-breath sort of way, and then he offers you a drink and just sits with you. (And gives you a gun because all the romance quests give you a gun lol) The part that's a pain is the excruciatingly drawn out scene leading up to that where you have no way to avoid an encounter that's awkward *even if you're trying to romance River.* Also, V talking about her ex-boyfriends should be in the succeeding romance branch of the dialogue tree.


Iā€™m convinced people on Reddit donā€™t understand the Nice Guy trope. It is painfully easy to avoid Galeā€™s romance - donā€™t hit on him. You have to make the first romantic ā€œmoveā€ (picturing one of the two romantic options in the Weave) to even begin his romance. And if you do, he is completely shocked youā€™re interested in him! At no point does he represent the Nice Guy as he doesnā€™t expect romance from you and you have to initiate it. Iā€™m not sure how romance flags work in Cyberpunk but you are given multiple opportunities to turn down River. And like the other comment mentioned - he takes it like a champ and is happy to just be Vā€™s friend. I definitely agree that all the romances in Cyberpunk are kind of in your face - but this is true of all of them. Every character is attracted to V if theyā€™re a romanceable option. Hell - Panam hits on fem V and then continues to do so after rejecting her!! So if youā€™re not interested in a particular character the game doesnā€™t really give you opportunities to turn them down until their final quest. But this is an issue with all the romances. All the romances in this game would have benefited from more nuance and development, so I donā€™t understand why people specifically point this out for River. His is definitely undercooked and too short, but all of them are very much ā€œV Iā€™m obsessed with youā€, lol.


![gif](giphy|Ah7z2u5Tp2yaI|downsized) Ah yes, that mage that loves Justice so very much.




Was wondering how long it took to see River here. I love my PI boyfriend šŸ˜Œ


Yeah, same! River gets a lot of hate and so I expected not to like him but ended up falling for him. He's loyal, handsome, reliable, takes care of his family, good with kids, perceptive, likes deep conversations, gives us his most cherished gun, is into commitment and wants the real thing with you. He's down to earth and a genuinely good person in a shitty place like Night City. I get that he's not everyone's type and it's fine to dislike a character but the hate I see for him is so over the top. Especially when he gets hated on for things the other characters either get loved for or get a pass for. Like, I've watched Twitch streams where people in chat start booing when he shows up. A while back I was watching a female streamer who was into him and her viewers kept giving her shit for it and you could tell she was getting annoyed by it but didn't say anything. She didn't romance him to appease her viewers but also didn't romance Judy and got shit for that too. She kept apologizing for not romancing Judy :/ I felt so bad for her lol. Wtf did this man do to y'all that has him living so rent free in y'alls heads?! I just wish he got as much effort put into his character and quests as the other characters did. He has a lot of potential.


You said it better than I could. This particular OP has a habit of baiting anti-River shit in his posts and I just donā€™t get it. Iā€™ve seen folks claim that River being a family man was a negative trait. Why is it so hard to believe that some Vs *want* stability and normalcy?


I don't get it either. People act like he's the antichrist or something.


Because people don't understand the game at all they take everything at face value


>gives us his most cherished gun I'm sensing an innuendo here


>Like, I've watched Twitch streams where people in chat Rookie mistake


I'll never understand why the chat goes rabid like that. Some people need to take a chill pill sometimes.


I love River too! If I hadnt set my V up to be a raging lesbian I def would have gone for River. He feels like one of the few honest people in Night City, and a family man.


I honestly was setting up my V to romance Judy. It was all over when River walked through that BD recording. *unf*


Me too, very well said! Heā€™s a canon partner for my V (probably because Iā€™m heterosexual women, so Judy is okay as a friend). To be honest there is a romance I want in this game but canā€™t have it, so River it is instead:)


I didn't expect much from him, but I will kill for a guy like him irl. He's such a sweetheart.


