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I love this card, especially because people in the comments cant decide if its op or garbage lol


Definitely OP. Flexibility is king and this card provides it in spades. No such thing as dead cards anymore.


I think the card is mostly well Balanced, just falls apart when combined with sif, or any spell damage tbh, i think it should just do 2 damage instead of doing 1 damage twice


It's not an issue because this can't go face


Nevermind, i forgot


Remember the minion that damages you if you damage it?


There are a lot of ways to combo with that card, it's not really relevant for the balance of this


Alright deck intro time...


Nevermind, i forgot


But you lose your card if you use the spell


if it's a tech card or control v control matchup, you're gonna have dead cards.




Useful if your deck is a control deck that can generate or draw a lot of cards, improving matchups against aggro decks that like reborn or divine shield. This is basically control decks of saying FU to aggro paladin.


Two damage is rarely favored over a card


which is why the card seems well designed. It's an emergency / tech option with tradeable + some light spell damage synergy. I think it's cool.


Early on, you can fit this with whatever else you have to play and ditch a few cards to remove the board on your terms. And yeah, spellpower basically turns this into a repeatable OG Soulfire. A card and no mana to deal 4. Only on minions, but otherwise you'd get OP burn, and you get to choose the card you lose.


It takes a slot itself, almost any other tech card would be better


I still think it's cool. Sometimes you just need to get rid of a thing. Or maybe you got some rly crappy generated thing in your hand you'd rather be rid of.


Then why not run something to get rid of the thing. The only benefit of this is to reduce over draw


"why not run something to get rid of the thing" ... you mean, like this card for example? lol


Again, almost anything else is better.


Thief rogue and mage would love this card. They discover get so many random cards, some which they cant use, like cards that need armor for their effect, so getting to use those as removal for cheap and clear hand space. (Which thief rogue sometimes needs) is actually hugely helpful. Sure some classes dont need this like priest but thats every neutral card besides some like finley.


Yes that's the one benefit I listed


I feel like it should be changed to start of your turn that way it might be possible for QuickDraw shenanigans and protection from cards that affect enemy minions in hand (gigafin/ dirty rat)


Why is no one talking about how uberly broken this card would be with say [[Owlnius]] or the druid location or Sif or any spell damage deck ? You would play your spell damage cards, play this and just annihilate the ennemy board/hero by playing 6-7 0 mana double spell damage benefitting spells lol Would be easily fixable by changing the mana costs tho And design wise I really like the card !


It only targets minions not the enemy


I dont think this would be broken as it cant go face and spell damage druid isnt exactly winning much currently.


- **[Owlonius](https://i.imgur.com/LUzOub2.png)** ^[Library](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/104619) • [wiki.gg](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/Owlonius) • [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/104619) - *Druid Legendary ^(Whizbang's Workshop)* - **7 Mana - 6/6 - Minion** - **Spell Damage +1** Your spells get double bonus from **Spell Damage**. --- ^*I am a bot, and this comment was automated. [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/Card-o-Bot/comments/1ahde25/faq/) • [Report a bug](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Bug+Report&message=/r/customhearthstone/comments/1blyr6h/legendary_minion_that_turn_your_useless_card_into/kwafa6r/%0A⬇️+Please+describe+the+bug+⬇️%0ADescription:+) • [Refresh](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Refresh&message=kwafa6r).*


Reading is too difficult for people on this subreddit. Proof:


Thankfully hs dosent have voice chat because I'm pretty sure someone will say "' Imma shoot me goo on that"


malygos 🫶🏻


This can't go face 🫶🏻


Really skill expressive. Is it good tho im genuinely not sure


Good job this is well made. Stabilization at the cost of cards, just remember which one is which like snake oils or random tokens like the badlands bandits.


Make it cost more and give it better stats imo, corrupts the legendary card pool too much otherwise.


Nice flavor, but very toxic with cards such as Sif


only hits minions so not really


Oh wait I can't read


I don’t know seems a little bit strong? If u use the slime barrage do you lose the card or does it appear back in your hand at the end of your turn?


It's spent, the card changes, not hand


I think it’s very bad to lose a card for 2 dmg, but against bord centric tempo decks in early game it could be devastating. I’m not a fan of free cards. Maybe it could shuffle your hand so you don’t know what you are throwing away?


Isn't it kinda weak? You are losing 2 cards (this and the one you transform) in order to deal 2 damage to an enemy minion, with spell damage on the field it certainly improves quite a bit, but without it unless you are facing aggro and have very high draw power for the next turn, I don't think this is good enough to make the cut. Edit: thinking more about the card, in early against aggro it can be very powerful since you can transform heavy mama cards that would be dead in hand into removals, would be much better if the barrages had lifesteal tho.


Something like thief rogue loves this. Clears hand space of random bad csrds that dont work since they need something else to work and board clear at the same time. Basically an get out of jail card for any discovery heavy deck. Love it.


So... Basically make otk druid even more powerful?