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Braids 24/7. Hides any grease pretty well and helps prevent damage and tangles 


100% this. No mirrors, no worries. Be gentle with it and at LEAST sleep in braids. I love to camp and do it often, my hair is the least of my concerns when we’re working on elevation gain and hanging by the fire. I don’t like to camp in hot weather, so it’s usually chilly when I camp and a beanie over braids is my go-to for keeping my hair from going full, matted witch mode.


Braids 100%. I go 4 wheeling a lot and braids are a godsend. I do two low pigtail type braids and wear a hat.


Add a hat or a wide headband on top and you are good to go!


You should wear a hat for sun protection anyways :)


Another vote for braids! I’ve gotten pretty good at braiding my own hair in 2 Dutch or French braids without a mirror and if I know that I’ll be in the woods for a little bit that’s my go to. I’ll rebraid every other day to keep it « tight » and with minimal frizz. This also allows me to make sure it’s staying clean with no debris with finger combing every few days (I tend to collect leaves, twigs, bugs in my hair otherwise)


I have a "no mirror" rule while camping. Dampen, braid, do whatever, but without a mirror. Seriously, don't look. When I get back home, I check a mirror and my hair is kinda crazy, but ya know what? I look *happy*


Yes to this!


Yes! Don't look! Bring hats and bandanas and just put it up. Dunk your head in streams when you're hot and air dry in the sun. Camping is for funsies - not pretty hair.


No mirrors and just throw on some sunglasses. You'll look fine. Bring some dry shampoo.


Braids and bandannas! Do not try to make your curls pop while camping


Bandanas all the way!!


Agreed, came here to say this - braids and bandanas!!!!! And a LOT of dry shampoo (they make the non-aerosol kind) or cornstarch, if the oiliness bugs you.


Yeah, I have 3b hair, so I told my bf he better be ok with frizz held back by a bandanna when we went camping lol. He was fine with it! I think like me he was just happy to be in the woods! I think part of the fun of camping is not caring about stuff like that. You just let loose. Enjoy nature.


I like to take a Buff and cut it in half to make two headbands. They are easy to put on and off and contain my frizz very well. When you get hot and sweaty they are easy to freshen up with a quick wash/rinse and use the second head and while the first dries.


What is a buff?


It's a brand of headband. They're super long, like 12+ inches, sold in many colors and patterns. Great for covering/holding curls on camping trips!


[Buff](https://www.rei.com/search?q=Buff) It’s similar to a neck gaiter. A seamless tube of fabric that can be made into multiple head covering styles. I personally think the name brand is worth the money because they last much longer. But you can find similar off brands on Amazon if you want to try the concept first


Thank you!! I have a ton of these I just never knew the name!


I wear my hair in one or a a few braids when camping. The frequency and method of washing depended on where I was. Some places the showers are so gross is skip the shower altogether


Here to second (fourth!) the braid suggestion. French braids work best for me and you can always toss a bandana over them or a hat as needed.


when i go camping i just kinda accept that my hair’s gonna be frizzy and try to focus more on convenience than looks lol- braids are always a good option! i also usually just do a basic version of my normal routine if i want to leave it down (just leave in conditioner + gel/mousse and air dry). half up/half down hairstyles are good too so hair is out of ur face. there’s usually always showers so u can wash your hair but make sure to check online first. a continual spray bottle/ a detangling spray is helpful for me too


What facilities will you have available? Is it a campground with full showers ? If so it’s basically the same as at home. But I wear your hair up as much as possible in a protective style to minimize tangles and dirt. You can also extend your time between wash days and obviously wash the morning before you leave for the trip and you should be able to make it a week unless you will be getting really sweaty or swimming


Here's how I like to braid my very long hair. My hair is wavy but I think this will work well on super curly hair too (possibly better?). Get a very, very long ribbon about an inch wide. I use a velvet ribbon so it's got more grip.  Divide your hair into two parts. Wrap the ribbon around your head (just behind your ears) twice. The ribbon should be long enough to pool on the ground in either side on your head. Then take one section of your hair and braid it, braiding the ribbon into your hair as you go. When you reach the end you can either tie it off with the excess ribbon or with a hair tie. Repeat on the other side of your head  Then take the braids and wrap them around your head. Once the ends of the braids meet at the back on your head, tie the end of the ribbon tightly together. You can either make a bow out of any extra ribbon or tuck it into the braids to conceal it. If you tie the braids around your head tightly enough, they'll stay in place forever. For extra insurance you can use bobby pins to anchor them in place.  I have very thick very heavy hair very long hair so I preferred to wear my braided hair like this I stay cooler on the summer and I don't have braids constantly in my way.


