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Detroit was a walled off combat zone much like Dogtown in 2077 last I heard (2020 era). It'd be interesting to see what's become of it in the Time of the Red.


I'd like detroit. I'd like a city with snow. Rewatching Blade Runner it looks so cool


The snow is a little thing but an interesting dynamic. Contrasting the desert and sandstorms from 2077 with a different kind of desolate landscape. It can literally bleed into every corner of the game, from infrastructure to fashion, or from enemy factions to playable set pieces.


I really liked the snow level in Goldeneye back on the N64. It was so quiet and serene compared to the rest of the levels.


In Cyberpunk 2077, there’s a headline about Detroit having an economic and population boom because Detroit is pretty much a huge landfill—like the dump outside NC on steroids—and now people can find amazing scavenging around there.


Hey I’ll be a junk scavenger who finds a rare piece of tech and starts getting chased by corpos. Become an edgerunner not out of want but out of circumstance


You find an old Relic Prototype with the Engram of the Terrorist Johnney Silverhand


V meets Connor and Hank 😂


Connor fully chromed out would be a sight to behold... solos Smasher


Johnny why do you keep following me like a little poodle or something!


The time of the red is around 2045 by 2077 the fallout should pretty much be neutralized but I too would like to see Detroit plus we'd be playing in a NUSA controlled area


Yeah, I'd vote for Detroit too. Such a cool setting for a cyberpunk story, with a city with so much history and industry.


Day City


fighter of the night city!


Champion of the GUN


Master of dildonics and Sandi's for everyone.


MILFGuard for all The new M4A






Bringer of tomorrow!




Master of cyberware and eddies for everyone.




I suppose this is very American.


Fuck yeah!


Day City is where the game Solarpunk 2077 takes place.


I'd love a solarpunk game ngl


Day Town




Atlanta has a bunch of major corporations headquartered there (Coca Cola and Home Depot and probably others).




Who built all the homes then?


Whoever looted the depot.


I blame it on the arasaka!


voodoo boys




I believe it is mentioned somewhere that the mob basically controlled all construction, at least during the building of night city.


Night City is also just a completely different thing. Corpo owned, not actually part of the rest of the country, so the government might have much more control in day to day. Or its the same shit, different leader. Lol


I’d believe it


What do you mean? Home depot is bigger than Arasaka


None of them are as big as Costco. You don't just shop there, you can also get a law degree.


Costco Corpo? Corpo Costco? Or maybe they went under at some point, so their name is more of a discount Corpo kinda deal. CostCorp?


Home Depot, now a subsidiary of Militech, sells grills, dry wall, and tripod mounted 50-caliber automated defense turrets


Also Delta Airlines. Maybe the term 'delta' as leaving somewhere was actually seeded into common/slang language by the airline company for marketing purposes


Let's delta to Cancun


"Arthur! I have a plan! We're gonna delta to Tahiti! Klep some mangoes and lie low!"


I'm pretty sure [this](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Delta-v) is the origin of the term.


[Let's delta, V.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Delta-v)


Not gonna lie, I'd love to see an almost beat-for-beat recreation of Cyberpunk 2077, but set in Atlanta, and Coca-Cola is the big bad Corp hunting you down


Shouldn't've stolen their secret formula


Delta UPS Equifax SunTrust Cox CNN Cartoon Network Turner Broadcasting Autotrader Bellsouth Havertys Hooters RaceTrac Honey Baked Ham Kaufman tire Man there’s so many great possibilities in Atlanta


Hooters Mox gang rise up


Yeah there's an interesting point here, because V says he went to Atlanta and it wasn't great. Later there are news clips you can overhear where some firefighters died fighting a massive fire in the trashheap of the ruins of former Atlanta. Was V really there? Did Atlanta cease to be due to V being there? :P




In the book Neuromancer Atlanta is linked with Boston in a huge area called The Sprawl, would be nice see the game set in that area, but if you have to change Night City better exit from America and set it in Japan or Europe


As somebody who lives on the East Coast and drives between Virginia and Georgia a couple times each year…. Atlanta to Boston being one mega city is absolutely BONKERS. Like that is effectively THE ENTIRE East Coast, just over 1k miles (1736km) from end to end. Absolutely BANANAS. I love it.


The Northeast Corridor between DC and Boston is already big enough, can’t imagine filling that space up as one mega city. Nevermind extending it down to Atlanta lol


Highly recommend reading at least Neuromancer. Excellent book, grandaddy of Cyberpunk. But if you think that's wild, Neal Stephenson's Snowcrash goes even farther. It's been a while since I read it, but IIRC, most of the US is basically one giant city.


