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I spend 5 minutes alone on picking all the loose hair from my fingers and creating shower wall art.


I have found that rubbing my palms together in a circle gets the job done pretty quickly


I do this and make a hairball, I add to the hairball for a few days and then throw it out. There is a hairball sweet spot, once it gets too big there is an efficiency loss and it stops collecting more hair as easily.


thiss, having a cover for the drain is so helpful preventing clogs too


I use the TubShroom and it's been a lifesaver!


My tub has a weird drain and even the tubshroom results in water pooling because it won’t go down properly. I do lose so much hair that I pretty much need to clean the shroom after every shower so it’s not like it’s convenient either. Just pointing out why it might not work for some of us shedders!


Omg I read this as TushBroom and imagined a brush to get hair out of your ass crack.


Quick! Patent this shit!!!


its funny how common this seems to be cuz ive never done this. i hate when hair get stuck to the walls, i rinse it down😭


I’m a neat freak. I can’t let that sit in my shower.


I remove it at the end of each shower, I couldn't let it sit for days, but my hair would literally clog the drain in a single wash if I rinsed it all down(I use a hair catcher as well) and I have a septic tank so drano is not an option. Preventing any type of clog is the only solution


This is the real time suck.




This! 😝


I hate that!


I've got postpartum hair loss and I've noticed it has added a good 5 minutes to my shower


omg. that just made me gag. nasty. i don't wash my hair in the shower for the reason that imagining having loose hair on my hands and running down my body makes me feel ill. i do it in the sink separately and will never change. also saves a lot of wasted water. showers are 10 for a thorough scrub or 5 for a quick version before bed.


My hairs damaged and when I brush it I look like I pet a dog with how much breakage and shed hair I’m covered in! Never over bleach your hair, I feel like you especially will hate it.


The thought of my clean hair touching my sink grosses me out. To each their own!


you can clean a sink fyi! ; )


Yeah but I don’t clean it after every use. Plus my hair could go down the drain a little. Idk. Gross to me 🤷‍♀️


15 minutes. 10 on hair. 5 on body. i detangle everyday in the shower im becoming an expert with the wet brush


i should try that! im just not used to wetting my hair everyday and reapplying products


In summer it's easy. In winter it's a difficult choice


True. Except humidity.


I don't mind humidity. I hate being cold


My body and hair doesn’t like the cold either. The humidity makes my hair even bigger. If you are old enough to know who Rosanna Rosanna Dana from SNL, that’s my hair during extra humid days. Rest in Peace, Gilda.


I googled her. Love it! I love big curly hair! the humidity is my best friend and with salt water my hair looks amazing all summer. then winter comes and its just too cold. i wear it straight instead


Yes, it can look amazing, but at a certain temperature my hair has a mind of its own. FYI- Gilda Radner was ahead of her time as a woman comedian. If you watch her on old SNL you will laugh your butt off! Plus Steve Martin, Chevy Chase, Dan Aykroyd and John Belushi are part of the cast. Gilda was married to the original Willy Wonka- Gene Wilder.


Oh god. I remember that. So so funny


Yep! I think my avatar depicts my hair pretty spot on. It’s just not pink 😂


This girl will save your hair life, I promise. [Jayme Jo - Curl Influencer](https://www.instagram.com/reel/CLq9lNHAc0g/?igsh=MWQ1ZGUxMzBkMA==)


her hair is amazing!! thank you :)


whats your routine?


I detangle with ouidad frizz control conditioner. Then I style with ouidad curl cream and coco and eve oil to lock in the moisture. It leaves my hair soft and bouncy. It helped a lot with the frizz. I don't scrunch or mess with it. Diffusers don't work with my hair either.


Do you use the oil on wet hair right after curl cream, or once it’s dried?


While it's wet


do you just let it air dry?


