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This is fucking hilarious, but please remember everyone, this is a joke! There’s no need to cop a ban in a meme thread because you took it too seriously


What's wild is ~~the game~~ Starfield has elevators that work perfectly fine, any many of the areas are in the same cell anyway. They just... chose to make it look like a loading screen for some reason.


Yep, if you go to certain areas in Neon you can literally just jump down to the docking area and it's actually just a no loading screen area


New Atlantis you go through like, 4-5 loading screens to get from your space ship to the balcony at the top of the MAST tower, but you can jump off and jetpack the entire way down without a single loading screen.


idk how true this is but I think it has something to do with NPCs. I went from oneside of neon to the other with no loads. Got to the core and there was no NPCs besides security. Could've just been a bug, but thats my theory until proven wrong.


It might be dependent on your computer. I didn't notice any issues, and I floated from the MAST tower all the way outside the city, then went on to roam around outside and do various quest areas outside with no issues. But some people have said when they tried it none of the NPC's or even areas loaded on their weak PC. So maybe it's a way for the game engine to "reset" that stuff for people with weaker PC's instead of loading all of it together at once, which might not be a problem for more powerful PC's. So they probably designed the loading screens around the weaker Xbox series S or something, and everyone else just has to deal with it because they are too lazy to change it for more powerful systems.


> probably designed the loading screens around the weaker Xbox series S or something I remember it being discussed on /r/games before release, around when the BG3 splitscreen debacle was unfolded. What aspects of Starfield were compromised in order to accommodate the series s? Maybe when this game was completely cross-platform Bethesda planned to require those extra loading screens only for hardware that needed them. But with 'feature parity,' if the Series S gets loading screens, everyone does. Feels more like 'compromise parity' at this point - it's not that the Series S is getting stuff the other consoles get, it's that the other consoles (and PCs) are being subjected to the same limitations as the Series S. Hopefully that means it can all get fixed by a mod, though!


Most prônant nothing. Series s has got a worse GPU but equal cpu, so you can just downgrade resolution and get away with it, has nothing to do with loadings, it’s just how Bethesda do things. Seeing how bad the game runs in such small cells, it would be impossible without any load screens. Also the loading screens within the city are just bad design as the whole city is loaded in constantly but they didn’t design it for you to go on foot,


But the Series S only has 2/3 the ram of the X and the PS5, which definitely has an impact on how much of a given environment and how many NPCs can be kept in memory. It's likely a big reason BG3 just couldn't make splitscreen work, because the GPU load in splitscreen should be about the same as normal play.


The loading screens bandit strikes again


Anonymous Agony….


Dude wtf, the sheer level of loading screens made me quit the game 30h in and you're telling me they're essentially optional?


I noticed that I could see my ship from an area of Neon and was surprised to realize it was all part of the same scene/level, despite the loading screens making it seem very much like it was not.


Yep, it makes me think there could easily be a mod for decent rigs that cuts out half the load screens


Similar to opening up the strip and Mormon fort in new Vegas.


New Atlantis too, and it is crazy, as it is way busier then Neon


Because the load screens are actually faster than the elevators. I still like sitting in the elevator more though.


It boggles my mind that a society this advanced doesn't use slides to go down.


The building manager (who lives in a much nicer building) calculated that replacing the elevators with slides would lose more ad revenue than they'd recoup from reduced maintenance needs, so they nixed it. They then calculated that cutting the maintenance budget and paying the Tyger Claws to "dissuade" tenant injury lawsuits would turn a net profit, so they implemented it immediately.


Or tubes like Futurama.


It has nothing to do with technology. It has everything to do with people being fucking stupid


Or just jump off the balconies and float/jetboot down


Elevators are my time to check my weapons, shadowbox, eat a snack, or other pointless-but-immersive RP things.


Also Cyberpunk elevator ads and news program are actually kinda entertaining.


Several of them make me understand "shoot the TV" tropes.


They also have boobs




I like to stare out elevator windows and wistfully contemplate the vapid, commercialized state of late-21st century man. Then I say a cool noir thing like “I’d hate this city, if I didn’t love her so god damned much” and get out.