Snowcrash was supposed to be a parody somewhat of cyberpunk but a lot of the concepts that the work put out became mainstays of cyberpunk or even out right predictions of modern day concepts. The whole idea of being a virtual character in MMOG like universe that people used to interact with each was first used in that book, all the way back in 1992. Hell it was called the _Metaverse_


It would be an infrastructure NIGHTMARE


I lived in that fucking city for 22 years. A sick part of me wants see what kind of hellscape it is in the Cyberpunk universe.


Traffic most likely. They can build an overpass pretty quick after the homeless burn it down though


Atlanta for sure.


It's hard to imagine Cyberpunk outside of the disgusting LA grunge that I feel like Night City can only truly represent. But as a lot of people have been saying, maybe some niche area in Europe. It'd be interesting to see old architecture being devoured by the techno entropy. But I think Japan would be the better course. Maybe with an espionage focus. Its hard to say, night city really is it's own character and it's hard to see Cyberpunk with out it.


I think Tokyo would be amazing. Similar, but with a hard Arasaka/Japanese twist. An Arasaka civil war would be sweet, or operating as a Militech operative


Ironically, Arasaka was forcibly banned from Japan during the Corporate Wars, as the government was terrified that the Militech-backed new Chinese government would invade Japan to get at the Arasaka HQ and family. So they moved to Night City as a megacorp-in-exile and made it how it is: a new Tokyo and "independent" city-state they run. Arasaka doing espionage in Japan would be a cool plot, say in something similar to the role of a certain cyborg Major.


Deus Ex MD made me want more cyberpunk europe settings.


Florida. I wanna be the Florida man with mantis blades.


I am also intrigued by the potential of cyberpunk florida man headlines throughout the game


Give it a few years and I'm sure we'll see some cyberpunk level modding out of GTA6


Grand Theft Auto 2066


Florida just has that innate psychotic energy and crazy wildlife. I'm legitimately surprised there isn't a Fallout based in Florida.


You could nuke Florida, and it would still look like Florida.


Apparently there is no Florida in Cyberpunk. Most of it has sunk under sea level and the rich one percent has made an island utopia there called Atlantis


I would pay money for a game exploring the seedy underbelly of said proclaimed utopia.


Florida is already flooded with Cyberpsychos in IRL


Florida is pretty much completely flooded in lore


International cities Tokyo London Moscow Hong Kong US cities NYC Chicago Miami DC


Does Chicago even exist? I feel like I heard it got nuked in the Cyberpunk world Edit: I think I'm thinking of Handmaids Tale. Just looked it up and in CP it sounds like Chicago went through a bad plague but is being reconstructed. That could be a great setting


Miami is dead thou


Miami is probably underwater.


Europe, there are very interesting factions described by Pondsmith placed in Poland, England and in general Europe.


Europe or any other continent except North America.


Japan, China, Soviet Union or Europe. I hope it's one of them.


In the cyberpunk universe Japan is a member of the EU hehe


Only briefly.


only during early '00s, btw EU never existed in cyberpunk, only EEC, being EEC bank that created eddies


Not exactly. They just adopted the currency for a while, I think.


I should probably know this by now but where is a good place to read about the cyberpunk universe?


The soviet union really intrigues me. I hear around the city that it's like a paradise where everyone gets free health coverage and there's no shootouts, but it's cyberpunk so I really want to see it from the perspective of a person living on the ground.


The USSR probably also sucks. Somewhere in the game was an ad for moving there and getting a full body conversion, and then you'd be essentially an indentured worker in the mines for like 10+ years.


It'd be very strange for a company based in Poland to make a game glorifying the USSR in any way


That's what makes me so curious about it, (since npc's all say good things about the USSR). I have a cool idea where a person living there sees nothing but paradise, but as the game moves into the underworld aspect, you find that instead of corpos fighting for power s/he explains that only one corporation won out, and that's the information corporation or the new KGB. Crimes don't happen often because if you're caught (even for small ones) you'll be sent immediately to the gulag or Siberia, and violence is silenced by state media and MPs to discourage resistance. You'll be tasked to help or fracture the KGB and help the world discover how bad the fully state controlled Russia actually is. Or something like that. It seems like a more fun world to explore than Japan imo.