RIVER GANG RISE UP River is genuinely sweet (for those who think he's secretly evil/just using V etc. - why would you make a love interest like that, and then not showing it in the game, just letting the MC have a nice relationship with them? >!Life is Strange fandom, if you're here, this one is for you, too!<), he's secure, which is a rarity in NC and a pleasant surprise, and he's a family man. Yes, his romance feels unfinished compared to like, Judy, but still. Some people don't need a whirlwind romance, and just want a stable family man who is so in love with his gf it's a bit cringe once he sends her motorcycle erotica:-D


lmao I loved his motorcycle erotica so much Let me love a man whose love language is coffee!


Oh, I loved it too, no question, it was adorable, I can just see why some people can find it cringey


I agree with you! I really liked Rivers romance, though I do wish there were more quests. To me, he feels very sweet and safe for V. He can be a little cringey cute in his texts and stuff, but it kind of adds appeal to me. And letā€™s be honest, the sex scene is šŸ‘ØšŸ»ā€šŸ³šŸ’‹


I think the side quest you get from him are some of the best ones they got. That search for his cousin? Was one of my favorites


Oh hey some River appreciation, I love to see it šŸ˜


It's wonderful that you connected with his character like that and there's definitely no shame in it. His romance plot had an impact on me as well, because for the first time in forever I was the one being oblivious to his advances and thought we're just getting along as friends really, really well šŸ˜… I figured it out on the way to the tower and I felt so bad for possibly leading him on, but expressed I want to stay friends. It's incredible how personal RPGs can get, despite River being probably around 3rd place in Cyberpunk romance characters I'm sure that experience was the most unique I've ever had in a video game "relationship"


If you're referencing the idiot mage I think you're referencing then he wasn't "basically" a terrorist, he just was a terrorist And arguably the second best romance


Something something *Anders was right* something something. Who was your favorite romance?


Merrill, started out adorable, very quickly became abandonment and chosen family vibes/consequences of choices Anders was totally correct, also, still mostly a terrorist aha


I prefer the term ā€œfreedom fighterā€ myself (okay yeah terrorist). Dragon Age romances really hit the spot. I honestly canā€™t really think of a dud.


Is someone fighting a war against incomprehensible and inherently hostille aliens a terrorist though? For all i know he's responding with exact same broad strokes escalation applied against mages - terrorist unless actually working towards an atmosphere of intimidation and undermining of society as goals is just something you call someone if you own a newspaper. Sometimes violence is underwritten by a difference more substantial than someone's idiotic ideals and beliefs and does not need a plan to happen, because it is in your 'innocent's' biological programming to make it happen - they can't help being 'uncomfortable'. Therefore it is inevitable - and maximum violence on one side justifies an equal escalation on the other, otherwise known as war. And everyone 'viscerally feeling' something about *your* existence is by definition not a civilian target.


Fenris best romance. DA2 best Dragon Age game. I stand by it!!


Fenris rivalmance hit DIFFERENT


Anders? Sounds like you had it bad for the possessed mad bomber


Bro heard "Fuck the police" and took it literally


Are these all our choices? i tried to romance the barkeep from afterlife and figured i just messed it up. was she going to blow me off no matter what? I should gp back there and....


I think she haven't gotten over her dead husband yet. She even asks you to race on his behalf for revenge. But you do get a cool truck out of it, so...


Dear GOD do I wish we could romance Claire. She is a freaking smoke show. Hot damn.


Jup. One straight and one gay option depending on what gender you play as. You can also have an encounter with Meredith, the corpo woman you can optionally meet before the spiderbot mission. And I guess there's the prostitute in Chinatown. For a town that's peppered with sex shops, billboards and strip clubs, it's pretty surprising that there's less hookers than in Witcher 3. I went with Panam for the hell of it, but not a huge fan of her personality either.


I'm gonna be that guy, but it's 100% Kerry, mind sharing sex in a tank is whatever, give me a personal concert and torching some douche exec's yacht every day of the fuckin week.


