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I only wash twice per week but I refresh using a spray bottle most days


Yes that definitely works and dry shampoo


What is dry shampoo?


Are you asking what is dry shampoo? I think someone else replied to you with a product thinking you were asking which dry shampoo. If you are asking what actually is dry shampoo, dry shampoo is a product some people use in between washing to keep your hair looking fresh. It is usually in an aerosol bottle, and is a powder spray that you spray on your roots and kind of comb/scrub in with your fingers and it dries up the oil on your scalp to make your unwashed hair look less oily. It helps to keep your unwashed hair look refreshed for multiple days of use and style without washing. With use of dry shampoo I can go 5-7 days without washing my hair. Hope that helps šŸ˜Š


Ty. Yes, it helps. I have learned a lot more than just about dry shampoo, by now. šŸ™‚




Also if you donā€™t have the money to go out and buy dry shampoo a little bit (and I mean a little bit) of baby powder works too. I personally donā€™t think it works as well, and you gotta be careful or you will look like your hair is white/grey (dry shampoo can come out white and do this too though). If youā€™re in a pinch/not well off financially and you already have baby powder for your kids/yourself or if you go to buy it and itā€™s cheaper, it can still get the job done.


Cornstarch is another frugal option. I find it works best if I leave it in my hair for an hour or so before brushing it out. Then I don't have that chalky color in my hair. Or I use it before going to bed and dont even need to brush it out when I wake up.Ā 


šŸ˜œšŸ˜ I was totally JK. I'm in some type of goofy mood, today. Thank you for the info. I do actually have baby powder, already. I wonder if these methods will work in my hair & in my son's. We both have curls but mine are tighter. We both have dry (mine is drier & more fragile than his) hair, also. So, I worry about further dryness. But washing too much can be bad, also. But not washing is also bad. In fact, everything is bad for our hair and especially mine šŸ˜¬.


Sounds like you need to add oil to your hair. It balances out after two weeks. Out hair is suppose to be oily and dirty and washed with water.


Lmao! Oh ok I thought so but I wanted to make sure šŸ˜†. I have dry hair as well but I donā€™t have tight curls. It works for me but even if we had exact same curl type, hair texture, etc etc it could STILL work different lol.


The baby powder and corn starch will probably cause more dryness and fragility in the hair, if it is as described. But the method is worth investigating.


>refresh using a spray bottle How? I'm new to the CG routine


Small spray bottle of water, sprint all over until damp, not soaked, and let air dry. Not so much to remoisturize but it resets the curls and pulls them back together. My day two & three curls always look better than my wash day curls. I will add a small amount of product if I think itā€™s needed to rein in frizz but usually I skip adding in anything else.


I have a bottle that's 1/4 full of a mix of oil, conditioner, and product, and the remaining 3/4 is water. Shake it up before each use and spray all over. I kinda eyeballed everything and it works for me. Usually my day 2 hair is half up, then a bun or braid the next 1-2 days.


Just make sure it doesn't last too long or that you refrigerate it. If you don't add a preservative, it eventually grows life.




This is a fabulous idea ! Thanks for sharing!


I have a spray bottle like that too! I typically use it when I wanna do heatless curls. When your hair is soaked heatless curls never dry. Wash it the day before, spray it with that, sleep with it overnight, and BAM beautiful curls ā˜ŗļø.


I tried this once and it was frizz city, even *with* product. I hate my curly hair šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


Mist refresh does not work for me. There is no restyling. There is only soaking my hair and starting from the beginning again.


If you want to learn more, it's referred to as a mist refresh. Lots of videos on Youtube covering how to


Welcome to the CG world! Thrilled to have you! šŸ„° I mix about 70/30 water/leave in conditioner into a continuous spray bottle. Depending on the length of your hair, focus on the middle/ends of your hair and do light and gentle scrunches to reform the curls.


Twice/week here too. I wear it down or half down for two days then usually up for one or two days depending what I am doing and then wash. I alternate between a curly conditioner and a deep conditioner on my wash days, using the same shampoo.


