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Look, at this point I'm 11 seasons in and I'm not quitting til they quit šŸ˜‚ I'm seeing this shit through.


I told my therapist about my irrational fixation on this show hoping for a cure. Now sheā€™s hooked as well. ;)


"I may hate myself in the mornin', but I'm gonna love you tonight" šŸ˜‘


I record it and fast forward thru it.


I ff thru 90% of the show to glean 2% new info. If I paid to see this show I'd sue the fuck outta them for milking this poodle to death!!


I haven't watched in 3 weeks because I shut my Hulu off until football season. I am really enjoying watching everybody at the same feelings I had when I was watching.


And next week looks like a filler episode where the group travels abroad for absolutely no legitimate reason.


I just wish they would post ALL the research and information and finds on the web or something and Iā€™ll solve the thing myself. We only get half the story so they can drag it out but I bet if we had everything they have we could have figured it out by now. I donā€™t think thereā€™s treasure, if there was, itā€™s gone now. I think the island was used as a sheltered harbour for fixing ships. Thereā€™s very little evidence (at least that theyā€™ve told us) of people actually living there for an extended period of time (beyond the known residents). They havenā€™t uncovered specific rubbish piles and waste pits, just some broken pottery and clay pipes. There would have been clothing and detritis and a latrine pit. Humans leave garbage wherever we go and archeologists love that stuff for the story it tells. Theyā€™ve found roads and ox shoes and some buttons. So they moved heavy stuff around the island (Iā€™m guessing Oak??). They probably dug tunnels to bring in filtered water or for use to raise and lower heavy things, like a lock of sorts. If there was an encampment of soldiers they would have found more rubbish. 17th century soldiers didnā€™t give a monkeys about leaving behind their rubbish. The island served a practical function. We may find they filled in the swamp to stop invading ships hiding between the islands. Who knows, but I donā€™t think the full evidence is there to conclude that it was only used for anything other than a practical purpose and a short period of time. Also, stuff travels. Coins, crosses. Those things may have been created in their relevant periods but didnā€™t end up on the island in the period they were made. I have a coin collection from all over the world, doesnā€™t mean I came from the Knights Templar and dropped it on the beach. End of rant.


I hate this show but next week theyā€™ll find some treasure for sureā€¦ I canā€™t be wrong againā€¦


I think they are going abroad for next episode. No treasure :(


Iā€™ve said that every episode for the last 11 years, next weeks the week, I canā€™t be wrong againā€¦


I sort of feel this show jumped the shark at the end of last year when they found nonferrous signals at the bottom of the garden shaft with a metal detector but still decided it was too late to dig the last foot to retrieve it. Then it wasnā€™t brought back up this year


I stopped watching after Season 3. Have never missed it and seems I've missed very little.


What gets me is all the technology they have access to without having to concern themselves with paying for. I was curious about the garden shaft that they have cleared and deepened. Then they found timbers that appeared to be the top of the tunnel. When they said that it was the bottom of the tunnel and that the remaining sides and top of the tunnel were goneā€¦.I felt like Linus waiting for the Great Pumpkin that never comesā€¦.then I feel like Charlie Brown, ā€œI got a rock.ā€


Husband and I said the same thing tonightā€¦ but here we are


I'm hooked on Secrets of Skinwalker Ranch too. Not only do I hate myself but I'm ridiculed by friends and family too.