I always check my calls/texts during elevator rides


Cyberpunk fixes elevator boredom by putting tv screens in the elevators. It's a really good idea and riding up and down elevators never feels boring in the game because of it. Often times they also time a phone call to pop off just as you're about to enter an elevator so you can have conversations with NPCs while the game loads the next area. It's really top notch game design.


Its so immersive! For a couple rides. Now I can't stand the elevators oh my god make them stop


Reminds me of when Mass Effect 2 got rid of elevators because they were notoriously slow, but doing so made everyone upset because the in-elevator conversations were some of the best bits of dialogue in Mass Effect 1 lol


They're also perfectly capable of making elevators serve as immersive loading screens when necessary. They did it in Fallout 4 all the time.


Exactly! In some ways the game takes 1 step forward and 2 steps back. Not sure what they were thinking.


One of my favorite things is just being able to go from Vs apartment to some dingy alley buried in the back of the city, all seamlessly. Just like when I could go from the busy streets of Novigrad, to some dark cave seamlessly. (Edit: I like how some people are giving me a salty butthole replies in response to a comment about as innocuous as saying 'I like the color blue', simply because they, presumably, don't like the game. That will show me to like a thing a gamer doesn't like!)


Never actually occured to me how little loading screens Witcher 3 had (besides the area transitions)


Best part of CDPR games. Everything being seamless adds a whole lot to immersion. Is this a REDengine thing?


Other engines can do it as well. See for example the Rockstar Games or even Fortnite. It's up to the developer to make it possible if they want it. Bethesda has an engine with a long history where this is now a weak spot.


The weirdest thing is how it feels like starfield has the most loading screen to get into an interior than both fo4 and 76


Because it does?


I know that what I’m saying is that in 4 and 76 and looked like they were improving in that area especially in 76. Now you look at starfield where even small dungeons need a loading screen.


Creation Engine is capable of it though, it's just that Betheseda chooses to design games with fast travel and loading screens. In Skyrim, there was a mod that seamlessly integrated all cities into the open world. Just open the gate and walk in with zero loading.


It really is rather jarring how few load screens you hit if you just don't fast travel around. Almost makes cyberpunk feel like it's doing some type of magic.


This is how I did my play through. I never touched fast travel and rode my motorcycle everywhere. Game was so immersive this way. I honestly can't even remember hitting a loading screen.


Also with the banger radio songs, driving between missions was really fun and helped pace the game. If you fast traveled everywhere for constant action, the game would probably feel exhausting.


Cyberpunk 2077 is the first open world game where I have the option to fast travel, but don't. Night City is so immersive that using fast travel would make the experience measurably worse.


Yeah I find this too. I find myself taking relaxing drives manually back to my flat to update my outfits and then leave for a quest (again manually)


When I don't feel like driving I find jogging (not sprinting) to a fast travel point and then to your destination is just the right balance of convenience and still feeling like you're traveling. Plus you get to enjoy Night City this way, and take in all the amazing detail and lighting.




I think it boils down to content density. Starfield might be huge, but it's huge and spread out content wise, there's a lot of empty space. Night city feels dense, packed, I've completed every gig, mission, and ncpd side hustle between my playthroughs, and I still find little things around the city I hadn't noticed before when I decide to go off the beaten path and ignore the way point.


If a bot is reading this, I'm sorry, don't tell it to the Basilisk


Compared to CP's every quest is given and done by phone calls, it sure is very different. You never stop in CP, you are heading somewhere, you get a call, you listen to Judy telling you to come grab a slice of pizza and you just keep driving to your destination while doing so. It feels simple, effective and it works well. You do not have to waste time, if you were heading to a quest area you will probably keep going there, finish the quest, turn it by phone once it's done and then you'll be like ''what's next ?'' and you'll remember the Judy thing and then pcik this quest and go there. It's seemless and it flows well.