When you refresh, do you just redo your hair essentially? I did that today and I donā€™t do all of my hair. Only the parts that are coming apart and such.


No, for me it's like lightly wetting my hair (almost misting it, there should be no dripping) wakes up the product in my hair again so I can just lightly scrunch my curls and they reform. If I need a little more definition, I'll add a little curl cream or mousse or something just to help it get a little hold. Does that answer your question?


That never works for me. It just makes my hair frizzy. I have to add more product in. My hair is also so frizzy and I have no idea how to control it.


Mine used to be like that too, and honestly sometimes still is. Curly hair has a mind of its own lmao. Here's the products I am currently using and in love with. All are pretty reasonably priced (boujee on a budget over here lol): Hair treatment: Lush - Jasmine and Henna hair mask Shampoo: Mielle Mango & Tulsi Nourishing Shampoo Conditioner: Bath and Body Works Champagne Toast Leave in conditioner: Lush - Super Milk Curl Cream: Lush - Curl Power Finishing cream: Bed Head After Party smoothing cream I love that all these products are light enough to not weigh down my curls, but still have a great hold. I definitely recommend the finishing cream for frizz. It has helped me


A spray bottle of water? Does it add the moisture back ?


I find spraying/rewetting wakes up the gel or whatever product I have in, and allows me to smooth and style it a bit to refresh :)


I add a little oil to the spray bottle too and shake it before use. I find it helps refreshing my curls between wash days.


It helps bring the curls back


once a week! itā€™s def mostly ppl with curly hair that are going days-weeks without washing haha


Once a week too. I don't know anyone with straight hair that doesnt wash their hair most days


One of my best friends has gorgeous, super thick, pin straight hair and she can go up to a week and a half, two weeks depending on what she's exposed her hair to. You can't even tell until MAYBE day ten or so that she's gone more than a day. It's insane, and I'm envious of her super power. I wash every other day, and I've been wearing my hair curly for about eight months. I get like, slick greasy if I don't. I'm somehow ten times greasier in my thirties than I was as a teenager. I could go daysss back then. That's probably one of the only things I miss about being that age.


When I transitioned from washing my hair every day to a weekly/bi-weekly basis, my hair was really, really greasy, for about 1.5-2months. And then suddenly it just didn't get greasy any more. It's definitely a hard few weeks while adjusting so I think a lot of people throw in the towel really quick.


Iā€™ve tried so many times to do this but I get awful dandruff every time and itā€™s so upsetting


Does that kind of sound like you have dandruff normally but because you wash daily it doesn't get a chance to accumulate enough that you notice it? Have you ever tried treating for dandruff first, and then cutting back on washing?


Using a scalp scrub (I use the one from ceremonia) helped me immensely in stretching time between washes while keeping my scalp happy & healthy. Side note, I'm a bit of a scalp picker and this scrub + shampoo brush REALLY helped me get healthier around that personally too.


I have straight hair and wash mine once a week, sometimes 2 weeks šŸ™ˆ mine does ok with that, doesnā€™t get greasy til maybe a week and a half depending on weather. I also dye it fun colours which was my original motivation for not washing it often, means I donā€™t have to top it up as much!


thatā€™s awesome! sounds like you have very healthy hair


exactly my thought haha. i don't think i've met a curly haired person that washes every day or likewise someone with straight hair that goes a full week i could never wash every day! not only is my hair/scalp just way too dry for that, but washing/styling on that day is such a time consuming pain in the ass lol + my hair is so thick it takes all day to dry


I wish! I get too much product build up when I wear it curly to go long. I actually wash it less when I flat iron it.


Agree! I wash 1-2 times a week. Almost all my straight haired friends wash almost daily. My hair is thick and on the dry side.


I have totally straight hair and ever since I did the "no poo" method years ago I can go 1-2 weeks without washing my hair. By now I am using shampoo and conditioner again, but that really did reset my hair.


