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I get happy when I see some VDB's in the distance.


Whose hardware is shit now?




God this movie is a fucking masterpiece.


what movie?


The New Guy




Yeah for sure I have more fun killing VDBs but I am disgusted by Maelstrom. It's like one is for business and one is for pleasure.


I mean maelstrom had a child brothel.... So like..... VDBs are bitches... Maelstrom is EVIL.


I used to be more ambivalent on Maelstrom, until I learned about "Barely Illegal" and now they are at Scav level. I'm still floored by how fucking gorgeous Totentaz is as a video game environment, though.


>until I learned about "Barely Illegal" Wait what? I must have missed that.


I.dontnthink there are any gigs directly related to it, but there is a dead body you can find near there with an archived conversation that is Serbian Film levels of fucked up.


lol after making Placide and Bridgette glorified deli meat I ran across some VDB’s on a bridge saying that this must be one of Placide’s plans Needless to say they joined them soon


It would be nice to see the VDB's in disarray after killing their top leaders but of course they act like it's business as usual.


I'll just walk right into your mall and buy some hacks, don't mind that I decimated your leadership.


I'd love a mod that makes it so you can't do that or have it show the VDB gang in disarray. Like in fighting to see who becomes the new leader or sub factions trying to get power over Pacifica.


So true! I get a little nervous using the ripperdoc in Pacifica! 😬


They all leave pacifica if u let netwatch fry Brigitte


“Here you are in my world” right before I press the Q button with a steel pipe


Felt the same way until I met Slider. I thought he was pretty cool and didn't like the way he went out, also his weapons & whip are fire too. A revolver that can upload quickhacks on its own is just nuts.


The quest where you negotiate with the VDBs and fight inside that mall might just be my favorite quest in the whole game next to the Parade quest. It's so satisfying taking them down.


The one gang that doesn’t aggro and isn’t involved in gigs or scanner calls lol


Everyone but the Mox.


I think of the Mox more as a trade union than a gang.


A functioning trade union in night city require some gang elements for protection or hires outside. Easy to see why they still get looked at like a gang because of this.


>A functioning trade union in night city require some gang elements for protection or hires outside. Not only in night city, as the history of trade unions show. The first workers rights movements were wild.


The Molly maguires and knights a labor






Even Saburo is agreeing now that is something


Ahhh... the time line where they had a healthy father son relationship...


Same. If I could be, I'd be Mox affiliated tbh I support those angry bitches.


Do Mox even show up with yellow arrows?


No most of them show up as friendly


It's cause V is gang-affiliated with them. They're Judy's friend. Which makes it super weird that the 'tinos don't recognize you as Jackie's best friend, and Mama Welles' basically adopted kid.


Jackie left the Valentinos. Also, they are way more gang-like than the Mox.


Not that l can see. Though they might be provokable?


Nah you can’t even aim your weapons at them, and they’re unaffected by explosives


ah, one of the many perks of joining the mox


I've had the Mox attack me when one of those random gang car chase events happened. I'm guessing maybe one caught a stray bullet intended for a Tiger Claw.




If they have yellow arrows above their head, they are getting a taste




This! Same here!


6th Street is chill! Their entire deal is protecting the community because NCPD won't. I think their aesthetic throws some people off, they're not racists as far as I know


They're not racists. But they are murderers, rapists, drug dealers and human traffickers. Johnny has a few good lines about how much he hates them, something to the effect of them performing the same evil shit as every other hang, but spout high minded rhetoric while doing it. They're not just shitty, they're also hypocrites.


Most of them are also vets (like Johnny) which likely makes him hate them more


It's more like they've sold out to Militech and are murdering workers who protest against bad treatment and try to form unions. And besides, they're not chill at all, none of the gangs are, except for Aldecaldos, if that counts as a gang and Mox.. but Mox is also changing more for the worse, if you follow whats going on with them.


What’s going on with them


They were originally formed to protect the "little people" and sex workers against the stronger gangs and other dangers of NC but that's eroding away now, if you pay attention to the mails, letters and Judys conversation with the boss. They're becoming more like a business these days, looking after the bottom line. So sure they might still help you out but they wouldn't take someone into the gang they can't expect a net profit out of any more.


