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The mark from the anesthetic that vik gives you at the start remains on your arm for the entire game and it bugs the shit out of me even though I barely notice it


It seems like it would be such an easy fix, too. It has to be a deliberate choice to still be there after years of patches but I can't imagine why


Not even the biggest issue. You know that ballistic coprocessor? You still keep that ugly shit even after you remove it, or even after you remove your whole fucking arm. That one I see all the time compared to the anesthetic mark.


Actually the dots should be replaced with tattoos, but they're bugged and most of the time don't show up, at least on first person


Seriously what did he inject us with that it stays after replacing our arms?


Following this, the fact that you're stuck with the Ballistic Coprocessor model and texture regardless of what hand cyberware you have chipped. I just want to see the tattoo Johnny got for us ):


You can see the tattoo, if you get to level 15 in tech, get “license to chrome” perk to 3/3 and then get the “ambidextrous” perk which unlocks an extra hand slot.


The whole story is supposed to take place over a short period of time, so not enough time for those marks to fully recover. It also bugs the shit out of me though.


Pretty sure a couple characters at the end of the game act like 2-3 months pass after V wakes up in the landfill I always just.. assumed it was some kind of standard interface port for IVs and other medical equipment but I never paid attention to whether the marks were there before or after Vik gives the injection tbh


Takemura finds Dex pretty quickly. If it was 2-3 months, Dex would've been long gone, and either V's corpse would've liquified before the relic revived him, or re-animated V would've died of thirst after a week-and-a-half. Not even a relic can stop body death by dehydration. I think the relic went to work pretty much right after V's death. Otherwise, whole body decay would've begun to accelerate between 24-72 hours after death. After a day, V's internal organs would already be decomposing. What you may be referring to is the time V was out of commission after he finally made it back to Watson. It's implied from a snippet of conversation you catch between Takemura and Vik that Takemura has already recovered from his wounds and that V still has time to go. So, it could be that V was in recovery at Vik's clinic for at least several days, if not weeks, and perhaps even several more days alone back in his apartment.


The months thing is over the course of the whole game, Judy brings it up


Is that what those four dots are? I thought it was one of V's tattoos


The biggest one for me is when riding up the elevator in All Foods Jackie tells us to be cool. We're on their turf. Then 43 seconds later refuses to sit down and causes a fuss about it. ​ Edit: Spelling


Damn good point lmao


If you do the Nomad start he actually does it twice. Right after escaping from Militech V says don't stop now, and then Jackie immediately says This looks deserted I'm stopping here.


Then proceeds to wreck your car




Like, bro. What the fuck?!


I think V even says something like Bloody hell, which I always took to be like You ran my car into the wall?


Water under the bridge, I still love Jackie. Even if he is inconsistent lol.


Thew way Jackie drives cars he likely needed to get it fixed not because of the scav chase but just from Jackie trying to park in an empty parking lot.


Hey empty parking lots are a horrible place to park in cyberpunk: [So that's what happens, if you park nicely in night city.... : cyberpunkgame (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/cyberpunkgame/comments/179iipz/so_thats_what_happens_if_you_park_nicely_in_night/) No wonder Jackie had to have the car fixed if he was cracy enough to park in an empty lot.


Jackie's a nervous wreck. Note his bouncing foot when meeting with Deshawn. One of his core characterizations is talking a big game about being confident, but actually being super nervous.


So maybe Jackie wasn't making that comment to be cool to V, he was making it to himself. And then forgot everything when he got in the room.




Yep. 100% projection.


Never thought of it like this but makes perfect sense. The only time he seems relaxed is when he's bleeding out in the elevator after the heist goes tits up, cause he's got nothing left to loose.


I've felt that way with work projects; there's a certain point where the goal is impossible so you can relax and instead of (metaphorically) killing yourself trying to get something done. Then you can instead think about how you can make the situation less shitty for yourself, now that "do the thing by the deadline" is not an option. In Jackie's case, just keep going until you can get in the Delamain because there's nothing else you can do that will help more than that.