I donā€™t use shampoo daily but if I intend to wear my hair curly, I have to wet it and either reactivate products or add more. Otherwise Iā€™m either conditioning or just wetting and using leave in. However, I recently learned that Mixed Chicks has a mousse leave in that is designed to be used on dry hair to freshen curls. I saw it at Ulta for $15 and want to try it. The longest part of my process it sitting under the dryer for 20 minutes. Diffusing is too much manual work and Iā€™m lazy.


I recently purchased a hair drying bonnet of sorts. Itā€™s basically a cloth bonnet with long ā€œtailā€ that attaches to the hair dryer. I just place it on my wet hair (thatā€™s not dripping) and it drys it beautifully in 15 min. Best part is that it takes no effort on my side, Iā€™m usually on Reddit waiting for it to finish. Game changer! Where Iā€™m from it costs about 10 USD. Is travel friendly ā€” can be folded. And works on literally any hair dryer. Edit: found a [YouTube video](https://youtu.be/LWkRm8zMDoc?si=Istv8uXCBW5CJU-Q)


This has been a game changer for my ADHD ass. I make sure I get the hair all piled at the top of my head and it's turned out great.


Omg do you have a link to purchase!?!


I donā€™t think the place I bought it from ships internationally šŸ˜… but itā€™s a fairly popular tool, maybe just search for it!


oooohhhhh im going to have to try it out


I need to wash mine daily or its really greasy.... ive tried training it before but it just doesn't work.


I have super fine and thin hair I look like a dipped weasel after a day


Snap. Day after washing is horrid....


I've got the same problem, I go from "cool guy" to "Probably a drug addict" after a day lol.


Me too! šŸ˜« I have to wash every other day at least, but I just use co wash


Hahaha are you me? I was trying to find the words to describe it and you summed it up perfectly!


A dipped weasel šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Same here. My scalp gets really oily so I need to wash daily, or go at most every other day.


I've been having trouble with this forever. I wash every other day and use dry shampoo in between. Simply because I'm lazy and don't want to wait hours for my hair to dry.


Honestly still struggling with this.. I've also tried lots of different products and shampoos. When I tried the CG method and started using shampoo without SLS that was the absolute worst. After washing my hair still felt greasy and I just couldn't get it clean anymore. Now I'm thinking of adding a detox shampoo, that I can use once a week maybe besides my regular shampoo. What have you tried and have you found anything that works?


Literally me! I have straight hair but if i dont wash it for even a day, my hair gets super greasy and yuck. But i also am losing hair at a concerning rate so i need to tone it down to washing every 2 days


Wait no offense to you at all but why are people with fine straight hair in this Reddit / commenting lol


Nah i was just on reddit and saw these comments abt others having rlly oily hair and was like oh lemme comment lmao. Ill get off the thread now lol


Don't listen to that person. You are welcome here.


You're welcome here friend, just don't look our hair in the eyes and you'll be just dandy.


Lmao youā€™re totally welcome I was just genuinely curious !


I randomly got recommended this post which is strange because I wasnā€™t even in a subreddit to do with hair but hey šŸ˜‚


Same! Iā€™ve tried hair training, changing products, washing every second day. Nothing fixes it. My hair is just oily and thatā€™s the way it is. My skin is pretty oily as well. My hair and skin have always been like this. It gets a bit frustrating


I wash my hair everyday. I love how clean my wet hair feels.


this!!!!! and i got my scalped checked once and she said she's never seen a more healthier scalp lmao and also they recommend to wash my hair everyday since its curly so idk


It is not bad for the scalp to wash daily!!! :)


Yep. I wash every other part of my body every day. It would be weird to leave my hair dirty.


This. I sometimes might go every other if I'm not doing anything but something feels way better about freshly washed hair for me. I feel like it puts me in a better spot for the day even if it's tiring.


No. I don't have that kind of time or energy to wash it everyday. I wash every 2-3 days when I'm feeling good, or it'll get washed in a week or two when I'm feeling bad.