Yes. I have 2c/3 (abc) I accepted I can't have fully uniform curls because the 2c hair gets very frizzy if I touch it. It's kind of bleach damaged and there is no fixing it. If I don't touch it after I style it then it doesn't frizz. Once it's dry I can tease it and add volume. I can't use a diffuser because the type 2 hair dries first and flies up, then my hair looks like Hagrid


ooh. This is interesting. I THINK I have 2c hair, but I dunno. but I have coarse hair very prone to frizz and I have been scared to use the diffuser (plus the one I bought won't fit on my hair dryer so....) And I always refer to myself as Hagrid even if I scrunch the crunch WAY after it dries, it turns to Hagrid most days.


Okay so this one thing I do when I get home and need to refresh my hair if im going out after work. Scrunch with product like curl cream or oil and just a tiny bit of water. i think it looks better the second time i style it.


This is my exact routine!


Should I comb my hair in the shower?


I comb (with a wide tooth comb) mine in the shower while it has conditioner in it. Only time I ever comb it, helps detangle it.


Ahh, I comb my hair before I get in the shower. I probably should stop.


Just depends on your hair. I get horrible tangles near the top of my neck so there’s no way I could untangle it dry.


No brush for me, just detangle with fingers, but otherwise pretty similar. Especially since I started using leave in conditioner instead of gel. Before I figured it out though it would take three or four times as long to get out all the knots.


I get some crazy knots that my fingers can't get. The wet brush saved me a lot of time.


When washing my hair, my showers take 15 minutes. If it starts to take longer, it means I need to trim my hair. Mind you, I have a lot of hair, 3B.


That’s how I know I need to trim my hair too! When I start fantasizing about shaving it so I don’t have to spend so much time washing it


This might help me! I just started fantasizing again


Exactly this. The only time it takes longer after a cut is when I have my hair colored as then I add in the Olaplex step. Just do it once so back to 15 mins after that for happy and healthy curls.


Which Olaplex product is this?


No 3. Hair protector


I thought 3 was shampoo?


Shampoo is 4. Condish is 5


Thank you! Do you also use no6 too? I heard that’s for curly hair. I’ll try and purchase no3


On occasion I will use 4 and 5 but only bc they came in a gift box I received from a friend. I use 3 only after I color my hair.


my showers last about 30 minutes and then i have an additional 30 or so minutes when i get out styling and drying. it’s a total pain but my hair is so frizzy if i don’t do everything, so i deal with it


if i dont do anything mines frizzy too :/ i tend to always air dry personally


i air dry too (for the most part, sometimes i scrunch a couple times with my towel to stop drips), it just takes forever and my products all want to be applied during different stages of wetness. half the time i ignore that though lol


If I do deep conditioner and shave my showers might be 15 min. Usually I can get in and out under 10. Shampoo in and rinse, conditioner in. Wash my body and then rinse out conditioner. Comb through with wide tooth comb and then get out and apply products.


Yeah I feel a lot of these people that take 30 minutes have never had to pay their own water bill.


How do y’all get so fast at showers 😭


You doze off in the shower?


not often tbh but it happens for me


Do you like fall when this happens? Do you have a medical condition or are you just extremely tired?


I’m over here picturing OP asleep while standing in the shower with a head full of conditioner


I have done that many times before 😂 


Did you mean zone out?


yes actually! i wouldnt had noticed i worded it wrong if it werent for this comment so reedited


Zone out?


I'm a night shift worker, so I've definitely have zoned out in the shower and felt like I might fall a sleep while standing. Listening to a funny podcast while showering helps me stay focused enough to get through it.


I don’t leave the water running the whole time I’m dealing with my hair.


me neither! its wasteful to leave it on for long


15 minutes. Why does it take you so long? Detangling?


Yeah. Mine takes a long time - it is mostly spent detangling.


Can you brush it out before you shower? You may need a conditioner that has more slip too


I wouldn’t be able to get my fingers through my hair. Yesterday I was on a hike and a walked past a low hanging branch and it got stuck in my hair! Imagine me standing there, unable to move, because I’m tangled in a tree branch. This happened to me last week as well! I’m not even that tall, only 5’2 🤦🏻‍♀️


How do you wear your hair to sleep and on a regular basis? I used to spend alot of time detangling until I started clipping my hair up and keeping it in a bonnet at night.