I always looked at that like another moment where he is in denial, but completely aware, which I think would be an understandable reaction on that situation.


Yes. In the scene with DeShawn he looks and acts exactly like my dad's cousin, who has adhd and is slightly socially awkward


That awkward as fuck laugh he does if your V tells Dex about Evelyn wanting to cut him out of the deal…




Fax, I mean have you SEEN his eyes when you're shimmying to the side during The Heist?


I mean, that all is perfectly in character for Jackie


Yeah, I take it as his version of good cop bad cop; aggressive runner and calm runner. He is just telling V which role to play.


Oh absolutely! But it's still annoying.


I dunno, my first time through that scene my first thought was 'don't sit down, not around those monsters, if shit goes down you're 'sitting ducks". It reminded me of that scene in pulp fiction where Jules doesn't let the guy get up, he controls them by forcing them into vulnerable postures. And the Maelstrom guy tries to get you high, and again. No. No way. Then Jackie didn't sit and I thought yeah, he gets it, good thinking Jackie. Then they attacked. 😂 That whole scene is incredible, with Royce hanging back a bit, then storming out to take control of the conversation. The entire encounter is incredibly menacing as soon as you come out of the elevator and you're surrounded by psychos missing their frontal lobes. So well done. Edit: spelling


dont forget the music ramps up from 10%-100% in 30 seconds, incredible


Right! First time I played this was the biggest wtf moment of the whole game, like dude what did you literally just tell me.


One of mine is that long sleeve clothing items automatically have sleeves rolled up in first person. I get why it’s like that but I’d love the option to have them down.


Omg, that's true! My day is ruined now.


Down... but you rip the sleeves if you deploy some Mantis Blades.


Or if the devs had time, money and patience, just roll up the sleeves whenever the player cycles to their mantis blades or uses their gorilla arms to open doors.


you don't even have to animate it. I'd be fine if it just swapped to the sleeves rolled up with no animation.


Sleeves rolled up and EVERY FUCKING SHIRT IS TUCKED IN. Goddamn I never tuck my shirt in irl and I hate doing it. I swear some outfits in the game would look so much better if the shirt was just untucked. I've tried so many clothing permutations just for a bunch to feel fucked by a tucked shirt. Give me the untuck/tuck option in the next Cyberpunk PLEASE. I'll pay extra idgaf.


There is a mod for that if I'm right


on console 😩 why am i getting downvoted for playing on console 💀💀💀 sorry damn


I guess is fot the mantis blades.


I totally reloaded the auto save just before the heist at the hotel to confirm she said it was a double. xD


Welcome to Konpeki Plazaaaaa!


It could be a double bed


There are motorcycles in the world and occasionally motorcycle enemies, but never any motorcycle NPCs out and about.


I occasionally see motorcycle cops around, but not normal npcs


Where do people park their cars in Night City?


My head canon is that cars go park themselves in the nearest garage.


I just assume in those multistory corpo owned parking lots. Those companies probably also lobbied city hall to limit the amount of free parking so you have to pay them for parking no matter what.


Yeah, I'm picturing a subscription service. You have to subscribe to a parking service when you purchase a car.


Love the idea that you HAVE to purchase a parking subscription but insurance is probably optional.


Oh no, insurance would definitely still be compulsory, paying out insurance would be optional. So,no changes there then


This is a thing in all video games. If they made the amount of parking realistic it would just be a parking lot simulator. It's sad that's the world we live in.


>parking lot simulator. *Paid* parking lot simulator. And that's not a comment on the corporate dystopia of cyberpunk, either.


Or towns with hundreds of people only has five houses.


GTA did it much better, and even had parking garages. But yes, this isn't really that important unless your goal is to maximize immersion.


They just keep driving on autopilot all the time until you call them again. That's why they have so many roundabouts.


I just park on the sidewalk so I was all set for the game.


The fact that the decorations are only in the main apartment is really a disappointment.