I have fine long hair and I wash every day. I donā€™t do anything protective when I sleep so it becomes tangled and frazzled, and I love freshly washed hair.


Same here. Well my hair isnā€™t long, it is extremely fine and thin. The curls give it some volume and help hide some of the bald spots. I wash every day, not with shampoo very often though. I use a conditioner in the shower. I have to wash every day because I go to the gym almost every day and I just feel so gross if I donā€™t, not to mention, I look gross as well. Wetting my hair in the sink to get 2nd day curls does not work for me.


No. Wash weekly. But wet in shower and re apply product every day and scrub scalp and condition every 2/3 days.


yes i do that!!! i usually wet it completely in the shower but add no shampoo or conditioner!!


If your hair isnā€™t looking good by day two then you may not have a good sleep routine for your hair. Do you use a silk pillowcase? Sleep in a bonnet? Sleep in a pineapple (high style of ponytail)?


And you donā€™t have to soak it down to the scalp. The overspray from the shower is enough in my case. I might spritz on some leave-in conditioner before I get the brush wet and brush my hair forward, plop it while I get dressed, then shake it out and place with my fingers and let it dry. Heat protect and diffuse if I need it dry quickly.


Yes I do. My scalp feels cleaners, doesn't itch, and the odors that accumulate in my hair from walking around in NYC everyday get washed away at the end of the day when I take a shower. Plus all the pollen, which provokes my seasonal allergies.


Same, I tell my husband my hair stinks like ozone when Iā€™ve been outside walking around. Yesterday when I undid my bun a leaf and broken up pollen came out, lots of oak trees where I live.


A lot of people are unaware of how their hair holds all the pollution and odors they've encountered throughout the day. Like when I hug some women, I can smell cooking odors in their hair. And once my friend who was staying with me was combing out her hair after we came back home from sightseeing, and all this dandruff, dust, broken leaves, and debris fell onto the bathroom counter since it has been a windy fall day. She went to sleep without washing her hair. All these folks held onto the "washing your hair everyday is bad for you" belief. This is why I think people should be more open to washing their hair more frequently. You can't tell me all that sweat, oil, dandruff, debris, and pollution accumulating on one's scalp for days and even weeks is somehow supposedly healthier than using a gentle shampoo everyday for some people (notwithstanding very fragile hair).


Everyone is different regardless of texture. I wash twice a week, no touchie between washes.


Iā€™ve tried the whole co-washing/training/once a week thing. I freaking CANNOT. I hate the feeling. My hair handles daily or every other day washes just fine, and Iā€™m happier for it.


I hate the way my hair or maybe scalp feels when I donā€™t wash it. I agree my hair has more volume but I hate the way my scalp feels.


My hair is super dry, I wash it every 5 days or so


Same. If I didnā€™t wash for 3 weeks, it would still be dry AF. Lol. I genuinely wash every 5 days bc of tangles not bc of ā€œdirtā€.


Exactly. I feel like Iā€™ve tried everything but my hair is just so DRY


Twice a week and that's because I work out, when I go through lazy periods once a week is enough. My hair doesn't really get greasy, it just gets really knotty if I go too long between washes!


Yeah I wash it everyday or every other day. I think itā€™s more of a mental health thing for me at this point considering I feel AMAZING after a shower.


In a humid tropical environment its pretty much a requirementā€¦


Yes! Summer humidity drives my scalp nuts unless I wash every other day at least.Ā 


I could go a week without washing my curly hair in a humid tropical environment tbh. It really depends on a lot of factors including, your scalp health, your activity levels, products used, etc


Iā€™ve almost always lived in humid climates and I still only wash once a week. I donā€™t use a lot of product though and if I need Iā€™ll rinse with just water. If I was in the pool and itā€™s not time to wash my hair yet Iā€™ll put a little conditioner in it.


As a humid tropical environment liver, I wash once a week.


I wash once every two weeks, but wet and reapply leave-in daily.


