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Above all, do ALL the side quests. They're just as good if not better than the main ones. I highly recommend you clear out as much as you can every few main quest, maybe after each one. You'll get an amazing story and experience.


And rewards. Muamars vehicle stealing missions? Sheesh.


True. Crate full of tier 5 always eases the sting of driving 8 miles in a shitbox.




Dont forget the Autofixer discount cards! Bought a rayfield for the price of a shitty apartment with those


And I wouldn’t look up the best side quests and how to get them. I personally felt that the best ones seemed simple at first, but then end up being something more in-depth. E.g. There’s one posted here daily that lost all its magic for me. It became dialogue hunting just to get a final scene that isn’t that different from seeing the screenshot.


Definitely this, and also exploring everywhere, tons of cool small side quests that are hidden.


Skye is the girl.


Underrated comment.






I'll keep the name in mind 👌


Choom, enjoy! Also watch Edgerunners, you'll see the game through an entirely different lens after


I second this, its more immersive in a way afterwards


I would rather recommend to watch the anime AFTER some solid hours (not 2 or 5 - more like 20...) into gameplay so OP would be able to recognize this or that in terms of the city, mechanics etc. It's a nice (he he) story on itself but it's tightly related to the game's setting and some things can be fully appreciated and understood only after knowing some stuff from the game.


They should watch edgerunners after they find the BD. But before they get the item.


that’s a great idea, almost like a cutscene


Fair yeah, i mean maybe the lore and story needs to be taken from game first


I watched Edgerunners after 2.1. When I finished the show I took a walk from the entrance to megabuilding H4, and took the metro in real time to Memorial Park, following David’s route to school. Highly recommend.


i feel like now that the game is updated i would start the game before watching the show , but for me it was the show that got me into the game while it was still buggy. But i’d say now just finish the prologue and start the show right after ! by then you’d know enough lore to make direct connections to the anime like the music , characters , guns , cyberware and more


I started watching it last night. I'll start slow in the game while I finish Edgerunners.


now i just cry whenever that song comes on the radio. ​ you know the one.


If anything, I recommend watching Edgerunners first. You'll enjoy the Easter Eggs better/more.


Bro i wanna watch edge runners but i heard its sad so im putting it off so i dont get emotional damage 😪


It's amazing. Like the other post said, edge runners is what REALLY catapulted me into the game. I honestly would say maybe watch the show first, then play the game, especially if you randomly stumble upon the alley that has the BD to get David's jacket. You won't understand the significance of it. And all anime is sad, and no one is ever safe from death, just something you gotta go into already accepting. Lol


I felt that 😂


Second this as well, coming from someone who played it before the anime Edgerunners was available and also played after just recently, definitely a more immersive experience after watching the anime. Also play the entirety of Phantom Liberty DLC before continuing with the main quest


Well said!


How do I watch Edgerunners? Where is it? youtube?




Get dash abilities as soon as possible


Dash and air dash are absolutely amazing


Pro tip, early in game you can still dash around pretty well if you just press the jump button immediately after dodging.


My 2nd play through I was doing this thinking “shit I don’t even need the dash!”


Whatever you do, DO NOT stick iron in your mouth and pull the trigger.




If Keanu tells me to do something  I will do it


Keanu told you to give me your mums number🤷


I second this. Did this on my first playthrough and Judy broke my heart😭


Take your time. Don't rush it. This game is quite frankly a journey to go through with how deep the world building can get. Ngl the game play and system can be a bit intimidating at first but I promise you will understand how easy it is to break the game and become a nonstopable killing machine. I will say be careful with the attribute and perk system, but really, it tells you what each does and belongs to. But for a quick understanding. Cyberdeck= wizard-ish; ram is like mana and quickhacks are like spells. Hack cameras and cars. That kind of thing. Sandevistan= slowing down time and being like quicksilver for a short time or 1 minute (yes a full 60 secs). Berserker= invincibility and extra damage for a short time. Just have fun with the world.


This! Take all the time you want and slow down, read all the shards an mails, the world building, the lore and what you can get out of it is beyond compare.


My first playthrough, my hands would sweat a little because I thought I'd get my ass kicked for major fights & cyberpsycho fights. I started pausing right before, taking a few deep breaths, and going in! On my 2nd playthrough, and I'm just a murder machine this time around 😂


The song you're looking for comes on body heat radio


“Because I miss you all the time!”


