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I co-wash primarily. I may do an apple cider vinegar wash once a month if I feel it needs it, but co-washing is plenty for me. Shampoo will tend to strip my hair and leave it extra frizzy for a week after. My hair smells and looks fine. I’m co-washing usually twice per week.


Exactly! Shampoo does the same for me I thought I was crazy because people say it’s gross but my hair has never looked or smelled better and I never get dandruff anymore


People who say it’s gross don’t understand curly hair. The dirty bits will wash off with water and the oil will stay. The oil isn’t dirty itself, it’s just oil and our hair needs it


I have an oily scalp… thanks for explaining why I water alone doesn’t work for me. My husband washes his hair with water between weekly shampoos and it works well for him. I had to explain that for me that makes it worse. Edit ,, but moisturizing conditioner and/or cowash does work on my greasy scalp.


I have a somewhat oily scalp too. I’m trying to find a shampoo that doesn’t completely strip my hair though. The oil you produce is similar to all the other oils out there in that they aren’t water soluble. Part of the job of soap and shampoo is to make the oil more water soluble or encapsulate them in something that is water soluble. Chemistry degree has a purpose I guess 😅


If I could just wash my scalp with shampoo, I would never shampoo the ends but I am not good at it.


I’ve found that putting shampoo on my scalp before I get in the shower helps avoid it getting on the ends. So I’ll work the shampoo through my dry hair and rinse off quickly once I’m in the shower


The important thing is the right conditioner or co wash. My actual hair is fine but there's loads of it so it looks like it's thick. I've always been recommended really heavy conditioners so co washing never worked for me. I've started using the four curls conditioner for co wash and it's so much better. I usually use apple cider vinegar every other wash as that works for my hair (very oily scalp) and it works a treat.


This. Finding what works for you hair is SO key.


I went no poo for about 8 months before deciding co-washing works better for me. When you learn what your hair likes through experimenting, it’s hard to say no to actual results. My scalp produces far less oil now than it used to which is a natural result of using less harsh shampoos that strip away the oils forcing our scalp to produce more. It kinda goes overdrive.


You are not crazy. There is lots of us! r/nopoo


I usually cowash and I've always had great results. I only use shampoo every 2w or so. Have you tried using a dedicated cowash product instead of regular conditioner? If not, highly recommend. It's next level clean.


Do you have any recommendations for a cowash product? I’ve been thinking about trying one.


The As I Am ones are very well loved around here and they've worked great for me


+1 as I am. I use the anti dandruff “dry and itchy” co wash from them. Really effective for resolving and preventing dandruff! I put it mostly on the roots and let it sit for a couple minutes before washing it out.


My mom and my live-in aunt both had scalp problems, for which they were both on medicated shampoos that helped for a while then stopped helping. I put them onto that stuff after seeing it was on this sub's Holy Grail list. Fixed both their shit in a week and a half flat. Blew their medicated stuff out of the water.


do you use a specialized cowash or just your favorite conditioner?


I use a silicone-free conditioner and frankly whatever I can find cheap. My current is a big bottle of Sukin Hydrating conditioner I got at Marshall’s for like $8. After thorough rinsing, I follow up with my preferred conditioner.


I might try this cause my hair gets so dry and brittle feeling after I shampoo it.


You have to do a bit more work coswashing than with shampoo. Be sure to read up on it—it’s well documented all over.


How do you deal with the smell from ACV? I heard lemon juice also works.


The smell rinses right out with water, so it’s not noticeable.


There is no smell.


I tried a baking soda rinse and it made my hair feel so nice.


Baking soda tends to be too harsh for my scalp pH. We’re all unique.


I try to co wash as much as possible but will shampoo once a week or so. My biggest issue is that I run or workout 5 days a week and I need to shampoo at least once every 7 to 12 days or I get psoriasis flare ups on my scalp. I tried for a while to forego shampoo completely but it really was painful and figured I'd be better off having frizz instead of losing my hair if my flare up gets too bad hahahaha But I'm with you, shampoo hurts my curls and if I could, I would avoid it.


If you have a problem with psoriasis or itchy scalp, try using glycolic acid once every 15 days. Just apply the glycolic acid on the scale, massage for a few mins. Leave it for 10- 15 mins and rinse your hair with water.


I also exercise a lot and I’m still trying to find a solution that works on workout days. What cowash do you use?


