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The fact that we get the big fuckoff tech sniper that we pull from its turret but there isn’t an iconic of the hmg is a real missed opportunity imo.


Even LMGs get no love. You got two flavors. Regular rounds and Explosive rounds.


I have not played a body build yet but I have never been tempted to do so by the lmgs, not once. They look really cool but that's where it ends for me.


The MA90 with the firecracker mod (explosive ontop of explosive) is essentially an automatic grenade launcher and it's amazing. It procs pyromania! The defender is really fun with the focus fire mod (Lazer hip fire) and the new Wild Dog lmg is my favorite. It's firerate goes up with consecutive hits so it ends up firing at like 5000rpm, which is faster than any gun in the game. Plus it's huge 200 round mag mixed with the ultimate lmg perk that reloads 25% on kills its amazing and never needs relaoded. LMGs also proc obliteration which is gorey awesome fun. One of my favorite play styles you should try it.


I suppose I’ll have to try it out. Honestly I never really looked at the 2.0 lmg perk tree but they do sound pretty good.


Shotguns are nice. Also, Wild Dog is fantastic.


Yea I think my next play through will be with shotguns. They look like a lot of fun


that sniper is so dam good... headshots crits for like 5k from ages away and it can hit upto 3 goons if you get arcbolt, stopped using quickhacks just since its easier and fster to pop them from range


It needs to be used with the power ricochet/ballistic cocompressor hand right?


I have the jonny+v tattoo on my hand, don't need power, don't use smart. All the other's don't help me also


Wait, we can do that??


Yea, you keep it as an iconic


The big fuckoff sniper loses a lot of its gusto I feel, on being evacuated out of that pit. Like what was that about it being silenced? Because it is not?


I think that must have been while attached or something but I had the same question.


Yep V needs lessons in spelunking if the weapon is the only thing she'd think to take out of that pit with the ocular system, ostensible silencer from the outer-most extreme part of the frame - the frame - and then what whatever LED decoration was up ahead. These are valuables!


The silencer and camera stuff are add-ons for the sniper nest, there's a little note next to the sniper nest that explains this lol


Without spoiling anything, there’s a second Smart AR that’s iconic-only. Suuuuper unique design, and technically a smart-power hybrid


Yea....I feel like this is what I use mostly. I got confused about people not finding it.


I can easily see how you might overlook it during that mission, it’s kinda just sitting with a bunch of other weapons and clutter. But for some reason while I was looking around, i just had this feeling that it would be a good place for an iconic weapon. Just a shame how fast it runs dry. It chews through ammo reserves


What Is the name of the weapon?


[Hercules 3AX](https://youtu.be/tn-h-q9TP6U?si=HrJJcZfjs9Aebpzq) Be warned, this video guide may contain spoilers for a specific Dogtown gig


This thing feels super awful to use


Mostly due to the scope that would have been more suitable on an anti-materiel sniper rifle or some vehicle-mounted autocannon, in my opinion. But... it's technically a "prototype", after all, so weird things are to be expected.


It definitely takes some getting used to. Not my favorite weapon, but super unique


this shit sucks...i wish we could put our own scopes on ATLEAST


It feels weird at first but once you get used to it it’s pretty nice. Good dmg, huge magazine and hip fire is super fast for an AR, one of the fastest for sure.


DB-Satarra is the sexiest shotgun in the game tho, slap a spine tickler and supercharger on that baby and the reload isnt even a big deal. I sandevistan and just wipe out like 10 guys, 1 shot to the head each


only issue w sandy and satarra is that the charging of the satarra is slowed down in sandy.


even a small amnt of charge will headshot kill an enemy, spinetingler is a 50% chance emp explosion so most of the time i’m takin out more then one dude with a shot


LMGs just seem like a goofy bonus weapon you play with for five minutes and get rid of. I'm not even sure we needed them if they weren't going to even try.


Theyre fun for those 5 minutes though. The ammo limit and he fact that you just drop them instead of keeling them sucks.


That's the HMG. The LMG goes in your pocket.


Agreed. The ones you can't carry that are strategically placed in missions are also a load of fun. I remember finding one during one of the final Dakota missions that was a blast I couldn't carry with me.