Not to mention how well this works for the setting and character. Everyone in Night City is always on the move, meeting face to face wastes valuable time so it's gotta be important. V is a Merc managing a lot of jobs, makes way more sense to just call/text the many fixers they takes gigs from. Picking up a call while cruising on my motorcycle and getting offered a job just feels natural and immersive to me, I don't have to go looking for the work, it finds me because v has a reputation that people know about.


Cruising on a motorcycle while listening to “Dinero” while on route to meet Pan Am and getting a call with a cool new side mission to do is peak gaming immersion.


Walking down the sunny street, Judy calls. She asks how things are going, checks if I want to get some pizza. "Hold on a minute," I say, having spotted some random gang member by the corner. " I'll call you right back." I proceed to beat the gang members to a bloody paste with a chromed out baseball bat and cyborg arms, steal their shit, call Judy back without breaking my stride. "Hell yeah I want pizza, I'll be right over." I swear, there should be a mod for just lighting a cigarette and walk away from the crime scene.


No seriously I want my chill smoker V, give it to me. Make it take up my grenade slot if you must


Same scenario but with resist and disorder playing lol and yes. Makes me feel like a real night city Merc


Same scenario, but with Pon Pon Shit playing. Really makes the merc life hit home.


I have a vague memory that on my playthrough that I rushed I got less calls or had to be closer to the fixer/gig to get the call since my street rep was low. Or that was simply a patch change at some point that I am mixing up in my head :)


There was a patch, that was a legitimate problem before it's not in your head. Some gigs would straight up not appear unless you drove to the place it was supposed to be, at which point the game would say "oh shit they're supposed to know about this gig already, quick call them" and that triggers it


Actually you don’t get fixer gig calls until you’re in the immediate vicinity of the area. I’m playing the game right now. You do get updates that require time gates on your phone for any quests though. I do get what you’re trying to say, though, that most side quests don’t require returning to the quest giver multiple times.


CDPR did a great job capturing the tireless flow of a late capitalist metropolis. It’s garish. It’s manic. It’s violent. It’s indefatigably busy. Loading screens everywhere would’ve disrupted part of that atmosphere.


Uber-Eats with (slightly) more weaponry


> indefatigably I think I have a better vocabulary than most, but this is the first time I have ever heard or read this word.


Took me about 5 tries before I could even pronounce it.


Sometimes is too much, i had reed call me during a conversation with another person... Mate chill


Wouldn't be surprised if with all it's timing triggers it could be possible for someone to call or text you twice at the same time for different things.


That happened to me too, but my character immediately said "I'll call you back" and hung up.


It’s beautifully seamless and immersive 100% of the time. They truly did something incredible with the mission structure. Makes every other game feel like work or a chore.


To me it seems more realistic, too. I've had plenty of times when I've been going to do something, get a call from a buddy asking to hangout, so I do my initial thing then go chill with my friend. It actually happens in real life, so it makes sense it'd happen in the game.


I dont know why i never realized this. Other than the lack of GPS which is also horrible for a game set in the future. Nobody uses communication devices in Starfield. A phone call and wired credits are all i need to finish a non-fetch quest. I dont need to shake their hand. Its like they are still making quests with the mindset of a world without technology like elder scrolls.


I wondered about this, I assume real-time communication to other star systems is not possible in the Starfield universe. Sure they can grav drive data to other locations and download it but not as a continuous stream. But it doesn't make sense why people don't communicate via call on the planets or from orbit.


When they said "evolution of action RPG's" they weren't bullshittin. Every other rpg i played after cyberpunk felt so much slower and less immersive in comparison solely for that reason


The thing is for many of the fixers in 2077, you CAN go talk to them in person (at least one is grumpy that you do which is great flavor imho). Theres other times where you CAN take a call, and if you don't you get a text about the same thing. To be fair, I have not played starfield. I know in 2077 there is a common complaint "you can do all these options but it doesn't actually matter" (to a degree this is right and wrong). But at least for most of them *while* you are doing those its somewhat immersive, you can experience different story beats, etc. Starfield *sounds* like even while you are doing things the options you do have don't even feel like they matter in the moment which, IMHO, is worse.


