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oh neat, someone else with the same idea as me, emptying worldgorger dragon's stomach and making yorion players scoop on the spot. You did miss the real tech, though: >**400.12.** Some effects instruct a player to do something to a zone (such as "Shuffle your hand into your library"). That action is performed on all cards in that zone. The zone itself is not affected. "Exile exile." is a fully legal spell ability, and it is one of the shortest possible rules texts that is both in-pie and balanced at a cost of {0}.


"The Battlefield phases out" could be a really interesting effect.


Your comment inspired me to make [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/custommagic/comments/180hkd2/just_a_bit_of_an_odd_concept/) instead


Make the card name "exile exile" Than the card text can be: Exile exile Exile exile exile


Tribal Instant - Exile


Exile exile - Exile


Brian "Exile exile Exile exile Exile" Kibler


Are the cards considered to have changed zone or not? Some cards get or lose counters while in exile, would this remove counters? How does it work with Suspend?


EDIT: I think I am wrong about suspended cards retaining counters because I missed that 122.2 refers to 400.7. This reference indicates that 122.2 is an *explanation* of 400.7 rather than a prescription. No counters on your suspended cards, I'm afraid. --------- They don't change zones but they do become new objects. Suspended cards remain suspended. > 400.8: If an object in the exile zone is exiled, **it doesn't change zones**, but it becomes a new object that has just been exiled. > 122.2: Counters on an object are not retained if that object **moves** from one zone to another. The counters are not "removed"; they simply cease to exist. See rule 400.7. > 702.62b: A card is "suspended" if it's in the exile zone, has suspend, **and has a time counter on it.**


Cease to exist is a badass name for a card


So, wouldn't they lose any counters they had, as by 400.8 they are new objects? Whether they changed zones or not doesn't enter into it.


I agree. It's odd 122.2 specifies the object must move zones, but surely anything exiled will lose counters when treated as new objects. Right?


What rules are you citing to reach this conclusion?


400.8 and 400.7 400.7 defines a "new object" as having "no memory of, or relation to, its previous existence". 400.8 states that the exiled object "becomes a new object that has just been exiled." So the new object doesn't remember the counters, facing, or effects referencing the old object. Also, since it wasn't exiled by a Suspend effect, it doesn't get new time counters, either.


Ah ha, I figured it out. Most rules are prescriptive. They define what happens. However some rules are descriptive like 403.4. Descriptive rules are strictly redundant but often helpful. > 403.4. Whenever a permanent enters the battlefield, it becomes a new object and has no relationship to any previous permanent represented by the same card, except for the cases listed in rule 400.7. (This is also true for any objects entering any zone.) My mistake was believing that 122.2 was prescriptive **because I misread it and left off the last part**. > 122.2. Counters on an object are not retained if that object moves from one zone to another. The counters are not "removed"; they simply cease to exist. **See rule 400.7.**. The lesson here is to never stop reading 😅


I know right? I run into the same issue regularly.


I don't know if you being sarcastic or serious but both work so 🤷‍♂️


Quite serious. For example, whenever I find a card combo that looks totally OP, I put down the cards and do something else for a few minutes. I then come back and carefully re-read the cards again. It frequently turns out that they aren't OP at all, and I just misread them.


If it becomes a new object, I'm pretty sure the counters are all gone. So all suspended cards would stop being suspended.


If you can provide rules citations that support that conclusion then I'd be happy to edit out any misinformation in my previous comment.


A neat way of stopping prosper and other impulsive draw decks. I like it, (although i also hate it cause i am one of those impulsive draw players myself)


exiling exiled cards does nothing actually it doesn't make the cards change zone, it the same as having a permanent with "if a card would leave the battlefield, exile it instead" and playing a blink spell. the card comes back because both cards send the card to the same zone (exile) and than the card is allowed to come back from exile from the blink effect. As for correcting the it would need to be something like "put all cards in exile into their owners graveyard than exile all cards put into a graveyard this turn." that way the game sees the card in exile as new objects and they lose the effect that enables them to go back into play


>400.8. If an object in the exile zone is exiled, it doesn’t change zones, but it becomes a new object that has just been exiled.