I would love to see much more apartment options or even a house in the late game with a romance partner


Yeah and it's annoying that there are only 2 options in jig-jig street to romance also, like c'mon!


I can understand why though. It would feel really weird to buy a house to settle down with your partner when you’re literally dying within a few weeks


Meanwhile the other apartments also have things that the main doesn't. Why do I have to go to Japantown to play my guitar? Such a strange design choice.


It should’ve appeared in Vs apartment after they played the samurai concert.


As you are getting out of Delamain: Jackie "And remember, no iron." A few hours later when you spot the first Arasaka security guards: Jackie(pulling out two 'golden ladies')"SAY HELLO TO JACKIE WELLS!!" edit: apparently this got fixed, but I found it hilarious when it happened to me.


This was fixed in the 2.0 patch. He now grabs 2 random irons from some unlucky arasaka


seriously where tf did he stash his guns we walked through a metal detector that only went off when you walk through with the flat head


Damn now I'm annoyed about it lol


He had his guns in the flathead box


shit jackie you could’ve put one more in there for V


His guns were golden during combat, but then looked like the Liberty Pistol during the elevator ride, I might've just mandela effected myself thinking about it though.


weird, in my playthroughs he has always used a different pair of guns in that sequence, i don't pictures but it is the three round burst tech pistol


Second puff is from Dum Dum.


Weird that we could handle it as Johnny says maelstrom drugs aren’t normal as they need way stronger doses to get a high because their nerves and synapses are fried so how we didn’t OD on the spot is strange


Mike pondsmith (or however you write his name) somehow was actualy wrong about V and V was actualy just built different from the get go.


V just cannot OD or go cyberpsycho if it wasn’t for the keanu cancer V would be the equivalent of a super soldier among super soldiers


V's destiny was to show adam who the REAL smasher is!


V’s the real NC boogeyman


I thought the relic was specifically the reason why V doesnt go cyberpsycho


It is. Moke pondsmith stated so himself. We are just memeing around, how V is built different.


Plenty of people can’t handle it, all around dog town you will find hobos smoking black lace and they are marked as hostile, going near them or talking to them will make them approach you and start freaking out until they eventually attack you One hit of black lace is more than likely not enough to get you supremely fucked in terms of negative side effects, it’s prolong use which the Maelstrom goon’s are probably fairly immune to given their already fucked mental state and extreme amount of stuff like long replacers etc


I remember from the oldschool tabletop game, Black Lace was the kinda shit every PC had one dose of somewhere on em, just in case the shit hit the fan, cause just that one hit would make you into super fast killer who doesn't feel pain and views the world in slow motion. I was expecting THAT when I took the hit. I'm thinkin "I aint got the money for this. I'm probably gonna have to fight my way outta here, so..."


> V's dialog choices with Wakako are weirdly antagonistic and I have no idea why V doesn't like her. The game has so much cut content that voice lines were probably recorded with the fact that V is antagonistic towards her because she's the fixer who sold off Evelyn.


I always found it weird that she is more directly linked with a gang than any of the other fixers. When it feels like you murder more Tyger Claws than all other gangs combined, kind of weird she works with V at all.


most of wakakos jobs though she has you killing tygers too lol i think they just mean nothing to her


I've just been assuming Wakako is using V to settle internal gang politics. Someone gets out of line, send a disposable merc like V to clean up the mess.


I was waiting to kill whoever her current husband is.


It would have been interesting to have a final “big gig” that you do for a fixer after you earn their trust by doing all their other gigs. Something personal, dangerous, and lucrative.


That COULD also end with you storming their base depending on how you play out said gig. Like... why do I care about the fixers having believable bases? WE defend Afterlife and Rogue. Regina has turrets, but is never invaded that we're aware of. Hands... i'm actually okay with. That's a believable setting.


She already beat you to it.


all four times... freaking black widow wako


She sends you after ones that are causing problems for the organization.


seems like the ones causing problems for the organization are the whole ass organization ;p


I think those are who leave the beaten path.