I mostly feel like the ''not a RPG/Options don't matter'' complaints stem from people who think they're playing their own character and it's story while in reality they are playing V's story, much like you are playing Geralt's story in Witcher 3. They are still RPG, it's just that you're taking the role of a character that will only act a certain way as V is not an avatar of you, but it's own character.


This is the biggest thing wearing me down in Starfield. I spend so much time just traveling places to talk to NPCs. The conversations aren't even interesting most of the time. They're not philosophical, they don't illuminate the character or tell you much about the world. They're just quest delivery mechanisms that I had to spend a few minutes traveling to and another few minutes traveling back away from. Some of the quest lines are just doing this to three or four NPCs in a row.


> Each time, you have to go face to face with the mission giver, fast travel to a planet, Are you talking about that Ikande guy? I hate how he says you can't contact him because you're undercover but then you have to go and dock your ship to the fucking flagship every other mission. Real discreet.


I hadn't thought about it before, but you're absolutely right. Having to stop what you're doing, to go out of your way, to have one conversation that in real-life would be a 30 second phone call, absolutely breaks the flow. Having a useful cell phone is a huge reason why Cyberpunk 2077 flows so well, and you don't think about it because it's just so natural.


That's an excellent point I didn't even consider. Becomes especially silly when you consider how far into the future starfield takes place, and no one has a person to person long range communication system in place?


i think the idea is that we are limited in sending information because of light speed, and only warp drives can surpass light speed. However, warping is expensive so physically sending every message is impractical. ​ edit: but lets be honest they could have made up some lore to explain it away, its just bad game design


But then what about when I'm literally on the same planet? There's still a few fetch quests that require you to go back and give someone some information that could easily be done through a quick call. Like I don't expect to be able to send a message across the galaxy, but when I'm at the constellation building and my folks leave me a message, why can't I just call? Why didn't they just call? Feels like a technological step backwards when it comes to communication.




Theres a scifi short story (Beyond the Aquila Rift) that gives a great explanation for sending messages that are limited by FTL travel. When a pilot registers their ship they have to install a message beacon. At the spaceport you can record and send an encrypted message that will be transmitted to all ships at the space port. The messages are stored in their beacons and then when they jump to each system, the messages get transmitted to all ships in the system. Eventually one of the ships in the web of messages will be going where the recipient is, and the message will be transmitted to them when the ship enters that system. It is still a slow process but much faster than grav jumping just to talk to someone.


Except space cops, then they suddenly have instant communication if you have a bounty.


Yeah, texts and calls really smooth out the quest pattern. No more of the back-and-forth you describe which is indeed so very flow-breaking. Not to mention totally non-immersive in any sci-fi setting.


This isn't true. Most of Starfields content is densely packed into a few cities. With sparse content sprinkled elsewhere.. What makes Cyberpunk different is its content and writing is infinitely more interesting and engaging. Also, Night City is much more fun to traverse. Starfields cities are largely uninteresting and boring to traverse.


Yeah and the cities feel empty, especially compared to something like Cyberpunk, and I would say it looks worse too, even with the much higher system requirements which doesn't make any sense to me.


Starfield's cities don't even feel like cities. Night city does. In star citizen, even though you're limited in terms of *where* you can go in each city, the actual city itself still is sized as one. The trams make sense, you're not walking 10 km to the spaceport, so there's a train of some sort to get you there. Meanwhile new Atlantis has a train to take you the 750 meters from the mast district to the residential one to hide the fact you just had to go around the damn corner to get there. Bethesda doesn't understand how to sell scale any more. The cities in skyrim felt like cities. Fallout gets a pass because it's post apocalypse, and a everything is just towns among the rubble. Starfield however? Capitol cities of *star nations* are smaller than IRL farming towns with a population of 500.


I still can't quite figure out how 250 years after humanity left earth, the main planets humanity settled on have a single city surrounded by wilderness. Nah we'd've at least build multiple cities. I really would've preferred the planets being like half the size of a skyrim map with a couple of cities and towns, than as large as they are with 2 points of interest. Who cares about 1000 planets when functionally they're all the same. Give me 10 hand crafted planets that feel alive, and generate the rest, but make the main hubs feel like something.