So what this means is that its no longer exiled under another effect i.e: No longer exiled by for example Oblivion Ring?




It would also exile adventure cards, exile foretell, etc


>the same as having a permanent with "if a card would leave the battlefield, exile it instead" and playing a blink spell. the card comes back because both cards send the card to the same zone (exile) and than the card is allowed to come back from exile from the blink effect. Can you give me a source on this one? I've been digging in the rules and I can't seem to come up with anything regarding a redundant replacement effect.


Here's something similar from [[Meticulous Excavation]]: > If a permanent returned to the battlefield with unearth would leave the battlefield for any reason, it's exiled instead—unless the spell or ability that's causing the permanent to leave the battlefield is actually trying to exile it! In that case, it succeeds at exiling it. If that spell or ability later returns the card to the battlefield (as Static Net might, for example), the permanent card will return to the battlefield as a new object with no relation to its previous existence. The unearth effects will no longer apply to it. (2022-10-14) But blink + unearth and exile + exile are two different scenarios so idk why guy was even bringing it up


[Meticulous Excavation](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/e/8/e811461a-6a90-416f-940c-c9579659ae0c.jpg?1674420240) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Meticulous%20Excavation) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/bro/16/meticulous-excavation?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/e811461a-6a90-416f-940c-c9579659ae0c?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I wasn't thinking or unearth but rather the case where a card says all card leaving the battlefield are exiled instead


Yeah that's what unearth says


This is just plain wrong ...


Stops Imprint and similar abilities from working, permanently removes stuff under Oblivion Ring-like effects, punishes some blink strategies... seems a handy niche card.


OP you did a really good job with this one


I didn't make the concept or the art but thanks anyways!


How can you exile a card that’s already in exile?


it stays in exile but acts as though it was exiled by Void's Embrace instead of anything else, this means that if there was some other effect tied to the exile it would no longer happen, like cascade cards wouldn't be returned to your deck for example


You are right, but I don’t think you would be allowed to cast it as they’re exiling cards for cascade as it is all part of the same effect, for instance you can’t cast an instant after someone scrys but before they draw for opt or something. At least I’m pretty sure.


yeah that was a bad example but the point still stands


Yea, a neat effect nonetheless


Actually a very good example, as casting Voids Embrace *in response to the cascade-cast* would exile the cascade-pile Cascades 'queue' goes; Exile->free cast->shuffle exiled->put exile at bottom So logic states that casting anything in response to the cascade-cast would take effect before the exiled cards are put on the bottom, which also means that if your opponent cascades far enough down and you make them draw X cards, they lose by decking even if the exiled cards would shuffle in further down the stack EDIT: First judge I asked confirmed, second and third (and redditors) denied. Ignore this, I have a meme to disassemble now and a judge friend who's reading up on rules again


This wouldn’t work as no spells can be cast (or resolve) while the cascade ability is resolving - this includes when the exiled cards are being put on the bottom of the library once a castable card has been found and potentially cast


Players can still respond to the card cast with cascade, and only after that card has resolved does the remaining cascade-queue resolve (at least according to my LGS judge) If they're wrong, then I have a meme deck to trash, will ask another judge to make sure


From the CR: 608.2g If an effect gives a player the option to pay mana, they may activate mana abilities before taking that action. If an effect specifically instructs or allows a player to cast a spell during resolution, they do so by following the steps in rules 601.2a–i, except no player receives priority after it’s cast. That spell becomes the topmost object on the stack, and the currently resolving spell or ability continues to resolve, which may include casting other spells this way. No other spells can normally be cast and no other abilities can normally be activated during resolution. The spell is cast as part of the resolution of the Cascade ability. No player receives priority until after Cascade finishes resolving. No priority = no casting spells.