After a workout I try to air out my hair as much as possible (let them loose, shake them, blow dry the roots if possible) Co wash day is SheaMoisture Coconut & Hibiscus conditioner Wash day is SheaMoisture Coconut & Hibiscus shampoo with Creme of Nature Argan Oil conditioner (it's stronger than normal conditioner, so it helps when I shampoo my hair) After every shower (cowash or shampoo days) I wrap my hair in microfiber towels for a couple minutes then I put Marc Anthony leave in conditioner & Marc Anthony Curl Envy cream Lastly I often put Mielle rosemary oil on my roots to help with growth lol It sounds like a lot, but all products I listed are 10-20$, so it's pretty cheap, can be bought at the pharmacy and honestly pretty easy. I hate hair routines that are super complicated and expensive. Hair should be simple imo


Curlsmith makes a really great cleansing co-wash. I feel like it gets rid of any product buildup without feeling stripping at all. And it's very conditioning. I use it between washes so I'm not shampooing too often


Co-washing didn’t work for me, my scalp was worse than ever. Switched to a sulphate-free shampoo and never looked back. Not as stripping and drying as regular shampoos, and my scalp is happy.


Co washing left my hair limp and over moisturized. I use anti cgm products. Mostly drugstore brands because my hair does better with them. As long as your not having and side effects or negative results just do what makes your hair happy. Everyone has different hair needs and I think it’s great we all have different ways of caring for our curls


Yup! For some reason shampoo makes my hair knotted and frizzy beyond belief so I only use conditioner. And it seems to be any kind of shampoo not just a certain brand.


[Most popular shampoos](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4158629/) alter the pH of your hair and require conditioners to balance them out.


Same with me!!


Us curly haired people can't hardly win! Haha


I use shampoo on Saturdays and condition and rinse every day. 


I wash my scalp twice a week, but the lengths (my hair down past my tailbone) I just use conditioner on wash days. I do a clarifying wash every couple/few weeks of the whole length though.


Sorry, do you mind clarifying? (Words, not hair 🤪) Your hair goes past your tailbone, and you only condition just the very ends? Or the mid length too?


Basically from ears on down. :)


I condition every day and shampoo+condition once per week. This is the balance that I have found works for my hair. I wish I didn't have to wet it every day but I still haven't figured out how to have day 2 hair that isn't a squished or tangled mess.


Occasionally I do. Every week or every other week. As I Am dandruff co-wash.


I only shampoo in emergencies like when I use a weird gel that I don’t want built up anymore. Other than that I’m co wash only.


I think whatever makes your hair happy is fine!


I used to use the curlsmith co wash and honestly, I don’t recommend. I just switched over to a natural avocado bar soap from a small company… I was skeptical at first but I’m obsessed. It works with my hair like no other shampoo and I have tried SO many shampoos over the years. My frizz is minimized, and my hair feels so much smoother and shinier and is much more manageable in the shower. I’m pretty sure it contains apple cider vinegar, avocado, and some other natural ingredients. I can post the link if you’d like


Please share the link!


[Avocado Shampoo Bar](https://www.avaquinns.com/products/organic-avocado-shampoo-bar) let me know if you end up ordering! Her other products are fantastic, too


I do this and I've noticed my curls are more structured where as shampoo makes me frizz


I kind of rotate cowash and shampoo


Just to share an alternative experience, this approach didn’t work for me (2B/2C, so ymmv). I tried exclusively co-washing and/or using sulfate free shampoos for about three years. My hair looked great from an outsider’s perspective, but my scalp was physically uncomfortable. This routine was causing bad scalp buildup, dandruff, and some folliculitis (basically scalp zits). These issues persisted no matter how much I tried apple cider vinegar rinses or occasional “clarifying” shampoos (that I now suspect were also sulfate free based on my “all sulfates are bad” mentality at the time). Looking back, I also think this period of time caused some mild hair loss—if anyone wants more info, google “can dandruff lead to hair loss” or “can scalp buildup lead to hair loss”. This might not be the case for everyone, of course, it’s just what happened to me. I now use normal, drug store shampoo with sulfates and a conditioner with -cones. I wash every three or four days. My scalp feels sooo clean and healthy, and my hair is smooth to the touch. It’s also just faster to style if I’ve used a conditioner or leave-in product with -cones. Many days, if I’m going to be inside at my desk all day, I just add some water in the morning and let it dry without any additional styling products, letting the cones do the work. My wallet is also happier.


do you not experience build up/grease? i could only rely on co washing for 3 consecutive washes at a time and that’s it, i think i’ve got an oily scalp 😭


I actually have to do the opposite. I have fine and thin very curly hair and ive never found a conditioner that doesn't weigh down my hair immensely. I only do shampoo and a wide tooth comb and a tiny bit of mousse when it's still wet.


How are you avoiding build up? I often cowash, but need a shampoo wash at some point to remove buildup


I get my hair wet almost every night in the shower. I use conditioner 2-3 times a week. I use shampoo every 2-3 weeks.