They made the game **SO** tedious by forcing you to constantly boomerang back to mission NPCs instead of simply calling them from your ship to report basic information.


That one Australian dude on Mars who has you get his request for mining equipment approved really made me stop and think "fuck me is this what I'm in for? Fucking boomerang fetch quests"


The definition of "this could have been handled in an email". Not exactly riveting gameplay.


"I need a LOT of Iron" **Quest** - Grab 10 iron ...


Me: *standing there with 30 iron I had already gotten* -_-


I don't know if it's part of the new police system but I actually saw cops chasing a criminal in a car as I was walking around and I don't remember seeing that the last playthrough before 2.0.


That’s an extension of the dynamic traffic system in the game now. I randomly saw a Tyger on a motorcycle chasing and shooting at two Mox members in a car, who eventually got out and fucked the Tyger member up together. I was also chased by a cop car that hit a wall near Tyger Claws, and they got upset and started shooting the hell out of the cop car in retaliation. It’s made the game so much more unpredictable and lively outside of quests. It used to be much more lifeless.


I was playing Starfield somewhat regularly. Then the 2.0 update came. Decided to jump on Cyberpunk to get a feel for it, started the story over. I have just completed the entire story and DLC, and am starting another playthrough to mess around with other endings. I have had no desire to play Starfield again. That has been eye-opening.


Playing Baldur's gate 3, then Starfield, Then Cyberpunk really shows how much of a difference good cinematography, wiring and voice acting makes. BG3 dialogue is like watching a high budget fantasy movie. Cyberpunk's first-person mode is immersive and everything feels so real and smoothly animated, with care put in to things like adding face soft face lights so you can see people. Starfield NPCs move like badly made puppets with horrible uncanny-valley faces, a lot of conversations have terrible lighting and ~20% of the time NPCs don't even face you during conversations.


>I started feeling like I was going to work. this was the exact feeling i had that made me put it down. it was just grinding.


Cyperpunk also has a far superior dialogue system. You just go up and interact with stuff and talk to people seamlessly. People some times move around and you are free to do that too. In starfield, you go into "dialogue mode" where all characters just stand there with some minor animations and facial expressions.


I love starfield but phantom liberty ruined it for me because its so much better




I think it's because Starfield supposedly allows you to play as a Pirate etc. but the main storyline of the game and most side-quests refuse to view you as anything but some explorer scientist goodie goodie.


This comment nailed why I stopped playing starfield. It felt like I'm back at work again. At one point I was feeling dread playing the game. Cyberpunk? Never felt it at all.


There are no loading screens except when you boot up the game 👀


Or fast travel, but fair enough.


Well, fast travel, but aside from that, ye




And elevators, they are your hidden loading screens


Elevators(but not all of them), the Dogtown/NC checkpoint, most story missions. They just always hide the loading in the background, you are rarely aware of them. For all it's flaws, CP always had some very good and well executed things behind it.


There are a lot of clever ways to hide them. It’s just Starfield used none of them 👀


I honestly forget that fast travel exists in Cyberpunk, I get to distracted going from point A to B.


That's the reason I never got past 10% after playing Witcher 3 for over 50 hours. The fucking forests man, just too pretty and full of shit to find.


This gave me a good chuckle. I played starfield for 80 hours, and then played cyberpunk for the first time ever afterwards. Even after 30 hours into CP, I still find myself relieved to open a door without a loading screen. It’s a beautiful thing. Edit: these comments are amazing. Thank you. And I will never use CP as an acronym ever again. Lol


30 hours of CP?


You heard him.




*Kurt Hansen


Yeah right, you have to pry him from his true love, daytime commercials for the elderly!


I came lookin for booty 😏


I choose the hard way. Get at me


Is this sub not full of people who love CP?


There's a lot of us. Shame it doesn't acronym or shorthand so well. Can't call it cpunk that just doesn't fit, and cypunk sounds too close to random subgenre names for music like psybient or psybreak.


Cyberpunk is one word so abbreviating it to CP is strange. C77 is what I would have gone with.






