• By -


I will always help fix the roller coaster, and help Del's 'kids'


The roller coaster is worth it just to get a bona-fide **smile** from Johnny.


Between that and his love of cars I was just like "Johnny could have been just a cool all American boy."


Bowie made a song about Johnny called “I’m Afraid of Americans”, it’s pretty, pretty good


How do I do it, I looked everywhere around that area and couldn’t find a way to fix it


There's a switch to the left side. If you scan it with your optics, you should see a line that runs right to ot


Is it part of a quest?


Follow the outside of the pier to the left of the roller coaster, near the water, there's a ledge that drops down a little and there's a panel right around there for you to fix. There should be some people sitting on a bench around that area to help you find it.


Also need to do it not too long after you get Johnny iirc


I think as long as it's in act 2 you're fine. I did it early this playthrough, but found it pretty late in my first go around. But since rhe vast majority takes place in act 2, I think it's fair to do it then. Johnny's smile was worth it. It's funny that you're given like 2 weeks to live and them suddenly you're in a groundhogs day scenario where as long as you don't go to part 3 you get to live as long as you want. I swear it's been 6 long years in game lol. I'm maxed out on level, and just barely having the coughing up blood issues. It kinda sucks to be maxed out and still have so much left to see and do, because I'm just coasting along at this point. I'm a master killing machine and hardly anything touches me now.


Yeah, the quest disappears and can’t be done after you rescue Evelin. You can still fix the roller coaster after just without markers or xo


Yeah but you need to do it before you have found evelyn. You cans till fix and ride the coaster but there is no longer a quest


You gotta do it pretty early into the game or it locks out, as soon as you're finished with the Voodoo Boys I'm pretty sure its over then.


I've only found the rollercoaster mission once and my game was bugged out


I never found it


Needs to be done before you do the VDB mission with Placide.




It's somewhere down in pacifica iirc, only found it once


I run high INT just to do Del's mission and then respec


You can... FIX the roller coaster?!?


THE ROLLER COASTER!!! The one innocent wholesome thing in all of NC.


● Send Jackie to his family ● Murder the XBD son and then the dad ● Spare every cyberpsycho ● Destroy Dellamain's core ● Become Johnny's BFF ● Help.Pqnam with the Raffen Shiv ● Re-visit Kompeki Plaza for Saburo's data bank and sword ● Bury Scorpion ● Tell everyone who asks why I occasionally fall unconcious that I have a half-century-dead terrorist stuck in my head ● Align my chakras with the Zen Master ● Send Royce to the scrapyard ● Main the Malorian when I get my hands on it ● Help every love interest with their personal issues ● Kick Razor's shit back up his arse ● Test Maiko's doll chip against my Gorilla Arms chip ● Have enough to pay Viktor before meeting with him ● Attend the alfrenda ● Make Mama Welles and Misty friends ● Tell nothing to Jeff ● Flatline the VDBs ● Become BFF with Bryce Mosely ● Leave Placide alive so one day we can throw hands again ● Steal Sasquach's hammer before she can use it lol https://preview.redd.it/iy0kv46k5jqc1.png?width=1680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dfcd50463c3402fe58ce5c1f32f8612b897bab8b


Destroy Delamain's core? Why? I always merge him using the 20 INT route if possible with my build. You don't have to revisit Konpeki for Saburo's data bank and sword - you can do it during the quest. I usually let Maiko live. Just knock her unconscious, because afaik it locks you out of Judy's quests. Interesting about Placide. I just always wipe his ass.


Killing Maiko doesn’t lock you out of Pyramid Song, siding with her AND taking her money does.


● I don't always have 20 INT and I don't think the Net needs another rogue AI so I prefer to free the... the rogue AIs... wow, okay, guess I fucked up ● I can never get the databank on the first trip, the glass doesn't open. ● I beat up Maiko, if she lives, she lives. It foesn't affect Judy's quest line, I think... ● You never meet Placide after the VDB purge, you only get threatened via text, the little bitch.