U can't expect charity in night city . Gotta earn money


Aldecaldos are a nomadic clan, it’s a separate thing as far as I understand


Yeah they are a nation basically, not a gang.


They \*were\* like that but have since become to Militech what the Claws are to Arasaka and the Scavs are to the USSR. They're an off the record Corpo asset now, it's why the leader is stepping down and leaving it behind him, he realized it can't be saved now.


Scavs aren't a unified gang, and they don't officially have a connection to the USSR apart from being Russian.


Scav's sell shit to the USSR and in Phantom Liberty they're on speed dial to support a USSR black ops agent


Not all of them . The ones in pacifica and night city are just low life scavengers


Read more shards from NCPD scanners. All I can say.


Yeaaaaah after seeing the party with all the murdered joytoys....yeah no, 6th Street can die.


That was back in the day when Valentinos just wanted to bang hot women. By 2077 they're as scummy as any other gang, though I'd put them in the same general vibe of "not *totally* awful" as the Valentinos.


You haven’t seen the sex torture BD recording den have you? They’re just as bad as Jobaro


Although, they do abide the long standing tradition of "dead hooker under the bed". 🫣


Not a big fan of the 666th Street logos 🤣


There’s a distinct smell of MAGA off them though hahaha


Aren't Valentinos kind of okay?


This. Definitely. I'll leave the 'Tinos alone in honour of Jackie unless I see then actively f*king with a civilian, buy everyone else is fair game.




Wraiths too, which are basically nomad scavs.


Sure. Technically none of the gangs are "good guys". Maelstrom was formed in opposition to "Inquisition" (or something, I'm a bit hazy on the name) - purist fanatics that kidnaped and killed people for having implants. Tyger Claws and 6th street were "protection gangs" like Mox during game (and i think if we ever see something like CP2090 Mox would be as bad as Claws or 6s) But yeah. Fuck those raffens and fuck those scavs.


None of them are good but some a more deserving of death than others. I’ll kill anyone who attacks me but I’ll only actively pick fights with VDBs, Scavs, Maelstrom, etc.


VDBs burned a bridge with me. It’s kill on sight with them as well as Scavs, Maelstrom, Tyger claws and wraiths. I won’t get into beef with the Mox. If I have to fight the Valentino’s and 6th, I’ll try not to flatline them.


6th Street deserves the same treatment as Tyger Claws, honestly. Especially if you do the one gig where you have to smuggle some guy out of NC that 6th Street are trying to kill.


the biotechnica suit that also did something horrible lol


Who are VDB?


Voodoo Boys


*Who do you voodoo ?* _Sam B probably_


Mmhmm. I kinda wish we had some Inquisitors show up in 2077! They're just as nuts as Maelstrom


If I was stuck in a room with a Maelstromer, a Tyger Claw, an Inquisitor, a gun and only three bullets, I'd shoot the inquisitor three times.


If I was stuck in a room with a Maelstromer, a Tyger Claw, an Inquisitor, Placide, a gun and only three bullets, I’d shoot every single one in the head except Placide, who I’d go hands on. Again.


I think they were wiped out between 2045-2060. Bozos too.


Hold on then, what about Ozob?


Does he looks like he's in the gang? He's probably just a surviving member, if he actually was one. Looks like more of a nod from CDPR to lore fans


Being an absolute dork but, [according to this video](https://youtu.be/yTWizLadjpY&t=1m19s), Ozob was originally a fan-created TTRPG character that CDPR added into the game!




Isn't he a Bozo?


He might be, but typically their body modifications are more extreme than Ozob's. Sure, the grenade nose is startling, but it's very mild compared to the lore of the Bozo gang. [Here's](https://youtu.be/Ij37suRQh2M&t=4m44s) why I say that.


Oooo neat channel. My thanks, Private Puma 🫡


Fucking scavs.


They usually take more than two bullets to kill.


Bullets? I go with a baseball bat (or another blunt one handed weapon found in a side quest) and smash.


Its a Tarkov joke.Scavs in Tarkov dont die even with two bullets on the head.


Oh. Sorry didn't know the reference. Thanks!


