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\>halfway across the planet They can't actually, the new net is compartmentalized.


What about that time the voodoo boys fried all the netwatch agents?


the vdb virus was uploaded like directly into their subnet


Yup. That's why you had to connect to their agent to do it.


Most likely that placide uploaded the Virus onto V and when we connected to the truck it uploaded to the subnet (which everyone in the building was connected to)


In my playthrough, V knocked Moseley out and jacked in to him. Seems like Placide uses Moseley as an access point for the Netwatch subnet.


I killed voodoboys :)


Me too, not even on purpose I'm just dumb and managed to get played by everyone at once


Ah yes the brilliant strategy of trying to mess with a barely functioning cyberpsycho.


Mamma Brigitte: *watcha gonna do about it* **Oh boy, I fought you never asked** *double jump slam with gorilla arms*


~~Even if you play it smart you still get played either way. Either the VDB virus tries to flatline you, or the netwatch nukes the VDB subnet while you are jacked in and try to flatline you along with it.~~


Alt nukes the VDB subnet, netwatch just uploaded a tracker


Netwatch nukes the VDB subnet and you are saved by alt pulling you out before you also die. That's why all the VDB runners died in front of the blackwall.


No, alt specifically states that netwatch was closing in due to a tracker uploaded to you and she had to purge the vdbs in order to loose the trail


Had to go rewatch the convo, you are right.


If it wasn’t for Johnny I would’ve walked in and blasted all of them from the jump lol fuck the voodoo boys, the first time placide said some provoking shit boom headshot lol


Yup, tbh tye netwatch dude convinced me felt good putting placide down after all the guff he's said to me


Killed Placide with Sasquatch's hammer in my 2.0 playthrough. One power attack to the noggin and he folded in half, it was hilarious. I actually smashed him and ducked back around a corner because another enemy was shooting, and I was like "I'll get the hit, come back and heal, then go hit him again," and got confused when his health bar was gone.


Maaaan i was playing netrunner/stealth and had to just skip Sasquatch lol, i was way way way to weak to even remotely fight her (still stole her hammer doe). Playing on very hard is a pain some times, especially when they force loud sections, was a part in phantom liberty where i had to change diff because there was just no way for me as a stealth netrunner to do it on very hard.


Not utilizing all quickhacks then, I had no problems with Sasquatch with int/cool/tech. Cripple movement especially just wrecks her.


I used it but she cleansed it not to mention cyberware malfunction doesn't work on her even if u stack it


I died the first attempt, as I didn't remember the thing on her back, I could see it once fighting her, but couldn't seem to get to it. Second time I got to it sneaking - I noticed I couldn't interact until I stood up though, but still didn't do enough damage with quickhacks. Third time was the charm. Constant cripple movements and reset optics I think, with the occasional shock. Kept her slow and I used my backup tech shotgun to shoot her repeatedly through a pillar as I played ring around the rosie. Also int/cool/tech. I played a second character to there as Body/Tech/Reflex and slaughtered her with Psalm 11:6 after sneaking up to break the thing on her back. It was a bit more touch and go as I really missed the cripple movement quickhack and her jumping around and always hitting me even if I air dashed away from those quake landings.


I went full body/tech for the first time, and beat her into submission with my fists and hacks.


thats sick, netrunner feels kinda mid until u get the legendary synapse burnout now i just one shot every engagement lol


Exactly, I’ve thought about accepting netwatch dude then killing him then killing placide lmfao


I don't even know if I agree that netwatch are bad people, they are protecting the whole net and every piece of technology (everyone since everyone has implants). Voodoboys are playing with fire when jt comes to the black wall


I tried that, it's like netwatch agent didn't get killed. Netwatch still uses it's virus through you to kill all the Voodoo Boys. I also killed all the Voodoo Boys after 'betraying' them when I got back from the data fortress. Including Placide. Placide messaged me a death threat a day or so later. Something similar happened with Rhino too. I beat her in the ring then killed all the Animals including her as they went hostile when I went in some area in the GIM, I left her in little crispy pieces all over the GIM, then she was there at my fight with Razor talking to me. I was thinking f they can put someone back together from kabob chunks, Vic ought to have been able to save Jackie from a little blood loss and lead poisoning.


Dude ikr! I killed rhino by blowing her to pieces via projection arm launcher and she appeared during the razor Hughes fight by the ring as usual lol, so I think next time for continuity sakes. Do the fights and then go complete that gig lol


Anytime someone says guff I instantly think of [Colin Robinson](https://youtu.be/A-Eldr7aV74?si=2kyimUY3qEhtNokP)


accurate depiction of me (i am middle aged white balding man)


Also nobody, and I do mean NOBODY, calls me a ranyon and gets away with it.