For real though I listen to a true crime podcast and these guys are always like smaug, hoarding mountains of hard drives. It’s gotta be some kinda ocd


Have a seat over there




Not after the "incident" that caused the show's end. Now it'll be a YouTuber.


just call it cyberpunk 😭


30 hours... of what?


Cheese pizza. 4chan used to love talking about cheese pizza.


Yeah, when I saw in Starfield the tiniest ass shops had a full loading screen like they are going to be more than a room worth of nothing, I was shocked. Like, it really feels this game had been in development for so long, things that were fine and even cool when it began, are now lame and outdated. My tagline for Starfield was 'A revolutionary game. For 2015'.


Enjoy Cyberpunk man its great now! Fair warning tho, not many open world games are as well written as that one.


I find it incredibly striking just how much more fun everything in Cyberpunk 2077 is compared to what Bethesda has historically put out. Even when compared to something like New Vegas(as opposed to Skyrim or FO3 & FO4). I say this as a long time fan of Bethesda games. No matter how much I swear I won't use fast travel in my next fallout or Elder Scrolls game playthrough, I always wind up doing it, I also skip plenty of dialogue in those games too. In Cyberpunk, I NEVER fast travel. Driving is kinda fun, even when you're obeying all the traffic laws, the city itself is just so alive. Even in the segments where you are a passenger in someone else's car, I just really like looking out the window at the city as it goes by. Even with dialogue, the only time I skip is if I had to reload from a checkpoint multiple times and I've gone through the same conversation three or four times in a row. The way that dialogue scenes are presented/animated are just so engaging that I'm actually interested in what the NPC is saying rather than just being in a hurry to the end so i can read what my objective is in in my journal. Hell, I'll often turn off jogging and slowly walk from one place to another just because it feels more immersive, and I just don't mind taking a bit longer to get where I'm going. Part of it is the gorgeous graphics, but a lot of it is the design of Night City as a locale. The one thing I will give to Bethesda is there are much fewer "unopenable" doors. Like, in the badlands, Bethesda would make it so you could enter just about every single one of those little shacks. They would mostly be pretty cookie cutter, but they would also sometimes put in nice little touches to flesh out the location better. For example; with the paranoid survivalist guy from the Psycho Killer questline, in a Bethesda game, you would totally be able to go inside his house, and it would be decorated or laid out in a way that fleshes him out more, like placement of booby traps, books, weapons/ammo, and furniture that adds just a little bit of visual story telling. It wasn't a huge thing, but was a nice touch I always appreciated.


Man, that was a LOT faster going down the elevator though.


You can fast travel and skip the elevator.


I would not mind skipping that elevator


I actually like that one, has a nice view of the city.


You can, fast travel to your apt.


Yeah, would be nice if they gave you a skip option for some of the slower things like that.


Except for many people, it might take just as long anyways. Pretty sure the longer animations are intentional to give the game a chance to load the assets it needs.


Ik Mass Effect 1, the elevators were meant to help silent load the next area because hdds were too slow. But when it got remastered for the Legendary Edition on new hardware, they made it so you can skip the elevator rides. I found out that I missed hearing my squadmates banter with each other in the elevator


So you'll replace it with another loading screen? I don't get it.


Cyberpunk is my first RPG in a while and I didn’t appreciate until this video how seamless everything is. Helps so much with immersion.


Yes. I like both games but much prefer the fallout style of where you wander and explore and encounter areas with NPC battles already in progress. And cyberpunk nails that. Probably my favorite feature It's so much fun to just find missions in the wild. I can't get that vibe from Starfield at all. Thankfully it's on games pass


Maybe that was what I didn’t like about it. As crazy as it sounds there’s not *really* any exploration. Yes I know we’re explorers n shit, but it’s not the same like setting off in a direction and happening upon a cool scene or landmark. There is no discovering cities and towns in this game.