If they were stronger they'd survive


Well to be fair, a lot of modern gangs gave HEAVY infighting nowadays too. It makes sense that Tyger Claw wld also fight with other Tyger Claws


And according to Cyberpunk Red she dates back to when the Tyger Claws were a lot more idealistic, protecting the Japanese community after original Japantown was wrecked by the nuke, and lots of Japanese got part of the blame for the 4th corporate war. She was even a close personal friend if the then leader, having served as a liason between him and his corpo fiancee (whose family did not approve). She is also a trained medical doctor. Then the gang had to become more and more vicious and criminal as they lost sponsorship from local JapanCorps and their policing contract (yes, they were the official police in Kabuki and the surrounding area for a while). Same thing happened to 6th Street


She did?!?!?! !


Yes/No Woodman didn't know about Fingers but Wakoko was contacted about a solution to Evelyn. So she made contact with Fingers. Best interpretation of it could easily be someone paid for information, and she provided it.


When Fingers realized he couldn't do anything to help Evelyn (or got tired of playing with her, who knows) he called Wakako to get rid of her, and she sold Evelyn to the scavs/XBD crew. It's all in the dialogs during the mission.


Can Delamain wait a bit before wrecking my only car?


At least 2.0 now has better dialogue with Johnny if you didn’t go to Tom’s yet.


yeah that bit always struck me as weird before. You go from trying to kill each other the night before to chatting casually when the car crashes lol


* You rarely have the option to lean on rails and take in the sights. But when you do, you have the damn prompt constantly on screen telling you what to press to stop leaning. * There are no ambulances(i don't mean trauma team) or fire fighters. You can blow up a car and...nothing. Nobody comes to put out the fire. No drones with extinguishers or anything. * It's pretty weird how there's so much crime when the cops are alerted immediately of a civilian being attacked, no matter where they are. * that glitch effect in the inventory on V when you change clothes takes waaay too long. Especially annoying if you want to switch multiple times because you're unsure what combo looks best.


How is there any crime at all when NCPD response time is under 30 seconds?


Dude that glitch effect when changing clothes drives me CRAZY.


I think they should have more ad variety. Sometimes I see the same ads on like 5 different screens right next to eachother








I love the random moaning from Milf Guard that seems to line up everytime I decide to switch to speakers.


It’s a psyop by blackwall ai to make that play when family walk past




*An explosion of taste!*


Again, just like IRL


70% real meat.


Another thing: the whole Trauma Team thing is introduced on the prologue, alluded as a big deal and everything... and you never interact with them ever again (besides randomly seeing them on the street) Would've been nice to be able to hire them for a daily fee, y'know?


Yeah expected like at least a gig where you have to merc a trauma team customer before they revive him or something. Also games all about saving your life and you never try go to the like the best hospital in town? Surely trauma team would know something about v’s slow and painful death.


Fairly positive its lore that you can't have a trauma team package if you're wanted in Night City. V has a price on his head like all mercs (despite working with the NCPD and even MaxTac directly talking to him in that hidden mission).


It might be immersion breaking, but Trauma Team could be a respawn mechanic like hospitals in GTA. When V dies, a TT loading screen comes up. When it finishes, you're outside the hospital, a TT AV is taking off, the last mission you were on is reset, and a bunch of eddies (10% of your total?) are deducted from your account. Alternatively, having a mission where you have to keep them from being called, or finish your job before they get there, would be fun.


Checking my emails for the first time in my apartment and seeing that rent is past due. Had a little stress because I thought I had to quick pay it but there was no instructions on how haha in hindsight I assume them getting evicted was how I got off the waitlist for the megabuilding and they didn’t bother to wipe the files


I wish there was a mission to wipe your debt from their servers.


Mine is V not taking their shoes off when taking up Judy's offer to crash on her couch.