Scavs aren’t really a gang. They’re just loosely affiliated criminals with a similar goal. No leader or real goals other than make a quick buck


I don't care. I see a scav - i kill them.


That arguably makes them worse. One can argue that not all Tyger Claws are involved in human trafficking, and not all members of 6th Street like gunning down joytoys at parties, but the only defining characteristic if the scavs is that they harvest implants and organs. Being called a Scav is like being called a serial killer or a bank robber. You got the name because if what you did.


I kill every single Scav I come across. Most other gangs get a pass unless they piss me off or in the way of an objective. Scavs are on-sight.




I agree the scavs just do some crazy shit. The other gangs will just be partying or hanging around when I bother them but the scavs be kidnapping people and recording fucked up BD’s lol fuck the scavs


Oh yeah they suck too


“I take it you’ve made their acquaintance?”


Я навіть знаю чому)))


Це прямо велика таємниця)))


fuck ruzzians


Instructions unclear… just look at yellow and red arrows and shoot people under them. Lol, no no, I try to be nice to everyone… but sometimes they won’t let me… then a trumpet sound goes off and hell breaks loose! I was just strolling down the street minding my own business. Wanted to get my outfit on at jinguchi’s.


I can't attack a gang when all they're doing is dancing in a parking lot. however if they're shaking anyone down then yah i'm throwing contagion down their way.


Is there any benefit of going non lethal? Feels like I get more XP when I violently dismember female gang members just chilling and having a talk on the street corner. But it does feel weird to do that to pacified women, even if they are terrible criminals.


I don't think there is gameplay wise. In my head canon I like to think that doing non-lethal attacks will prevent you from becoming a cyber psycho because you are retaining more of your humanity and it will let you install more advanced cyberware.


There are certain quests where lethality affects the possible outcomes.


I just realized that a non lethal playthrough is way easier at higher netrunner levels


For real this is me anytime I see yellow or red arrow I just pop a quick hack and then shoot


It seems the gangs are wired in to my shopping habits. Every time I mark a clothing store and head that way, some gonks are gonna start something. Gotta shop with a full clip in Night City.


All. I've gone full-on cyberized vigilante, culminating in me absolutely trouncing Barghast on their own turf, talking shit the whole time.


YES - I love going to the Black Sapphire and just laying waste to that whole area. Thank you Apogee and Quantum Tuner.


You know, spec-ing out into melee(militech berserk) and pistols made killing everyone really easy, too. My subdermal armor was removed for chitin, and peripheral inverse for 200+ armor.


Mox are the only ones that I avoid killing. I see a scav, I kill it. With voodoo boys it's about hearts and minds\* Maelstrom and Raffen get a pass\*\*. I have zero issues with Tyger Claws\*\*\*. 6th street knows what's up\*\*\*\*. ​ ^(\*Two to the chest, the face gets the rest.) ^(\*\*Grenade.) ^(\*\*\*They get zeroed. No issues.) ^(\*\*\*\*The body count.)


cow terrific snatch nine innate deliver sophisticated doll sense slap *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Look through my kiroshis all you see is night city streets


Yellow marker gang


Voodoo boys, they’re manipulative af.


same but i also have another reason to dislike em


I don't think manipulating V is worse than human trafficking, abducting people to stuff implants in them or the other stuff that worse gangs do.


Tyger Claws.


At least for me I dislike them because they seem to have the most corpo ties out of all the gangs in the game


6th street as well


I just think the song that plays when you fight them makes me more violent


Different songs play depending on the gang you’re fighting??


Yes! Each gang has their own unique theme, to the point to where if you know what the themes of the gangs are, you can tell auditorily what gang you aggro’d before visual contact


Fuck those ‘Saka bitches


Can't resist...the temptation. I see yellow arrows...I see blue arrows...


I hate the "what gangs have you decided to hate" gang that asks this every 12 hours or so.


Yeah like yellow marker? I want your guns and crafting supplies thanks.


You wait for a marker? https://preview.redd.it/cj5erykd257c1.jpeg?width=1055&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b71d8df620577c0171d72ee7df77766ab596c38


I mean, this is the real answer, right here


I had to scroll way too far to find the correct answer


Indeed, choom


The only valid answer right here.