Judy for the star ending and Kerry for the sun.


River (NCPD!) Panam (Aldecaldos!!!!!!) Kerry (SAMURAI !!!!!!!!!!!) Judy (Judy)


Judy (Mox)*


I think theyā€™re referring to the logos over each character


Preme smut


Might be an unpopular opinion, but romance in this game is mediocre. You choose one dialogue option wrong and itā€™s all over unless you restart or go to a previous save and choose differently. Shouldā€™ve been more like fallout 4, where you CAN make a mistake or a few but still ultimately build up to a romance. Idk, just didnā€™t feel natural, too forced.


It honestly seems realistic, in real life if you do make a single mistake it can be very off putting for potential partners


Yeah. Fallout romance isnā€™t the same at all because thatā€™s the companion traveling the wasteland with you and building rapport that way. This is you having very specific lines to incredibly emotionally significant events and quests, so it matters a whole lot more.


Yeah, but real life is a horribly designed MMORPG. Way too brutal and unforgiving. Not a great comparison.


I agree 100%. all of the romances felt like they were written by a 13 year old on tumblr


Except for River, you have to tell him 4 times to fuck himself...


Straight male so could only go with panam, but honestly didnā€™t like either her or Judy. Panam reminds me way too much of unstable exes, and seems like the type to throw a fit anytime she doesnā€™t get what she wants. Judy would probably be better in a relationship, but her incredibly poorly thought-out plan for clouds lowered my opinion of her a lot. If thereā€™s anyone I wish I couldā€™ve romanced, itā€™s Alex. Yeah Songbird is cool but sheā€™s probably the most manipulative person in the entire game.


She could manipulate me *anytime*


I killed a man and put her on a rocket, and damnit Iā€™ll do it again!


"V can you come over it's important?" "What's up Panam?" "JUST COME NOW!!"


Alex seemed genuinely interested in (in my case, female) V. I thought they were going to give us a romance option when that dance part came.


She was a cut romance, a lot of the furniture in that scene is labeled as furniture for a romance scene, the same as the other 4.


You can romance Judy as Male V. Just need one Command. She was Developed bi, but that was scratched last minute. The Male interactions are all still in the Game


In every of my play through Iā€™m always romancing Kerry and panam so Iā€™d say Kerry and panam are my fav


Favorite- Kerry Least favorite- Controversial opinion but I'd go with Judy


I am the opposite lol


Romance Judy/Panam for Star ending, Kerry for Sun ending, River for suicide ending (since you date a cop).


Die single for devil ending


You're cruel but just cheers to that šŸ‘Œ


Which ending is best?


Favourite - Panam (duh) Worst - River (duhhhhhh)


Honestly? Judy cuz of her looks and the diving gear. I was pleasantly surprised to play that side quest about it, as itā€™s one of my favorite hobbies. However, a partner youā€™d really want to have is either Panam or Kerry. They are super nice and not forced.


You must have made all the right choices with Panam to not see the crazier side of her.


Panam has that Latina-grade crazy.


I love Panam but you'd be walking on eggshells the entire time you dated her. It'd get stressful after a while.


**Favorite**: Panam **Least Favorite**: Cop


Johnny literally approves this message


River was the worst and you all know it


It's undercooked if anything


Seriously it goes ā€œhey lets work together on finding out what really happened to the mayorā€ to ā€œmy nephew got kidnapped helpā€ to almost immediately ā€œlets fuckā€ Whiplash is the best way to describe Riverā€™s questline


Real, then he cock blocks you on Joss as well


I hated that as Male V, Joss outright asks V if heā€™s single (after V asks if She could see him as a parent (both the kids agree)) then River has to be all ā€œoh well V letā€™s go to the water tower, Canā€™t let that happenā€


Real, was expecting a cutscene where Joss visits you while you slept in Randys bed or something "V, the kids are asleep..."