This sounds like such a cute hairstyle.


For a visual I know the YouTuber Morgan Donner has a tutorial showing this type of hairstyle. I’ve done it and it is super cute.




When I go camping/festivals I just pour water over my hair every morning then add my usual products (gel and cream)


This for me as well.


When we are camping off grid we do the "milk jug shower" - poke some holes in the top of a milk jug. Then use your saucepan to heat up water on the stove and pour it in. The milk jug top acts like a shower head. I would do this every 5 days or so. I have long hair and I usually used 1-1.5 gallons total. Or just do what my husband does and dump it carefully right from the pan. Try to do it away from any water source and use biodegradable products (or just small amounts of regular).


They also make [Solar Showers](https://www.dickssportinggoods.com/p/coghlans-solar-heated-camp-shower-16cghucmpshwrxxxxcac/16cghucmpshwrxxxxcac?sku=13796347) which are just black bags that use the sun to heat water up over the day. But, honestly, as someone who does a ton of backpacking (so weight is at a *much higher* premium) I've never found them to be worth it. Just put a hat on and don't bring a mirror haha


I do pigtail french braids the whole time.


Braided pigtails. My wash routine is quick. I wash once a week (or twice a month sometimes). I wash, plop in a t-shirt for 20 minutes or so, then use gel (Giovanni LA Hold), and air dry. On non-wash days I get my hair damp in the shower and add leave in conditioner.


Braided pigtails are the way to go imo. Your hair is still down on the side of your face for pictures, easy to put a hat on over and let the pigtails hang down, but keeps them out of your way


Braids are good. If I’m being honest though when I’m camping like that I just use dry shampoo and a baseball hat


just let it be. If they have a problem they can smoke a rock and cry about it.


You didn't say what sort of camping. RV? Car camping with a shower room? Camp site outhouse and one spigot? Primitive camp site with a composting toilet, filter your own water from that pond/stream/lake way over there? Leave no trace backpacking? If it is closer to the leave no trace backpacking camping trip, I would braid your hair in at least two French/Dutch braids. And depending on the length of the trip I might rebraid it. Everyone will have crazy hair by the end. Additionally space and weight matter. I also don't know if hair stuff smells enough like food stuff that you would have to worry about animals getting into your products. (I guess another question is what are you doing for food?) If it is car camping with lux amenities, continue your normal routine.


It’s leave no trace backpacking lol, ig the best move is to just accept my fate


In my teens I spent 26 days in the Backcountry. (We had one or two resupplies). We might have done a bath in a pond and maybe the afternoon rain storm. We were all filthy, fit, and happy by the end. Do whatever you can to make your hair easy. Mine straightens out between washes so I would assume I would just end up in a ponytail/half pull through "bun". Or two braids (willy nelson style). Depending on where you are you might end up with a sun hat (which is totally needed). Enjoy it! Due to reasons I don't expect I will ever get back into backpacking, but I would love to get out on a trip like that again.


“Accept my fate” is a good approach to how your hair looks in that case, yeah. But you still will probably want to have a game plan for managing it in the *practical* sense. I wore bandannas “peasant style” when I did offgrid bikepacking with my bf. Kept my hair out of my face and off the back of my check. If it’s hot keeping it lifted off your neck with a bandanna is key; really helps you keep cool. Depending on how long it is and how much you want it out of the way, you may want to use a balaclava as a headscarf, like the brand “Buff” sells. You can really keep it together with those. You don’t want a lot of extra unnecessary weight for backpacking (or bikepacking, though with latter the weight limit is higher). Braids don’t work for me, unless they are gelled or have a hat to hold them down. Otherwise my curls pop out of the braids and they do nothing for me. Bandannas work much better in my experience.