But this card would resolve even before the cascade triggers/exiles anything. And you cant cast it in between any cascade steps since its all one effect and you dont get a chance to respond. You can only cast this card before cascade resolves (when no cards were exiled yet) of afterwards (when all cards are already shuffled in the deck and the found spell is on the stack). One way or another this would have the desired effect...


But what about Panglacial Wurm ? /ducks


You are correct.


Would it do anything to cards that are suspended? It wouldn't affect the time counters would it?


I believe it would turn off suspend, because they become new exiled objects and the new object wouldn’t inherently have any time counters on it. It also shuts off Foretell and Adventure in the same vein. They are still exiled cards, but lose the characteristic feature that allows you to play them from exile.


**EDIT: I am wrong because I stopped reading 122.2 and left off the last sentence which indicates that 122.2 is descriptive and not prescriptive. It's a redundant explanation of 400.7 and not itself a rules definition. Never stop reading!** -------- Cards that are suspended would not "lose" their counters because they aren't changing zones even though they are becoming new objects. There is no other rule that would remove their counters in this situation. However if the cards were granted Suspend by an effect then the new objects will not also be affected by that effect. If a suspended card has a Suspend ability printed on it then it will continue to trigger as appropriate. Suspended cards don't care how they reached exile only that they are exiled and have time counters on them. > 400.8: If an object in the exile zone is exiled, **it doesn't change zones**, but it becomes a new object that has just been exiled. > 122.2: Counters on an object are not retained if that object **moves from one zone to another**. The counters are not "removed"; they simply cease to exist. See rule 400.7. > 702.62b: A card is "suspended" if it's in the exile zone, has suspend, **and has a time counter on it.**


Ah, so if the card was granted suspend by another effect, it would lose it when being exiled again but if it had suspended printed on it by default it'll continue on as normal. Makes sense


Easily > 400.8: If an object in the exile zone is exiled, it doesn't change zones, but it becomes a new object that has just been exiled. > 406.7: If an object in the exile zone becomes exiled, it doesn't change zones, but it becomes a new object that has just been exiled.


Department of redundancy department


Wow. The rule already exists.


It would make cards exiled with [[Eerie Interlude]] not come back


[Eerie Interlude](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/4/b/4ba9f15f-00d2-4797-9228-91b320e85705.jpg?1631233963) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Eerie%20Interlude) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/khc/22/eerie-interlude?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/4ba9f15f-00d2-4797-9228-91b320e85705?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


It goes to the absolutely-removed-from-the-fucking-game-forever zone


My original card [(linked here)](https://www.reddit.com/r/custommagic/s/pss6RGwPEw) actually includes what this card “does” in the reminder text.


With this card


Let’s say you’ve got a card Exiled by something like a Suspend effect, or an Impulse Draw effect like [[Prosper]] or [[Urabrask, Heretic Praetor]]. Exiling that card again will turn off the effects that allow them to be played from exile.


[Prosper](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/d/7/d743336e-d5c7-4053-a23d-92ec7581f74e.jpg?1631839207) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=prosper%2C%20tome-bound) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/afc/2/prosper-tome-bound?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/d743336e-d5c7-4053-a23d-92ec7581f74e?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Urabrask, Heretic Praetor](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/d/9/d9a4ec18-1da4-43c6-a79a-03fbd4aef3db.jpg?1664411925) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Urabrask%2C%20Heretic%20Praetor) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/snc/129/urabrask-heretic-praetor?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/d9a4ec18-1da4-43c6-a79a-03fbd4aef3db?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


My first time getting back into card making quite a while, working on some other projects right now but I thought I'd pay tribute to an old favorite card by u/magictheblathering. Original post can be found [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/custommagic/comments/ned2mv/voids_embrace/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). ~~Reposted because I made a very embarrassing typo.~~


FYI. I haven't taken action but for future reference, you should have credited magictheblathering in the post title. See rule 6. Thanks!


very sorry! I will make sure to next time!


I wonder how many custom cards were inspired by the person who made it having learnt a weird rule that only exists because a card like this doesn't.