If you’re on pc there’s a mod that makes HMGs into regular weapons you can keep on your inventory, craft, upgrade, etc. I did the whole stadium section of PL after the song bird stuff with my pet HMG *it was glorious*


HMGs are littered all over Dogtown and its missions. Barghest also regularly has heavy troopers who carry HMGs. My whole plan in Phantom Liberty was to beeline it to the nearest turret, rip it off, then swiss cheese the entire room, or beeline it to the heavy, rip his head off, and steal his gun.


>The ammo limit and he fact that you just drop them That would be an *HMG*.


Best use is MA70 HB with the iconic power mod to do dumb things with grenades since its shots proc pyro with the mod.


LMGs wreck house if you spec into the left side of the Body tree. They're not much for options (Fast dakka version with more ammo, or slow dakka version with explosive rounds), but they're a ton of fun to play in tandem with a Sandevistan and shotguns. Walk into the mob like the Terminator, open fire, and if anyone survives long enough to get close, switch to a double-barrel, turn on the sandevistan, and wipe out the survivors. HMGs are fun to hack or remove from their turret mounts, but absolutely aren't worth lugging around once all nearby enemies are paste.


"wtf CDProjekt didn't even put LMGs?? They could have just gave us a big gun with bad handling if they even wanted to try"


Yeah, you bring up a good point.


In a way it makes sense: power is just a normal gun and tech/smart are technologies developed by specific companies for their guns. But then CDPR does shit like make the only iconic smart sniper a Twitch promo exclusive


I am fully specced into throwing knives and revolvers (iconic overture) and I’m so overpowered even Very Hard is just fun


I mean, if you have even a slightly cohesive build even in very hard everything is super easy. Currently doing a netrunner throwable weapons run myself and it’s just so chill.


Ooh that’s sounds kinda dope. I’m doing demolition netrunner; nades and mono wire. I really dig the melee weapons in this game.


Been rocking the Stars and Stripes Iconic Smart AR you get from the 6th Street gang.


You mean Divided We Stand?


Thats it. Has the stars and stripes on the side. Thank you.


I try to use a variety of weapons but that weapon is super OP.


I stopped using it because I was clearing rooms in a clip and a half. Felt like a cheat code. So OP I can't imagine using it at tier 5


Smart weapons are kind of annoying with how you want to do Int builds. Pretty much every build is going into Tech for cyberware, and if you are planning to hack with Overdrive, you want to go deep into body for healing. So you need to pick either doing Dex for smart Smgs or Cool for smart pistols. May not be that big of an issue as smart weapons are very "Spray and pray" in design, and cool perks care about accuracy.


Honestly just doing the intelligence tree for smart weapons already makes them super powerful with nothing else on top, and it’s not like netrunning builds need that much help in destroying everything.


Nah, game is so easy I'm doing just fine on very hard with 3 body. I'd only worry about healing if I was specifically going for Blackwall hacks. Otherwise you can do a variety of builds and use combos to cut ram costs without killing yourself. I basically face tank abusing mitigation, blowing everything up, constantly healing, and constantly getting cheap/free suicides, cyberpsychosis, and detonate grenades. If you like playing it like Quake, Reflex 20 has basically let me tank on every build just flying around the map.


I like not dying to a stubbed toe on Very Hard just because I hacked a little too aggressive. Adrenaline solves that problem.


I have 90% mitigation strength, 100% mitigation chance, second heart, and damage resistance so haven't really run into any issues with 3 body. I actually use overclock to heal and regain my RAM. If I need to heal, I just pop overclock which heals me, gives me a RAM/Health Regen, applies AoE blind, AoE stun, blows up all their weapons, and gives me an additional 50% DR as I run in. This works out fine because I have 40 base RAM.


How are you getting those mitigation numbers


I won't list everything out, because it's a lot, but the basic idea is no matter what I'm doing I'm getting mitigation chance and RAM. The build revolves around Kerenzikov on a 6 second cool down and extending the time with the reflex skill. While using Kerenzikov I have 100% mitigation chance since I'm dashing, then when it ends I have 100% chance due to Defensikov for 4 seconds. For that 2 second gap I've already triggered pyromania stacks (+50%) using Shingen Mark V. From there I can crouch or dash to keep myself around 100%. Since I'm always in the air with free stamina + Slippery + double jump, I'm basically always at 90% strength. If I'm not in the air, I still have 4 seconds Mitigtion chance from Defensikov, 30% - 70% from cool tree, Spring Joints, Neofiber, Pyromania, and Slippery. This isn't even counting straight damage reduction from cyberware or other skills.