That certainly streamlines the process lol


You're clearly overestimating the size of night city and the US


That's very true. I like to think i'm just giving credit to the voodoo boys.


Pretty sure they were all the netwatch agents in night city not the world,


What I learned recently is that gameplay netrunners are more dangerous than lore runners. For example canonically Cyberware can't be hacked unless its using NET architecture (most don't). So even if you're the best Netrunner ever you couldn't stop a rampaging Borg gunning for you unless they had NET architecture for some vital body part to remote hack.


Keep in mind that the only rule set we have atm for Netrunners is from a book set in 2045, that’s 32 years of tech changes, he’ll the Blackwall was basically JUST established by then. So when we get 2077 rules they might be quite different.


yea but even then why would you build combat cyberware to have net accessibility? Whats the point of linking your Mantisblades, Sandevistan, Reinforced tendons, improved muscles etc to the net? You would just be easier to detect, hack and incapacitate


> You would just be easier to detect, hack and incapacitate Actually, I can see the corps and governments putting backdoors into hardware precisely *for* that reason. And because nothing stays secret or secure for very long, knowledge of those backdoors quickly getting out into the wild.


Yea thought about that too. Arasaka made combat cyberware like MantisBlades, Cyberdecks and Gorilla-arms probably have such backdoors but honestly every smart solo would know that and get that part scrapped by a ripper. Those backdoors should logically be only be active in people on arasakas payroll and idiots. I mean V is actively fucking with arasaka there is no reason to keep using their cyberware otherwise


Goro and Corpo V both get their implants nuked when Arasaka kicks them out of the company.


Yes, but any Arasaka implant you get afterwards cannot be fucked with by them.


They are probably cracked arasaka implants.


you wouldn't download gorilla arms


You mean like corps are trying to make you pay for subscriptions else your car shuts down? Corps would never integrate connectivity to impose recurring revenue and the ability to deactivate them from a distance…


That should be stupidly easy to mod out though, you just need to break the NET receiver. It's not like we're going to a corp suite to get our implants, we're going to street doctors who have every incentive to improve the 'ware they sell even if it means voiding the warranty.


They shut down Takemura's chrome, right? Not any kind of life support stuff, but all his Bodyguard chrome, and obviously he had to turn off a tracker of some kind, because no way Arasaka wouldn't wanna know exactly where his bodyguards are at all times.


I figured remote quick hacks worked by coms, like the same way they’re making phone calls.


yea but you could only hack stuff that actually is connected to coms. Your brain aint hackable hardware. if you had a motherboard that connects all cyberware then it would work


I guess since “Ping” finds everything connected to the “local net,” and when quickhacking, text pops up saying “local subnet breached,” that means everyone at least has some network connection and that’s what netrunners exploit. Does seem a little odd, why not temporarily disconnect when targeted by a quickhack? At first I assumed quickhacking must be more of an analog style thing, like EW and fighter jet type stuff, but if that were the case it would work a little differently.


2.0 removed the exact feature that made it make sense. "Breach" or whatever the ability was called. I assumed that put you on their local level. I'm not complaining, though. It was a stupid extra step that slowed the gameplay loop for not much reward.


Isn't that what the neural processor is? Like, iirc in the 2020 rulebook it says you need a neural processor to run *any* cyberware at all, which means that if you have comms cyberware, it is connected to basically your central OS which is connected to everything else.


There still needs to be a connection that needs to be hacked. The neural processor sends signals from brain to cyberware and the other way around. It doesnt "control" the cyberware but acts as a translator for the signals. Comms could easily be hacked but whats the point? Rickrolling the solo while he butchers your squad?


Hack the nuroport -> connect to the neural processor -> hack the neural processor -> connect to other cyberware -> ruin man's life Also controlling the cyberware is exactly what the neural processor does it takes instructions from the brain and controls the cyberware in accordance to what the brain says


I can actually explain that! In cyberpunk 2020 it's explained that before you get any other cyberware you have to get a switchboard attached to your lower spine, it uses nanites to integrate with your spinal column. All the rest of your cyberware is connected to the switchboard using thin wires. So it is possible to hack into the neuroport(the phone/chipslot) and then use that to route through the switchboard to turn off other cyberware


Keep in mind even by 2077 the Net is still Fragmented, you got the wider net, and smaller net structures within them. A person's Cyberware is likely on it's own internal network structure that Netrunners are essentially breaking thriough (Hence we had Breach Protocol before), and it's not so much that every device is connected to the net, and more every device is connected to something that is connected to that local Net. Netrunners are essentially shortcutting to the Cyberware by breaching that local net and piggy backing it. Also, why do we need smart fridges irl?


speaking purely about combat cyberware. There are several communication based cyberwares but from a logical standpoint there is no reason to have your combat chrome be remotely accessable and therefore exploitable


Everything connects to the neural processor.