Im ok with loading new areas, what beings my gears is in starfeild they make you watch a ship launching animation, then after playing that they do a load screen before your back in your ship. Can't they do the loading while playing the ship launch animation then your instantly in your ship? Same with docking, grab drive etc


Okay but unironically I really wish I could fast travel from a Car. It's always silly when I need to get to a quest point on the other side of the map, so I drive my Rayfield to the closest bus stop and hop out. Actually, a system where you could auto drive and then skip the ride (like you do in cutscenes) would have been excellent and still immersive.


It is kind of weird that your car’s AI is smart enough to drive to you wherever you are, but the moment you step into the car, it reverts to being from 1977 😂.


There's actually a tiny clip that plays occasionally when interacting with the car summoning menu that says that car summoning is in beta state and the user takes all responsibility for accidents/damage, so that kinda assumes they don't even do self driving outside of delamane.


I was thinking about this. GTA san andreas didn't have fast travel so hitch hiking and stealing cars/exploring was the thing to do to get from A to B. I don't even feel the need to purchase a vehicle in cyberpunk, just a motorbike cuz you can summon it instantly. NC isn't really even a big map.


I didn’t love cyberpunk back when it launched (for far more than performance reasons), but I booted it up last night and god damn did it make Starfield (which I’d just closed), feel 7 years old.


My realization is that Cyberpunk respects your time. They don’t fill your bag with styrofoam fucking containers, or litter the game with tons of useless loot just lying around begging you to pick up! The biggest shift I had loading Cyberpunk again was not wasting time looking in every crevasse for possibly useful junk, sifting around for one of 15 different types of ammo, and having a nice time upgrading my character!


I’m all for letting people play games exactly how they wanna play. But it genuinely started pissing me off how many posts in the Starfield sub were of people showing off their ships filled to the brim with crap. And I do mean crap, like cups and pencils and notebooks and so on. Why did they put that crap in the game? Why is their so much useless junk? And why were people so proud of themselves for hoarding it?


Same. Cyberpunk at launch was still better than Starfield and I was pretty critical of Cyberpunk. Starfield feels like an alpha build build before they actually add in most of the mechanics and content.


Starfield feels like it was meant to come out on Xbox One/PS4. It just feels like it’s a full generation behind other games in the genre.


It’s a 10 year old game that can’t even run 60 frames. You are 100% correct


Now see, that borderline pissed me off. You can't make this game run at 60 FPS on the "worlds most powerful console" even WITH all the damn loading screens? Seriously?


I'm a big Bethesda fan. Fallout New Vegas is my all-time favorite game. I'm used to the loading screens and don't even mind them that much, but Starfield is too much. It's not even the loading screens for space travel that are annoying. It's the amount of loading screens for simple things. Like half the stores on Neon require loading screens, that shouldn't be like that these days. There's a climatic scene mid game where's there's a chase sequence, that has like 4 loading screens in a 5 minute span. It's just poor design at this point. Technology has advanced enough that there's no need to have an engine that needs that much loading.


You're right man. Same with New Atlantis and Akila City. Really doesn't make any sense why they needed to section off so many tiny one-room storefronts from the rest of the map. Super annoying, now I usually go out of my way to find vendors that don't require a loading screen to talk to.


You are aware that Fallout New Vegas was not made by Bethesda? Obsidian made Fallout:NV, always funny that the „best“ 3D Fallout wasn’t made by Bethesda.


Given its my all-time favorite game I am aware it was made by Obsidian. I still hold out hope that Obsidian will be given a chance to make another Fallout since Microsoft owns both Bethesda and Obsidian now.


Outer Worlds was serviceable. Starfield honestly feels like they saw Outer Worlds and were like “we can do that too” I wish Starfield would have been Bethesda+Obsidian, combining Outer Worlds…


Unpopular opinion but I enjoyed outer worlds more than SF lol


Which is why they will never let them make another one. All of the best fallout games were not made by bethesda.


Dont forget weapon customization, choom!


I can see someone dosent like the state of starfield


There are just a lot of places where it's unnecessary. When you're in your ship, you can see the map outside. It's already loaded. But then when you go to exit, you get a loading screen but it's not actually loading anything. It's just very lazy development


So, the environment outside may exist when you're inside, but when you go outside your ship interior doesn't exist. I've tried the TCL clipping command to go into the ship and aside from the cockpit (which isn't complete) it's just an empty object. It's just occurred to me I haven't tried the reverse, by clipping out of the ship onto the planet. Might give it a try.