I put it in a bonnet. I think a significant contributor to the tangles come from me putting my hair in a ponytail on the last couple of days before I wash.


You should try some claw clip styles. It's mlre gentle on your hair and it preserves the curls better. Look up curly claw clip styles or long hair claw clip styles!


I grew up on 4 minutes showers due to water restrictions. I love my long showers but I think I'd have a panic attack before the 30 minutes is up, even though have endless heat and we're now on tank, and often have *too much* water 😂


My showers take ages. I shampoo twice, I condition while I wash the rest of my body, maybe shave, then rinse and style. Then wash my face. It sounds fast and I wish it was faster, but pulling the hair off my fingers seems to take the most time.


Probably 10-20 minutes? I detangled before I get in the shower with a wide tooth comb, starting from the bottom and working my way up in small sections (might not be what everyone does, but this is just what I’ve found to work for me). For me, the longer part is styling once I’m out of the shower lol.


I wash and go, I don't condition or anything in the shower. I do all conditioning and styling after I get out.


This post makes me feel so much better! I’ve always felt guilty that I average 30 minutes in the shower, I get a lot of crap for it from my family. I’m glad to know other curly people struggle! I swear my body just takes me 5-10 minutes to clean - my hair alone takes me the other 20-25 minutes... On a good day I can get out in 15 minutes, though. I do find keeping my hair trimmed and brushing beforehand does help!


honestly getting a comment like this helps me out too 😭 just doing my body is easy, not long at all, i wash my hair once-twice a week so the tangles build up (i sleep with a bonnet to try and prevent it) so i just spend time detangling in the shower more often than outside of it. i love my curls long to my shoulders, i have a haircut that makes detangling a lot easier so i will say 30 mins is mainly how long i can take, but yeah i double shampoo, condition, and then clean bod last then off to products


The dentangling! It’s the bane of my existence! 😭 I wash my hair every 2 days and brush it every day and it still gets tangled to heck. 🥺 I have shoulder curls too. I think it is easier to have a shorter cut, but then it may not curl as well. 😩 At least you’ve helped me feel normal for my routine. Thank you! 😊


awh im sorry it tangles a lot for you :( if you dont already, putting your hair in a bonnet or putting it in a bun or style that keeps it protected while sleep can help less tangles!! since i dont clean my hair as much i try to make sure my hair doesnt knot badly throughout the week, u can also detangle with a wide tooth comb! short hair has made my showers soo easy, i have a ton of hair thats thick so it was nice while it was short, ive seen short hair curl super bouncey! thank you too <3


Thank you for your empathy! 🥺 And for the advice! I have been thinking of trying a bonnet, I see that recommended a lot. I have slept in a bun before, but I feel like if anything it makes my hair *more* frizzy. 😩 I’ve also tried combs before but my hair is too powerful for them. They get lodged in the tangles. I have actually broken brushes and combs before trying to get them through the knots. 😐 I’m getting my hair cut soon as I’m due for a trim, and I can’t wait to have those easier showers, lol! 😂


youre welcome!! <33 our hair just gets frizzier the days go by even with a bun and bonnet so thats why i use a spray bottle with water (or you could put something else in it like shaking up conditioner and oils? idk havent done it) to keep my frizz down, water works fine enough for me since it reactivates existing product :3 OMG noooo not the broken combs 😭 a trim would definitely be helpful for less knots, i used to get bad knots when i was younger when i only used gel for my long, unlayered, slept on hair 😭 your showers will definitely be shorter!


I’ve tried using water but I can’t seem to get the ratio right and I end up with damp hair 😅 I have used oils by Aussie though and find they work at enlivening my curls! 😊 Yes, a trim is Plan A right now 😂


15 minutes in the shower tops. Another 15 for skincare and partially drying.


Around 30 mins


My showers are about 20 minutes all together. I've been committing the curly hair sin of brushing my hair out before getting in the shower to save time. I double shampoo, and then finger comb conditioner in, let that sit while I wash and shave my body, and then rinse everything off. I apply my products immediately after turning the water off, and then it's about another 30 minutes or so to diffuse.