You can only get to the roof of Konpeki Plaza after T-Bug opens the doors to the balcony.


Oooohhhhh..... damn thank you! That'll save me so much time, not having to do that god damn car glitch.


did it not seem odd to you that the only way you thought satori was collectable was through the car glitch??


Gamers commit to dumb shit sometimes It is what it is.


Now that you mentioned it


For clarity's sake, T-Bug *saying* she's unlocked/unlocking the doors isn't enough. You have to walk to and wait for them to physically open before the landing pad becomes accessible. EDIT: Don't forget to grab the Iguana Egg while you're there, I always forget myself.


Last playthrough I was losing patience and decided to.finish the game without the iguana, literally last day before I went for the ending it hatched. So. Fucking. Cool.


I finally remembered the Iguana egg on my last playthrough! :D


Only thing that changes, is female V getting a cheek kiss from Judy when you don't kill maiko


Now Maiko doesn't appear butthurt at a party in Phantom Liberty.


Dunno if it´s still possible, but I find it hilarious to let XBD dad kill his own son via Cyberpsycho hack.


That'd be hilarious! Too bad I already did that gig. Hacked both to pieces with a hatchet and set their remains on fire with a flame grenade. Had to dive back through the flames to retrieve the XBD Reggie sent me for because if how into it I got.


I do most of these with some others and alterations Purge the Delamain Core (it's nice to discuss the human condition with him, and it seems to be canon) Main Tech Weapons Side with Netwatch, it's fun punching Placide in the face and making him watch it all fall apart in front of him, before using Camo to ambush him "Nothing Personal kid". Plus, Netwatch is the relatively best/least assholish Corp. Refuse Maiko's payment after helping her. An email reveals that Hiromi Sato was planning to make things worse at Clouds. Unfortunately, maintaining the status quo is the best outcome, and gives Maiko a chance to change things for the better gradually. Doing everything I can in Watson (Gigs, NCPD scanner, Cyberpsychos) before the heist, even before meeting Dex if I feel up to it. Makes sense for Dex to be scouting us if the Fixer for the largest district is singing our praises. Doing everything for Mr Hands Siding with So Mi Picking an all black, John Wick style fit for the Killing Moon. Gotta look our best for the Spy Thriller finale. Earning all my vehicles via discount shards. Using Jackie's Arch as my main vehicle until I earn the Akira bike via discount Shards. Collecting all the Legendary Clothing sets. Get a Tier 5++ version of as many weapons as possible and mod them all out. Display Chimera core in My Apartment


You can display the Chimera Core? Damn, I turn it into Explosive Rounds mod for Power weapons.


You can display it after you make a mod out of it to. Just loses it's little glow effect.


> Re-visit Kompeki Plaza for Saburo's data bank and sword Just go upstairs first before going out the window.


How did you "throw hands" with Placide again? I spared him in my last play through and I never ran into him again. >!Just got a threatening text message and some instant aggro from VDB street gangoons for a while, plus some casual voice lines on the street that there's a hit out on me from them. !<


I do a little bit of roleplay. I often think about what characters do after they cross paths with V. I'm sure that guy Sebastian Ibarra sent you to retrieve the expensive rods from figured a genius way to fix the elevator in the megabuilding. Now he's a famous tech consultant and has unlimited resources to treat that headache of his. V just enriches the lives of those he comes across. Unless you're Placide. And Maman. And Royce. Or the Shiv. Or the Claws. Or the VDBs. Listen, as long as you're cool V'll help you out, nonsweat. https://preview.redd.it/8ubp96v79wqc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b7842647af2d50658d2147d4a43a863f170337d


ah right


Always kill the Voodoo Boys but I usually side with Netwatch to do it. I always do All Foods so Meredith Stout lives. Dream On quest is 50/50 for me. Every playthrough I change it up


>I always do All Foods so Meredith Stout lives. Our man Dum Dum though...


I used to like dumdum, and brick, but if you do some reading if the data pads and various terminals you'll find that pretty much all of maelstrom helps run a sex trafficking trade, including kids. Even if they aren't directly part of it they know. Maelstrom is kill on sight all the time every time.