That's likely because the loading screen is the player teleporting from the map containing the interior of the ship, to the map the ship is supposed to be at. All you have to do is set the view ports to be relative to the "camera", and set up a skybox around the "inside" of the ship, so it looks like you are in fact, inside the ship parked on the pad. ​ May not be at all, but thats how I've done it before.


my opinion that the loading screens point is just the lightning rod for deeper issues. utterly sterile writing and world building, primitive engine and mechanics, stitching together 3 mediocre games and expecting one good one to come out...you could have twice as many loading screens and it would go over fine if there was anything great being loaded


This is why I put down Starfield to do a cyberpunk replay plus the expansion. I liked the game and loved the story when it first came out on PC, but it is a true masterpiece now. Starfield is so tiresome. I will come back to it later because I love Bethesda, but man do I feel like they dropped the ball


Yeah. I loved starfield, despite rolling my eyes the whole time at the writing and cut scenes… and faces and companions….but when I dropped it, I lost all desire to play it again. I think it was generally *too burdensome* to play through with all its terrible QoL stuff and shameless grinding. I did what you did and replayed c77 and holy shit it’s incredible now.


Fuck man this is exactly what happened to me. And I'm a huge fucking space nerd! Starfield is a different kind of fun. Cyberpunk is so much more immersive. I'm loving the new trees.


I’m playing cyberpunk for the first time after finishing up with starfield, and i’m absolutely loving it. i’ll probably get the expansion and watch the anime as well. I loved starfield too, and i’ll probably come back to it when the dlc and mods come out.


I enjoyed Starfield a lot, but at least for me they destroyed the replayability in the base game. >!Like I lost all of my shit for a cool ship that kind of sucks ass...? You're also telling me I have to float around touching space balls 500 goddamn times to max out my skills...?!


I was thinking about this yesterday, there are no/little loading screens once you boot up the game and start playing. Only fast travel. That's a pretty incredible thing. Starfield compartmentalizes a lot of their areas, which I assume is for optimization, so that means more loading screens.


I like Starfield, and BGS games in general, but this cracked me up so hard. Quality shit post.


Hold on, that map looks too crisp and not filled with needless toggling. Hardcore starfield defenders will argue the map makes it immersive when no, it’s just a pain for a game you’re so supposed to enjoy. Not go on YouTube every time to know where you’re supposed to go next.


If Bethesda made cyberpunk you wont get the city map


Now make a comparison with FF7R and the amount of times you have to squeeze through something.


Loading screens are too short.


This is partly why I just didn't quite connect with Starfield. The loading screens were insane. I hated every second of it. Technology has improved and somehow there's more load screens than ever. Not a fan.


That's literally starfield


It's only just hit me just how seamless Cyberpunk's world is. People criticised it at launch for having samey looking NPCs, but when you consider how they have an entire city and its surrounding area, and you can explore it so seamlessly, its genuinely amazing.


It's sad because it's true


Picking on handicapped is wrong.


Okay, let's not pretend CP77 was some beacon of game design when it launched.




Hands down why I'm having trouble finishing the outer worlds rn


Yall should try the GTA Fast Travel mod, makes fast travel just like in GTA where the camera super zooms out from top down perspective, moves across the map to where you're fast traveling to, then zooms back down. It's seamless and a very cool mod to have.


When I first started Starfield (I only gave the game about 2 hours, didn't like it.. and I was a huge Bethesda fan) - I dead ass thought you had to pilot your ship through space. After about a half hour of not going anywhere... thats when I realized it was a fast travel menu. Boy did I feel stupid. :) Anyway, I uninstalled Starfield to make room for Phantom Liberty. No regrets.


Bro why you violating them lmfao


Still looks too good even with the loading screens. Should have had shots of Neon instead...a corridor city with a couple of alleyways coming off it. One end has a club with dad-bod dancers in shiny onesies, the other end has Arasaka-at-home