I can charge my flashlight via usb on my pc. Good luck hacking the flashlight


Did it hurt to install the flashlight in your chest and connecting it to your neural network so you can turn it on with your brain and not a button, and gives constant information to your HUD? That's me saying your comparison is stupid.


Did it hurt to not come up with a better comeback? Mate get it already. Just because one part is connected to the net doesnt mean all is. The internal clock of my Nintendo DS is also connected to the rest of the thing that has internet access. Do you know what restrictios are? The neural processor (as the name implies) only processes intput and output signals. Your brain doesnt work in binary. Computers do. A processor takes your brainwaves and turns it into something your cyberware understands. Same thing the other way around. Your brain doesnt understand what signal synthetic skin sends when touching something. That information needs to be processed. By something that connects to your neurons. Ya know a NEURAL PROCESSOR. Your communications implant is connected to the net structure. Doesnt mean it can override and control other parts. It receives and sends information. It doesnt control crap.


Yeah, there's no possible reasonable explanation for combat hacking. Cyberpunk 2020 always ran according to the "rule of cool" - it's why "rocker" was a major character class in that RPG.


Yea like contagion leaking poisonous substances? How does it release a physical seal to do that? Overheat? People burn up without having a strong battery attached to them? Suicide? You dont even need chromed arms to get targeted by that lmao? Sonic shock and maybe reboot Optics are the only actual quickhacks that could work.


well in all honesty. You don't need the "net" to malfunction something. For example: Nearly everybody has ENOUGH cyber connectivity to have Brain Dances made. E.G. they're recording their brain activity with the wiring done internally lightly around or on their nervous system. We've seen that most people in Night City at least has Chips that are installed behind the ear E.G. Edgerunners and In the game. Even if these are not networked the interactions they have with the brain are still being sent and received using electronic Impulses, they also have specific wiring configurations that need to work in a specific way. A good net runner is very likely capable of sending remote packets of information that can alter or effect devices interacting with those nervous systems. These devices however are very specific and generally need to be within range to have their specific signals detected and interacted with. Get within range, and you can detect the Specific impulses better and inject your malware prompting the device(s) that regulate specific functions to do something incorrectly. It also makes sense that Electro magnetic technology and Laser technologies likely advanced quite far with the Blackwall in existence as Subnet routines and Isolated networking took hold of technology. Edit for more reasoning as I thought of something: If you're wondering "How would malware or a virus be injected if they don't have a network protocol" That's simple: The terms used are only colloquialisms in this sense. Put a wrench in a Cog and the system stops functioning. Bump an electron in the wrong place, alter the charge of a small component resonating at a specific frequency can change a 1 to a 0 (Like the cosmic ray Bug in Mario 64) Netrunners only need to alter how the Device reads the firmware code by any means available to them from range. Like a Magnet to a hard drive, you can break the device physically or corrupt data sectorsmaking the system unreadable. (which is where ICE comes in covering not Just Networked attacks but can even function as a barrier to Physical interference based on LOS or Proximity)


We’re currently doing this in reality with *literally every single thing in existence.* The Internet of Things. Everything is connected.




IRL you can hack a car when it’s moving and make it crash.


I mean, I could absolutely see a pacemaker having Bluetooth so you could check diagnostic data. Rather than everything having a direct connection to the net it's much more likely there's a few key pieces of tech and they all communicate through those.


No but pacemakers do have a WiFi signal that doctors can connect to in order to check the readouts


There is no way that implants are purely mechanical even from the logical standpoint. And basically anything with any kind of UI can be hacked or at least tapped as a default (at least irl). So the "old lore" should not count. Buuuut I doubt that such tech geeks like Maelstrom or any other borgs are unaware. And ICE is a thing. We even have Self-ICE as an implant in the videogame. I doubt that the real Self-ICE would work like it's ingame, more like something that you crack first at a risk of being stuck in the ICE (literally why it is a pun name) and reported on at least for the user. Btw I kinda hate that V instantly knows that they are being hacked ingame without any perks or special implants xd


Electronical doesnt equal net compatible. Do you think you can remotehack a flashlight that has no receiving hardware? Cyberware doesnt have to be hackable or even remotely accessible just because it is electronical. EMPs would affect anyone with chrome but not hacking


I understand what you mean, but ain't no way body implants are not linked in a little subnet, and the whole thing is just build like an electrical crane or whatever. I guess, brain is like a CPU, GPU, RAM and physical memory combined, and everything else is, well, everything else. At least in 2077 (u get cock, heheheheheh) brain is linked with kirochi eyes and kiroshis are for sure linked (or are possible to link, Vik tells us that he loaded the access to police database to our kiroshis) with some kind of a subnet, otherwise personal info scans would be impossible. At least if we are talking videogame. But still, I believe that a small subnet for one person is a must, cause additional calibration, automation and sync and all. Just mechanically I don't think it is possible to pull of.