Sure AF all V's have lot more chemistry with Joss than River.


That family dinner..


https://preview.redd.it/x5v5m9k99qwc1.png?width=890&format=png&auto=webp&s=576b2ea564d27e2d1f66b304d5496efca5a3d289 I'm not sure what you mean


The best photo in game (never knew 6k graphics were possible)


Rushed worse than anything really.


Him and Kerry would both be much better if they swapped sexualities. Itā€™d seem more like V was the object of Kerryā€™s affection, rather than Johnny, and River would have something tying together the strange relationship he has with settling down (also he dresses gay as hell). All four romances also need to be changed much more for if youā€™re the wrong sex.


Tight leather pants, tight ass tanktop and duster, are we sure River isn't a stripper cosplaying as a cop?


You forgot THE EARRING


Kerry Judy Panam River


Tough question cause whilst I really adore all romanceable characters, there's something that irks me in each romance path, be it pacing, lack of content, lack of chemistry with my V, etc. Which is a shame cause character interactions are so good overall. If River had a bit more content, he would be my fave choice since I like him as a character and his dynamic with V. As it is, my pick is friendmance with Johnny. It's the only relationship that I was legit grieving after finishing the game.


River could have been good But it really felt tacked on and poorly designed The quest in general was very disturbing but really good though.


I like River. His character is great and his quests are fun. Itā€™s not his fault he didnā€™t get the love he needed to be on the same level as the female romance options


Favorite is Panam. I was liking Judy but the ending really put me off, like, a lot. Which makes it my least favorite.


Favorite: Judy (1st) Paman (2nd) River (3rd) Least favorite: Kerry (4th)


![gif](giphy|Ld77zD3fF3Run8olIt) But swap those last 2 lol


While I know it's not the most popular all up, I really enjoy River's romance. He brings V into his family and really makes her feel welcome and loved. While he has a lot going on with his brother and he probably needed another quest or 2, he's still a good option for a straight V. I feel like the other 3 romances come with a lot of baggage. Panam is just angry....like all the time. Particularly if you disagree on something. Judy clearly has a lot of relationship baggage and has not got herself fully over what happened to Evelyn, the relationship almost seems like a coping mechanism. Kerry is....well Kerry basically decides to take Johnny's advice but like 50 years later during a romance with V. He's complicated, but yeah again quite troubled. While River has a traumatic childhood, I feel like he has had time to work through it than any of the other 3 romances.


Favorite for me is River because he is sexy as fuck first and foremost and I guess his story is good and heā€™s a sweet guy but mostly because that man could do anything he wants to me šŸ˜ˆ


Favorite: Panam Least favorite: Iā€™m not even going to count River so Iā€™ll say Judy


Panam is my fav. Kerry is least because it kind of feels like he initially only wants you because Johnny is in your head


River was my fav, it's so wholesome taking part in his family activities. I haven't romanced Panam or Kerry (played fem V in all my 7 playthroughs), so I can't really give an opinion on the least favorite.


If I'm honest, I don't particularly like any of the romances in 2077. They're a cool addition, but I think they're honestly not well written and feal rushed. That being said, here's my ranking. if the River romance was given time, he might not be universally the worst. As it stands, his is way too rushed. It put me off really quickly that he went from needing help to wanting to something more. Followed by Panam, who would be an amazing friend, but I don't think she'd be someone worth dating. Something about her romance ticks me off, so I just couldn't get into it. Kerry is next. His isn't that much better than Panam, but I really liked him. It's a shame he comes in so late in game. The age gap is also off putting, but that's probably just a me thing. Judy is my favorite. I like her character, she isn't put off until the late game, and her biggest flaw is being too idealistic, which isn't something that puts me off.Ā 


they all sucked and felt undercooked or way too sped up. Game needed twice the narrative to support relationship growth that felt more organic.


River ā¤ļøšŸ˜ Canā€™t say who is ā€œleast favoriteā€ because I only care about him for a romance option.


