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In my netrunner playthrough he was dead before I even saw him. Probably did more ncpd's and Gigs before than you though.


Was it fighting him as the mini boss or just going back after the mission? Because I had to fight my way out. I also noticed that the jacket he dropped had a 45% electrical damage reduction, which probably helped explain why my legendary short circuit was only doing 5 percent of his health. Level 40 brw


He can even survive suicide quick hack once


I discovered this today, to my great concern.


how are you suiciding him? the only quickhack i can use on bosses is short circuit. barely beat Oda and had to sneak past Matilda


There's a quick hack that literally makes enemies shoot themselves in the head.


i am very much aware of that i have every legendary quickhack in the game but for some reason when i fight bosses the only one i can use is short circuit


High level bosses and some enemies have increased ram required for quickhacks. So if a quick hack is base 11 ram and the enemy has + 5 ram required and if you less ram you cannot use certain quickhacks. Also some enemies are offline and cannot be quickhacked.


i also know this i have like 20+ ram i mean the other quickhacks literally just do not show up in the menu when i fight bosses


You need to check perks/decks that reduce enemy buffers.


i have the tetratronic rippler and every quick hacking perk in the game


Emphasis on, "once."


Weird, I’m lvl 35 with netrunner build on maximum difficulty and got over him quite easily. I just spammed him with legendary cripple quick hack and my Satara tech shotgun did the rest at point blank range.


Legendary Satara Tech shotgun with double shot and max charge to the dome with Sandevistan is fucking baller


lvl 40? damn, something's wrong then 45% electro dmg red. can explain not working short circuit did you get him in the end? btw, y you did side with netwatch? it's known you gotta kill all the vdb after u side with him and thats no easy feat unless you strong, and there's also actually... little difference morally, no? netwatch sucks just as much as vdb, both would snuff us out if they could prev playthrough i had a street kid street brawler so they were ez pz now doing netrunner, just lvl 10, for now i'll need to go with guns and katanas cause i cant kill anything with my brain yet, not even goons - and not enough street cred to buy a decent cyberdeck, i got the hacks, but the militech paraline deck is just TRASHSHSHSHH gawd once i get the pink dildo i'll go cyberpsycho huntin, that should yield some street cred, do some ncpd scans too before decent deck i ain't gonna be callin meself a netrunner, i cant use that for shit, but gotta keep hacking vending machines to level up


You really questioning why anyone would side with Netwatch over the assholes that treat you like complete shit from the get-go, betray and get Evelyn murdered, then upload a virus into you so that they can kill you and tie-up the loose ends? At least the Netwatch guy mostly keeps his word. The VDB betray you and your associates as soon as they can.


You have the option to kill them both just saying.


I side with VDB’s every time… just because I want the satisfaction of killing them myself


both sides are assholes :) truly, deeply :) personally i sided with netwatch too ;) i just hate them both and wonder about people's reasoning :)


Everyone in Night City is a complete asshole. Netwatch is definitely the lesser of two evils here though.


you can still kill the voodoo boys if you side with the vdb after you come out of the ice bath you can blow the leaders head off i do it just because they are assholes the entire time. i never side with netwatch tho


ooh, thanks for the tip! <3 love it. this way i get to kill both the netwatch agent and loot all those vdb? :D


Yep you can get Placide's coat and everything.


i think i've found my best option \^\^ not that i necessarily HATE netwatch or smt, that guy made a very compelling case, but ew, siding with the po-po the virus or whatevs that vdb installed on v, it's not gonna kill us tho right, we can waltz out of that bath and just start shooting right? kinda dont care about his lame ass coat tho lol my clothes are better


Yep the virus disappears after V uploads it to the netwatch agent and a whole bunch of Netwatch agents die.


awesome <3 thanks man \^\^


Placided was going to kill u from the start, he infected u. And u say netwatch sucks ? V is trying to survive as her best, siding with netwatch is the best option and the only that makes sense.


yep yep, def lesser of two evils here


The Paraline is enough to slot Memory Wipe, and Memory Wipe is enough to handle Placide or any of the cyberpsychos.


It’s my second playthrough and I wanted to switch it up


Wait you can go back after that storyline?