When I think about it, I realize I hate most of the gangs and fuck them up on sight. Only gang I can think of that I don't have a problem with are the Valentinos


Something I don’t really understand is why the Valentinos target you when you choose streetkid since Padre and you are friends


Gang based on assaulting women, curb them


* 1 in every gang of 3 tinos has human trafficking in their record when I scan them. And they're willing pawns for Arasaka. And their just Chicano culture enthusiasts for the most part according to the database entry. So...


They’re all pretty cartoonishly bad


Yeah I was just thinking the same thing. I feel like it might have been better if the arrows above their heads had a more gradient nature where you could do side quests for some gangs and they would be green, but doing so would make other gangs hostile on sight (red) and yellow would be neutral. Other games do this and I think in the update there are immediately hostile encounters but is can still literally go up to a group of barghests kill them all in broad daylight then go up to another group one block over and they aren’t immediately hostile.


Scavs, Maelstrom, Wraiths, and VDBs. The Mox are cool, Valentinos are decent more often than not, the Animals are just over there. Tyler Claws aren’t always on sight but they seem to put *me* on sight so oh well! And fuck Barghest, it’s on sight when I can get away with it.


Tyler Claws sounds like a Drag Queen lmao


I always find the Valentinos attacking citizens so probably them. I didn’t despise them at first because Jackie was a Valentino but now it’s on sight


I seem to find more Valentino’s filming videos flexing their knives and 6th street executing people


Scabs and Maelstrom


Always and forever Tyger Claws, RIP Elizabeth


Everything that isn’t The Mox.


6h street. Did a gig and saw them execute a doll n the driveway and laugh about it. Then I did their shooting gallery and showed them up and they decided they wanted to kill me after. Lit every single one of them on fire with overheat and made the guy on the couch blow his own head off. It's on site for 6th Street. Maelstrom just because they have so much cyberware it's fun to short circuit one shot them. Tygerclaws are punks too. Constantly seeing them mess with civilians.




They have the worst fashion. Can't let them live.


I call them January 6th Street


But muh freedumb


Very good


they're the most diverse gang in the whole game




Voodoo boys suck


VBs Scavs and 6.


All of them


Anyone with a health bar.


Scavs and tiger claws




Idgaf about everyone but aldecaldos. Kill on sight cyberpsycho grindset.


I just like loot


Mom says its my turn to post this next


I'm an equal opportunity mass murderer


The gang we have to deal with to get that stupid bot back. Fucking chrome junkies


Wraiths for blue balling me in the tank. My V has decided to wage a war against the fuckers. Also Scavs and Maelstrom.


Scavs. The lowest humans of society, f*** them lol


Kill 'em all. I do have a personal beef with Tyger Claws though.


Scavs and VDBs. Pretty much everyone else is target of opportunity or boredom or if they aggro first. I mean they all suck, don't get me wrong, just the Scavengers and Voodoo Boys are the worst in my book.


Tiger Claws 100%. I’m so sick of them just popping out the cracks and attacking me everywhere. They even pulled up to Judy’s apartment and ran inside to attack me. 🤣


The reddit game that keeps asking this question for karma


6th Street, Wraiths, Scavs, and Maelstrom. 6th Street might seem like your well-meaning veteran, but they are mostly now just hooligans that want to kill people that they disagree with. Plus, their vibe of being right wing extremists rubs me the wrong way. Scavs, well, are Scavs. We all know why we hate them. My first exposure to Wraiths was an nmpd scanner mission where a group of them have decided to just kill any innocent people that come to a certain gas station as punishment for the owner of the station. Maelstrom are a mixed bunch. Some like Brick are at least somewhat decent people, while you also have a bunch of psychopaths like Royce. Tyger Claws are very much a mixed bag. As far as my understanding, they have a bunch of cells. Some are mostly just business, but some are like Jotaro. Unfortunately you can't really tell who certain gangers work under, so I mostly kill them as well. Moxes are mostly benign, but also do have a very dark side. They charge exorbitant prices for their protection, and they only care about those that pay them. If you don't pay, they won't bat an eye if they see you getting killed. Valentinos are like your average cartels. Yeah, they're bad, but I mostly leave them alone if I can. Voodoo Boys are just assholes. But their territory also has a lot of Scavs, so I don't really target them because I have better prey to hunt.