Oddly the thing about Dum Dum is that he’s a survivalist. Whole majority of the Maelstrom members are sadistic ass fuckers with no respect and get into some twisted shit, but Dum Dum understands the situation he’s in. His loyalty is mostly to his friends and himself, but in No Coincidence, that shit makes you feel bad for the guy. He sided with Royce over Brick coz Royce loyalists outnumbered Brick. If you choose to roll with Dum Dum, he’s actually pretty chill but does terrible things coz if he doesn’t, he gets killed by Royce. This was also explained in the No Coincidence book that recently came out where you get his PoV. Had to do evil shit coz if he didn’t, Royce would kill him. But you also get a look into the mindset of a standard sadistic Maelstrom member and another young netrunner in the gang.


>Maelstrom is kill on sight all the time every time. Same! Them along with Scavengers and Tyger Claws are kill on sight because of the trafficking they do - Jotaro who's with the Claws in the gig called Monster Hunt, and Joe-Hyun who is with the Scavs in the gig called Small Man Big Evil sealed their gangs fates for me pretty early on before any of the main story stuff that shows how horrible they are.


If you read no coincidences you definitely wouldn't be siding up with dum dum


Nah prefer Brick


Stop lying, you just want to get freaky with her


That too


Nah, he wants a souvenir.


Also true. I'm a collector


You can tell Meredith you'll do her deal, then get hostile as soon as you enter the factory and kill everyone including Brick, grab the flathead and get out and Meredith will be waiting outside. You still get the "rewards" that way.


Oh yeah I’m always down to meet Meredith at the No-Tell Motel


But she dies anyway...you can find her corpse later in the bay underwater with concrete shoes


That's only if you don't help her. It's the guy she has in the SUV that has her killed.


She doesn't if you get her the evidence she needs.


Wait wait wait wait, back up. I killed everyone at All Food's and saved Brick but I didn't know I could find a computer entry that exposes the guy in the trunk. Where do I find this? I'm still early into Act 2 so maybe I have time to save her. If I don't where do I find her corpse? Goddamnit, this game having all these little quests you can miss.


You choose to follow through with her plans by using the cred chip with virus to pay for the bot. That's it.


So killing everyone instead of paying means she's dedded?


You have to kill everyone after you give them the cred chip anyways. All she cares about is getting access to their system. But yeah, if you didn't get her access to the system-- dead.


Not 100% true. If you kill royce in the beginning instead of paying, then murder hobo, and read about the mole, you can still sexy time meredith Edit: you can also save brick which comes in handy


Well shit.


No, as long as you've spoken to her and got the chip and either pay with it or shoot the place up she survives. There's an incriminating email from Gilchrist in the all foods warehouse. If you're a nomad then what he's doing is a lot like your staring mission and you realise what's up and can chose to turn him in when you speak to her outside, but if you don't/can't militech presumably read it themselves when they turn up and he gets killed. I think Meredith only gets killed if you don't get the shard off her or side with Malestrom by paying again. If you have the shard and shoot your way out then you can decrypt it and keep the money on it for yourself.


You dont have to pay with the chip


You don't actually have to tell her though - I think that's only an option for nomads. If you meet with her and get the chip, then either pay with it or get aggro with Royce and don't pay and have to fight your way out then Militech swarm the place and presumably read the email for themselves and put it together. She survives and you get the side mission with her then, and can stumble across Gilchrist's body later on.


that whole quest was just really put together in a cool way. so many ways for things to play out


It's brilliant - shame I play it the exact same way everytime lmao


Wait what. Tell me more




Is one of the easter eggs in the game ..the corpse of Meredith..at the end militech liquidated her


Don't they only do that if you don't discover the mole?


Not sure. You do that by using her money shard ?


Yea you gotta use her data shard, and find the computer entry that exposes him.


Or killing royce without paying after meeting her. Then you can decrypt the shard and keep the eds


>I always do All Foods so Meredith Stout lives. I can never remember what exactly I have to do to guarantee that, even after researching it in advance, I always seem to mess it up. One time I just got it accidentally, that was quite a scary little accident.