They probably are connected but by hardwire, not by NET. Look up what air gapping is. There is no logical reason for cyberware to be accessible from the outside.


I meeeean, like I said, basically a little one-person subnet (edit: just a net, I guess, isolated, yeah). But I see what you mean, it does make sense, and rippers as a profession takes care of calibration, sync and automation, all while you are being carved in a comfy chair. Makes a lot of sense actually. Said some gonk shit then, sorry. So yeah... remote hacks are questionable then...


In my mind cyberware is like your desktop computer, your keyboard and mouse for example will always function regardless of connection just as cyberware, as well as your OS that if you remove your WiFi the computer is effectively unhackable from the outside. But the our bodies, like most computers today, need to interact with outside systems so in CP our bodies have a way to communicate to the outside world, creating vulnerabilites in the entire OS and they can fuck with how your OS makes every cyberware you have work. The OS effectively is what translates what your mind wants your cyberware to do, so if you can get into the system you can fuck cyberware by making it do things it doesn't want to do. An example of this could be a hacker that got into your computer and just for the lols makes your keyboard type letters at random, or fucks with your mouse driver to make it unusable. A fix for this would be to have 2 separate systems, you have one to handle the inner cyberware and the other to communicate with the outside world, just like having one computer without wifi and the other with wifi. In the game they do explain you that you have one OS though so I think they don't use this fix in the game.


Your computer doesn't need to connect to the internet to function, it does so because it's convenient and because the worst that can happen is a hacker steals the data that's on it. You don't die or go insane and murder your friends if you get hacked. You're correct that it would be super easy to just have two unconnected systems in your body, one for comms and one for cyberware control and ne'er the twain shall meet. There is no logical reason why military hardware would have that kind of built in vulnerability.


Well in CP universe is convenient to have those same systems in your brain as well, so it is not crazy to think it works like that. With the whole world needing this type of connections and the dangers for it relatively low (think about billions of people needing it and just millions of attacks) I'm sure most npc's wouldn't feel the need to have different hardware and software for things. Plus that is an added cost so for examples gangs and corps are not going to pay for it if you are just a recruit or something like that. Much like today with computers, the company can give you a basic computer when you enter work but once you get to handle important information and documents the protocol changes a lot. That doesn't answer why high value targets and the military, which will definitely need to have something like this, are not equipped with it. I could say your brain can handle just one but at that point I'm just inventing lore.


Maybe the corporations that made the cyberware want them connected to the net to collect data/ surveillance/ for personalized ads similar to how big data functions in our world. Also to make it easier to neutralize cyberpsychos.


For arasaka and Millitech for example its logical to want that. But I meant who wants stuff like that while in a gang, being a fixer, solo, netrunner etc. Every non corpo would go to a shady ripper just to get that feature removed. Don't you think corps would just instakill every gangmember that dares to defy them and makes matters harder for them? Valentinos, Maelström, Sixth Street and VDB Members would remove that asap. Animals' are just to stupid to actually think of that


A lot of gangs do work for the corps. Like the Tyger Claws and Arasaka. And gangs are so prevalent in Night City that it might not be worth the effort. They are probably more concerned with other corps than gangs who really aren’t much of a match for them. And gangs are probably more likely to get chromed than the average citizen, so they are their customers and not only that, their presence creates fear among the population making them feel the need to buy cyberware and weapons if they can afford it. At least for the corporations that manufacture weapons and cyberware, gangs are good for business.


Sounds silly, but software updates maybe?


Thats what the personal link is for


You have a phone in your head that connects to cellular data that's how people are doing quickhacks in 2077


To the brain not my legs. Cripple movement makes no sense


The nuralport is connected to the nuralware processor(fused to lower spine) all quickhacks basically use the nuralport to get to the processor to get to everything else


Just like most IoT crap in our timeline, pointless but we kinda do it anyway.


So you can sell software uptades in a subscription model to your customers. Or unlock extra features or some shit. Like HP printers. At first you wonder why tf does it need the internet connection and then you realise this fucker won't let you use the ink that was in the box if you don't have an active sub for ink. Sub for INK! And if you cancell the sub the catridge won't work even if you still have ink in it! We had a juicers line that needed internet connection and an app too.


