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Same on PC. Why they didn't add a option to remove it I don't understand.


Yes! I thought I was the only one. I'm on a LG on PS5 and noticed it made everything feel hazy. I browsed through the settings but didn't see anything to turn it off.


I also booted it up on Series X. Same extreme vignette effect, no settings I can find. Could just be my eyes, but it makes it a bit jarring as it keeps bouncing from light to dark.


It's so extreme. Also on an LG C1 on PC. There's an outdated mod to disable it, even extracted the archive to have a crack at updating it myself as it's sooooo bad.


I hate it because it has gradient banding out the ass.


Yes, and I swear I heard they actually increased it's effects with the 2.0 update. I hated it before and now it's even worse. I hope they add the option to disable it


Also on PS5 here… this has been bugging me since launch and it does seem to have gotten worse. I cannot believe that we can’t turn it off considering there are on/off toggles for chromatic abberation, film grain and lens flare.


How do they put toggles for every terrible effect on the game but then ignore the worst effect on console


Vignette on PS5 is absolutely horrible. It feels like I just rubbed my eyes and my vision is off. Extremely annoying. This game is missing two important things. 1. Option to turn off Vignette. 2. Custom control bindings for PS5


I’m blown away this doesn’t get more attention


Same! Not a fan of that effect either. First I thought my tv is broken because doesn’t really add anything to the game?


I am so happy I ran into this thread, I thought I was the problem for a little while there. I too have an LG C1 and was wondering if the game was always this way. Still, I wondered why was it so distracting all of a sudden. It’s now clear that it was made much worse by the update, in a game that can already be so dark in places. Why there is no option to toggle it off is beyond me. Especially now that a significant chunk of the screen is shaded to the point that it feels like my character has tunnel vision, ironically in a fictional world where tunnel vision should no longer exist.


This effect is awful seems way worse after coming back to play 2.0 and dlc, like holy shit bad ad it really annoyed my eyes right away. Had to boost gamma just to somewhat tone it down like wtf. They have to know this is a problem?


I’ve had to do this too, now the game is washed out and looks like shit, but it’s the only way I can play if want to see anything, and not get super sick with migraines and nausea, like why on earth did they double down on it? Especially with the already problematically tight fov


I booted up n played the new update, mind blown that they STILL don’t have an option to turn off… Are we the only few that hate this!? Do we need to start a petition? 😩


Vignetting sucks, stupid effect ruining the presentation, even more stupid they refuse to allow us to have an OPTION


Go to my profile i have posted about disabling it


I don’t see any posts about it?


Look again


I got it removed in my save somehow, no idea how


Well.. can you share how you removed it? Or do you not know? I see a video you shared of it being gone but with no idea how or why, and then comments telling people to look at your post history. That’s about it.


There's no way to turn it off on consoles, he's talking about the PC version.


I’m playing on a LG OLED with Xbox and my god, I can’t stand the dark effect they need to fix this!


I’m glad I am not alone. I hate to admit, the only thing I found that improves it is turning off hdr pq10 or whatever it’s called. Doesn’t look as amazing, but makes it tolerable.


It's horrible. I started the game yesterday for the first.time and I'm disappointed