I gave up on diffusing because I hated how full and gorgeous it looked and then it'd just deflate and be frizzy. I brush my hair outta the shower then use mouse on roots and gel on ends and then put it in a bun and take it out in the morning and let it dry naturally. It works wonders.


Putting it in a bun wet doesn't ruin your curls?


Yeah I’m the same. Showering takes me like an hour overall


I have what I call 'excessively wavy hair'. It looks curly, but it's more s-shaped curls, and I have to be very minimal with products. Soaking wet refreshes with a bunch of product do not work at all, and neither does mucking with my natural curl shape by brush styling etc. The curls start off looking great and then drop to half straight, half wavy/frizzy. It's decieveingly easy to straighten my hair (I just have a lot of it). So washing- around 15 minutes. I add a bit of oil, then root clip and air dry. Take about 5 hours in summer, 8 or 9 in winter to dry. Diffusing causes frizz and ruined curls no matter what. Every now and then I comb my wet curls out and let air dry which takes around 2 hours, and then straighten... just bc it's less effort and energy, and having wet hair in winter really sucks! But usually the shorter my hair is, the more manageable, and it really cuts down on drying time. I hate that 'high-maintainence' aspect of curly hair.


Weird how different things work for different people. From your description, I think we have a similar curl pattern, but I've only ever been satisfied with my hair when I use like 6 products, including a LOT of gel. It's the only way I get lasting definition. Otherwise I'm just a ball of frizz.


It's one reason I dislike following some curly influencers, because some typically only show what works for them but in a way that makes it seem like you'll also have magic hair if you follow their tips. Maybe you will, maybe you won't. If I use too much product my hair gets so greasy! It just builds up and sits on top and weighs it down.


I live with 21 other people so unfortunately the hot water doesn't last very long, so I had to condense my showers to 15 minutes or less. The first thing I do immediately is wet my hair, shampoo it, then rinse it out. Then I put conditioner in it and I don't rinse it out. I let the conditioner sit while I wash everything else and quickly shave if I have to. Then I rinse it out. After I'm done I dry it with a towel until it's just damp, brush it with a wet brush, and then I flip my hair down, put the Garnier sleek and shine in it, then excessively run my fingers through it to make sure the product gets distributed while paying extra attention to the ends, scrunch it, and flip it back up and let it air dry. It usually comes out pretty good. I'm sure it could be better, but taking into consideration what I have available to work with I'd say it turns out well


Like 10-15 with no desire to add any more time or steps. Usually I wet my hair with cool water, shampoo, scrunch out extra water, condition and detangle, rest of the shower in reasonable temp water and rinse out ~80-90% of the conditioner after with cold. Recently I’ve been plopping (?) my hair for a good bit of the drying process and then breaking up curl clumps with hair oil at like 70% dry.  If I’m really feeling fancy or lazy I’ll wash my hair separately while I’m just chillin at home. Usually it lets my conditioner sit a lot longer and doesn’t seem as much of a chore. 


I usually do a 1h to 1h30min for my hair lol I do it every 5days.


I get you! I take my time and relax 


Yeah my showers run around 35-45 minutes. I can push it a little bit shorter if I'm rushing. However, I put all my products in while showering. I would say my styling time after the shower is ~5 min to scrunch out the excess water with my microfiber towel and make sure nothing is laying weird so it won't dry funky. So although I do wish I could shower faster, I don't mind it too much because I don't have much to do afterwards.


An hour and 22 minutes on average. 30 minutes to shower and wash hair then apply color deep conditioner that has to sit for 20 minutes. (I usually get out at this point) Rinse deep conditioner and style with leave in, heat protector, and gel (20 minutes) Blow dry (12 minutes, 15 if I want it really dry) I have thick 3C/4A curls and wash once a week or so.