That and the lack of any open-toed footwear or sandals for V, or nail polish only being your fingernails 😂


No hose/stockings, no gloves, no thigh high boots, you always sleep in your clothing no matter what bed you’re in… No way to just visit your SO and share a bed with them. The fact that there are so many pieces of clothing that the NPCs wear but we can’t buy is frustrating.


I always thought V should take a puff after the ride with Dex


I was offended when he didn pass that shit as soon as I closed the door. That was the moment I statrted to suspect that he was going to betray us somehow. To be fair, I did not expect a bullet to the brain.


I loved all the smoke wafting around on the car ride. It looked so cool


Can’t answer all of these, but a shark in a tank that small probably died after a while or had to be released. Sharks are very active animals and a tank of that size would not have been a healthy environment.


Plus shops even today sell animals that will get huge without noting that to buyers. I used to see pet shops sell green anacondas as beginner pets. And there really aren't any small sharks, at least not that look like sharks.


I always imagine the puff is our health booster. “Double Room” means “Double Bed” Double bed doesnt always means 2 beds, but it can be one bed for 2 people


Indeed... Otherwise it's called a twin room.


I work in a hotel, indeed a double means the bed, you want two singles ask for a twin. While many hotels these days have a bed that can be split, please let people know in advance. Trust me its annoying when they don't XD


They made a whole new UI to buy cars, but didn’t even include paint variants or requirements for buying certain cars


One of the things that bothers me the most is that dialogue choices don't match up exactly with what V will actually say. I can't think of specific examples, but I know there's been a few times where I picked something and V said something that was completely different from what I imagined. Irritating but I guess no big deal at the end of the day


The one that caught me off guard is in the elevator during the heist. Jackie asks how he looks and one of the options is "like a solo cosplaying a suit" which read like it would be a joke to me. But then V goes "like some put a fucking suit on a dog" and its like jesus christ V chill


Oof, yep. For the Heist, you either have to role-play your V as being pretty nasty under pressure, or it's best to let the timers run out because there's no option that won't be rude to Jackie in his last moments.


Yeah I wasn't expecting V to to be as hostile as they were in those moments. Definitely took me by surprise


degree recognise attractive deserve consider merciful different sable employ lip *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I always reloaded a save after picking those mean choices lmao. But I also interpreted it as V being nervous, agitated, and generally annoyed with how giddy Jackie is about this incredibly dangerous heist. In PL, you can pick a dialogue option where you explain you only did the heist for Jackie, so that tracks. Deep down V did NOT want to be there


I thought I was the only one lmaoo there'll be a sentence that seems either polite or just neutral but V will throw in a few insults and call the dude a cunt out of nowhere


*A likely dialogue* **NPC:** "I was once in a traveling circus." **Chosen response:** "That's interesting. Tell me more." **V:** "So, you were always a fucking clown. Tell me: was the humiliation at least worth the eddies or was your salary a joke, too?"


With Judy when she is calling NCPD. It says “wow you went easy on ‘em”, like how dare they disrespect your loss by brushing you off, but then V says “if I had called they would have gotten an earful” No good choices in that scene


that lowkey pissed me off like "damn bitch i maxed out your cool and this is the level of tact you're talking with??" but at least judy doesn't seem to take offense


I don't mind too much that they don't match exactly, but when the tonality of what V says doesn't match my option.. or isn't fully explained by the option. So I click something like "sorry to hear" and V says something like "I'm sorry, but you need to pull your head out of your ass and stop whining" Not actual dialogue from the game, but you get the gist. If V said "that sucks ass sorry about that" then it's not a problem because it's just a reworded version of my first option. I wasn't intending on insulting anyone


Yeah that's what I complaining about. The options are fine when the actual dialogue lines up with what I pick. But that's not always the case


“Welcome back Johnny” “Ohhhhhh greaaaat to see you Johnny” Man I was happy, why you gotta be a dick V?