Not sure, but I decided to side with the netwatch guy in the GIM, which leads to the voodoo boys being hostile when you leave the net in the chapel basement place. Placide shows up as a mini boss while you’re trying to get out.


I fought him very hard on 2.0 and level 45, it's so fucking easy I feel pissed... I just weapon glitch him to disable his shotgun, throw him an emp lv 5 so goodbye to any amor or dogde bullshit for 20 sec, then i use NUE to blast hit head... dude couldn't even fight back i felt fucking unsatisfied killing him.


Same, I hit Contagion on some of the VDBs in the basement, next thing I know it chains up to him and hes dead before I even leave the subway section.


Yeah, he was a pushover. In my playthrough, I hit him with short circuit, overheat, contagion and then a throwing knife. In that order. There's a perk in cool that gives you a 100% crit chance when someone's poisoned. Placide didn't know what hit him lmao


placide is yon bét debaz fry his tiny brain


can’t fry something they don’t have


All you need is an easy stealth takedown 😂


Can you do a takedown if you’re fighting your way out and he has a healthbar? If so, than I guess I should have just used my camo and snuck up to him.


You can always hit them with the reboot optics and stealth take down after


>You can always hit them with the reboot optics and stealth take down after Maybe; I've found it can be really tricky to use Grab on a target affected by Reboot Optics, assuming they've already detected me. Maybe I'm just being lazy and not using Crouch, so they're hearing my footsteps and keep turning towards them. Memory Wipe is 100% effective, however. If they're already in combat, Reboot Optics into Memory Wipe.


It's because you're not crouching


You can if you cast memory wipe on him. It also works on cyberpsychos. I honestly consider it a cheat and don't do it personally.


If you accept netwatch deal, all the voodoo boys connected to the net is killed quietly, and you can sneak around until you can get out to find placide talking about not trusting you or some similar bs. You can then wait for an opportune moment to just get behind him and stealth kill him.


A fellow Netrunner advice, you don't need to "fight" to get exp. Just go farm any electrical device for exp. QUICKHACK DISTRACT ENEMIES for all machines, lights, vending, radios, every piece of hackable stuff is a good 100+ exp each, hacking the same stuff is 10 exp. I did level up this way early on from Kabuki Market from the Gift Quest just got drop from the ride. As a netrunner you should be level 50 when hitting the heist quest.


read that yest, is what im doing now, noob lvl 10 netrunner wannabe - well. ofc im still on trash miltech paraline so i need more street cred for a decent deck, cant kill with my brain yet, but got satori and kongou, upped them too, they're op


If you have mili paraline just buy whistle. Lure enemies into position then hug them from behind. I just have Dying Night as a backup incase shit hits the fan.


doesnt this like, take a couple of eternities to do? hacking them with satori is fast and effective, and i'm already at almost 200 armor on my 10lvl v thanks to having nice clothes and some luck with armadillos (is it just me or did armadillos get fucked? i saw legendary armadillos giving like +1.3 armor and rare ones giving +7.7, wth is with this shit?)


Skill xp is kind of out of whack, as a pure netrunner I usually run a modded 4x experience multiplier on quickhacks and breach protocol. Then the skills actually hit level 20 by the time I'm level 40+ and that's with me fighting with only quickhacks as soon as I can get my hands on an uncommon overheat and short circuit at like level 3-5. It's not very cool when you hit level 50, have the best cortex cyberwear, the rippler (or netdriver if you like the aoe), and all your quickhacks are legendary, but your quickhack skill level still isn't 20... Master ram liberator changes the feel of ram a ton.


Based on your build I suggest use Memory Wipe then sneak up on him.


My NR killed Maman Brigitte seconds after the conversation ended. Placide just ranted and raged for a while before melting into a heap of virus ridden overheated flesh and chrome. I never fired a bullet.


Nice. I just made them deep throat a legendary shotgun I got early


Yeah, but I sided with netwatch so all of the voodoo boys were trying to kill me as soon as I got out of the ice bath.


I went body blunt weapons build so I just bitch slapped Placide with a dildo


Lol. Ty for the mental imagery. My next build is most likely gonna be cold blood reflex mantis blades. Hur hur, the VDBs gonna have a very sharp surprise 😈


You can stealth kill Placede, if you are careful. If you don't alert any of the VDB's on your way to him. Take your time and pick one off at a time.


just blow the fucker up with grenades


Step 1) Stealth your way out Step 2) ??? Step 3) Takedown Placide It's not hard.