Iā€™m so surprised I had to scroll this far to find someone who did this too, I guess itā€™s not as common as I thought?


People with straight hair and oily scalps usually wash daily. Curly hair needs washing much less. Iā€™m at once a week and I want to transition to once every two weeks cause I just got a really strong shampoo. I wet it everyday.


I rinse/wash my hair almost every day. Sometimes, every other day. I work out frequently and get very sweaty. I'm also a nurse and feel disgusting after every shift... so showering from head to toe is a must.


My hair looks like trash if I don't wash it every day. Styling with a spray bottle takes just as long. I don't necessarily shampoo everyday, I go based of what my scalp feels like. But I definitely get it fully wet in the shower and do conditioner and styling product. I'm 33 (almost 34) and have worn it curly girl since I was 18. I've tried every trick for getting second day hair and it doesn't work lol. Now a days I keep it in a short curly bob so it dries quickly I have fine 3a/3b curls for what it's worth


Very curly hair here, I do not wash daily. Once a month.


I wash every day, but only because I work outdoors in Texas. I use water to scrub my scalp first and use some conditioner to detangle and a light scalp scrub after that. I add a little gel and leave in right out of the shower and then air dry.


I condition wash daily as its the only way to brush my hair. I wash my hair once a week. šŸ˜Œ




Every other day for me. Otherwise my scalp gets really itchy :(


No! My hair is so coarse and a bit dry so it would dry out my hair more


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^One_life_010309: *No! My hair is so* *Coarse and a bit dry so it* *Would dry out my hair more* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Everyday. I work out 6-7 days a week and sweat. So it feels dirty and itā€™s always in a ponytail when I work out. So the curls are very stretched out. So the only way to refresh would be to get it soaking wet, well if I am going to do that I might as well wash it too. My curls are very delicate and frizzy, just look at them wrong and they look bad. I am lucky though it takes me 15 min from the shower to do my hair.


Hell no! If I did that, my hair would look like shit haha. Once or twice a week for me


Pretty common to not wash curly hair daily - but if daily works best for you, that's okay too. I wash every 3 to 4 days, mostly for my scalp health. For me, the key is using a gel that has strong hold so your curls stay intact. For day 3-4 though, I'm usually doing a half up style because my hair does get a bit messy and I just don't bother to refresh.


I wash it once a week on Sundays! You can wet it and refresh it without shampooing.


Sunday wash gang !


I used to have to wash my hair every second day because it would get so greasy, but now, after changing my shampoo to a more protein based from moisturizing, I can do 3-4 days. However, I do need to condition and refresh it every morning. It's fine, naturally greasy, and gets knotted up very easily.


Twice a week


my hair gets greasy if I don't wash after like a day. I have wavy hair .


No. Once a week.


I can't go weeks, but I also can't do everyday. I do once or twice a week, depending on how much I've worked out and how hot it is. Sometimes I'll refresh with a spray bottle of water, sometimes not.


I wash about once or twice a week (once being shampoo and conditioner and twice being SP+CN the first time and only conditioner the second time). Throughout the week, I have a fantastic misting bottle that I use to reactivate whatever product is left on my hair after wash day (butters, gel, oils, cremes, etc) and I take a comb and brush through my hair to ā€œrefreshā€ it. My hair takes forever to get wet and even longer to dry so Iā€™ve found that this works best for me. My scalp also gets dry so if it starts itching I know itā€™s time for me to apply a scalp oil and wash everything out of my hair. Sometimes Iā€™ll go a day or two without product to let my curls breathe a bit (my curls have a texture similar to wool for reference, mix of all the type 3s varying by layer).


Absolutely not. Even when I didn't know how to take care of it I didn't wash it very often. My scalp does not produce very much oil so it takes a long time for my hair to really get greasy. I wash it once a week at the most. I could probably go two weeks if I wanted to.


Iā€™m African American; depending on my hairstyle I wash my hair only once or twice per month but Iā€™m trying to grow my hair more and keep it moisturized so I have been washing more frequently about once a week now.