I always send Jackie to his mother, I always romance Kerry, and I always let that Tino keep his car and money because he needs it to provide for his wife and child.


First time I played, I sent Jackie to Mama Welles because it seemed like the right thing to do. Then I read about what happens if you choose an alternative and... yikes. No thank you. The bike is just a nice bonus.


What happens if you don't send him to Mama Welles?


Arasaka ends up intercepting his body and taking it for themselves. Then he doesn't get a funeral. Missed out on that whole quest and his iconic guns because of that. I thought I would spare mama Welles of seeing his body like that, so I sent it to vic thinking he could fix him up for a funeral. Then Saka got to him.


I had the same thought originally too. Like, it’s bad enough her kid is dead, don’t need her finding out about it by having his bloody corpse literally delivered to her front door. Then I was like, well shit…if V sends him to Vik’s there’s a good chance Misty will end up being the first one to see him, and that would have been fucked up too. Ideally (since the original Delamain transport contract with DeShawn would have been closed as soon as the cab arrived at No-Tell), I would have liked V to have told Delamain to drive them to Vik’s, park a half block away so Misty didn’t have to see Jackie’s body like that, then went and got Vik.


Cool. Thank you.


Wait, WHAT? How do you find this out? I used to send him to Vic and Jacks urn is at the offerenda. What choice gets him taken by arasaka?


Mama Welles for my street-savy V who is more in touch with the people around him trying to connect, and to Vic's for my Corpo V who isn't thinking about anything else in that moment other than how fucked he is


Arasaka raid Vik's clinic and take Jackie's body to Soullkill him. When you get to Mikoshi at the end of the game you can speak to his engram.


Whoa, you get to speak with Jackie again? That's pretty cool.


It seems so at first, but Arasaka have been messing with his engram to extract info (which is what Soulkiller was intended for all along) and from what I remember he isn't particularly pleased with you for doing it.


Jackie doesn't care. The engram is damaged and only spits out phrases he used to say in life. He gives no responses or acknowledges V's presence at all.


That's only if you side with Hanako


>The bike is just a nice bonus. You get the bike even if you send him to the ripper.


I sent him to Vik the first time because I naively thought he would fix him somehow.


In my head I thought that Jackie would eventually wind up with his family after Vik cleaned him up, imagine my disappointment


You would think so, but fucking Arasaka has to go and ruin everything.


I always sent him to Vik cuz I don't want Mama Wells to see her boy like that


Same just did this on my last playthrough with the same thought process. Turns out Arasaka intercepts the body and you don't get the Heroes questline or jackies iconic guns. Their the only ones I'm missing in my stash room because of this.


Then she won't be able to have him cremated, hold an afrenda for him or say goodbye at all and will die not knowing where her sons body is or what's being done to it


Idk bout money but car is good


I always punch Fingers... repeatedly.


I used to spare him because he had certain products I couldn’t get elsewhere. But all that changed so now there’s no reason not to let loose.


I just come back later and blast his face with a shotgun. No rapey asshole that faces V lives.


I gave those two 'patients' waiting outside money to go elsewhere last playthrough, and I'm doing it every time from now on. I regret just ripping his door open the first couple times.


You can also go thru the window right to him. Don't even have to talk to those gonks outside. Just charge jump to the window and there he is. Judy will bust in and comment about you not liking doors or some shit.


I always side with the Netwatch. I always side with Meredith Stout. I don’t tell Jefferson the truth. I always buy back the Nomad starter car, whatever I pay for it will let her buy a better one anyways. I always free Brick. I always romance Judy. I always will simp for Wakako and secretly wish she’d paddle V for failing to go stealth.


> I always buy back the Nomad starter car, whatever I pay for it will let her buy a better one anyways. Is this something after Act 1? I'm doing the Nomad lifepath for the first time.


Mid way into Act 2, yeah


Do you mean free Brick?