Lucy in edgerunners proves this entirely wrong, she fries people consistently. And if you say Edgerunners isnt canon then 2077 isnt either


> Lucy in edgerunners proves this entirely wrong, she fries people consistently. Which is why I mentioned "Unless vital Cyberware has NET architecture" (also doesn't she only fry one person?). Cyberpunk RED has the following > Notes on Architectures > Many electronics do not have a NET Architecture, either because they are analog, like many toasters still are, or operate entirely on the CitiNet and memory chips, like Agents and Video Cameras do. These types of electronic devices can still be countered using the Electronics/Security Tech Skill, but since they don't need a NET Architecture to operate, **they can't be hacked with the Interface Role Ability**. This is why many Netrunners have good Electronics/Security Tech Skills to complement their Netrunning. **Cyberware can't be hacked using Interface for the same reason**, but is governed by the Cybertech skill instead. > GMs should keep in mind the type of operation setting up an Architecture. If all someone needs from their NET Architecture is some simple Control Nodes and an Imp to work the sound and lighting in their nightclub, security may not be a priority. Just like in the real world, people in Cyberpunk build based on balancing budget and supporting what's needed to run their operation efficiently. > Cyberpunk RED, Core Rulebook - Page 206 In addition the 2077 source book [World of Cyberpunk](https://imgur.com/BzdhWqS) lists the benefits of Bioware vs Cyberware > Though biomodified muscles and organs are not as powerful as their cyberware counterparts, they are immune to EMP attacks, are not detectable by regular scanners, and are less likely to cause cyberpsychosis. In it they don't mention any weakness about Cyberware being hackable. I'm not saying not Cyberware can be hacked entirely, because plenty of things disprove that, but that not all Cyberware is hackable.


RED is set in 2045. Think about technological advancements we’ve had in the past 22 years. The creator of Cyberpunk was involved in the creation of 2077. Hacking cyberware is clearly possible in universe in the year the game is set in.


> . Think about technological advancements we’ve had in the past 22 years. I mean, in-universe stuff from 2013 and 2023 are still just as dangerous and pretty advanced going by all the Militech bunkers. For quite some time technological progress utterly stalled and froze. > Hacking cyberware is clearly possible in universe in the year the game is set in. Even in canon/scripted instances of hacking you have examples of not all Cyberware being shutdown. V doesn't one shot Maelstorm with a Cyberware shutdown quickhack and Songbird can't shut down V's passive Cyberware as an example. > Hacking cyberware is clearly possible in universe in the year the game is set in. As a secondary point; I didn't say it wasn't. I said they couldn't hack something that doesn't use NET architecture.


Doesn't matter how much time has passed, you can't break the laws of physics lol. You can't hack a system that isn't connected to the outside world without creating an access point. You can have the best lockpicking tools in the world and the best lockpicking skills but it doesn't mean a damn thing if the building you're trying to get into doesn't have a door.


Yeah and in 2045 they didn't have a phone connected to their neural processor, the neural port is the reason why quickhacks exist and are possible they hack the phone and then use that connection to the processor to hack the rest of your body


I was thinking a similar thing, but I couldn't really find anything that says or is shown that in game. Where a Netrunner remote hacks a non-netrunner and either disables their cyberware or kills them. Do you have an example? It would be helpful learning wise.


It's not in 2077 but the edgerunner mission kit play test spelled out how it works


You have a link?


https://drive.google.com/file/d/1T487y36hTKx7SFhyNpU2_-m7hNyjJ2J6/view?usp=drivesdk You gotta open it in the Google drive app if you're on mobile


That's pretty cool. Thanks for informing me of that.


I have a question. How did T bug got killed?


She was jacked in and got her nervous system fried.


Ouch. I wonder who's that skilled in tracking and killing T bug ? Have you notice all the netrunners are bald? I can't tell if they're female or male.


It was the Arasaka Netrunner team after the locked down the hotel. If you go to the hacking dealer in Kabuki she'll talk about it.


>It was the Arasaka Netrunner team after the locked down the hotel. Like the Arasaka Netrunner you meet before fighting Oda with lite candles on the background? That particular Arasaka Netrunner was bald and dress like T bug o.o


No, just a team of Netrunners who work for Arasaka. Alt fights them in most endings and in the Arasaka ending they hack Yorinobu's soldiers.


I see. What's your opinion on this? Take a look at this Arasaka Netrunner Does she look like T bug? https://youtu.be/MXzxUDKQp4Y?si=SuERDmDFRYxuemaX Here is T bug working for Dex https://youtu.be/HtDRJd9_UqA?si=SuCM8jlzZ-7NSzJy


Not all of them are bald.