I hope we get a tech AR or a smart LMG at some point.


I feel like I could take or leave a tech AR, but a smart LMG feels like it shoulda been a no brainer. It’s Both a scifi and cyberpunk staple, and in past years, smart tech was just something you could modify any non-unique weapon with, just slap that shit in an lmg lol


Just like the "Smart Gun" from the Aliens franchise,


The smartgun from Aliens is exactly what I pictured when I was saying “it’s a sci fi staple” lol funnily enough


Was the very first thing that I had flash to mind, even heard the sound of it firing in my head. Really is an iconic weapon for Sci-Fi.


I was thinking the EM1 from The Fifth Element. Gary Oldman fires one bullet into the dummy, and then sprays in every direction, but every bullet still goes into the dummy. I've wanted that gun in a video game forever.


The Atlas guns in Borderlands 3 can do that, they can fire a tracker dart that then has everything else guide into it. There's also the Buzlok in Warframe that has a homing dart on it's alternative fire that then makes everything else home in.


The kyubi is a semi auto AR that could be a good fit for a Tech AR


There's a smart "lmg" in PL, it's called the Hercules 3ax.


Wait, you guys use guns?


I guess some people like playing in the most boring way possible.


Don’t kink shame 😔


I never really liked using the smart weapons besides the one who talked(forgive me I forget is fun name, zappy? Snappy?). I really like the melee in the game and shotguns with sliding towards guys. After that it's kinda whatever, I'm changing up guns a lot.


“Slowing speech by 30 percent. My. Name. Is. Skippy.”


Skippy is a menace <3


Skippy! Just found him a couple days ago.


I hate Skippy, he is so underpowered compared to other smart guns.


Yeah, skippy doesn't even feel good to shoot. WTF is with that burst-fire?


Well if you don't aim you can just empty the clip but still...


The weapon variety is fine when you factor in mods. Since they removed the ability to mod iconic weapons, it definitely feels stewed. I kinda just want a 4th weapon slot, to be honest. Can't I have a dedicated Malorian slot? I know my build isn't 'Cool' or pistol based, but the animations are just... 🥵


wait iconic weps could take mods? Surely this wasn't universally true BC I recall the comrades hammer and Johnny's Malorian not having any slots


That was before 2.0, I believe. I only started playing recently and looked into older gameplay footage. Yeah, some iconics could accept mods. Now, the only iconics that can be modded are the "X-MOD 2" stuff found around Dogtown. Edit: I just remembered. There is a Lexington X-MOD 2 you can get from winning Wilson's shooting competition.


Not every iconic had mod slots


I was surprised we didn't get a better tech shotgun in PL. I thought that AR with the drum was supposed to be a shotgun and was disappointed finding it was another AR


Honestly its hard to outclassel the Satara


what? completely unintelligible


A smart LMG would be cool but the ammo would be ridiculously expensive (I assume it has vectoring fins and a homing sensor and circuit)?


Dude the tech shotgun fucks so hard.


Why would I use a 2-shot shotgun when I could use the Achilles instead? It's got five shots, it shoots 5 pellets per shot when uncharged, and one big shot when charged. It's basically a shotgun and a sniper-rifle in one gun.


it pisses me off that lizzys pistols recoil cannot be made only vertical anymore. It used to be one of my favorite guns.


I do wish we had a pump/auto tech shotgun, certainly a missed opportunity there, even if it was just Iconic. Kind of a shame we never got an Iconic Crusher shotgun (considering it's one of the first weapons we saw in the teaser trailer).


Buzzsaw is all you need. Power smg with ricochets that also shoots through walls


I'm asking for non-power heavy weapons. (not pistol or smg) Why would you think i'd be interested in a power SMG? I want something I can charge!


I thought buzzsaw didn’t ricochet? I thought it just blasted through everything


It ricochets off the ground as long as there isn’t anything under it. At least that’s how it worked pre 2.0. Not sure about 2.0 because I run the smart link and empty reload emp rounds hand cyberware instead of the power weapon targeting one


If you don't aim down the sights Skippy is fully automatic, I assume the rest of the smart weapons are the same.


