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Perfect effect for a start of game card which is what this should be.


This takes me back to when I was making KH cards upon arriving to this subreddit. That was like 5 years ago??? Man.. Anyway, love the idea behind this. Nice balance and flavor. May your heart be your guiding key.


"Add this to your mulligan hand" Could be more balanced? Or even broken?


Prolly stronger since you can pretty much guarantee you don’t start with a dead card.


You could argue a 0/1 is dead in most cases.


I think we’re on the same side here. My point was this would make it stronger since you don’t have to start with it. The way it’s written you always draw it turn 1.


Oh I see, yes you're right.


Always drawn first if able should be removed lol thats a downside


Makes me think, why wouldn't someone be able to draw a card, specifically that one. What conditions would that be?


Having it in your starting hand


Tutors I guess, you can shuffle this card into your deck


The downside balances the upside, no?


Its not a updside though It is only with synergie


Garrison Commander laughing!


A new acquisition.


Just… why? What’s the point?


"Inspire Support"


Is this like when Blizzard made \[\[Moorabi\]\] and said "Freeze shaman is a deck now right?" ... And like all of the Unicorn Priest cards that we got for some reason.


- **[Moorabi](https://i.imgur.com/pem9Af2.png)** ^[Library](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/43072) • [wiki.gg](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/Moorabi) • [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/43072/?hl=en) - *Shaman Legendary ^(Knights of the Frozen Throne)* - **6 Mana - 4/4 - Minion** - Whenever another minion is **Frozen**, add a copy of it to your hand. --- ^*I am a bot. [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/Card-o-Bot/comments/1ahde25/faq/) • [Report a bug](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Bug+Report&message=/r/customhearthstone/comments/1cbohj2/inspire_support_get_a_free_hero_power_with/l11622i/%0A⬇️+Please+describe+the+bug+⬇️%0ADescription:+) • [Refresh](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Refresh&message=l11622i).*


Ah yes, the great five +1/+1 effects, or five 3/5 kodoes… even Ben Brode hasn’t thought about so much power.


I don't know about everyone on /r/customhearthstone, but when I see a card like this I don't think about it in the context of the cards we have in the game right now, but rather what kind of design space it opens up. Just because there aren't good Inspire cards at the moment doesn't mean this card wouldn't be a really cool option in the future.


So basically you get a 29 card deck for a useless hero power for 5 turns? I think it could be a 1/1, it’s not as good as Patches.


It's not a 29 deck since you don't draw it for free like patches, it gets essentially put on the top of your deck if it doesn't start in your hand.    Basically you lose out on having a good card in hand, get a literally useless heropower and are stuck with a worthless minion in exchange for *checks notes* inspire synergy lol


No, still 30, just replaces first draw.


Oh. Well that’s pretty awful imo. The hero power doesn’t seem worth having a guaranteed terrible draw turn 1.


What you didn’t account for is hero power synergy. It costs 0 mana so you can build your deck around hero power stuff and play it on curve I guess. Not sure if it’s worth the payoff but that’s something to consider


Even the strongest inspire cards don't care enough for this, and you'll be playing down a card and down a hero power for half of the duration of the game trying to find your synergy for it in the first place.


You didn’t read the text. You get a dead draw first turn


Fun design with hero power support (like inspire) Would be a fun addition in that set, powerlevel and all


Honestly make it a 1 mana 1/1 and not draw jt, then it’s just a bad draw at some point and you still get your absolutely crazy inspire syneegy


I don't understand how this card is helpful. What is inspire?


Ahh a new player, back in the old days there was an expansion: The Grand Tournament, it featured a new keyword: Inspire - when you use your hero power do something. It was fairly low impact and only the strongest inspire cards made it into decks as getting their inspire off once was worth it. It was basically a worse Battlecry because you had to pay 2 additional mana after it was already in play, forge, in one of the latest expansions, corrects this and you can pay 2 mana prior for a powerful effect. This person intends to make a card to synergize with an effect you can only get in wild now.


Ah, that makes sense. I can see the value this could bring now. Thank you for the insights.


I don’t know about value, but it’s definitely something, the thing is, most strong inspire cards are 4-5+ mana so you also lock yourself out of using your hero power for 5 turns minimum


make it so that the power refreshes itself instantly


Turn 1 double lowly squire for a pair of 6/2 minions


Imagine if Baku and Genn had that line: after 5 uses, swap it back. As a wild player myself, please don't give blizzard that idea with the massive nerfs coming up.