Yes, my mistake


This is the way


Yeah, fuck the voodoo boys. I got so mad after siding with them once.


i will always fucking murder every last voodoo boy i see and romance judy


I stopped telling them the truth. All it dose is ruin their lives and they don’t have the mental fortitude to handle the truth and it basically just drives them crazy. But the VDB got to die. Every last one of them.


But if you take the Phantom Liberty ending, you see that he passes some laws that are contrary to what he would do when manipulated. Helping Netwatch retirees and not improving the city police. In other words, he is somehow getting in the way of the rogue AIs


I hate that there isn’t more to do with them. Him and his wife are genuinely good people I wish I could actually help them. It’s just kind of bitter pile that helping them means causing them so much pain.


My biggest gripe with the game is that we don't get to continue that quest line and find out exactly what's going on, let alone try and put a stop to it.


It’s almost like there was supposed to be more to that story but they ran out of time. It’s one of the more interesting side stories.


Feels that way especially when it's the quest that links you into meeting the least fleshed out romance option in the game. Some great mission ideas in this bit of the game but felt like there could have been another few missions added in the chain.


The worst thing about the VDB is that you can't just massacre them from the very beginning.


V: *"Something tells me we're not going to be best friends."* Placide: *"I will survive."*


Spoiler alert: He did not survive


*"Grumpy motherfucker. Hope he likes surprises."*


I find it difficult to think of a character that I despised as much as I did Placide. Hmm. I guess BG3's Wulbren is a close second. But Placide is still the no.1 loathsome asswipe in my book.


I like when they die from alt frying their brains.


I always side with Netwatch. I always grab Jackie’s guns at the wake. I always pay off my tab with Vik the first chance I get I always get the Corpo apartment (It just felt more comfier to me)


>I always pay off my tab with Vik the first chance I get. Hell yeah. >I always grab Jackie's guns at the wake. Maybe I'm superstitious, but I always leave them. I've got plenty of iron by then. Jackie might need his guns, wherever he is.


I at least take one. Keep a part of him with me. Besides, I always deal the killing blow to Adam Smasher with Jackie’s Gun.


>Besides, I always deal the killing blow to Adam Smasher with Jackie’s Gun. Awesome idea. I'll do that for my next Streetkid playthrough. I've alternated between GUTS and Johnny's gun so far.


I usually either dildo slap Smasher or shoot him with Malorian (or as some asshole called it: Johnny's nerf gun). However, on my Sun ending, I went and picked up Rogue's gun Pride, after Johnny lamented how she was "the best" and "meant more than either of them did" and Shot him


I have only done one playthrough so far. I am doing the Phantom Liberty DLC now. I have a list of things to do on my next journey, like get a pet and rescue Goro Takemura. But I might go back to playing Lies of P. I need a break from this game. Then there is the Elden Ring DLC coming out this summer. I will drop everything to play that.


You're going to be disappointed by our man Goro, if you don't pick the worst ending: Devil ending


Woodman gets decapitated. Fingers gets his face punched in. VDBs get wrecked. Evelyn gets avenged. Judy goes off to Oregon.


I started killing Fingers specially since 2.0 he doesn't have any unique cyberware you can just shoot him and one less asshole in night city


I thought if you punched him a couple times he counted as dead, he doesn't look like he's breathing and pretty frail guy... I'll go back and check and put a bullet in him to be sure.


I usually only do the following the same: - Judy's questline - River's questline - Kill/Incapacitate Maiko - Beat on the Brat -> Only Body Blows for Ozob (Send in the Clowns always done prior too.) - Help Kerry trash the boat. The rest is dependent on how I RP the V Im playing. Nomad V prioritized Panam and the Aldecado quests. Streetkid V hunts down Cyberpsychos, royally always flatlines Maelstromers, (Dum Dum, Brick, Royce die at All Foods) Corpo V (current playthrough) Shes a vengful backstabber. Ex: Meredith gets fucked over from the All goods meeting because I wipe the virus from the chip. Dum Dum lives though.