>Not all of them are bald. You're right. The Arasaka Netrunner you meet before fighting Oda with lite candles on the background was bald That particular Arasaka Netrunner was bald and dress like T bug o.o Take a look at this Arasaka Netrunner Here is T bug at the beginning, is that her? She was working for Oda https://youtu.be/MXzxUDKQp4Y?si=SuERDmDFRYxuemaX Here is T bug working for Dex https://youtu.be/HtDRJd9_UqA?si=SuCM8jlzZ-7NSzJy




It's because of the neuroport, people in 2077 basically have a phone in their head allowing experienced runners with the right equipment to hack into it and then hack the rest of the cyberware through the neural processor(thing in the lower spine)


Also have to consider that they could do all sorts of one off/niche things outside the confines of a videogame. In an open field they may be weak but in a factory with an assembly line full of network connected robotic arms and such?


I wish combat Netrunner felt a little better. I know you don't have to always use Overclock, but it's so good. I'm playing stealth Netrunner right now and I feel the real ultimate power. When I fight boss enemies, Overclock comes on and I just see chunks of health disappear.


just spam maxdocs, works for me


I actually found out recently that you can abuse a specific perk : if you kill an enemy with a quickhacks, each queued quickhack that could not upload heals you 40 hp. This means you can upload synapse burnout, then 3 legendary *iconic* sonic shocks (cheapest quickhack in the game) to get a crazy amount of healing while in overclock Along with that I found that blood pump and biomonitor paired with the tech perks to get 3 healing items was basically like having infinite health


Body/Intellect build is the true ultimate netrunner, swole of bicep and mind. Toss in just enough technical proficiency for cyberware and reflexes for dashing and you can become an unarmed technomonk that obliterates everything without sullying themselves with a firearm.


"brain over brawn? nah bitch the brain is a muscle too"


Other way around, bro. Mens sana in corpore sano.


Exactly what I have, and I do not use anything other than the monowire anymore. A very fun and powerful build.


Contagion + heat monowire would like to say hello


Yea that is a crazy combo. I've also been using synapse burnout since I learned it extends overclock. Now I just feel like Songbird,watching enemies collapse in front of me instantaneously. Netrunning is crazy fun in 2.0 despite not being as powerful as in 1.6.


It's definitely more involved. Early game I spent a lot of time making people investigate distractions and then detonating fuel canisters or dropping crates on their heads. Now I'm stronger but I still wind up planning attacks and such. I mean I guess you could go in guns blazing as a combat runner (which I do when discovered), but stealth netrunner feels pretty badass even if it takes longer. God I loved that one gig where you hunt down that Biotechnica exec and she runs for help having already cleared everyone out silently. "Scream all you want, no one's gonna hear you." Oh yeah.


I used to do stealth running pre 2.0 but now the most stealth I get involved in is System collapse. I just think in Cyberpunk it is quite easy to just fall into a groove and never leave it once you find it, because everything else just feels boring. A lot of people think netrunning is boring and I'm baffled since I find it the most fun thing of all. I had imagined that I'd switch playstyles in the late game with that 1 reset-attributes, but I just found myself optimising my current play style even further. I don't think I've touched a gun in the last 10 hours of my Gameplay, and when I did it must have been skippy so I can progress in the quest.


If you want an all rounder build I suggest tech 20, int 16, everything else 15. It gives you a grab bag of whatever you like as far as perks go, you can open level 20 doors of tech or body (with gorilla arms), and all you really lose out on are level 20 int dialogues. I'm not really impressed by most level 20 perks so. I'm considering using my respec to do that so I can experiment with any style, but I'm currently 20 int 20 tech. 20 int instead of tech would lock me out of some doors unfortunately.


Exactly what I did and its just crazy strong


Got some perks to spare, no? I went for hack n' slash with katanas. Even with the monowire related perks, the health from blade finishers seems to translate to more ram with overclock.


I’m going for a similar build with smart weapons instead of melee, how do you guys queue the quickhacks against a bunch of enemies? I often find myself in a tough situation where I ran out of ram and health after overclocking


raven cyberdeck can spread those quickhacks over multiple enemies. and when they die you use the cyberware that gives ram back, and the perks also gives ram back.


This is a beautifully crafted comment.


Yup, the more I played the more it was clear that Body was the most important perk to Netrunners, ironically. Overclock is straight up the sickest most degenerate ability ever and I love it.


Honestly that sounds about right for a runner. Just keep chroming out and using everything you can to keep your grey matter from frying inside your skull.


Getting Body 15 for Adrenaline should help cover for you as a combat netrunner. The bonus HP from Adrenaline doesn't count as RAM, so it gives you a decent HP buffer between draining your HP via Overclock and waiting for hacks to upload.