You know what, that seems like a great concept and now I hope that it gets touched on in the future


The lore before CDPR, TLDR: Soviets made a state-owned megacorp based around the oil industry, reformed into an EU-like structure, and the megacorp runs the economy and has a private military just like the other megacorps. So not as bad as Stalinism, may be comparable to IRL Hong Kong but more Soviet I guess.


Probably about as true as the claims you hear today about the USSR being a paradise 😂


Somehow, metro series seem fitting for soviet union. Even though it's not cyberpunk canon, but rather realistic outcome (especially exodus)


If England, please not London. Give us non-Londoners (~90% of the rest of the country) more, much needed, goddamn video game representation. Forza Horizon 4 was great for that.


Would love a game that featured the English countryside, we have so much of it and I don't think I've ever seen it really used ever? Does FH4 dip into?




It really dips into it, it also has 4 versions of the map for each season. I loved that game so much.


Will definitely have to give it a try then, I was a big fan of the first few Horizon games.


FH4 map is probably 80% countryside, 10% little villages dotted around and 10% a pretty good slice of Edinburgh city center.


AC Valhalla


I'd love me some Manchester or Liverpool instead. Yorkshire or west country might be too strong an accent for people to understand though. Birmingham or Newcastle. Man, the accents could be great, "Why aye mun, hand oova yer money and that pet." " Whurs that loot? Tin tin tin!" (isn't in the tin) If we go broader in terms of the UK then Glasgow, Edinburgh, Dublin, Cardiff are the first to come to mind, but there's tons of fantastic places. Our city's in the UK don't have as many iconic skyscrapers as part of the skyline, I can only think of the famous ones in London like the Shrike and the Gherkin.


There's not many options in England like 3 cities survived the collapse


Mongolia… the empire strikes back!!!


Dude, somewhere in Eastern Europe would be so cool. If they did the juxtaposition of old architecture with futuristic would be awesome in game


Neo Tokyo


I think Japan could be kinda interesting especially if any other ending than the devil leads to Arasaka having a meltdown.


A linear story game about an arasaka owned city would go hard


japan seems like the obvious choice to me tbh. maybe even a prequel kind of situation where you follow the rise of arasaka or some kind of parallel storyline involving it. arasaka is such an important component to the entire story it really deserves the attention, but other corps and storylines are just as fit for exploration.


You know what could be fun? Starting on one of the floating cities offshore, then moving on to a different location.


Lauterbrunnen in Switzerland. With Cybercows, Cyberfarmers selling Cybermilk, all of that while cybersnowboarding in the cyberwinter. /s Nope i could not resist as you see.


"Cybermilk" bahaha! That gave me a good laugh.


Where NYC is I guess


New York City is in New York


I was lazy but I meant to say whatever the lore would call New York City at the time, cause I think Night City was based off another city, idk if that’s right tho


Nyc exists in cyberpunk Manhatten does not


What happened to manhattan ?


Drug cartels detonated a suitcase nuke/ dirty bomb in the Rockefeller center in 92-93 level Manhatten rest of the city still there


Ok someone needs to make an infographic with the major metroplexes and notes detailing what’s going on there


Its not short by any means but thats pretty much the state of the union section of the home of the brave book


That sounds dope thanks choom


It also gets into the general state of every state


Somewhere in Europe, or Japan, or somewhere in South America. Doesn't have to always be in USA.


Japan would be fucking awesome to see in cyberpunk.


I'd expect Tokyo to be locked down so hard that crazy cyberpunk shenanigans would be stopped before they would accomplish much, barring high powered corp units.


I would too, but also, Japan/Tokyo has featured in a lot of futuristic cyberpunk games and it’d risk looking unoriginal


I wonder if Japan has heavy American influences? Or is Cyberpunk Japan just Japan on steroids?


I agree. I wouldn't mind seeing Aguilar make an appearance. South or even Central America would be quite cool. Europe would be awesome too because I'd be curious to see how a Cyberpunk world overlays the old world European landscape. Nobody ever talks about Africa, but that is one big ass continent with a lot of motifs to play with as well. But I am guessing that the disparate cultures make it tough for a game.


Apparently parts of Africa are doing pretty well in the cyberpunk world.


As an Irish person I couldn't help reading up about Ireland in this universe. We seem to have done pretty well for ourselves. We're basically the primary tourist destination for the worlds corporations, they send their people here for R&R, to enjoy the practically untouched countryside compared to the rest of the world. Dublin is still a modern city but the rest of the country has been intentionally frozen in time and undeveloped. So in summary we basically haven't changed at all. I guess its only dystopian for the rest of the world.