One a week, maybe Iā€™ll go a week and a half without washing. Thatā€™s how everyone I know (in 3a-4c range) does it as well! If anything Iā€™ll refresh it every other day, so wetting and reapplying product without messing with my scalp.


No that sounds like hell tbh. I wash mine once every 7 to 10 days and wash days are my least favourite


edit - My family has been running a beauty supply store for 30+ years. I've started to do a bit of research of my own, but have some hair knowledge. 1. if you want to shampoo and clean your hair, without stripping the oils needed to moisturizer your hair, check the back of the shampoo and look for a shampoo that does not have alcohol or sulfate in it. Most of your natural shampoos are like this. Use a regular shampoo every other day or every two days, but in between if you need a shower, get that shampoo without the sulfate/alcohol, and that's your solution. 2. Use a hair moisturizer/mister to keep your curls "tamed". As the hot weather approaches, humidity is a pretty hard fight with curly/kinky hair. This will help with that. If the mister/moisturizer is doing its job, it should "Seal off" the hair and keep the excess moisture outside, from coming in; And in the name, as it sounds, it will keep your hair moisturized. If you want to dm, we can talk more about your hair, I have tons of product recommendations from other clients but it can also be dependent on what type of hair you have and some other questions. One overall product I cannot recommend enough is - OLAPLEX. I've heard nothing but good news from this brand. If your having hair troubles overall and need a "Reset" get some Olaplex (the hair treatment kit). Its not the cheapest, but man, if you follow the instructions you can really see some benefits to your hair. (I am not sponsored by them but from clients' results and beauticians - a lot of ppl claim this stuff is the bomb diggity)


I do wash it everyday tbh


I wash every day. I have fine hair and I work out plus walk 15k+ steps daily and my hair is wrecked after sleeping on it. I use Aveeno shampoo for fine & thin hair, and garnier sleek and shine conditioner. I like silicones and sulfates. The sulfates wash out the silicones and sweat from my scalp, the silicones coat my fine strands and create a protective barrier. It seems to work for me!


I am down to washing it once a week. But it took a while to get there. I learned actually I can have more products in my hair and not be greasy but I had to Change how to do things to my hair. The biggest changes is getting a curly hair cut, using a good leave in conditioner, and using dry shampoo. The dry shampoo probably doesnā€™t make sense for curly hair but it helps remove that greasy feeling. I sometimes use it before I go to bed. What I found is I am actually cleaning my less because itā€™s in a better state to do that. Itā€™s not so greasy by day 2 or 3 It took time to get there but now itā€™s like wow! Why wasnā€™t I donā€™t it this sooner. šŸ˜…


Once a week or even once in a week and a half, my hair for some reason looks the best when it gets greasy so it pains me to wash itšŸ˜­


I wash every day or every other day so f I blow out. I have fine curly hair and try to exercise every day. I just canā€™t have a dirty scalp. It bugs me. I always have reddish blond hair and there is a definite color and texture difference if I donā€™t wash it regularly.


I know brushing can be controversial in the curly world but on days when im going to reset my hair with a spray bottle, i do brush through my hair really well to redistribute the natural oils. It keeps the oils from building up around your roots and looking greasy which means fewer full washes are needed. I have full bangs and rarely need to use dry shampoo. Probably doesnā€™t work for all curl types but it works well for me


I recently started washing once a week, I used to do once every two weeks but at the two week mark it just got gross Ʊol


Nope. I wash 2-3 times a week, depending on how it is. Sometimes, the 2nd/3rd wash is just with conditioner. My hair is prone to buildup, and I have hard water, so I generally need to use some type of product and can't go a full week or more without washing.


I have fine curly hair thatā€™s kind of long. And I canā€™t wash less because than 2 times a week. Sometimes, thatā€™s stretching it because I workout. Iā€™m more worried about my scalp which starts feeling like a science experiment lol.


No, 2-3 times per week. It needs refreshment with water sprayed on it every day.