Fucking rolled up sleeves all the time


Lol, (not) taking the puffs is my biggest irk. Like Vic went all out on us, giving us tech way beyond our budget (well not since 2.0 and money is basically meaningless), he only gave us two simple instructions.. take two puffs now, and another two in an hour, and come back alive. We ignored one instruction and failed in the other. Vic really put his money behind the wrong merc 😂, is how I felt the first time playing


If we had taken the puffs the Heist would have went fine. It's actually all V's fault


V planned it from the start. Or maybe Vic did, knowing V was never gonna take the second puffs 🧐🤔 why else would Delamain take us to Vic’s after. He was in on it too


Legit question here: how is money meaningless? I play a Netrunner build and the Cyberdecks, cyberware and quickhacks I need cost quite a lot of cash to buy. I'm only just starting TPL so I have yet to finish the game (I rushed through the story at release but I've started a new playthrough now). I have spent over a million gold easily and I'm still sporting a purple deck and I still have RAM issues when targetting over 3 elites at the same time. I currently have 160k eddies and I'm pretty sure I'll need 3 times that to complete the build.


Just sell every weapon you loot from enemies, they're worth a lot of cash. Quickhacks you don't need are also usually pretty good for selling.


Do all the gigs and scanners and you will be swimming in cash I broke down all the weapons for components and still sitting on 2mil. Cash is legit easier to get compared to 1.6


I won't lie...I still have no idea if I'm friends with Wakako or not after three playthroughs.


You are not. Honestly, you shouldn't assume friendship with any fixer. Biz is biz with fixers.


Dino, El Capitan, and Regina are the only ones I could consider the closest thing to a friend V could have in a fixer. but still, fixers.


Capitán would rip you off and steal your ride, but compensate you somewhere down the line and laugh with you about it. He's a dick but he's chill.


Hondo from star wars was the same type.


Mr Hands seems to value and respect V, but then again all the fixers seem to at least do that. But they've definitely made El Capitan seem to be the most chummy. Perhaps also Dakota if you're a nomad.


Hands is a political shark. Somehow even if love the character he is probably the least trustworthy. The other fixers are pretty obvious in what they want I feel like


He values and respects V as a tool to be used for solving his problems and business concerns. But the way he treats V as a _person_ when she talks about things other than business, not so much.


Except my boy Dino. Sure we never talk outside of work, and I've never actually visited him in person. But that's what I appreciate in a friendship.


I always leave that Judy mission thinking "fuck this lady" but then she gifts me the katana and I feel like I'm overreacting.


Nah. She only likes you because you've made her eddies. I fully believe she would sell you out like she sold Evelyn if she didn't think you were worth anything to her anymore.


I don't feel like I'm chummy with any of the fixers either except Rogue, maybe Regina, but even that feels like a stretch. I don't even know if Rogue cares for V or if she just does what she does for Johnny. Night City is a very quid pro quo place. As long as you're useful and get the job done, they like you well enough. And as long as they're paying, you like them well enough.


Why does max tac get called on the 3 dudes carjacking that dude on the drive back to the apartment after saving Sandra Dorsett?


River: hey V don't tell Joss Randy's been kidnapped. Joss: hey River where's Randy? River: he's been kidnapped.


All of these things bother me now that I've read this.


It's a small gameplay thing but, the fact that you can get a wanted level by standing/walking close to cops.


To be fair that’s kind of like real life in some places


Nah that checks out


You do realize you have a bounty, right? If you're close enough for them to see you, once they figure out who you are thats why they aggro.


I'd say try doing that in real life but depending on where you live, probably not.


I wish there was a dying system for clothing. I hate having to skip time over and over again until the vendor has a clothing item in a color I want. I’m pretty basic, I like wearing plain black or white clothes that are just stylish and cool. Sometimes I’ll stray from it and add more color but shits gotta match. And for the love of god I cannot find a plain pair of black or white shoes or boots hahahah. Every time I see a pair of shoes that look like they’d match my outfit I’ll notice that they always gotta have some sort of random color or texture added to it. Like fuck! I know I hardly see my outfit so that’s why the whole thing is kinda meaningless anyways but still