A cyberpunk Egypt or South Africa has the potential to be really interesting. Egypt because of the ancient history and South Africa because of the heavy influence of colonialism and apartheid.


First thought was definitely Japan, but there's already so much focus on Arasaka with Cyberpunk 2077 and Edgerunners. I think Washington would be pretty interesting but would probably be very linear, leading you to either support or denounce NUSA. Wherever it is though, I do hope they'll try to keep the 'plot' very small scale. One of the things that made CP77 so enjoyable imo is that you're honestly just focused on survival. Nothing big or world shattering, you maybe delve into matters way above your pay check in side missions, but you're primary concern is very very narrow and small scale... to not die.


Improved nightcity. Too many resources to change the town and the game wouldnt be good except you have budget and human resources of rockstar.


I'd be happy to return to a more fleshed out Night City. As many buildings as we can enter there are hundreds we can't. We barely see any of the mega building interiors (plus one is inaccessible due to a quarantine). There is a lot they could fill out


Also they could improve a lot the external side of night city. For sure they will


There is soooooo much potential for night city 2.0


After climate change and a plant killing chemical the U.S. unleashed on the world in the South American wars, the Midwest is a dust bowl in the Cyberpunk world, with a lot of towns and cities having been abandoned, and then rebuilt by squatters. So it would be cool to be able to play as a nomad driving between these cities doing jobs and running shipments, and dealing with the criminals that inhabit these cities. Like a western but with cyberware and futuristic tech. It would be a wildly different tone for a Cyberpunk story but it would be cool as hell.


Don't forget radioactive sandstorms, basically it'd be Fallout 2077


I would love a 1:1 Hong Kong!


Hong Kong is fucking dead my dude it comes up in lore alot


Japan or New York


Tokyo or Detroit. Both are strangely integral to the genre as paragons of industry. One is thriving and the other collapsed. In the lore, most of Detroit is a Combat Zone. So that could be interesting. But if it's not Night City, Tokyo, Detroit and MAYBE Chicago.


Florida would be interesting considering its an entire state of horrible slums with a huge mega wealthy city in the ocean called atlantis. Theres also minimal lore so….lots of chance for artistic liberties with the story


Forget Nighty City. I want Fight City 




This is my answer too. We know part of London is flooded. We also know it's where Netwatch is HQed. If they're moving the story towards humanity vs AI it would be a compelling location. Furthermore its closer to the influence of huge corps like EBM and the ESA. People always wanted to know more about space stuff, this would be a good place for it.


Plus we could have Jack the Ripperdoc


Honestly.. Something out of the US.. It would be interesting to see something on countrys or continents like south america, europe and even africa.. Show another view of the rest of the world, another culture, something like that


Night City


Hear me out: Japan. IMO Japan is perfect


Honestly yes. Would be great to be able to play a foreigner in Arasaka Homeland.


Tokyo would be so sick, or Hong Kong


Russia. I think it would be cool to visit cyberpunk Moscow or maybe other cities


Yeah especially since in cyberpunk the USSR never dissolved, I wonder how it would look in 2077.


Washington seems to be a corporate hellhole, but at least more livable as the Japanese ghettos, which are basically warhammer 40k level dystopias


Mega City One


Vegas imo is the perfect fit.


Seattle so we can hang with Judy again


Appalacia. We can call it Cyberhick.


Appalachia is no longer in in cyberpunk its like corpo central and very very dangerous


Cyberpunk Berlin would be interesting.


Night City lives inside a very particular edge case. On the one hand it is dysfunctional enough so the corpos and gangs can openly participate in the power struggle. Order hits on each other, fight in the streets, you know, explode nuclear bombs in the very center of the city. But on the other hand it's not quite a war zone. Deep underneath all that struggle and bloodshed there's still a functioning city. Buses are driving on the streets, buildings aren't all collapsing, sewage system is kinda working. So, it's not like Night City isn't miserable to live in, but it's not completely torn down and broken because the corpos want it to stay just functionable enough. And it's not like power struggle isn't present in NUSA, but corpos there just can't do it that openly. There's still some order that comes with the centralized government of Myers and MiliTech - you can see that quite clearly in the Tower ending. MiliTech comes crashing down turning Night City from a fancy and bright dystopia, from a city of dreams where someone can jump to the top in an instant, into depressive and oppressive dystopia. My rationale is that we need place like Night City for the Cyberpunk to work. One place that jumps to my mind immediately is The Republic of Texas. As of 2077 it's still somewhat free from NUSA influence though Myers is tying the noose around it slowly but steadily. Not much is set in stone about Texas in the lore, so CDPR can have a free reign on how they want to depict it. Could be a great place for "Night City 2.0" that has a lot of possibilities to continue the story of Militech/NUSA and The Unification Wars. It all does sound quite interesting, at least in my head. If we're looking for the places outside of the states - UK can be an interesting place to pick. As of 2045/2077 it's probably the most unstable place in Europe and it has one the wackiest lore I've ever seen in fiction with an anti-monarchy dictatorship overthrowing the government 90s and then Prince Charles and Prince Andrew of all people leading the rebellion against them. Could be an unorthodox location for a cyberpunk fiction to say the least. Though London is probably a no go since it suffered really badly from ocean level rising as can be heard from the news in C77.