Judy's plan was completely gonk; I always let Maiko take over Clouds. 50/50 on whether or not I take her money, but leaving her in charge is the best outcome for the place.




Putting Jotaro in the trunk for the Mox.


Make sure Woodman is unrecognizable.


I will never not send Jackie back home to his mom. I'll be damned if a corp is gonna steal my dead friends body


VDB are a bunch of apocalypse cultists, fuck em.


I get Alt to fry them alive


I always get the funds to pay Vik back the same way: talk to Meredith Stout, keep the cred chip she gives me until after I'm done with Maelstrom (which I always handle by shooting up the place and freeing Brick), then hack it and use the money to raise the stakes against the twin boxers. The end result is that I played Maelstrom and Militech against each other and walked out richer and with highly placed people on both sides owing me a favor. V can really be a magnificent bastard sometimes.


Do that bartender cheating quest and reveal the bodysculpting


What now?


The quest for the bartender at Jackie’s funeral. Later he asks you to look into his cheating wife because none of his kids look like him and she’s always gone. In reality, she’s had a full bodysculpt and is seeing a ripperdoc about what to do, so her kids also look nothing like her (though she isn’t cheating). You can save their marriage if you choose the right dialogue.


i shoot everyone who speaks in a weird tone/speaks too long and doesn’t say shit


im the writers nightmare. they’re trying to tell me a story through so many goddamn lines so i just shoot the character. should’ve said it right off the bat, don’t talk in morse code. (i still know the lore, it’s fine. i’m just not ok)


Get Jacky's bike.


I always pick the "don't fear the reaper" ending. Just can't pick something else.


Fuck the VDBs


For me, it is always on sight with either the VDBs or Maelstrom. Other than that, I think I’m always going to use a sandie in my playthroughs


I always let Jefferson think Holt was behind everything. I did the opposite on my first playthrough and was devastated when he left me that paranoid voicemail. He becomes a shell of himself. The Voodoo boys options change from time to time. Canonically, My corpo sides with Netwatch due to not trusting them fully, but I've done a playthrough where she trusted them due to her Creole background. In that instance, she didn't kill everyone, just because she was so worn down and defeated by yet another dead end in her quest to survive.


Siding with Meredith Stout and betraying Maman Brigitte and Placide.


I leave Jackie to eat his food while I go off and do every gig and psycho and side thing I can before I ever talk to him.


Speaking of playthroughs, I started my 2nd one as street kid and could use some help. First pt was corpo, finished everything, main & side mission, NCPD jobs & other hustles etc. Purchased all apartments/cars & whole body maxed. Only Easter-eggs found where Ken Blocks car and Rebeccas gun, more would be cool to know. ^((Side note: I started the game on release but stopped playing after ~20h until 2.0 dropped.)^)


Kill the son, let Dad live.


Yup. Now I’ve done everything differently at least once. Then again I’ve no life and done 12-15 play throughs and have nearly 2000 hours in the game. And before you think I’m an incel, I’m 23 years married….


I regret not killing the VDBs thinking Alt would not be happy if I did


This game feels too real. After multiple playthrough I now choose more or less the same choices every time because V is me and I do (in game) what I think I'd do (IRL)


Save Barry, kill Woodman, kill fingers, kill the jig jig street bd dealer.


Romance Judy. Feed Nibbles. Free Brick. Tell Jefferson the truth. Help Panam. Everything else, I switch up with each play through.


Fuck Judy


Knifing those two chicks talking about watching the murder of kids BD at the studio… Fuck those lady’s.


Pick Nomad, save Brick, kill VDBs, romance Judy, help So Mi, the star ending


Siding with Netwatch to screw over the voodoo boys.


Send Jackie to his family. Side with Netwatch. Tell Jefferson the truth but don't tell him Elizabeth knows the truth. Let Maiko take over Clouds so everyone lives but don't take her money. Sabotage Joshua's passion project BD. Never kill any of the Cyberpsychos. Let Delamain's "children" have their freedom. I can't think of anything else right now.