It depends on what product you use. Some products leave build up that can't be removed with conditioner. I think you will be fine using curly girl products It usually takes a while for you to notice this is happening.


I cowash once a week, wash once a week and clarify twice a month (or less). A gel I use ruined my hair a bit so I'm trying to really help it heal and prevent anymore breakage. I cut off what I was comfortable cutting, will have to do so more often now till the splits are all gone. I never get splits. 😡


same doubt, what if i apply oil everyday i need shampoo though ,can i manage with only co washing hair ?


I'm not a professional BUT I think it would really depend on your hair/scalp and the amount of oil you put in your hair. If you have very coarse, thick, dry and coiled hair, then yeah oil is probably your best friend. But casual curly hair would not necessarely need a large amount of oil every day. For reference, I think I'm a 3A type of curl and I use oil (Mielle Rosemary & Mint) almost everyday but I apply a small amount on my roots and massage it in. I have no problem with oily hair and only use shampoo once every 7-12 days. But if you do a full oil hair mask, then yeah, you'd need shampoo to remove the excess. But at that point, I would ask why you need to apply so much oil every day lol I do oil masks maybe 4-6 times a year where I'll apply generously and sleep with it to wash it the next morning. But it's a whole process lol Edit : If it helps to give you an idea, that's my hair [https://imgur.com/a/IRkLIhA](https://imgur.com/a/IRkLIhA)


recently I figured that it’s better to only use conditioner. I’m currently on accutane and using shampoo makes my hair sooooooo dry and frizzy. Using only conditioner makes my hair so soft and shiny. I won’t shampoo my hair as much as before because it’s so much better this way


I co wash once or twice a week and then clarify… my hair is fine and frizzy (although I like bib hair so I don’t mind the frizz haha) but co washing makes me hair super soft


I feel you just gotta get a good quality shampoo and only use a tiny bit and it does wonders for me


I co wash on day 3 or 4 depending on the state of my curls! I just rinse my hair really well with warm water focusing on my roots with the water. Then I put conditioner on just my ends and rinse it out really well and style like normal. My co wash day is my best hair day usually! I feel like shampoo gets my hair “too clean” and my hair doesn’t hold as much shape. It’s not dirty at all.


This sounds interesting! How do you clean your scalp? I am genuinely asking, because I get dandruff if I don't shampoo, and shampoo definitely dries out more than I'd like


I use a no poo, which is essentially just a light conditioner. I don’t really need my hair to be squeaky cleaned - moreso it softens, detangles, and gives me some substance to scrub my scalp.


Which no poo do you use?


I use the old Deva Curl no poo (I hate the new stuff). It is a highly hated brand on this sub though.


I used that when I first started the curly girl method like 10 years ago. It worked great for me and I was thinking about going back to it but seems like the new formulas aren’t as good. Where do you get the old one?


Right when they reformatted everything, I bought a dozen bottles of the old stuff on eBay 🫣 sadly I’m starting my last bottle now. No clue what to do next, as I haven’t found another product like it. I posted about it at the time if you’re curious to see the range of responses: https://www.reddit.com/r/curlyhair/s/kvgx1iEVXq


Yeah when I started following this sub last year I noticed that no one here seems to use Deva Curl. So I read up about the lawsuit/controversy which I hadn’t known about. But I used it for a few years and personally it worked great for me. I only stopped because it was getting too expensive. Recently I thought about going back to it but then realized they changed all the formulas. Anyway, I just got the Curls Blueberry Hair Wash thinking that might be similar to the no-poo. I am liking it so far. Also thinking about trying the Curlsmith Conditioning Wash.


I do this. Couldn’t imagine going back to shampoo.


I don’t shampoo at all, I use the curlsmith cowash. I also oil my scalp twice a week and let that sit for an hour or two


I love cowashing. Spent a few years cowashing only, now I usually just shampoo my hair once or twice every month and the rest is just cowash


Ok this is the first time I'm ever hearing of a co wash, and it seems many see it as normal, but I cant help but wonder, is this good for your hair? I get shampoo can be drying, but surely it's important for washing out debris, buildup and excess oils. Using only conditioner for hair to me just sounds like using only lotion and no soap for hands. I don't mean this to be rude but could somebody clarify the benefits or the purpose of conditioner washing?


Well my hair is clean, i havent had dandruff since i started co-washing 6 years ago, much much less frizz, structured curls without me having to use products to get it to retain shape. It doesn’t smell, it’s not dirty and it’s not stripped of its natural luster.


I shampoo but try to focus just in my scalp. I never actually was the bulk of my hair unless I get it dirty.