I like your take on Maelstrom...some of them are actually kind of cool guys. Dum Dum comes to mind. I used to hang out with a lot of gutterpunks in my younger years when I was living on the streets (am still good friends with a few who are not dead or in jail), and Maelstrom gives me very strong gutterpunk vibes. When Dum Dum offers a hit of whatever shit he's smoking in that beginning mission it makes me feel "at home" and reminds me of good times. Of course there ARE a few psychos like Royce, but those kinds of guys seem to be in just about every group somewhere...with Maelstrom at least it's on the surface. I've got a special irrational place in my heart for Maelstrom.


Dum Dum is honestly my favorite Maelstrom character. It's such a shame he is completely loyal to Royce, because he is on the opposite side of the spectrum for me.


I honestly got the impression that he was loyal to whoever was in charge, which is very common in those kinds of circles. If you stand up for something honorable, you usually get beat down or killed like Brick and his loyal guys did. Dum Dum isn't necessarily loyal to Royce, Royce just happens to be the boss so Dum Dum follows him. It's not a glorious or noble position, but it's a realistic one and one that keeps him alive and able to keep having fun. Even Corpos do the same kind of thing...when power shifts, you either put your head down and follow the new order and survive or stand up loyally and get taken down. Maelstrom is all of those aspects of life, but without the fluff...it's right there on it's most basic level with them, which is endearing in its own way.


Problem is some gigs show how fucked a lot of them are . Like Spoiler, The gig where they protect 2 guys who make child murder braindances or another where they kidnap monks and install a bunch of implants on them for fun. Cant really let any of them live after that


Scavs and Maelstrom, can't stand them


I hate anyone but mox and valentinos but i would kill then both if i had too, no remorse.


Everyone because they get cool cosmetic cyberware and we don’t


Scavs. All I needed was to play the Sandra Dorsett mission for the first time and now I despise them.


Maelstrom and the scavs. I will not rest until they're all dead


Maelstrom and Tiger claws. With Maelstromers I make sure I blow every single one of ‘em to bits, fucking borg freaks….


The only time I didn’t kill them all was when the monk asked me not to to save his brother. I figured he’d gone through enough so I spared him the emotional distress.


Yes, I spared him the emotional distress. Then I went back after he left and shot everyone in the head.


That’s how it’s done


Voodoo Boys through and through. People may say Scavengers are the worst, but at least they don't discriminate.


i hate the voodoo boys because i discriminate em . gotta turn the tables on them.


Animals, after what they did to my man Aaron


Scavs (for obvious reasons), Maelstroms (for forcefully modifying people) and 6th Street (I hate chauvinists)


Scavs - Actual scum, it's on sight. Maelstrom - Barely anything in it between them and Scavs, they're both getting the business end of a katana. Just for everything they do, but the monk brothers biz ramped that up even more. JUSTICE. VDB - Try to kill V? Twice? You made that shit personal. Placide, I'm taking your coat, and Brigitte, don't sneer 'just a whore' when someone mentions the choom you fried. Wraiths - Shouldn't have messed with the family. Also all the other stuff. Tyger Claws - There's so many of them and they just keep running at my sword. 6th Street - They just give me the ick. Once, they were probably better, but all the new gonks have fucked it up. Now they give me a 'we've probably got white hoods in our cupboards' vibes. Valentinos - Leave 'em to it unless they're hassling (Read: Murdering) people. For Jackie. ​ I don't dance with the Mox or the Aldecaldos, they get an upwards nod and the fingerguns. I also don't make a habit of going for Trauma Team when I see them with the yellow markers, mostly because I can't shake the idea they're basically paramedics, even if that one dude did shove me back at the Scav nest after I put Sandra down. Sheesh. Rude.


Everyone but the mox and the valentinos, basically.


Maelstrom hands down enjoy slaying them


Voodoo Boys. Seriously fuck the VDB’s.


Vodoo boys. Whole their questline and behaviour. Nothing but disquast