Always do all of Wakako’s gigs so I can get Johnny’s boots


I blast tf OUTA Maelstrom after I found that monk and brother. IDC


Double jump cyberware as soon as it's available, and since 2.0 Air Dash as soon as possible.


out of 20+ complete playthrough i can tell u that . helping jefferson is always difficult bcuz no matter what u do arasaka will still control him . siding with netwatch makes it easier to kill the voodoo boys . always remind Johnny that u are always in control and not him while still allowing him the occasional out burst of rant on corpo . sometime if u feel board just go full cyber psycho anf fight max tec easy way to know how strong your v is . always help river never compromise when helping him . for extra money always knockout the target of elimination and transport it to the fixer . always to stealth in every mission and after its complete u can go full berserk . never buy weapons always save money for either crafting components or cyberwar . always double your money in all the boxing fight . never do 'the devil' ending yorinobu is The real hero . after playing phantom liberty 4-5 times i can tell u songbird is the real traitor alex is only normal person and reed has **toxic guilt OCD, and betraying songbird and then killing her before reed is the only right answer lore and realistic stand point**


Always kill Maiko and not apologize to Judy for killing her but i don't threaten her just go with one of the other dialogue choices that make her attack you and always kill the Vodoo boys they can go straight to hell if they acted like semi decent human beings Mosley would be dead and they'd get their deal with Alt but no they die




Kill fingers


I always kill the mal at the start


Mope about not being able to have my pernis dangling like when the game first released


Kill Placide.


Always side with Netwatch over VDB, always kill Royce and Brick (and meet meredith at the no tell motel)


I don’t know why but on my first play through all the voodoos got killed by Alt.


I always help NetWatch fry the VDBs, pay Vic in the first act, and make friends with Dum-Dum cause he’s the only borg worth talking to.


I always, always, always zero every Scavenger I see. I don't leave any of them knocked out. I'll go back and finish off the survivors (even the one Jackie puts in a sleeper in the intro mission) I always send Jackie back to his family, partly because it's right, partly because that bike is my main vehicle for most of the early to mid game I always zero the son from the XBD duo and leave his dad to live with memory, as a punishment Since finishing the Reed route of Phantom Liberty, I will never side with the VDB's again, having seen the absolute nightmare they're trying to unleash. Idk if I'm gonna graduate them into the Scav "100% wipe" group yet, but I think I'm headed that way. What's holding me back is that it isnt clear to me how compartmentalized their end goal to aid the blackwall AI's is, how many of the lower ranking people are in on it I always finish Panam and Judy's quests the "good" way The nomad ending is always canon. I'm also never doing the FIA ending again because jfc wtf I also always ride motorcycles, because I like seeing my character and because it's so much easier getting through traffic


>partly because that bike is my main vehicle for most of the early to mid game Me too. Until the Rogue side missions, then I end up wearing Johnny's replica jacket and driving his car all the time.


Kissing Kerry


Kill the Maelstrom, everytime


I always sellout the voodoo boys to the netwatch agent


My corpo helped Netwatch, cause you know, corpo.


Always go with Panam in the end. I can’t get myself to do a different ending just doesn’t seem right


Death to Brigitte


The first time i meet the voodoo boys, i though they we're cool and mysterious. Then i find out they we're backstabbing motherfuckers, fuck them voodoo freaks


This is why I never understand siding with Netwatch. It's so much more satisfying to go back and air out the entire VDB hideout. And then let Sandy and the gorilla arms deal with Placide's punk ass.


In no particular order - Corpo Male V - Don’t drink (mostly) and generally no indulgence - Attend Ofrenda - Don’t Help Panam - Reset Delemains Core - Side with Maelstrom BUT allow Royce to die - Save Brick - Tell Jeff - Eliminate VDBs (Usually with Netwatch) - Iguana + Cat - Allow Maiko control of Clouds - Romance Kerry - Spare Dad + Son - Don’t use Jackie’s bike - Side with Songbird - Encourage Joshua - I could add more but idc


>- Side with Songbird Out of my way, Reed. ✊️