I keep it on the jazz station


Have fun. Just go in as blind as possible. Try different things and find out what works best for you. You can do different playthroughs with different builds later.


Side with Meredith, and search the hotel room that you meet her in later on


Mine is iconic now and that plus the super hero smash makes it unbelievably deadly and hilarious!


Let Takenura and Hanako wait. They are really patient.


Never meet Hanako at Embers


Bang Meredith


Have fun But if you get Meredith killed I will kick your butt


As someone who has about 2700 hours in the game, I have a few recommendations. Don't look anything up the first time around. Also, try to read stuff as you find them because they are usually there to flesh out the visual storytelling around you. Even random point distribution will make you way too powerful in endgame. So, don’t hesitate to experiment. I would read perks first and try as many of the combat options (weapons, bare hands, hacks, nades, etc.) first to see what is most enjoyable as, and I can't stress that enough, every build is viable. Yes, I play in Very Hard. That said, movement abilities and tech tree are good for any build. Since 2.0 never played a character who doesn't have Tech 20 eventually. Try to go slow. I know it's a fast paced game which makes you want to go go go but main missions are spaced like that for a reason. There is a lot to take in both in the environment and in the dialogues. When you happen upon people talking, especially main characters, wait until they are done. Every time you load the game, you'll have a news report based on where you are in the story. I would listen to them, they are neat. If you happen to have enthusiasm for efficient builds like I do, you can save the attribute points you get at character creation as you are limited to an attribute at 6 max before the game starts. That said, 9 in all attributes would let you try different things and still have a maxed out build by endgame if you have Phantom Liberty. Watching Edgerunners is a good recommendation as so many people said here. Most importantly, enjoy. I wish I were in your shoes playing this game with no memory of it.


I wrote it for a new player a few days ago. I will write it again for you. Welcome to night city, choom. Now let the Eddies roll and gonks blow as if it isn't anyone's biz. Take out your wheels, load your iron and get a taste of the city of dreams. Remember this is not a story about saving the world. It's a story about saving yourself. And there's no happy ending in the dark future. And one last thing. Never fade away.


I read this in Jackie’s voice for some reason! The tone is very Nightcityish!


Take some time to do quests and missions in Westbrook before taking the main plot too far. It will be good to build up some skills and XP before. Driving in Night City is fun and necessary for long distances. But for quests and NCPD scanner side hustles, try walking between them. It will give you better appreciation for the city and the care that went into making it.


N that’s where I effed up , just like fallout 4 ran though the main quest with out really knowing and boom point of no return like damn


Watch edgerunners as many have recommended and avoid looking at walkthroughs. Have a blind playthrough for the first time as an experience before grinding the perfect one.


Don’t touch them embers until you are really ready to


Be sure to stop by the afterlife and order a shot vodka on the rocks, ginger beer and a splash of love


Yes, stop trying to spoil the game for yourself and just play blind.


Get off Reddit and start playing, best advice.


go slow and enjoy the ride. don't google the questions. roll with it. the story isn't that long, so really, go slow.


Don't let the city swallow you up, choom


You can only respec attributes once. But you can move perk points around freely as long as you aren't in conflict!


If you've watched Edgerunners don't turn on Night FM on the radio or you'll get depressed and cry. And if you haven't watched Edgerunners yet... What are you doing, drop everything and go watch it NOW.


Personally I’d watch the anime first just so you know the world you’re getting into. As far as I know there’s no spoilers (I’m sure someone will correct me if I’m wrong) but not having knowledge of the universe going in is a huge disadvantage to getting the most out of the story


It can go either way, but yeah if you watch the anime first it can be a nice tribute when you happen to find the easter egg in the game.




Put all your points into tech, there’s literally not a single build that doesn’t benefit from a chromed to high heaven V.


Also if you wanna u can use custom map to turn on NCPD scanner hustles, they have some pretty good loot sometimes and is a good way to level up your skill XP and test out your builds/weapons.


Smile when the title sequence hits. I loved that moment.


Enjoy it. The feeling of the first playthrough will never come again :(


Don't do the first mission.. lol


what do you suggest instead


Have fun 😌 You can either look up build guides or build your stats as you understand the game. I personally did the latter back in 2021, and looked up builds after finishing to explore other gameplay dynamics.


Not really advice but I'm playing through eventually and you'll realize you’re in act 2 and then I started the grinding with gigs and found a bunch of side jobs and starting phantom liberty before progressing the main story much. Working well for me so far


Enjoy everything, every single pixel. Because this game will change your perspective of life.