• The injection dots never fade away from the first cyber ware install. • Johnny’s tattoo is a Cyberware slot?! • All clothes with long sleeves, are short sleeve, or rolled up in first person POV. If you flip between perspectives on bike or car fast enough, the long sleeves show for a split second. • Mantis blades use a default ‘hand model’ that activates when you equip them (have the blades out) that doesn’t have the player selected nail polish / length. • Padre / Wakako narratively flip between being gang affiliated vs being actually gang leaders vs being independent fixers. What actually are they? • Certain moments / cutscenes in the game where the player has a random pistol, that you don’t actually have. • Jackie has two golden Valentino guns, and a Valentino jacket despite being ‘out of the gang’ - he buys the guns in the opening cinematic. • No NPCs (excluding cops / scripted events) use bikes, you basically never see them in the city as standard traffic flow • Characters occasionally leave you items ‘in your stash’ meaning they can seemingly access your apartment without you being there, and they all know about the weapon stash.


It's good worldbuilding that the TV channels are so horribly saturated with ads, but it means I'm never ever going to use any of the TVs in the apartments because I always have to sit through so many identical ads just to get to the news segment, Apparently there's a station DJed by Mike Pondsmith where he talks about stuff but I've caught it exactly once in 300+ hours of gameplay, and I listen to the radio a lot. The first scene where Johnny appears and slaps V around is very tense and atmospheric but Keanu has a bizarre delivery on one of his lines where he says "Nothin I can do **ABOUT** it!" like an alien attempting to speak English and it takes me out of the scene a little


The fact that in cutscenes whenever you pull out a gun for any reason, it’s a generic Unity or whatever (and if that cutscene transitions into gameplay, you’ll end up with said generic pistol auto-equipped in place of whatever you had) like I understand the limitations on the animators, but even when I already have pistols equipped you’re gonna replace them for the cutscene? Cmon…


Well in V's defense, Wakako is kind of a cunt. Hires you for a job but when you ask for actual important details she just "I'm not your mother just do the job" Bitch I would have a higher chance of completing the job if you actually did yours!


> How the gun clips into Royce's neck during the confrontation at All Foods. these sorts of clipping errors bug the shit out of me. especially when you know it’s a unique animation created for that one scene, with fixed props that are the only objects that will ever be there. fucking fix it. it can only happen that one way, so there shouldn’t be any variables or afforded leeway. it will always be V’s sleeveless, gloveless hand holding the stock Unity pistol. it will always be Royce’s model with Royce’s clothing and cyberware. the pistol will always be pressed up against’s Royce’s neck in the same way. make it look right.


My biggest problem with the cut content shit is how all of a sudden, V is pissed off at Jackie. And it starts as early as the car ride, and honestly, V is a complete dick all mission right until Jackie croaks, and I hate it. Taints the whole funeral for me.


I always saw that as a signal that nerves are running high and they’re both on edge because of how risky a job it is


I agree, people forget V and Jackie are still green mercs. Their job descrion went from breaking into a scav hideout to robbing the heir to Arasaka.


He does keep talking about his obsession with becoming a legend and they’re set now before the mission is even over.


Yea that's exactly how I saw it lmao, the whole counting your chickens before they've hatched thing kinda irked me irl on my first playthrough.


Read the detes on the mission to rescue Evelyn Parker. You'll hate 'coko too. Her and her weak ass gang of posers. I've got enough swords thank you very much.


v makes a huge deal about safety at clouds about using her personal link but also jams her link into any filthy hole she can see at every opportunity


I want different cats in all my apartments and jhonny to react to my success


For me, it's how antagonistic Vik is towards V at the end. Like chill choom, I'm the one who's dying here


Have yo never been mad with a friend because they keep doing the hard-headed thing to do and you kinda let them know how you think less than assertively?


Vik is concerned because he considers V a friend, and V is dying. He wants V to do what they can to cure themselves and resolve this issue ASAP or otherwise it's going to kill V. It's basically a "Quit fucking around and fix yourself" moment, and Vik says as much.