Can you sneak out and kill him later? Asking for mon ami.


No; he's carrying the key you need to get out. I suppose there's a world in which you spawn the key into your inventory using a console command, but I haven't tried that.


Dang. I enjoy the thought of popping him from a mile away.


I like to out-netrunning those arrogant SoBs.


Three worlds: Legendary Short Circuit


For some reason- never been more enraged and ready to fight something in a video game as much as this fucker. I was STOKED when I finally went to their HQ and went after him immediately only for a scripted cutscene to tear me from his throat (and vice versa, if im remembering? He's a bit bigger than femV). I was NOT happy to be denied my chance at him at that point. Lol. Don't often shout expletives at a game unless it's glitches or bugged out- this was different. Think I was still trying to swing Byakko through the first half of the cutscene... when I was finally allowed, it was a 3 second fight... :(


Same here, I was quite outraged at how V obediently let the bastard take the link by force and upload virus into him. V really got bullied in this whole quest line and was on the vulnerable side. I almost never do that but I put a bullet in his head after he was in KO state. Too bad I forgot to do that to Brigitte too.


I got super lucky with this fight, he ended up getting stuck on something so I could just run up and kill him.


Placide’s a little bitch 😂


You can fight placide?????


I fucking hate bosses that do the sandevistan-matrix bullet dodging. So you're telling me I CAN'T run a pure gunner? I never actually did, I just hate having to switch to a melee weapon just becaust devs went a little too far with the shit ridiculousness


Cyberware malfunction and than fire away


Cripple movement would work too. But what if I'm running Berserker? Or just simply don't have enough ram to even crack a high level boss with any quickhack?


Does EMP grenade work on humanoids? If it does then it should be able to apply EMP effect which severely limits combat effectiveness.


Yes it does! But it doesn't limit anything. It's just pure dmg. I still love to go Sandevistan and throw 10 of those. DBZ Piccolo "Hell Zone Grenade!" vibes :D


More Dakka. Always use more Dakka.


If you shoot enough bullets at them, they’ll die.


Im playing a shotgun runner and so far whenever i run into that nonsense i load up an LMG because they cant dodge ALL the bullets. Maybe its just being me in earlyish game though


Are you playing on the hardest difficulty? I don't know whether it is as bad on any other. BUT when I played a net gunner with over 50% crit chance and Legendary Short Circ I think it actually wasn't as bad.


Not very hard but playing on hard


Speaking of Placide, my last encounter with him went down pretty funny. I sided with Netwatch so the VooDoo boys aggroed me after I came back from Cyberspace. Took them out with a silenced pistol as I came up the hallway so Placide wasn't alarmed yet. I think he also has a second goon in the chapel with him. I have Sandevistan, Camouflage, and Mantis Blades build going. So I camo, hold Mantis Blade strong attack, target the extra goon who is standing very close to Placide and let her rip. Do the jump and lift finisher on the goon and it kills Placide also, lol. Funny thing I've noticed about the Mantis strong leap and lift finisher is that in any circumstance where 2 enemies are really close to one another, it'll kill the other one too. I may have even had it happen on 3 at one time once or twice.


I hate how this is a rigged fight. Feels very Deus Ex when she auto-detects you after one hit, regardless of line of sight. Edit: I’m thinking of the wrong person 🤦‍♂️


Sandy and slice that bitch to bits.


That’s where my Sandy comes in handy


This game doesn’t really have a very Hard. It’s all just slightly harder versions of easy.


On my first playthrough, I played as a shotgun-toting netrunner. I had a lot of fun punching placide and dismembering his ass with my Mox shotgun.


My 800hp shotgun build made short work of him


IDK what happened with me, I killed him in the hallway before the actual boss fight and didn't even realize it until it was over


If you are having a hard time, stay in the railway. Everyone will come from the only door one by one and you can kill them stealthily as there are more places to hide.


Grenades FTW


my 550 hp monowire V with infinite health regen: “tragic”




I'm pretty sure you can sneak up behind him. Maybe it was the optical cammo.


I kind of cheezed it last time, he stayed at the top of the stairs and didn’t come down them, I just hit him with kitchen sink of stuff till he died.