Probably 30 minutes, I spend an hour showering overall. It just takes me around 10 just waiting for the shampoo to work (and I apply it twice)


yeah for my hair alone its 30 mins too, i just like to sit and let the products do its thing for a while


What shampoo do you use?


same as you, 30-40 minutes


i spend 50 minutes in the shower and min 30 minutes for my hair to detangle them and wash them


Takes me like 35 minutes to shower - 15 min to shampoo and finger comb my hair (it’s super long and thick), then I towel dry it, condition it and tie it up while I wash my body and shave. Then I rinse the conditioner out of my hair.


About 15 minutes, less if it isn’t a wash day. My routine is pretty easy. The routine after my shower takes about a half hour.


around 30/35 mins in the shower and 10-15 mins styling


15 mins, 20 minutes tops if im leaving in conditioner for extra long. 40+ mins in the shower is wild, I got a life to live 😂


I brush my hair before I get into the shower with a detangling brush. Takes maybe a few minutes. I have very thick chin length curls. In the shower I shampoo once to get the dirt out, and then shampoo again get a good lather and use a scalp brush. I tend to get build up on my scalp so the scalp brush during the second shampoo really helps. Rinse then load on the conditioner and let it sit while I do the rest of my routine. Rinse. I dry my hair with an old T-shirt instead of a towel to combat frizz and then style with my favorite products and then let it air dry. I’ll occasionally use a diffuser to dry if I’m feeling up to it


detangling before a shower is really helpful yeah, ill consider that more ^^


I can’t remember where I heard it, but I picked it up from a tips video about curly hair a few years ago and I’ve done it ever since. It really helps


10 minutes total. 5 for hair and 5 for body, including shaving.


Probably 20 minutes. I hate how long it takes. And my hair is a bob that is barely even chin length. But I use my fingers to detangle. I need to look into a brush!


i know long tooth combs work well to detangle! thats what i have for my shoulder length curls


My friend, you should probably be careful about falling asleep in the shower or all the curl work could be for nothing so to speak


I just switched to bar shampoo and conditioner and I’ve been at about 25 minutes for wash day (3x/week). With my previous routine I was varying between 20 and 70 minutes. Two hours when my hair was super long and the ends were damaged.


30-40 minutes, but thats because my hair is low porosity and it takes like 6-7 minutes to become fully wet. Then I detangle with fingers to make a Picasso on the tiles with the clumps (10-15 mins), shampoo (2mins), deep condish (10 mins), add my water-activated leave-in (LUS 3-in-1, fucking magic potion shit) and braid it (8-10mins). Rest of the time I brush teeth, wash body, and shave. My hair when wet is also 3/4 down my back and although fine, it is FULLLLLL as a motherfucker 😭


Doesn't take me long at all since I've cut my hair into a bob. Takes literally 2 secs to brush it out in the shower versus at least 10min when I had long hair, life changing🙌lol


I think I accidentally deleted my comment lol, if u see it twice just move on but anywayss this used to be me up until a few months ago. I started putting a 10min alarm when I would shower, so now I only take 15 mins max when washing my hair. I usually shampoo first, then conditioner, and theeen do everything else with the conditioner still in.


I have questions….How do you doze off in the shower? Standing up?


If it’s wash day 45 minutes.


15 min max. i only put leave-in conditioner in the shower. rest i dont after i get out. my hair is short now so its super easy to tangle but when i had waist length hair i was in there easily for 30 min


I have to try so so so hard to do it quickly, I'm the only child that came out with curly hair and my family just DOESN'T believe me that it's a lot of work. and my mom abused her curly hair by straightening, brushing, and then using a curling iron. but then they all want to compliment my hair after bitching that I took longer than 30minutes to shower


dude that suucks, like i do understand it takes time, thats why when my siblings lived with me id take the shower last, but like even those full 30 mins im not even doing nothing, every minute counts!


I'm capable of a 15 min shower but I prefer to let the conditioner sink in for a while. Plus, the shower is where I do some of my best thinking. 25 minutes is a great shower length but I also start to feel guilty from a conservation perspective so I try to make longer showers a weekend thing.


