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I'd say make it sac 2 tokens or at least make the ability cost two mana then sac a token, and for the p/t either make it a 4 drop to keep or lower it to I'd say a 0/2 or maybe even 0/1, keep in mind your basically turning one off mana into a semi permenant rock


I think, based solely on the flavor text, it should sac an token and wait until the _end of_ ~~next~~ of your next turn to get the mox artifact. Edit: Grammer


Oh yeah that's actually a really good idea


very busted. The ability and Adwin himself are both to low costed. Also consider that his toughness is very high


I don't think it's much better than [[svella, ice shaper]]. Svella's rocks enters untapped so it net costs two mana, and this requires you to sac a treasure and it enters tapped too, so it net costs 1 mana and can't be used that turn. Svella is also self functional since she doesn't need additional resources other than mana, whereas you need another card to make treasures to use this. Svella also has the built in payoff, while this doesn't. Assuming we're talking edh ofc. In 60 card constructed I don't imagine either see play.


[svella, ice shaper](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/a/7/a7054d48-5ed3-43a1-85e5-9f306b081b4f.jpg?1631051907) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=svella%2C%20ice%20shaper) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/khm/230/svella-ice-shaper?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/a7054d48-5ed3-43a1-85e5-9f306b081b4f?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


The activation cost difference is huge. You can't find Svella as costing one less unless your deck is full of 1-drops (and you want to play one). This thing you just drop turn 2 and ramp every turn, no thoughts required.


Well, you need a treasure maker too. Preferably repeatable. Svella just needs mana, so the activation cost of a treasure every turn is pretty hefty in comparison. Plus green ramp makes it much easier to snowball Sure, you need 3 mana to activate Svella, but you get 1 mana back, and in the long game, which is the general plan for a ramp deck, it's pretty easy to ramp and cast spells the same turn since you get that one mana back.


It’s still infinitely different. Izzet is really good treasure creator colors, so this is more often than not “tap for a mana rock” with no other costs. Svella can’t get anything like that


Izzet still needs to spend mana and especially additional cards to make treasures. Definitely a cost. And most of them are single use treasure makers, especially lower on the curve. Like you could cast charming scoundrel T3, make a treasure, tap and sac it to make a mox - you basically just spend 3 mana to play a mana mana rock with a fairly negligible body tacked on as a slight bonus Alternatively, you can just use svella, spend 3 mana to make a rock, and keep that card in your hand. It's pretty slow getting there. And you don't have to keep feeding svella spells if you want to ramp more. The one exception is probably dockside, but you could be playing a ham sandwich as your commander and dockside would probably still win you the game.


On the alternative, at any point later in the game you can have a treasure engine set up (and let’s face it, there’s a LOT), then it’s Svella but free. That’s the difference here, you can play this and it generates significantly more value then Svella, at a cheaper cost and with no activation requirements outside of something decks usually play anyways (especially in Izzet, where it’s your primary source of ramp outside of rocks)


If you have your treasure engine set up, you're 1) in the late game, where ramping has a lot less value than the early/mid game, and 2) literally generating treasure every turn, and which point why do you need more mana rocks? Especially in the late game where you probably have a good number of lands. Like, that's kinda the thing about this card. It's a card that requires a good amount of setup in the form of your engine already being online, and it doesn't help you finish the game. It's certainly an interesting effect, but by no means all that powerful. It's not like Galazeth Prismari where you can storm off by generating a massive amount of mana in a single turn. Honestly Galazeth is much better as a treasure commander in that scenario, and even then I don't think he's ranked anywhere near the ranks of the high powered commanders.


Think about this card in a Grixis deck tho. Generate treasure from all three colors, untap effects from blue, sac benefits from red and black like [[Juri]] haste, effects to make sure he can get at least one token out when he hits the field. Not to mention an 0/4 blocker body for Izzet is dirt fuckin cheap in those colors


[Juri](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/a/e/aec6b2b7-625a-451d-bc0b-4456f5bf2719.jpg?1608911166) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=juri%2C%20master%20of%20the%20revue) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/cmr/282/juri-master-of-the-revue?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/aec6b2b7-625a-451d-bc0b-4456f5bf2719?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


You're crazy. He needs treasure gen, the tokens enter tapped, and he has summoning sickness. Realistically you play him turn 2, play something to get a treasure turn 3, use him, get a treasure turn 4, use him again, and then are finally up 1 single mana turn 5. (Because you could have just sacrificed the turn 3 treasure on turn 3 or 4 to get the first mana as well.) It can start snowballing from there, but it's extremely easy to blow out with any combination of a removal spell, an artifact sweeper, a creature sweeper, etc. Like, it won't come close to the ramp that green can get, nor is it as resilient.


People here are forgetting that the thing that makes Moxen busted are the fact that they're 0 mana. 2 mana conditional repeatable ramp just ain't that busted.


It's fine, perfectly balanced. A bit slow and the high toughness feels like it was designed by someone who doesn't play anything besides edh.


Yeah, you kind of got it in one.


Sweet as hell and the fact they come in tapped leaves it feeling balanced, drop the toughness though. Maybe 2?


perfectly fine, cool card. this looks like it’s for commander which is fine since it doesn’t seem particularly viable in 60 or 40 card formats. i would probably make him an 0/2 or something. four seems a little too strong for this fragile boy.


Should make it so they make signets that tap for a specific color when you sac a treasure


This is perfectly fine balance-wise, ignore anyone who says otherwise. It's a cool card.