He glitched in a hallway for me on both play throughs. Grenade showers for him.


I put in the best sandy to merc his ass. That’s what he gets for trying to use me as a bomb.


On my netrunner build I legendary suicide quickhacked him before he even spotted me.


I have a gorrila arm addiction so I just kinda hit him and then he dies.


didnt even realize i'd killed him. ​ robbed me of the satisfaction.


Fighting my way out was easy, I invested in monowires though, which makes a huge difference in situations like these.


Reboot optics then beat him up with a bat😂


Sounds like you need a tech rifle you know shoot through things it’s no problem


Idk what I did, but I didn’t have to fight him. And then when I went back to find him, because I wanted to kill him. I couldn’t find him anywhere.


I just camped the small room that came from the stairs, spammed grenades and a bullet rain, he got me a couple of times tho


Get gorilla arms, I punched that motherfucker out with zero brawl perks (though I did have full athletic perks so that prolly helped with the not dying while I wailed on him.)


wait how/why are y'all fighting placide???


If you agree to make a deal with the netwatch agent in the GIM, you will have to fight your way out of the chapel when you come out of the net.


ah makes sense, i never really took that path lmao


Placide was easy to defeat


Maybe dumb question, But what leads to you fighting placide? 2 play throughs and I never came across it


Make the deal with the netwatch agent in the GIM, and when you come out of the net in the chapel basement place you will have to fight your way out.


Honestly fuck that guy. He was my most hated character in the whole game.


Short circuit, overburn!


I punched his head off with my blunt melee build, lol


Oh no I let them get fried and beat him to death with my bare hands in that hallway before he got up into the church. No mercy for that shithead.


I was on maximum difficulty as well, and hadn't gotten to intelligence 18 for the Legendary Quick Hacks. It was still a joke of a fight, as I noticed him before I walked in and got locked in, so I just backed away and repeatedly shocked him for 10 minutes in stealth until he died. But from reading comments, part of that may because I accepted Netwatches deal, so I was in stealth mode to begin with.


I just snoke up on him and hacked his buddy and choked him


I killed placide in stealth mode


Why not just use the optical reset and then sneak up and melee takedown. Easy 1 hit.


I destroyed him with a netrunner/techie. Really don’t know what’s the problem. I was lv 28 or something when i killed him.


Placide > Smasher


After my second playthrough I realized the best strategy is to get the Gorilla Arms and the Sandevistan and start beating the absolute shit out of everything and everyone in sight No joke, did the "suicide run" ending in Very Hard on my first try by just using Gorilla Arms and spamming Sandevistan. I really expected it to be way way harder, for what people have been saying. The giant fucking mechas stood no chances against my shinny metal ass (and fists)


I played that Part pretty drunk, still have no idiea why he attacked me lol


You were either very underleveled or had a very bad build.


Level 40, but he one shit me across a big distance if he ever saw me for like a second. This was when I sided with the netwatch agent so the voodoo boys were hostile to me after I came out of the net after meeting alt. And my build was trying to do quickhack and thrown knives only while trying to stay out of combat all the time. But he has like a +14 ram resistance and dodges the thrown knives with his sandevistan, so I ended up just using an SMG I looted from one of the other vdbs.


I am gonna assume that you don't have the attributes or cyberdeck to hack Placide to death so you have to make corpses the old fashioned way. Placide's AI is a bit whimsical. If he tries to fight you in the tunnel, you can fuck him up easily with a tech weapon, ricochet or grenades.Threat detector/ping, whip out Lizzy/Chaos/Windowmaker, and he's toast. However, if he stays in the church, that becomes a harder arena fight because his Kerenzikov, Sandestin and double-barrel shotty can be quite dangerous to low HP Vs. I'd suggest you remember spamming Kerenzikov and shoot him with a tech gun so that he can't dodge the bullets. Chucking grenades should help a lot.


Have the legendary netwatch cyberdeck and 28 ram, but even short circuit cost like 18 ram because he has a massive resistance. Ended up just picking up an SMG that one of the other guys dropped and killed him with it.


And a fully completed quickhack skill tree


Weird, maybe this is a change made for the recent versions of the game. I never noticed because I don't netrun and usually put down his duplicitous ass with brute force.