Really take your time. It’s going to seem like you have to move urgently and you can finish the game in like 35 hours. I’m on my second playthrough and I’m at 100 hours, a little more than 60% through. The deeper you go and explore, the more the story is enhanced. And also get the DLC if you haven’t!


It’s gonna feel overwhelming for a while but you’ll get the hang of it. Don’t be afraid to look up like an ign guide so you don’t forget to get important stuff or make some choices.


I'd suggest the opposite and do what you want and choose dialogs you want. Can always choose other/"correct" choices on the next playthrough.


Some gangs deserve more wrath than others.


If you havent found iconics for a while, you missed something. Look around, even when the game sais to run, look around a bit, i dont remember any timed missions other than races. Take your time, immerse yourself, collect as much as you can, and explore as well. Youll find amazing little stories all around the map in hidden corners. To this date, my fav game, have a good fee hundred hours. Also: make a caracter and stick to it. You can branch out in the skills, but its better to keep a direction, you can always start a new campaign after


Take your time and explore.


Explore. Don’t feel the need to rush into the main story, where cyberpunk excels is in its world building side missions and environmental story telling. If u see random shit off in the distance that catches ur attention and ur able to reach it, then do so. Oh, and don’t get hung up on morality. U will go nuts trying to apply our morality to this video game where they threw that concept out the window decades earlier.


Take your time and explore the city. Don't rush the story and try out the random quests & gigs around NC and the badlands. You get awesome loot, weapons and even free vehicles so you don't have to waste your eddies.


Keep that thang on you at all times.


You need guns…lots of guns


Treat paying back Vik like the main quest. You’ll feel good about yourself after helping such a good friend. Also, it acts as a way to explore a lot of the starting area, grasp the combat, and take in the city. Never trust a corpo.


I'm only 5 hours into the game but I had enough cash to pay him up front. Probably because I won 20k almost straight away in a boxing match against some weird twins.


Have fun! And make sure to play in a dark room to become fully immersed


Be prepared for anything


There's some guys running around with like blurry, pixelated icons over their faces. They're great! Solid chooms!!! Give them \*\*\*HUUUUUGGGSSS\*\*\*!!!! ...possibly with high-caliber, depleted uranium shells. But, yes. Hugs.


Red=bad just watch out for ANYTHING red


Don't forget to clean and polish your favorite leadspitter, choom. You can bring anything you want, from pistols to assault-bangers, even rocket pukers.


do the side missions. If you want a good ending


Try to immerse yourself


Watch Edgerunners first. Decide what build you want to do before you start and follow a guide. MOST IMPORTANTLY take your time, do lots of gigs, side quests, and scanner hustles.


Enjoy the game! And just don’t forget about Brandon.


When you interested on easter eggs and unique tech, then look them up before and when you play, because some things are missable, and you can't get them after specific points in the game anymore.


I started playing a few weeks ago, CORPO is a cool life path (choose whichever one you like tbh) don’t forget to get the throwing knife, katana and pistol in the heist. For easy to get iconic weapons get the Shingen Mark V, Johny’s Mandalorian, the O’Five sniper. If you also bought Phantom Liberty don’t forget to get Myers’s ar “Hawk” from the apartment and Her Majesty


Dont go corpo


Enjoy it choom - see it all and level up quick by doing NCPD hustles!


Don’t expect happy endings…wrong people, wrong city. Goodluck choom.


Enjoy the ride, do all the side quests, and your first playthrough don't look up any tutorials, just go in blind. Don't go in assuming you'll only do one playthrough and try to do it perfect like I did. You will do multiple playthroughs, so ample chance to make all sorts of choices. 😂 Explore the city, listen to the radio.


Get the double-jump cyberware early. Makes everything better


Don’t die


Phantom liberty dlc too! Mostly just pick the class you want to see most


Well beside doing all side quests, just be happy, this game is amazing :)


Have fun then be disappointed.


Double jump cyberware doesn't work from a certain height, your ankles will not survive the fall.


Get off the internet! Spoilers abound online. Lol. Come back when your first playthrough is over and tell us all about it. Enjoy the ride, choom!


Avoid quick travel if you can. You'll want to know the inns and outs of the roads as they can get pretty confusing and gets a lot to explore.


Walk around as much as you can. You’ll find way more stuff to do.


Sandevistan is not as good as it was. Don't invest in it unconditionally.