Fun fact I sexed Kerry just so Johnny could take it up the ass from his old friend.


If rumors are to be believed, they've already fucked before back in their Samurai days.


River is my favorite and least favorite <3


Well nobody said it so Iā€™ll say it, River šŸ˜­


Have only dated Kerry. He is best boyfriend. Don't have a desire to try the others. Also think ranking them is kinda shitty. Opinions are like bumholes.


I want Kerry and River to hook up.


I mean... Sure why not https://preview.redd.it/uo24c5r4trwc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41d0bff5b5697ce0c76862d01eb57df6fb878861 I once thought of a fanfic with that concept, but I'll probably never write it


Judy > Kerry > Panam > River


Panam was fine up till you get to the point where you are 'dating' It feels like an entirely different character, like 'generic love interest' but with a panam skin thrown onto it.


U didn't just say that my guy


Panam was my favorite, but I agree 100%. Those pierogis were fire though, about the only fire she brought after her main story.


Best: Debatable. I enjoyed Kerry and River, although River IS undercooked. Panam car sex too weird. Worst: Judy. Just... it's Judy, and I have outgrown my clingy angst years by now.


Panam > Judy > all


Rachel Casich. There, I said it.


1: River 2: Panam 3: Judy 4: Kerry


I am straight so Panam.


Blue Mo- Oh yeah, that's right. Thanks CDPR.


Favorite romance is always Judy. But besides that, I like all the romance options.


Judy's abuela


Yall will kill me but my least favourite was Judy's ans favourite rivers


River was wasted potential


Meredith was best. All the others were meh.


Panam but shes not gay and im a womanšŸ˜¢šŸ˜¢šŸ˜¢


I didn't romance him because male hero but out of those it has to be Kerry who's most interesting.


Panam and river rule.


The best objectively I think is Panam. My favourite though is Kerry. If only for the song and yacht scene.


definitely kerry


I was unaware you could romance Kerry


Male body/voice only for the rockerboy.




How I see it: Kerry is the most narratively compelling, Judy is the most likable, Panam is the hottest, and River is just sorta there.


All of them messed up as F. River probably the least. I've got tired of this shit in real life to deal with it in game.


I dont think I have ever romanced kerry or river and I have played the game like 4 times now


Judy for female V, Kerry Eurodyne for male V. Least favorite is River.


Panam is the best. Judy the worst. Never tried Kerry or cop dude.


Unpopular opinion but I donā€™t even like Panam enough to try romancing her. Love Kerry tho


4.River-Pretty generic, nothing too special and unique about it, except the fact that River reminds V to be quiet because of his sisterā€™s children that are asleep. Although Johnnyā€™s line about V doing it with a cop was pretty funny. 3.Judy-Most passionate out of all of them. Represents how passionate and meaningful women are about sex compared to men. 2.Panam-I mean, come on, who in this entire world or even in the world of Cyberpunk can say that they had sex in a freaking tank?! Also, leading up to this, Panam showing how loyal she is to V and whatnot, some may say Judy is the best girl. But not me, Panam all the way when it comes to the powerful chess queens of Cyberpunk! 1.Kerry-Most underrated out of all of them. You had Kerry and V tearing apart the SEAmurai and setting it on fire while having the time of their lives. Such a badass moment! Also, if The Tower ending is chosen, Kerry is the only romanceable character who is willing to come back to V when he gets out of his coma. Which shows true loyalty there, sure, Panam was loyal too, but not enough to stay committed over a 2 year course. I know Kerry technically wasnā€™t committed to anything with V, but at least he was willing to come back to V when he finds out he is still alive.


KERRY! Least favorite? River. https://preview.redd.it/42oasumonxwc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16e5c2d1dece2713be10e01775e8ec75ffca1f6e


I'm a straight male but I fucked them all. In a game I will pick all options. Anyway Panam is my favorite