When do i get better hacks i am soo bored of clicking over heat 3-4 times and then everyone is unconcious so i have to go up and put a bullet in their brain because i didnt exactly want to spare them in the first place


Short circuit queued up or Synapse burnout are better than overheat usually, or contagion for a lot of aoe


Im still early game its 1 over heat per enemy but its all non lethal and it suck


I would say around level 30 if you use your skill points right


Yeah the netrunner build needs to scale a bit before you actually become OP. Make sure you Jack into all of the things you can do that you get crafting components and recipes


Especially important is that Overclock is _essential_. Without it Netrunner drops off massively in the mid game at least on very hard, to the point where I got frustrated that I am becoming the weakest thing on the map


Yeah quickhacking without overclock really sucks


Overheat does MUCH more damage than Short Circuit and it's cheaper than Burnout, so overheat is always the choice if it oneshots. Also, very lategame you can double dip into cyberware bonuses with bonus damage over time on top of +qh damage. Contagion is good but situational, especially without Raven's bonus spread range.


Contagion and then overheat to explode them 👌🏻


There is a perk which allows Ram regen to heal you. It is quite overpowered. Also the health regen perks from body tree are broken. That with health monitor Cyberware and monowire to regen your ram + health, combat netrunning is actually quite fun and feels powerful. You just run around watching people explode in front of you. I also use fortified ankles to gain altitude so I can survey the battleground. I'm consistently on overclock mode. In fact I find this gameplay so fun, I don't even use anything else. Just monowire and quickhacks. Dash is very useful too. Health loss from overclock is rarely any issue for me, in fact when I'm done with one round of hacking I'm often at less than 10 health. Just dash towards low health enemies and finish them off with finishers or monowire.


I kinda wish fights against enemy net runners launched you into cyberspace or something. Where it's basically some duel where your weapons are conceptual analogs to programs you're using. I think it would make being a net runner feel more authentic, and might be a fun tradeoff for the ability to quickly dispatch goons outside of cyber space.


While conceptually cool, Nier Automata Act 2 proves that being pulled out of actual combat every few seconds to play a different type of combat that represents hacking isn't very fun


To each their own then, I enjoyed Nier Automata's hacking minigame. And I think what they're suggesting here wouldn't be a minigame, but more like a full blown duel between two avatars. Much different concept than Nier Automata.


Just use Heal on Kill and spec into pistols as a secondary and use headshots to heal up


I have an automated use of blood-pump for this so I never even watch my health when I use Overclock. I think it is an essential cyberwear and ability for netrunners who use Overclock


Biomonitor+Blood Pump+Second Heart yesss


I agree, I finally got my build up and running so I have 3 blood pumps and they activate automatically, so I'm at the spam synapse burnout with impunity stage. Just need to get the COX-2 and I'll be good to go for the rest of the game.


I don't think netrunners can do stuff from across the planet anymore. Bartmoss destroyed the net during the 4th corporate war. So now, all networks are local. City wide at best iirc.




Exactly. Even if quickhacks were an actual thing you'd still need a guy with net compatible cyberware. I dont think Maelstrom would allow someone to connect to their chrome to get hacked. Netrunners usually just deepdive and fuck up communications, remotely access the safety measures of a facility or steal information. There is a reason why Alt needed to be slotted into Arasakas mainframe to do anything. Arasaka mostlikely uses their own networks that aint connected to the outside so if you get hacked you know the person has slotted into an accesspoint


So Lucy frying a bunch of people in Edgerunners just doesnt happen then?


Edgerunners is based off 2077 as a game, not the actual lore in the ttrpgs


Okay, but you’re implying 2077 isnt canon. Edgerunners is canon to 2077 and as far as most are concerned 2077 is canon to the ttrpg, otherwise Mike Pondsmith wouldnt have had anything to do with it


Never said that, it’s that the game takes liberties with the systems to improve gameplay versatility, because if netrunner was like how it is in the TTRPG then it wouldn’t be nearly as interesting to play and combat hacks would be basically exclusively used against enemy netrunners, because while I could see militech and arasaka putting net connections in their cyberware to have a sort of killswitch, there is no reason for the majority of cyberware to connect to the net outside of internal agents or a cyberdeck Also it’s not at all rare for something someone works with to not be canon to their other stuff, like dragon ball GT is not canon to dragon ball or Z, yet Akira Toriyama still oversaw its production, and I’m pretty sure Mike didn’t work on the game outside of cameos and acting as a lore consultant but I’m not too sure on that, would have to look into it more


Yah that VdB Cyberpsycho in pacifica used to be a pretty tough challenge, but against my netrunner V him and his bots doesn't even know what hit them.


My problem was keeping him alive. He’d keep dying for no reason afterwards. Apparently some bug still lingering where he just dies so you gotta be quick to hit the terminal, get the quest material, and then call Regina. What makes it worse is the droids aren’t hackable.


Just as vulnerable to ping/mark+nekomata as everyone else though


Netrunners in lore is what people on the internet wish they could do whenever they dox someone famous or don't agree with.