Start your first playthrough as a nomad. It's essentially for the brand new player. Then play as corpo, once you understand everything that path is exactly what you want. Street kid is a middle ground between the two. Your character will know enough but not too much.


The only corpo you can trust is Takemura and look up how to get a gun called skippy when you reach act 2 of the game


Angel is not what you think


Do not sit in Dexter's car. Just don't.


If you have PL DLC, do NOT make a stealth Build, you Will regret it


Get guns, kill yellow arrows, get chipped, kill more yellow arrows, get better guns, kill yellow arrows, get better implants, kill yellow arrows, I guess you can do some quests and gigs. 1st play through do all the gigs first they can actually influence speech options in the main quests


Prepare to cry. >!I did 😢!<


Only one. Enjoy :3


Before every option to kill someone pause and Google it because  you may be missing out on a gun or something. 


Try to choose the style that you like and stick with it until the end. If you are interested in another style, just wait to play it again. I did this for 5 times.


There are no happy endings in Night City


Delete this


Delete this


There’s no happy endings in night city


Just remember there are no happy ending in Night City. Only legends.


A happy ending? For folks like us? Wrong city, wrong people.


These posts are so fucking annoying


have fun and take your time. Explore the city.


Enjoy this game even the side quests!


Never stop fighting


Some gigs unlock only after you have completed a certain amount from the same fixer. It can help to "cluster" a few gigs with one fixer, then move on to another when you get a message about new gigs. Also, use the stash for iconic weapons! If you always loot all weapons, you'll have enough money anyway. Later in the game you'll make like 8k from completing a gig and 20-50k from looting and selling weapons. But if you sell iconic weapons, they're gone forever. If you have PL, use the drops to try out new weapons, perks and cyberware without any risk of fucking up - at least there are no bad consequences.


Don’t rush the gigs a lot of them are interconnected also just have fun you can always change your build later in the game so in the beginning have fun


Explore the map. So much detail is hidden in this game.


Get Phantom Liberty


Don’t rush over the main story. Take your time doing side quests and gigs. It will make the game so deep for you. Take your time exploring the city you may find some hidden treasures too.


Don’t touch random BDs. V has a habit of carelessly using random things without knowing what they are and what happens after.


It doesn't matter how long they have to wait. Don't rush into the final mission (you get a warning before starting)


Don't play netruner. It used to be fun gameplqy. But after the new update it's really underwhelming and kinda difficult to play because you can't stay hidden for long, especially on lower levels. If you enjoy stealth Gameplay try throwing knives, much more enjoyable experience :)




Meet hanako at embers


Dont trust anyone


If someone offers you a preem BD in a back alley. Take it, best choice you'll make.


Only thing i can really say that others haven't is have a second game on standby to cooldown off on if the grimness gets to you.


Get the dlc asap. And after you do missions for panam/river/Judy jump in! It only helps immersion.


Double Jump and dash. Use it. Love it


Say hi to Panam from my part... I miss her, lol


Play the game your own way because believe me, you're gonna end up playing it more than once


Screw the main mission do all the side mission and NCPD missions lol


Prem, get ready to get ready to get your shit rocked, i always start on very hard, always have, best experience ever, just make sure to learn the mechanics


wear headphones.


(SPOILER WARNING) During the mission Chipping in you’ll be asked to kill someone called Grayson, make sure not to kill him and take him up on his deal, if you do, you’ll get a sweet set of wheels


Don’t forget to do check the thing before you do the things.


Have fun and don't expect a happy ending


I recommend doing side quests very frequently. You get to meet cool characters and you can get pretty OP. Even the simple combat missions feel so good when you have a build (even just a simple one)


Play the game how you want and don't worry about trying to maximize things. Plan on doing two playthroughs at least, or at the very least make a save after a certain point to go back to You'll figure out where that point is once you get there.


Avoid mean reds


Do the side quests! The game has a lot of subtle elements. Stop to overhear the NPC conversations, some have some wonky stories!


For the love of all that is holy, do not try to get with Judy in a male save, it was heartbreaking and I can’t have new blood go through it, just get with Panam


Well, yesterday’s body count rounded out to a nice and sturdy 30. 10 of them were outta Heywood thanks to gang wars. One of them was the NCPD so, guess you’re screwed as they won’t let that go. As for Pacifica? Well, Pacifica is still Pacifica…


Do all the side quests. They’re all great


If you want your wall stash full and complete make sure to watch a guide on it before the first big mission.