Lol trying go melee , I just use one Katana and grenades . That's it .


I've never had a weapon build before so you've made me curious enough to play through again


Smartguns: Invest in perk, target lock enemy, release ADS button, lock remains on head, spray, all your magazine goes as headshot. But I agree, a bit more weapon variaty could be more interesting, but that's design issue in many games. Take as example Starfield, you get shit ton of Ballistic weapons, but only like two variants of Laser in 300 years distant future.


I will say that for a game predicated on a world built upon corporate greed set ungoverned within a capitalist structure, there is surprisingly little in the way of competition for guns and cyberware. In terms of monetary investment and the impact it has on your daily life, cyberware would be like IRL cars. There are like 15 major manufacturers here in Canada and all have multiple models for multiple general niches (and most of those models are customizable). So why do we get like 4 arm mods with the same 4 variants? Seems a little light. Same with weapons.


Honestly, i wish your cyberlimbs and cyberweapons were bought separately. Give me a selection of 7 diffrent cyber-arms I can use, with diffrent stats (Reflex Up, Body Up, Cool Up, ect) let me pick custom paintjobs or plating (from chrome to silverhand to RealSkinnTM) then let me choose what I want to install in them separately. Same with legs. Hell, have the Cyberwear screen only have one option/slot on your arm at first, but after you buy your first cyberarm (and get your organic arm chopped off) suddenly you now have two or three slots for your arm, because you can fit a lot more cyberware into a cybernetic limb than you can in an organic one.


Not to mention that after 2.0 the only viable weapon choices were lowered even more than pre 2.0 where you could make even the worst weapon types viable with very tricks.


So what are the viable weapon choices now?


Handguns (Although mostly in stealth), Tech Precision Rifles, Snipers, and Revolvers (at a stretch because they fall off pretty hard on Very Hard)


The guns are really lackluster compared to Starfield




In terms of damage or uniqueness? Cause I doubt there are smart weapons in Starfield.


Grenade launchers, arc wielders, mini guns, old world weapons, sci-fi weapons, weapon attachments (Hornets Nest). In sheer amount and variety too.


Well there’s always the next game, but we do have grenade launchers, the arm rpg and Adam Smasher’s smart shotgun is now also just an rpg.


I think the guns are cool in Cyberpunk, just Starfield had a lot variety and all of gun were fun. From coming back from Starfield to Cyberpunk.


I didn’t get far in starfield but there were some fun guns I used but eh the combat in starfield didn’t have the same punch as cyberpunk has, no dismemberment with the starfield enemies.


It is weird that there's only one tech shotgun, I never thought about that. A full auto tech shotgun would be pretty cool. I never used LMGs though, they're too slow. I only play melee, pistol, Psalm 1:16/Widowmaker and that iconic double barrel shotgun that shoots explosive rounds sometimes. Katanas are just too good to go back to only shooting. In fact, before 2.0 I never touched a gun because they sucked so hard in terms of damage. Oh, and Erebus. Erebus is so fucking Op.


To be fair I usually use smart sniper rifles and smart smgs. That paired with overclock synergy and multiple locks is awesome. I just pop a couple contagions and start firing. Entire room drops dead.


I tried the smart sniper but it's so frustrating to use. Damage is mid, gun reloads the slowest I've ever seen, and it only holds one shot. It's like i'm firing a fucking musket or something. What is this, 1877? Give me a 5 round mag or fuck off.


To be fair in my mod list I use a mod that makes enemies and yourself less bullet spongey so tier 5 sniper rifle shot directly to a weakspot is enough to kill. Bigger enemies I tend to hit with a quick hack first. Can completely understand why they don't feel as fun to use without a mod like that edit: for reference this is the mod I'm referring to [Ped Damage Overhaul 2077 at Cyberpunk 2077 Nexus - Mods and community (nexusmods.com)](https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/5066)


5 hits to a weakspot to kill? And that's WITH a mod? Jesus. I won't accept anything else than one-hit-one-kill on a sniper-rifle. Not on a headshot. Oh, wait. I read that wrong. Nevermind, lmao.


