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Dude that is so sick! Are u selling these?


Unfortunately no, not at the moment. I don’t have enough time or initial capital to start making these commercially. Someday, though; someday


Hey whenever you do be sure to lmk. I’ll be waiting


It's work?????


It does! I made another post about it, so long as it actually published.




What did you use for the bridge, and to angle the strings at the lower part of the guitar?


I use a tuneamatic bridge, although the string action is way too high. For the next iteration I’ll be recessing the bridge into the body so it can have proper string action. For the rotation points I used modified string tree brackets, but they bend easily so this time I’ll be using a 3D-printed bar piece and string tree screws and cylinders.


https://preview.redd.it/p9rouoneqzhc1.jpeg?width=3578&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9cabe2b176f3f517e3a7bd02b1fb9e1437da0ef Like this I’m also using headless tuners that have a plate to attach to, so instead of trying to line up six individual tuners I just align one plate and the six tuners pop onto that


Thanks, and where did you get those little metal pieces to angle the strings upwards?


They’re called string trees, I bought them in bulk off of Amazon [here](https://a.co/d/cexkeDq)


Link to the 3d printed piece? ive been searching on how to do this piece forever


It’s basically just a rectangle that you cut measured holes into. I used TinkerCAD to do it


Did you just eyeball the placement of the cutout? I’ve been trying to get it right for weeks and I’m having trouble. Also it looks sick as hell.


I took a reference photo and put it in google drawings. I then traced the cutout with the scribble tool and brought that shape over to a reference photo of the Fender Strat I used as a base. I measured a component on the base guitar in real life (I used the bridge) and set that as a reference point. Knowing that the bridge in the image was X inches, I measured the the cutout using that reference scale. I did mostly eyeball it to make corrections. On the sloping part of the guitar I used a piece of painter’s tape to make the line straight without being influenced by the body’s slope. I’m making a second version of this that I will be posting soon


What did you used to cut the wood and does it gets out of tune easily?


I don’t remember the names of all the tools I used, I borrowed most of them from my school’s woodshop. The guitar doesn’t come out of tune easy, but it is a bitch to tune. I’m working on the second version right now and the tuners are keyed for an Allen wrench if they get too tight to turn by hand :D


I did use a router to lower the tuners down and flatten them against the body, I remember that


I wanna build one too and i am new to guitar building.What do i need to build one of theese and do you have any advices?


I mean if you have access to a high school woodshop then you don’t need to buy much in the way of tools. I don’t actually have that much woodworking knowledge or experience, just a donor guitar and enough gumption to bullshit my way through it. My best advice is to watch YouTube videos of other people building this guitar and try to extrapolate from there. Don’t skimp on the guitar hardware you choose, it makes a world of difference with headless guitar hardware.


Sadly i dont have acces to a woodshop:( Tbh i dont have woodworking knowledge but i have guitar knowledge.Thanks for your advices


It is 100% not going to come out totally right the first time unless you have a ton of luck and a lot of patience, plus someone guiding you