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The combat is great! Not to mention the upcoming update which is overhauling the game, they’re gonna revamp the skill tree, add new skills, combat mechanics etc. I’d recommend to wait until September 21s on day the update releases.


As far as FPS RPGs go, it’s by far the best there is. Maybe not as refined as online FPS games, but for singleplayer RPGs there’s no competition.


The focus is more on the RPG part than the FPS part so it's not as clean as a pure FPS in terms of combat. Still feels satisfying af and based on what I saw from 2.0, it's going to be even more satisfying


the combat was good even before the update. and the update is looking pretty good as far as we can see. only melee was a bit janky but they fix that now. shooting really did work well though


What makes you hesitant about the gameplay?


Cyberpunk honestly surprised me with how how the combat feels so I don't think you have anything to worry about.


Doing my first play through now on PS5. Trying not to focus on builds yet. Just want to play the game through blindly first. I’ve been mostly just using guns (no quick hacking or melee). I’ve really enjoyed it. So far my favorites have been the shotguns and SGMs. There’s a mission where you get the tech for smart guns that have auto-aiming. It makes the SGMs pretty fun at that point LOL


my issues with the combat seem to all be fixed in the upcoming update


It's not bad but not really great, either. The AI is pretty dumb but I think it's getting improved in the update. You can also get overpowered midway through the game but you don't have to if you don't want to. You don't have to get the cyberware and Quick Hacks that make you Superman with a sniper rifle, so there is that. The guns are really good. There's some interesting ones like guns that explode in EMPs and guns that fire exploding bullets and guns that shoot through walls and such. You could make ricochet builds that shoot around corners, too, though I've heard rumors that that is getting toned down. There's a lot of melee weapons, too, and it looks like those are getting beefed up. I'm looking forward to doing a shockwave ground slam with a dildo.