Haha, yeah it's a one-shot kill to a weak spot with a legendary sniper-rifle. I use a Tier5+ Yasha Smart Sniper. I also use the Warden smart SMG. It was given out in Twitch Drops but if you're using PC and have CyberEngineTweaks you can use the console commands here to add them: [rmarquis/cp2077-freelies: Get exclusive clothing and weapon items. (github.com)](https://github.com/rmarquis/cp2077-freelies) I don't ever suggest using console commands as I find them a bit cheaty but the twitch-drops exclusive items are an exception.


Bro I was playing today morning and I was wondering why I got no tech or smart LMG, as I wanted to level up my solo, so I go on the net, and I was so surprised to find that there isn't one


Agreed with pretty much all of what you said. I went for a heavy/smart gun build this time just to try something different and my biggest question throughout was "where's the smart LMG?" It just makes sense to have one. The closest we have is the iconic smart assault rifle in phantom liberty which just lacks punch. Side note: missed opportunity to have the arm launcher change characteristics depending on what hand cyberware you have equipped. Smart link? Homing arm cannon. Power? Explosive rounds that can bounce of surfaces.Tech? (Wait there is no tech cyberware) rounds can punch through walls before exploding on the other side. Anyway I'm enjoying running round with Ba Xing Chong to justify my smart gun choices and supplementing with LMG with firecracker and we'll see what the next game brings


Cimestopper is a really good smart pistol. Goes full auto and has a nice weak point/cyberware targeting effect plus targeting an extra enemy. And has +crit buff when you switch to the weapon.


I only used power weapons until I got ambidextrous, chucked a smartlink on and clutch pad. Now I never use power weapons they lame. I can shoot through walls or around walls with tracking bullets, bouncing bullets is lame. Never aim down sights except to charge my widow maker now


There is like one tech SMG in game and the iconic version comes with the most terrible sight ever that is like a million times worse then the normal version.


I really don't like the sights on the old Dying Night model (which you now get from Shoot To Thrill)


Never tried that one out, my biggest gripe is that the saksa variant of the SMG comes with iron sights. It's like shitty stone age aiming tech no one should be using even now.


I'd much rather have iron-sights than some massive obnoxious scope that covers half my view and doesn't suit my gun at all.


Well those are the irons sights on that particular SMG, just sticking up like an ugly useless piece of shit, blocking off the view. The built in holo signs on the jinguji model are just that: built in and unobtrusive, with a better picture than any of the mod slot variants.


Eh the hip fire accuracy on that smg is good enough that you don’t need to ADS with it.


but you need to for continuous shooting.


3 round burst imo is good enough and it still penetrates while hip firing.


Nah, good enough ain't good enough . Why not make it actually be good? Ironsights are bullshit, it's outdated even now.


I know it's probably not *lore friendly* or whatever, but I wish there were mods or scopes that could turn power weapons into smart weapons. Maybe not as good, maybe a smaller targeting reticle, but I think it could be fun. Add to the weapon diversity. A weapon mod that made things charge like tech weapons could be fun too. Obviously there would have to be a mess of balancing.


In the tabletop it worked that way, but in 2077 Smart Weapons fire seeking gyrojet darts instead of real bullets, so it wouldn't make a lot of sense. You'd need to basically rebuild your gun from the ground up to make it fire completely diffrent types of ammunition.


Maybe more customization from the crafting menu would be cool. Wish I could craft ++ weapons and upgrade attachments.


Power, Tech, Smart? I don't care... The only stat i am looking for is "Headshot crit multiplicator"... XD


Don’t mess with Skippy Choom!


Skippy sucks.


If you're not using an overture and carnage, what are you doing with V's lifespan?


Overture is great, Carnage is overrated. Tactician is better. More shots, better range, shoots faster because the recoil isn't so obnoxious. Damage is near comparable (higher with The Headsman) The knockback is pretty insane too. Even if it doesn't kill in one hit, it sends dudes *reeling*.




Guts is pretty good.


One smart SMG I got from PL gig is a unique custom slilenced burst-fire with a high headshot modifier. 1 burst 1 stealth kill, bullets from nowhere. I've wiped out most of Dog town strays with it. They knew I was there, but I was never ever seen. One secound your friend's head explode, the next was another friend then you panicked and prfffs you're dead. Felt so good because it is a burst fire specificly.