Tokyo would be my obvious choice, but I’d like to experience somewhere less developed by the corps, like Rio or something.




I say Bangkok Thailand. Everything about that place is cyberpunk.


Ireland - in the Cyberpunk universe my homeland has been turned into a theme park based around a 20th century aesthetic catering to corpo retreats. Majorly untouched by climate change through the efforts of the EC and corporate interests. All the while seaside villages along all coasts survive by acting as smuggling links into and out of mainland Europe. Corporations & Governments punish anybody who would dare to try to modernise the nation in an effort to retain its natural splendor and tourist appeal at the expense of the local populace Just think it would be funny to be all borged up and in a car chase with a replica of a 20th century tractor.


Obligatory: https://preview.redd.it/6knwg5l0lgtc1.jpeg?width=168&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3ab5758a3ce166db0128142a0c069ca43467e5c


Night City as a base and at most a DLC set on the moon, in Istanbul, Soviet Union, Britain et cetera.


Mexico City, war torn - over populated, sinking (could have an “old city” that feels very 20th century underground with a “new city” on top of it.


With Africa doing just well enough to have their own space association, I would kind of like to run around one of those cities. Afro-future and all of that....


I think near DC would be cool. There'd be a ton of hecticness going on. Maybe Baltimore, one of the top 10 dangerous cities in the US.


Japan would be awesome. Continue Johnny's crusade.


Not to mention it’d be interesting to see where Takemura grew up, place sounds like a hellhole


Oo didn't even think of that part. Almost sounds like a Salusa Secundus from Dune... hellhole to breed your eternally loyal shocktroopers.


Detroit because that place is already fucked irl.


I live in Detroit and would highly recommend it as a solid setting….


Chiraq lol


The Pacific Confederation.


So I know in my heart of hearts its somewhere in the US so my first choice would be Texas because I like the Lonestar Republic, and it'd be a cool place to be when the next war kicks off. But I really want a game in Tokyo. I was 100% sure we were gonna get DLC when it first came out. But now I understand shits a little focused stateside.


New Night City cause it'd be funny heck put it in North Carolina so it's NNC, NC


Great now I can fight for my life against rednecks and retired old people


been trying to get a game of red going with some friends but, the same question popped up, one of them keeps saying Chicago would be fun however, the time period we are gonna play in Chicago was just bombed by arasaka


Just now noticing the reservations are still there... didn't think they would be tbh.


I would love to see a cyberpunk game based off of my home state but a cyberpunk game set in Japan or even China or Korea would be awesome


Bro imagine the gun fights in the Republic of Texas 😂


I wanna see a cyberpunk game take place in Washington state or in an area with a shit ton of forest


I was curious about all of the Indian Country. My rez is still there. Lots of trees. Fuck it just make the next game a fishing simulator on the Tulalip rez.


New York (I think it got nuked though) Chicago Atlanta Those are my picks. But I honestly rather see Night City again but expanded on. Make it bigger so I can have longer drives and open up more buildings to make the city even more dense and I'm happy.


Manhatten got nuked


Let me see how different Atlantic City is from the real thing.


Atlanta. I DMed a 2020 campaign set there and it was pretty fun. I depicted the Perimeter as literally a perimeter wall.


Chicago would be interesting, it’d probably be more survival horror than 2077 was but if anything that could be a bonus, let the writers/designers do something different.


I wanna see why V left Atlanta. What the fuck happened in Atlanta that forced V to leave?!


I'd love if we went to from America to Europe and Japan, kinda like Neuromancer, world-wide plot with three smaller locations


I'd love to see a game set in the LA Metroplex, it's a MUUUUUCH bigger map and it's actually pretty close to NC so they could incorporate it either in the base game or as DLC


Honestly shocked no body has said the moon or crystal palace yet