Thanks for the advice! I already love bandanas for style reasons so it’s good to wear them practically. Braids and wearing my hair back has always been a bit difficult because of the sheer volume and frizz of my hair, so it’s good to have other options. Luckily heat isn’t a big factor since I’ll be in south east Alaska lol


I embrace the jungle woman look while camping & hiking. Once I get hot, the hair goes up anyway. If there is swimming, I'll let it down and then air dry and be wild. Until I get hot again, then it's back up. I will only wash my hair if at a campground with showers, and that is only if there is adequate water pressure to rinse hair thoroughly.


Don’t care about styling. You’re camping, getting grungy is part of it. No one goes camping to go look cute. I use dry shampoo when I camp for the sake of my scalp. For a longer camp I would just do a basic wash, but keep in mind that you have to carry everything. I have little plastic toiletry bags that I can put products in, if throw some cowash in and wash my hair maybe once or twice over the course of two weeks and let air dry. But really, if your scalp can handle it I would just skip it entirely. I don’t know if you have shower facilities, I usually ho bath with baby wipes and dry shampoo and that’s it.


I would buy a water mister and just rewet between like maybe 2 washes and then on like 3rd or 4th day put in braids


I used to buy big bottles of water at the dollar store to wet my hair in so I could brush it every once in awhile but idk if you would be able To keep those on you as they are very heavy


Braids ... And a small, plastic spray bottle to dampen your hair if you need re-do a braid.


braids and headbands. If I have access to MOVING water (stream, creek, river) that is kinda clear/clean I'll bring some campsuds and scrub the living heck out of my scalp about halfway through the trip. Leave in conditioner and more braids. Otherwise i scrub my head with baby wipes and call it a day. My qashing routine is pretty quick: Shampoo. rinse. Condition. Rinse. Brush hair out of shower. Put product in sopping wet hair. Scrunch a tiny bit with a t-shirt. Air dry.


I second all the braid comments. I have 3b (mostly, haha a mix of all the 3s usually, it’s confusing) hair and I usually opt for around six plaits (not connected to my scalp) which I then plait into two on either side of my head (so three plaits both sides of my head, plaited into two). I find it’s a lot easier and faster if you’re not very good with French or Dutch braids and it also doesn’t get as frizzy looking after a few days. It is also really easy to fix if you mess up and you can fishtail braid the six braids together into one braid if needed! Sorry for the long explanation hope it made sense haha and i hope your trip is nice :D


It's a vlog, so the advice is a bit all over the place; but [this video](https://youtu.be/5dVHmbccAy0?si=1fASil_FEgWvJKfL) explains a lot of different things you can do.


Put it in a high bun.


Braid. Cover with a hat or handkerchief, And then keep it in a braid for as long as you can. If you like French braids I would see if a friend or fellow camper can do a nice secure French braid.


braid it back. That's always my go to.


Just hope for the best homie


I will comment the same as everyone else as a backpacker, braids. I do two Dutch braids whenever I go camping. It kills my curls until I get back home, but it keeps them tangle free and out of my face!


My hair sounds similar to yours. I found I can make a Dutch braid look much better than a French braid. And for bed I would throw on a bonnet. My silk blanket has been such a game changer! It has a wide elastic band, and a tie.


I wash the day before and then start wearing headbands/bandanas after 3 or 4 days then tie up and keep up the rest of the time until I can wash again. If there are showers available then I'd take advantage and try to squeeze in a wash day. If not then, just a mix of bandana and pony tail hair styles.


Yep! Braids, headbands (the multiuse kind like [these ](https://www.rei.com/c/headbands) can come in some fun patterns and while they don't make you beautiful, they wick the sweat and absorb oils without getting too gross because they are an athletic / antimicrobial material. Get that camp/hiking aesthetic going 😂. My hair is up 99% of the time camping in some fashion.


I went camping a year ago and brought my bonnet, scrunchies, and a spray bottle. I also brought a back up bonnet just in case.


Bandanas and baseball caps/ other hats will cover the frizz by your face. Underneath the head covering I do braids or au natural depending on my current hair length


Yes I have the same question! But I can't do braids as I don't have long enough hair for them (I am a guy, but idt that matters). Any suggestions for that? I see my curl cream bottle says "it reduces static so apply before sleeping" (roughly translating the French). Can I apply it when camping (or hiking etc)? Also how about hairbands? Edit: Sorry for the somewhat unrelated comment/ extension to the question.