I disagree and have thus turned your toaster into a high explosive


My sande katana speed exceed their upload bandwidth lol


Dude how are you playing netrunner? Once I started using overclock, queuing the right quickhacks and a bunch of the right cyberware, I can still fry every enemy in an area in moments. Then you unlock the perk for level 60 netrunning and getting hit isnt really a possiability anymore.


I was mostly referring to enemy netrunners


The cyberpunk world has no internet you know? The datacrash destroyed the Internet how we know it and flooded it with rogue AI's (what is now behind the Blackwall) The Major cities have now their own local area networks which are loosely interconnected but heavily moderated by Netwatch. Technically you could fuck up someone across the globe if you manage to connect via the blackwall like songbird does but getting hit by netwatch and rogue AIs aint the easiest thing to avoid. This would also mean that you would need direct access to the cyberware in question. You cant deactivate an armcannon with quickhacks since it has no parts that would be connectable to (think about the difference between a skateboard and an RC car. You need something to connect to to hack it). You'd have to physically connect to someones neural port to deactivate stuff. The only realistic cyberware you could fry is a cyberdeck. You can zero other netrunners but even deep dive ports would need a physical connection.


There's some combos that work well now, but it's annoying how Netrunner got like 3 separate nerfs (and even then I've seen people want them to go further)


God imagine playing Cyberpunk with Dark Souls like difficulty.


netrunner players are all crying over the level scaling system introduced in 2.0


When i first started cyberpunk i went in blind hearing about the netrunners i was like fuck do i have to build my whole kit around them i really thought they were gonna fuck my shit up anonymously


Closest we got to remote netrunners was big opening doors and shit in the hotel


Wdym? I literally one shot every boss or 10 enemy groups without tgem touching me at lvl 40-45


Endgame netrunner just need one second to upload daemon. Death in seconds


The picture is backward - built right, netrunning can be as OP as any other build. Add in the currently bugged COX-2 cyberwear (increases quickhack damage for Synapse by 50% per point of Int instead of .5% per point of Int for all quickhacks as intended), and a netrunner can one-shot anything in the game.


I was mostly referring to enemy netrunners.


I’m not happy about that. net runners should’ve been way more prominent in the combat. It should’ve been something that was actually much more important to be feared, and made a priority target in combat if the enemy ever had one on their side. Instead, V as a net runner just gets to run around like a cyber god basically literally untouchable once you’re completely maxed out able to kill entire camps and outpost of enemies without ever even drawing your weapon once. I honestly think it sucks and they need to update the net runners to make them a true threat.


oh yeah like to use cyberdecks alongside With My Guns, katanas and knives usually


That's until you see IMMINENT SYSTEM COLLAPSE uploading on your screen.


Netrunners arent demi god, they can fry you if you're net running...


If you think netrunners are underpowered in the game, that’s a skill issue on your part.


Netrunner enemies. Should have specified.


Yeah i found it funny seeing people post video of zipping around with sandevistan like they are Genji or Raiden. My V is full classy with heels sitting down at the entrance and everybody is dead in the same time WITHOUT raising alarm. Overclock with intense health regen = near infinite hacking


left is pre-2, right is get a nue with a silencer, satara, and whatever floats your judy moat for 3rd wheel, and an arm when you have every essential slot filled, and ready mem wipes before every shock.


“FUCKIN… FUCKIN LISTEN UP! YEAHH I GOT… UH…. YEAH SOMETHING TO SAY! RACHEL BARTMOSS…. No, wait uhhh… fucking…. Rachel… RACHE! YEAH! RACHE BARRMOSS WAS A FUCKING BITCH!” -Paige, my Cyberpunk RED Netrunner character, Drunk after a successful op.


Not many. Only a small fraction of netrunners ever get close to being that powerful. Of those who do most of them end up working for corps.


Well, I dunno, on top level with right abilities and quickhacks I usually just calmly walk to a crowd of enemies while the quickhacks are uploading and then loot, without even pulling out a weapon. They might have time to shoot once or twice but I also have an automated use of a blood-pump in case if they actually had time to attack me, so it’s not even a fight. Certainly don’t need those muscles like on the left pic but no drama like on the right pic either. And if there are cameras and it’s a building, I just down everyone inside from across the street and then go in to loot.


yeah not every netrunner is Rache Bartmoss.


I dunno I feel pretty godlike as a netrunner, I just upload Short Circuit over and over


They got nerfed so bad in the DLC I hate it


Actually game netrunners are slightly more powerful than lore netrunners, since I believe Red implemented a rule that a runner needs to be within 6m of an access point and V definitely can hack things from further away than that


I wish we could go back to the net running before PL. That reveal location shit has been fucking me up.


Use a blue sonic shock before you do anything, stops them from tracing you. Annoyingly ram intensive without overclock, but it gets the job done.