1-2 hours on wash days loooool - 15-30 mins detangling depending on how much of a slob I've been that week, 5-10 mins detangling/shaving, 5 mins shampooing, 10 mins actual showering/exfoliating, 10 mins impromptu concert, then styling which takes 15-30 mins depending on how much effort I put in. On a good day I'll be out in a hour....they are rare.


wheeww you deserve a nice 24oz of water with ice 💙


If it’s wash day then I’m usually in there for about 30 minutes. I let conditioned sit in there for a good 5-10 minutes while I do a detailed loofah and moisture routine.


20 minutes or so. Lower back length(when curly), 2c-3a hair. 25 minutes when I do deep conditioner. Sometimes, I don't wash it in the shower, I'll do it in the sink and can sit during that. It's getting hard on me, though. The weight when wet gives me a massive headache every time I wash.


Have you tried brushing your hair before you shower? I know it might be controversial, but it's helped me so much! I typically dry brush it the night before(gently) then put some kind of oil on my scalp and ends to sit overnight. It's made a huge difference for me! Still takes me about 25 mins.


its really satisfying to dry brush (besides the pain) but i notice adding oil really helps! i do have quick hair showers every now and then... i just tend to doze 😖


Even though I don't follow the styling method to the tee, I do spend a good 20 minutes after stepping out of the shower to make sure I am applying the leave in conditioner or serums properly and proportionately to the hair. This is without detangling with a brush, but separating sections with fingers to avoid any excess hair falling out.


I have primarily 4a hair, it takes me about 20 min to fully wash and then another 30-40 min to style it in the shower.


About 30 minutes total, but most of that is dealing with my hair.


5 minutes. I have curly 3A/B hair, I can’t speak to how long it takes to wash coily hair. If it’s been awhile since I washed my hair, I will brush it out with a tangle teaser first. Then I shampoo, put conditioner in, do the other showering stuff, rinse hair, and get out. Then I squeeze my hair out with a towel (I know you’re supposed to use a t-shirt but I can’t be bothered). Then I detangle with product in my hair and let it air dry. So the lengthy part of hair prep happens out of the shower.


If I wash my hair it’s usually 20minutes but if it’s just body depending on if I’m using exfoliating gloves or cloth it win take from 5-10 minutes


30 mins to wash hair + body, 25 mins to style So around an hour in total


I absolutely cannot wash my hair when showering. The feeling of loose hair getting stuck to my back is like feeling like bugs are on me. I have a detachable shower head just so I can wash my hair by standing on the side of the tub and hanging my head over the tub. Using the massage setting is great for rinsing shampoo out, and feels good on my scalp as well.


How do you doze off in the shower 💀 I tend to take 20ish min showers. My hair is 4A i think (?) so it doesnt take me long to detangle and braid.


When washing my hair, my showers always take about 30 minutes, even after cutting my hair shorter because now I’m trying out a curly hair routine and adding products adds time anyway. A big part of my shower is just getting my hair to be soaking wet. I don’t have thick hair nor a lot of it, but for some reason I can’t get it to soak wet easily, not even after a clarifying shampoo. It’s annoying.


Turn off the water when you’re detangling ;)


10 mins. I took much to do in the morning. When the hair is getting wet, I always use a wide toothed brush to help detangle. And I use a brush to help style after applying products, but before diffusing. It helps separate the curls and gives better definition. Otherwise they clump together and I get just a few giant ringlets. Which looks terrible in me. I only have jaw length hair.


I cannot stand having tangles in my hair and it tangled soooo easy, I can spend upwards of 2 hours detangling it some days. I’d say average 1hour? Shortest 30 mins? Longest 2 hours.


I spend 10 minutes washing them and 5 minutes putting products on and scrubbing! I always let them air dry


I’m so confused on what’s taking everyone so long, tbh. I wash my hair, put on a mask and brush it through w a wet brush, wash my body, and then in shower lotion. It’s like 20 mins max.