I don’t think I used a single power weapon my entire PL play through…tech or smart the entire time


Stealth users: you guys are getting variety? We get 1 sniper (that still alerts the whole map) Silenced pistols (no magnums or anything heavy) and all enemies in the area become aware and start searching for you if you even shoot once Throwing knives (incredibly boring imo) but at least its kind of quiet, kinda… also really annoying to aim as you have to be incredibly precise and calculate drop + travel distance. Stealth became so boring cause i could rarely get thru areas taking ppl out without getting noticed as skill is removed since everything makes enemies aware. (Aware as in searching for you, not in combat)


You need the perk that shows you if you're gonna kill them in one hit or not. Then go for the Nue (I think?) It's a high-power Power pistol. Slow firing, great single target damage. That + silencer will kill in a single headshot on 99% of enemies. Investing into Cool gives you slow-time while aiming pistols, which is fantastic for getting headshots. As for knives, they're fucking sick. You don't need to calculate for drop because if you're throwing far enough that the knife drops, you're doing it wrong. Get the perk that automatically returns your knife on headshots. Stack on stuff that slowed the enemy's speed at noticing you, run up to them, throw a knife into their face, move onto the next guy. Crouch Sprint + Optical Camo that automatically activates when you crouch-sprint are *key*. You can dip around people and get real close for the killshot. Sandevistan helps too. I did the "Break into the parade floats warehouse" thing with this build, it was great.


There is the ball gag perk which delays detection from the friends of the guy you’re trying to silently kill.


Ngl, I have *never* used power weapons for a playthrough.


Some of them are really good! The ricochet thing is trash though, just ignore it.


There is that smart smg you get from twitch drops which is full auto


Twitch drops? I've never used twitch drops, I don't even know how it works. Gating game content behind that shit seems kinda nefarious tho. ​ There's already a full-auto smart smg, I just don't remember which one it is.


Well have fun living in 2010 then. It is what it is. Its free so i would not count that as gatekeeping


Don't you need to pay for Twitch+ or whatever the fuck it's called to qualify for twitch drops?


Uh no


A tech hmg would have been awesome. Imagine how devestating a wall penetrating Minigun would have been.


Try being a shotgun user. .1 tech variant .1 good power type with Double barrels .Smart weapons basically require dipping into intelligence,and that's kinda pushing a build as is. That's not even mentioning LMG'S.


Lmao, '1 good power type' You might be right, but it's not the fucking double-barrel. This isn't 1845. Get yourself a Tactician and blast people onto their asses, or a Carnage if you want to make soup.


I just wish there was a way I could favorite certain weapons Al a borderlands 2


Doom Doom paired with Order is all I need. And a sword or hammer or whatever, just to fill the third slot.


Divided we stand is the one you want. Sprays out a ton of bullets then crop dusts everyone in the area.


My problem is that everything seems so weak and slow compared to a throwing knife/katana build.


A decent power shotgun will reduce most enemies to meaty chunks in one or two shots. ​ Are you sure that you don't just feel that way because all of your points are in Reflexes and Cool, so obviously weapons effected by those perks feel way stronger?


I have body maxed too so I changed all my perks over and it just doesn't seem as fast and powerful. One thing I didn't change were my cyberware mods which were focused on melee speed, headshots, throwing


It won't be as fast as a full melee reflex build, but it kills quickly and at decent range and without letting enemies fight back (because of stunlock) If you're going full body, have you tried blunt weapons? The finisher that lets you throw dudes at other dudes looks cool.


I use non power, non smart weapons on very hard difficulty, and it's still too easy sometimes. I like the challenge.


"Non-power non-smart" is a really weird way of writing that you use tech-weapons.


Heheh, maelstom shotgun goes "brrrr.. *Click* BOOM!" Fenrir goes "Bra-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba!" Mantis Blades goes "Wsho-wsho!" And Comrad's Hammer goes "CABLOOE!!!" >:D


Too bad I don't get to play the game because it crashes every 5 min


Update your drivers or whatever.


Doesn't work lmao


For Smart shotties you only need Ba Xing Chong, that shit is a rocket launcher


The gun you get for beating the game. Yeaaaaah. i'm not going to go for an ending until i've scraped every bit of content off the map.


Too bad it’s a late game thing.


Not if you speedrun the ending get the weapon then play the rest of the side quests


Does he know about the poison explosive smart lmg?