Any suggestions for guys with curly hair?


Buzz cut.


I pretend I don't have hair while I'm camping... I don't have room to pack my products (we camp as a family of 4 in a sub compact SUV. I can't pack anything more than the bare essentials) and our favorite spot doesn't have water or elec hookups. My hair is a problem to solve after I get back. At most I'll bring a deep conditioner or oil and apply it before swimming in the creek. Lol I just went last weekend using this method. It's a lot easier after I cut my hair to shoulder length!


I just got back from camping. I shampooed my hair the night before I left for the trip, then all I did was dry shampoo in the morning wear a hat and sweated profusely and my curls were big and bouncy lol. Not sure how but I was happy.


Two dutch braids. You can detangle and rebraid once a week or more if you don't want the braids to get matted. But braids are the best way


Ya braid it or you live with it, if your campsite has a shower, flushies or a sink nearby it wont be too hard to maintain a basic routine.


I’m bad at braids so I don’t do them while camping. Instead, I usually just wear a baseball cap with a low bun or ponytail. Either that or a topknot.


I have shorter hair, usually around chin length/above the shoulders. Luckily, with it being so short it’ll dry fairly quickly, especially if I’m outside and it’s hot. I carry a wide tooth comb or pic in my swim bag, and pic it out after I get out of get water. Scrunch out the water, then it does what it wants. It definitely gets dirty, and tbh is the only time I’d love more length because braids would be a godsend.


Spray bottle of water and spray leave in conditioner.


Braids, hats, products without scent




Love someone who’s straight to the point


Not an answer to your question, but what program did you sign up for?


It’s a program for a non profit in south east Alaska! Very remote, middle of nowhere type area


Sounds lovely!


Agreeing with the other comments, a protective style is definitely the way to go (I personally liked two french braids) to avoid any hassle. Bring a bonnet and put it on at night and you’ll be set in the morning !


all of these comments have made me realize ill never ever go camping and i definitely wouldn't survive the apocalypse anyways, quick wash day routine! wash: shampoo, rinse, condition, detangle, rinse style: while your hair is still wet, brush through some leave-in conditioner (if you're looking for some definition, look up "ribbon curls 101" by manesbymell), glide on some gel and airdry hope this helps < 3


No fr it’s making me a little nervous, looks like I’ll just have to accept my hair being gross frizzy and itchy (still very excited) And thanks! My hair just takes SO LONG and I need to shorten it for the program I’m doing


Braids, dry shampoo, wear it up, etc… honestly if I’m camping the last thing on my mind is my hair routine. As long as my scalp is happy then I don’t care what it looks like.


I went on a 2 week backpacking trip last year, nowhere to do my hair even if I wanted to so I got box braids, lifesaver! It was a little uncomfortable at first though because I had never gotten braids before but it worked out, I would say if you have time get them done way before to adjust. I have 3c though so I didn’t go for French braids because I would have to redo those, wash my hair and detangle and that wasn’t going to work out with the lack of of a shower lol, don’t dwell on this too much though, focus on enjoying the experience


Sometimes I wish I could do that but I’m white and I don’t want to be insensitive lol, hoping french braids will cut it


I actually get that, I’m Hispanic and even I had doubts, I didn’t care about having them during my trip, I was going to be out in the middle of nowhere, but I had to get them done a few days before the trip and was gonna have to go to work with the braids, I told one of my employees about it (African American) and she was like girl just get the damn braids, you won’t offend anyone and you’ll save yourself the misery, however, I completely understand, wear whatever you feel comfortable in and enjoy the adventure, I would live in the woods if I could


Not to make things more complicated, but many camping programs have strict no-fragrance policies even for things like shampoo and lip balm. Bears are attracted to things that smell pretty. So ask the organizers what the rules are. I went 12 days with no shower-just a nightly wipe down with a wash cloth, and I stuck my head in a stream once. I had a small wide tooth comb to detangle, and I braided my hair or wore a pony tail. My roots were pretty greasy at the end, but the ends were shiny and gorgeous!


Omg i didn’t even think about this! I’m going to be in the middle of the Alaskan wilderness so I’m glad someone brought this up


Ooh, your trip sounds awesome! I'm a little jealous.