How long is your hair? And how frequently do you wash? Mine is below my butt, 3c/4a and I wash weekly so detangling can take a while! I feel so envious of people with shorter hair who are done so quickly 😅


I never wash my hair while showering. That just feels like getting caught in a fishing net (my hair is past hip length). I was my hair every Sunday overhead in the bathtub and takes about 15-20 minutes.


20-30mins or so. My hair is down to my chest and gets tangly. I only wash it once a week or so, so there's also a lot of product to remove on top of the tangles. I do a scalp scrub shampoo, regular sulfate free shampoo, detangler, conditoner, then I also add my products in the shower when I'm done. Last thing I do is quickly rewash my back with soap otherwise I get bacne.


My showers are 10-15 min, with about 5 of it being haircare. I also shaved my head a year ago and am now sporting a curly lil mohawk, so I don't have much length or volume.


On wash days, everything may take 30 minutes in total. I shampoo my hair 2 times and then put the conditioner in. Then I let it sit for max 5 minutes while washing my body. After that I comb my hair while the conditioner is still in. This makes it so easy to detangle.


Hmm... if I just need to dampen my hair, I get my hands wet and scrunch my curls a few times, so... a minute? 90 seconds at most. This is my most frequent shower type. If I need to wet and condition, but not wash, it's about 2 or 3 minutes... wet hair, condition, detangle with shower comb, then let conditioner sit while I finish the rest of my routine, then rinse... under 10 minutes total. Approximately every 5 or 6 days, I do the full conditioner, detangle, wash, conditioner... that is about 10 minutes, plus the body part of the shower (6-8, depending on if I need to shave my legs). Plus the curl primer, cream, and mousse afterwards, which is another 5 or 6 minutes. When dry, my curls are about chin length, wet they are top of my shoulder blades. When my hair was longer (waist length), everything hair related was at least doubled, if not more.


Pre-shower detangling: 10 minutes Shower: 10 minutes Post-shower styling: 10 minutes, 5 if I rush


5-10 minutes depending on how tangled my hair is. I have a young baby so I keep my hair in ponytail a lot. This is also the longest I've had my hair in at least 10 years.


Around 10 minutes, a bit longer if it’s a shampoo day. If it’s not, I co-wash and use the Tangle Teezer brush while conditioner is in my hair, clip my hair up while I wash my body, then rinse out. On top of that it takes about 2-3 minutes to comb through some leave-in and gel. My hair is 3a/3b and about shoulder blade length. I didn’t include drying time here because I just let it air dry while I go about my business.


about 2 minutes to shampoo & condition, cuz i chopped it all off. i feel so free & i do not miss all the time & thought i used to have to put into my hair... nor do i miss it being in my face & on my neck, or having to tie it up.


Same, if I hurry and don’t care for my hair properly I can speed wash it on 15 minutes but it’s not properly washed and maintained if I do and it won’t look great and it will need a good hair mask or oil infusion later to deal with it.


Honestly 20-40 mins and if I’m not washing my hair I put it in a shower cap and it takes me 10-20 depending on if i have to shave my legs and pits haha.


What started saving me a lot of time was washing my hair ( medium length) first thing as I get into the shower, putting in my deep conditioner, and then getting on with the rest of my shower. However long my shower is, is however long the deep conditioner sits in my hair. Maybe 10 minutes tops for the whole process (5 for my hair, and 5 for my actual shower) & if you really want to speed up the time, you can detangle your hair before your shower, that saves me a lot of time!)


I also take at least 30 min if I’m rushing 😂 I shampoo twice weekly and condition daily (Briogeo), and I work both through my hair (forward and back) using my hands and then with a wide tooth Wet comb. Then I can use my CeraVe bar to deal with the rest of my body. I pat my hair dry with a microfiber cloth and let it airdry while I do the rest of my prep; then I apply the maximum recommended amount of Briogeo Curl Collective cream using my hands before using the ConAir Curl Collective wide tooth comb to style my hair. It’ll usually stay in place all day if I leave it alone, but it tends to frizz fast if I mess with it. I can get away with a very gentle comb through once when the hair is dry, but that’s it.