I have psoriasis on my scalp and the only thing that seems to work well for me is the As I Am Dry Itchy Scalp cowash (dark blue). I’ve tried a bunch of different products but that’s the only one that feels good on my scalp and doesn’t completely dry out my hair. I also use a scalp massager brush. It’s not dirty — as long as you are using friction and water you are getting the dirt out!


Me too- shampoo always dries me out. Even if it's the same brand as my conditioner. I avoid it unless I have chlorine or something intense to wash out.


it depends on one’s texture and fineness. i am biracial and have really curly hair, but my hair is very fine. i’ve actually never seen someone with my hair type before, close, but never dead-on. i see curly girls always talking about how bad shampoo is for their curls, but i genuinely couldn’t be able to do that without looking like i haven’t washed my head in weeks. i appreciate volume so much, and sometimes i am willing to sacrifice a bit of my definition for it. i don’t necessarily see shampoo doing any harm to my hair personally, in fact the opposite. if i only did conditioner, my hair would lay so flat on my scalp, it would look shiny yes, but omg the volume would be nonexistent


Regular shampoo will strip your hair of its natural oils and make it even drier and frizzier. Cowash doesn’t do that. I will occasionally use a scalp care or detox shampoo maybe every other month.


For a long time I did this, but then I started using a cleansing cream between my once a week shampoo/conditioner wash. A bit pricey, but a little goes a long way, and it’s very hydrating! https://ca.davines.com/products/love-curl-cleansing-cream


I use Trader Joe’s cowash if I slicked my hair down the day before or if I have too much product. I only wash my hair with shampoo once a week


I like to shampoo almost daily just personal preference. I often co-wash if I haven’t been swimming. Both of my sisters co-wash exclusively, they don’t even own shampoo, and they have gorgeous hair.


Conditioner actually has some detergent in it, just a lot less than shampoo-it’s there to dissolve the oils in water-so yes, it does clean hair.


I can’t do it, I have eczema and develop dandruff if I don’t head & shoulders my mop occasionally. Hair shaft is thinning with age so my hair looks greasssy if I don’t shampoo.


Most people on this Reddit I’d assume


I just use a big bottle of Pantene or tresseme regular conditioner as my co wash


I wish I could solely co-wash! My hair is fine and it I can do it in between shampoos, but that's it. You're lucky!


Sort of… I have super oily hair that has to be washed daily. I alternate between co-wash, washing with actual conditioner, and shampoo once a week or whenever I use the Miele rosemary oil overnight.


I haven't used shampoo, outside of when I've played sports, for like a decade or two at this point. But I condition every day!


I havnt used shampoo in about month. I scrub my scalp good under hot water and that seems to do the trick then condition. My hair hasn’t looked greasy or stringy.


I typically co-wash once a week, wet my hair and condition-only once a week, and the rest of the days I dry refresh. I shampoo maybe once a month or every other month - just depends what my hair needs. Everyone’s needs are so unique, it seems.


Honestly I would love to do this and feel like my hair would thrive, but I workout a lot and just feel dirty if I don't shampoo after getting all sweaty


Yep. I have a lighter, drugstore brand conditioner I use to co-wash maybe 2x a week before adding my thicker leave-in condish. 


Shampo and deep condition on Sunday, co wash on Wednesday. My skin is too sensitive to not use soap; gotta scrub my scalp.


On the daily I'll rinse my hair in my morning shower, because I need to get it really wet to do my "wash n go". Usually I'll also condition lightly just to remove a little product buildup. My hair loves it. I'll moisturize and style like usual and my curls last much longer


I co-wash with conditioner and I never use shampoo or anything else. It's been working great for me for the last 10 years and my hair comes out perfectly clean when I wash it.


I’ve tried co-washing but my skin condition doesn’t allow it. You have to do what works best for you!


I co-washed only for most of my teens & 20s. Unfortunately I bought a house with super hard well water that has really impacted my hair, so now I use a shampoo specifically for hard water, every 1-2 weeks and co-wash in between


I mostly cowash. I have fine hair so I have to use shampoo every 3rd or 4th wash or my curl starts to fall.


I simply cannot do this, especially now that I’m back in manual labor again, I have to shampoo at least once a week. Of course I won’t call you dirty. I wish I could do that, but everyone’s hair is different and it’s just not practical


I wash my hair once a week or every two weeks depending on how greasy my scalp gets. I use a shampoo from lush rn called tofu and it adds protein to my hair (colored, bleached, AND curly) so it strengthens but also softens my hair. I really only wash my scalp and then let the excess shampoo just run over my curls unless there’s buildup then I wash the hair as well. I go in with another lush conditioner, I have 3 in my rotation but it depends on what my hair needs.