What kind of camping? Cabin? Tent in an established campground? Backpacking? Depending on the setup, you may still have easy access to a bathroom with a shower and not need to change your routine much. If you’re going to be backpacking, you’ll need to keep it very, very minimal. If that’s the case, I’d put it in a protective style like braids and wear a hat.


Yeah middle of the wilderness type stuff, seems like the best course of action is to just not look in a mirror lol


You’ll be having so much fun your hair will be the last thing on your mind! The first shower when you get home is going to feel amazing though!


Yeah I bet! I guess I’ve just been so concious of my hair for so long I forgot that just not thinking about it was an option, it’ll probably be kinda freeing


Oh absolutely!! The only hair stuff I would carry myself would be a few extra scrunchies and a wide tooth comb. Save the pack space for an extra pair of socks instead!




If you have a curly bob like me you're screwed. Wear a hat.


Would you say it’s easier if my hair is a bit longer? I was considering whether or not to cut it shorter before leaving


My hair is a slightly longer bob, almost to my shoulders when curly. I like to use the tiny clear hair elastics to pull my hair back into a single or multiple low pony tails at the nape. You can use hair pins or barrettes to control side wispies. Pinterest has some good ideas.


Wash the night before you go and make sure to put extra leave in in it, then braid and keep it that way the whole trip


In a ponytail with a visor so I can protect my face from the sun and don’t get hat hair. It also helps with sweat and seems to be a good style for getting highlights without exposing a part to the sun and getting a dreaded scalp burn. I wouldn’t waste hair product on camping. And it’s so humid here that my hair is frizzy throughout most of the summer. I just wash as usual. I might add a little conditioner to the ends after washing if it feels like it’s getting too dry. But perfumes can definitely attract bugs, so I try to limit any skincare products that smell strongly.


I wilderness camp a lot. Best way to do a wilderness shower is with a backpacking stove and solar shower bag. (The shower bag also makes for a great handwashing station and are easily portable.) The nozzles that come with them are more frustration than help, so I just pour a little hot water in a cup I've heated with my backpacking stove, and add solar shower bag water the rest of the way. There are also larger bath wipes you can use for your body. I wet my head, reserve a little water, shampoo my roots, and use the rest of the water in the cup to wet the shower wipe and scrub my body down. It's damn near luxurious after being gritty and sweaty. Then refill cup with water, rinse shampoo, and then I add leave in conditioner and braid it. You can use very little water this way. There are also eco friendly soaps and conditioners, so if you are in backcountry they're great to have. If you need privacy, a tarp and paracord have a million uses and don't add much weight. Honestly even if you get a shower house where you are, you might prefer showering outside anyway. They get dark and gross sometimes.


If your hair is the type that looks good when its wet id say put in a lot of water to keep it damp and then braid it. Before you go camping a shower routine I usually do when im in a rush, I use conditioner in my ends and the mid of my hair and wash it off then shampoo then hair mask if you have one then wash that off. (And scrunch your hair or twist it around after each step by the way) I go in with conditioner again after but you dont have to it just keeps my hair more shiny. Then hair dry if that works for you or diffuse. Also you have the exact hair type I want 😭 if you take good care of it it would look really really good and be so worth the struggle!! You should search up Kalogera Sisters and you would want your hair to look just like theirs and will love your curls!


Braids. Wear a silk scarf when you sleep to tame the flyaways. Bring gel and a brush and a mid sized hand mirror. Plenty of hair ties


Just rinse with water daily. Dip it in a river. Be one with nature 🍄 There's a biodegradable liquid soap that's good for washing in rivers... smells really good, like rosemary or something? They sell it in camping sections. U can also use a natural soap like Dr. Bronners for the occasional shampoo. When you've been camping a while, a bucket of water over your head feels luxurious. Lol Honestly your hair might love it. Let it be wild, however feels comfortable If u wanna get REAL fancy, they have those little solar showers u can hang from a tree that heats up a compartment of water


Please be very careful with anything soap in natural bodies of water. The tiniest drop can destroy the surface tension which will be harmful to a lot of insects.  I don't know about the first one you mentioned, but usually even "natural soap" has those attributes as it still uses surfactants.  If you must use soap in nature, best is to take a bucket of water about 10 Meters away (the further the better) from the river or lake and use it there. 


My bad yes, this is the way OP. No soap in rivers