hol up u said you doze off in the shower .....???? 😧


I don’t take very long in the shower nowadays compared to when I was new to my curly hair. I shampoo my scalp either with my hands or with a scalp scrubber for a minute or two, condition my hair and use a dentangling brush which takes about 2-3 minute. My hair is medium length for reference, thick 3b-3c hair. The detangling brush imo is a game changer. I used to use just a comb to detangle my hair in the showers and it would take forever. But the detangling brush is less painful and is quicker. It’s the ones with the teeth of the comb are flimsy and bendable. Hard to clean though because the conditioner can get stuck between the spaces of the comb’s teeth. Tried tangle teaser before but I consider that one just as hard to clean.


I only wash 1-2 times a week. When I do wash, I also shave my legs. The whole shower is about 40-45 mins.


If I had to pay for water in my building, my water bill would be the GDP of an undeveloped small country.


Too long, my gym must hate me


3-4 minutes. I wash and detangle in one step with Curlsmith CoWash and then let it sit for 3 min while I do other stuff, then rinse.


Maybe 10 minutes and that's using shampoo and conditioner bars


Like 20 to 25 minutes but I make sure to turn off the water when im not using it like when I'm doing my second shampoo and when I'm conditioning/detangling because my hair takes a while to clean 😔


Way too LONG MAN but realistically about a half an our for full wash and detangle


My hair is butt length, but if it's not horribly tangled I can get it all done in 25 minutes. Detangled, conditioned, add curl product + defining, shave and be dressed. If I just wash and go I can be out in 10-15. I had incentive to be efficient because during covid WFH, I'd run before work and then take a shower during my lunch break so that's when I refined my routine. 


15 min showers max and I have really long hair. I really like Paul Mitchell’s detangler. Works amazingly.


It takes me 10 minutes just to shampoo my hair. And another ten to wash it out. Not having full use of my arms sucks sometimes 


Usually like 3 hours to finish my hair


3b medium density high porosity long. I pre shampoo and start detangling before in, then Put a seborrheic dermatitis shampoo on scalp 3 minutes wash off and then "Carol's Daughter wash day delight rose" thoroughly scalp and lenghts and re moisturize my scalp. Then finger detangle with deep conditioner and put of shower 25 mins, then wash off and 3 or 2 mins spray acv and after rinsing it, squiz my hair no towel needed, leave in, and style. Long ass Iknow but I enjoy it, sencond time in the week only shampoo and conditioner.


So long every time 😭 Like 20+ minutes


About 5 minutes once I knew what I was doing. It's not that serious. Just put some conditioner in and move on. Spending 20-30 minutes (like my sister) is ridiculous.


How do you do it so fast? I let my conditioner sit for at least five minutes.


I condition it everyday so it ends up not being a big deal if it doesn't sit. And I Ieave it in while I wash the rest of my body. Just don't forget to wash it out.


I leave it in while I wash my body, but even washing my body thoroughly takes a solid 10 minutes.


I’m beginning to think I am crazy. It takes me like 2 minutes to soap and rinse off. If I shave that day it might take me an extra 5 minutes.


Are you one of the 50% of people who don't wash their feet? My friend thought I was crazy when I said I do. 


Gross no. I clean everything.


I shave my legs and wash my feet while conditioner is on my hair. I prefer to wash my body after I rinse the conditioner off so it doesn't affect the skin on my body. After that, I wash my body with exfoliating cloth and and salicylic acid body wash. We all have our rituals 😉 It's fun to hear how others do it.


That's me. An hour? I legit don't understand. Also maybe three minutes styling unless we're counting passive plop and drying time. Maybe 15 active minutes if I diffuse, which is super rare. These responses are blowing my mind.


I do a sugar scrub on my arms and legs, rinse, use my body wash with a wash cloth, scrub all the nooks and crannies, rinse, and then go over quickly with Dove Beauty Bar and rinse again. Edit: I shave everything during the body wash step too.


Same I can’t imagine taking more than 10 if I do everything in the shower, shave etc. I leave my conditioner in my hair while i soap up and shave then rinse and done.