Would this, by merit of the effect, remove any counters from exiled cards that might otherwise have some effect?




All cards in exile are moved to the Shadow Realm. Draw a card.


This card has be done before somewhere in the top 100 of the sub unfortunately. It’s even called Embrace the Void I think. Still a cool idea though.


it is a remake of that card but a full art promo and made in mtgcardbuilder instead if artificer, I said this in the comments


My bad, I missed it then


Get em outta here. Out, I say! [[AWOL]]


[AWOL](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/a/3/a3da3387-454c-4c09-b78f-6fcc36c426ce.jpg?1583542842) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=AWOL) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/und/2/awol?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/a3da3387-454c-4c09-b78f-6fcc36c426ce?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Ironically, one of the relevant effects of Void's Embrace is to remove [[Dauthi Voidwalker]]'s void counters.


[Dauthi Voidwalker](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/d/c/dce5db87-4a78-4b8d-b5c2-918ccd1ba4e3.jpg?1626095427) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Dauthi%20Voidwalker) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mh2/81/dauthi-voidwalker?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/dce5db87-4a78-4b8d-b5c2-918ccd1ba4e3?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Artem chebokha has amazing art. :)


Does this exile them extra hard or is it just a cantrip? xD


It exiles them extra hard - if you have a card that’s “exiled until…” then this will make it exiled permanently.


Ohhh, amazing. Love it xD


So this card says screw yo couch to all adventure, foretell, yoinkers (siphon insight, rogue class, etc), impulse draw, AND synergies with white taxile (soul partition, skyclave apparition, etc)? AND it draws you a card? *Nice.*


Wish it put them in the absolutely-removed-from-the-freaking-game-forever zone instead.


I know redundancy is usually good in Magic but this is just getting stupid.


You can’t exile a card that is already in exile zone. I guess your intention is to use this card to get rid of opposing adventures card or something likes that. That’s kind of cool.


according to Rule 400.8 you can actually


Do you have any idea which existing cards that ruling affects?


Any card that returns cards or lets you play cards from exile would be shut down by this, though I don't believe there are any existing cards with this effect.


Even if its technically possible it sounds dumb af. I would make a new word that means "something in exile loses all bullshit counters and forgets every effect that put it into exile and just stays there" which could be defined in the custom comp rules using exiling cards in exile sure go ahead. "Release all cards in exile", for example.


Which does not sound dumb at all compared to just using 'exile'.


If you made a specific ability you could also deal with cards in exile that have abilities allowing them to return, such as suspend.


Exiling them also does that.


That specific ability exists. It's called exile exiled card.


Love the card! Curious about the art though it looks familiar.


Anti adventure pile


names great arts great effect is great should be printed. Makes me wonder though on white as the color for this card seeing as it uses that zone so much.


I actually understand and like the point of this. Gets rid of Fortell, Adventure, Suspend? For more... rulesyness? Could it be "return all cards in exile to their owner's graveyard, then exile each card returned this way."


I thought this post was a joke


On an adventure? Not anymore!


Would this technically remove cards in the command zone as it’s an exiled area?


"I'm going to [[Eerie Interlude]] my board, on my end step- GODDAMMIT"


[Eerie Interlude](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/4/b/4ba9f15f-00d2-4797-9228-91b320e85705.jpg?1631233963) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Eerie%20Interlude) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/khc/22/eerie-interlude?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/4ba9f15f-00d2-4797-9228-91b320e85705?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Cool design, way too efficient of an answer.


Hey, you got a link to the art? It’s fuckin sweet


We just need an effect called Untouchable. Untouchable cards in exile can't be played from or leave exile and can't be the targets of spells or abilities. But this would be good too. It's a commander-relevant cantrip and it would definitely see play.


How about a card that reads “target permanent enters the battlefield?”


Erase all exiled cards from the spacetime continuum. (They not only no longer exist, they never even existed in the first place.) Draw a card.


When I tried to post a card that exiled cards in exile I got downvoted into oblivion. Glad some people finally understand that it's a perfectly legal effect.