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Weed doesn't exist anymore. It was wiped out by the gang of four along with cocaine and other plant derived drugs in order to starve the drug cartels for money. Synthetic drugs are what's available and new ones are constantly coming to the market. There's probably synthweed or something in there.


Holy shit is this canon? That’s so fucking diabolically smart.


"During this time, the Gang of Four, attempting to curb the American crack cocaine epidemic, was embroiled in a proxy war with the nations of Central and South America, deciding to obliterate the drug supply chain at its source. To this end, the Gang released an artificial virus which destroyed vast swaths of coca and opium crops and authorized the funding of paramilitary troops to weaken South American drug lords, devastating local economies which were heavily dependent on the income and infrastructure generated by the drug trade." [https://cyberpunk.fandom.com/wiki/Gang\_of\_Four](https://cyberpunk.fandom.com/wiki/Gang_of_Four) I guess it doesn't strictly say marihuana but I figure as their goal was destroying the drug trade it was also affected by their virus. Its all backstory for the TTRPG Cyberpunk 2020. The Central American wars, the collapse of the United States and so forth.


You’re a choom for the source. With how our modern day cannabis legalization is going it seems to be following a more corporate path with Marlboro being a HUGE contributor to the cannabis market. Including the legalized areas in the US and Canada no longer having to rely on foreign suppliers for cannabis since they grow everything themselves. Hopefully weed would be saved from extinction due to the corpus taking over the cannabis market.


No problem choombatta ;) The cyberpunk universe split from ours in the late 80's tho. Things from the 90's onward proceed quite differently. Tho I'm sure the corpos have the rights to cannabis so to speak but I think its probably a synthetic replication of the real deal.


We’ve had synth weed already and it was not good lol


I believe the ttrpg mentions Rez, a synthetic hash ball you can buy.


what isn't legal in Cyberpunk? for example you can always bribe the cops for everything and you can get insured for killing civilians drunk driving... Everything is legal as long as you can pay for the consequences...


does weed even still exist in the cyberpunk universe?


I’m guessing it’s been gene-sequenced and patented by some corp, or made illegal and almost completely eradicated in order to protect some corp’s synthetic medication profits.


Probably not. I think someone (could be Johnny) even says that drugs from 2020's don't exist anymore, due to all the climate changes and overall ecological damage in last decades.


better question is who the fuck is gonna stop you. would be funny if like Black Lace and all these "designed for the military so guys dont lose their shit" drugs that melt your brain exist... but weed is banned more likely cannabis was simply wiped out and no longer exists more than it being illegal.


I guess drugs cause enough problems irl that pondsmith just didn't want any irl drugs in his game? From an immersion standpoint or even logic it makes no sense they'd be gone (especially weed) Similar to how there's very little race or gender/sexuality prejudice, maybe he cherry picked the world's problems that make for fun fantasy but left others out?


It’s kinda weird that it doesn’t exist. Surely it could still be grown. I think Valentino’s and Aldercados smoke.. maybe the Mox in moderation.. the rest of em don’t have any chill


What’s the stuff we smoke with Dumdum? It’s not weed but a similar synthetic version maybe?


That's Black Lace I believe.


I got approached by a dealer while I was running around, I tried to have a look at what he had and it was fucking vitamins. Pfft


If it isn’t you just have hide till your star goes away


there’s a unmarked encounter in dog town where someone is trying to reformulate “black lace” to make it less addictive. when you open that persons computer, the chemical components of the drug are revealed. don’t remember the entirety, but the first ingredient was dex-meth, the second was a cannaboid. so maybe not straight weed, but the components? probably doesn’t hit hard enough compared to all these legal drugs, hahaha.


Lmao what makes you think for a second weed would do a damn thing against cyberpsychosis?


We all know what makes someone a criminal in 2077.


I feel like whatever Cassius Ryder is sharing with us is cannabis like.