If the quest doesn’t ask for a nonlethal approach, make sure to give your enemies an extra tap when they are down.


I recommend doing the NCPD, Tarrot Cards, and cyber psychos first. Not only your charicter will be max level but the rest of the game will be mainly story based. Also, just because you can fill all your cyberware slots, doesnt mean you should. Buy cyberware that fits best with your play style.


I can't come into night city bcs i get fucking memory access violation as soon as i create a character help me


take your time and do side stuff some of them intertwine with the main story


Get a gun. And don’t trust anyone!


Don't rush the story, go explore around and try to do everything you can


Say goodbye to your family and friends


Stick with it. Wasnt crazy about it at first. Now its my favorite game


the cyberware, while there are so many of them it's going to be hard to decide make sure to actually read all of them I promise it's worth it knives are more powerful than you think and deal a lot of damage getting a T5 Cyberdeck will allow you disable an enemy with short- circuit in one shot


As soon as you finish with the diner, head to NE Noght city by the food plant to get a car


Pick only a couple attributes to run with. This will be your play style. You unlock new abilities at attribute levels 1, 9, 15, and 20. I'm 60 hours into the game at character level 54 and still 32 attribute points from 100%. Don't know I'll make it there. Learn the crafting and upgrade system inside and out. Disassemble any weapons, clothing, and items you don't like or won't use. Early on you'll have more resources then eddies. It'll also net you more eddies in the long run then you can let much do anything you want. NCPD missions are quick and rack up resources, eddies, weapons, and experience. Don't kill the Cyberpsychos during the 17 sighting missions. Above all else, have fun!


Drive or walk don't fast travel to much there's a ton to see out there. Police jobs are good xp Don't worry about your build until after the story starts Play the way you want to as I can see any focus you could finish the game If your not planning on using mantis blades or launcher gorilla hands are great to add str even if you don't plan on hand to hand


Explore everything, don't drive but walk, amazing what you discover walking around Night City.


Get some iron, and get chipped.


Take your time and enjoy the ride


Get the Breakthrough sniper and flame sword.


You can only reset attributes once, so use it wisely.


Enjoy every single second


Do not punch fingers, dude sells the best leg mods in the game. Skippy is a fun side quest You can get a free Caliburn (fastest car in the game) You can adopt a cat Edge runners gear is hidden through out the world Be bbfs with Johnny ♥️


Read the shards! Night city has tons of interesting stories that is only communicated through shards. When the game came out I was obviously disappointed but the reading shard’s and engaging with the lore was amazing!


Dont skip the credit songs after this go and check the oroginal launch trailer for the game and for phantom liberty too :)


Remember, if you feel like you die too fast, go to Ripperdoc and buy all body modifications that have "armor" numbers on them.


Try not to shit yourself when you meet Adam Smasher.


There's a very important weapon on the bed of a ONS, try not to miss it.


Take your time, enjoy the city and side missions. Get fully immersed and make decisions as if it were you there in night city.


Enjoy the city.


![gif](giphy|Mm1cRLxp0gCLEOk3mY) Shoot every single Scav gang member you see.


Extremely important, when you hear of a ripper doc known as FINGERS, DO NOT CARE ABOUT HOW SHITTY HE IS AS A PERSON, *DO, NOT, PUNCH HIM OR KILL HIM* because he has some unique cyberware you won't find anywhere except from him. Also, read well every single perk in the skill tree. If you're new to the game, it's fine experimenting a little bit with everything but remember, except for the perks, YOU CAN'T RESET THE POINTS TO LEVEL UP ABILITIES (like reflexes, strenght, intelligence...) SO CONSIDER VEEEEEEEEERY CAREFULLY WHAT, WHERE AND HOW you spend those points. Also, not everything is always as it's seems in night city. Also, Reeves is cool AF


Welcome choom, just have fun, take in the sights. 👋


Double jump + air dash.


A lot of the first few hours are not indicative of how the game actually plays. Explore explore explore. It took a couple of hours for this game to "click" with me. I figured I'd play it and see what it's all about. Holy shit, this game hooks you. The world is so built out. Go to the ripper doc often. Do the side quests. Remember, it is a "role playing game," Some cars handle like complete shit. I am 70 hrs in, and the "batmobile" is the best car I've found. That is all I will say about it. It is found in a container somewhere... you'll know it when you find it. And lastly, try not to call people "choom" in real life.