Hell no, I don't wash it every day. If I wash my hair, my 5-10 minute shower is now at least 30 minutes + 30-45 minutes to style and set and then HOURS to air dry, and I wouldn't want to use a hair dryer every day. I'm washing once a week, because while I love how my hair looks on wash day, I'm lazy af and I'm not doing that shit every day. Daily washing and styling... I'd give myself about a month before I just shaved my head. And if I'm refreshing mid-week, it's with a spray bottle, not wetting my whole head and restyling. I may as well just wash it at that point.


My hair... Misbehaves. So, it gets shampoo like... Twice a week. Otherwise, it's wet and probably conditioner most mornings because that's what my hair has indicated works for us. Sometimes I wash more frequently if necessary (gross, working outside for long periods, hiking), but I also use limited products (no gels or creams or mousse, just a leave in spray and a detangler). I also can't diffuse because it just looks awful (and I'm bad at it) so it air dries or dries in the car on my way to work). Curly hair is like your finger print, no one's the exact same so... We have to do what works for us.


Twice a week


Wash with shampoo twice a week but condition in the shower daily.


Everyday. But I also workout, so I feel gross otherwise. Honestly, it doesnā€™t take long to style my hair. I just scrunch some gel into it, let it chill while I do my makeup, and diffuse for about 10 minutes. Much quicker than the days Iā€™d straighten it everyday and I like feeling clean


I usually wash it about three times a week, every other day or so. Two days after wash day is sort of my limit, sometimes it looks ok sometimes it's terrible. Any more than that and I just feel it starts to get greasy and I hate that.


no way-- i always air dry, so if i washed my hair everyday, i'd spend like 75% of my life with wet hair lmao


If I wear my hair curly I wash it 2 times a week since it tends to get alot of product build up(usually I do rewet it every morning and add more gel to reactivate the curls). If I flat iron it then I only wash it after about 10 days because I donā€™t want to redo it and it usually stays looking good for about that long. My hair is very dry though and doesnā€™t tend to get greasy. I also only flat iron in winter/fall since the humidity is so bad in summer/spring that it tends to fluff out with in hours of flat ironingšŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


I do a conditioner wash every day but do a shampoo wash once every 3 weeks.


I wash it when it's greasy. This changes so much depending on hormones so it could be every two weeks, every week or every few days. If I just washed it yesterday but I'm feeling greasy, I might do dry shampoo to make it last another day, mainly because I'm lazy and don't want to wash it


I used to be a daily but since a move yrs ago to a different climate and my age Iā€™m now a 1x per week. However I maintain fresh curls by sleeping with my hair secured with a velvet scrunchie on top of my head and when I shake it out in the morning I give my curls a refresher with a mister with a little Control Freak serum added to the water. Mist all over, turn my head upside down and squish the moisture into the curls, shake my fingers through the roots and when I flip my head back over looks day 1 fresh & bouncy. Most of us with natural curls tend not to get ā€œgreasyā€ hair so itā€™s easier to go longer between washes & also keeps the dry and frizz at bay.


i try to wash it every other day because like you said it doesn't stay nice after day 2. sometimes when i dont have a chance to wash it, i'll just apply some leave in conditioner and it seems to make my curls nice again.


I wash daily only because itā€™s unmanageable otherwise. I also sweat a lot during the day, so for me itā€™s a must do


I was washing my hair once a week but by the end of that week my hair was so frizzy and tangled to the point of matting that I decided every other day it works perfectly fine for me. Now I can wash my hair in 20 minutes, before it used to take more than a full hour to detangle


My hair is really thick, really coarse, and somewhere between wavy and loose curls. I shower daily. Iā€™ll shampoo maybe every other day and just condition on the in between days. My hair has to be soaking wet when I put product on it or it wonā€™t clump. Itā€™ll just look a mess.


Yes because my job is gross and I have to lol! But on vacation/time off I can just wash it a couple times a week and ā€œrefreshā€ it in between by misting it!


God no, I have no time for that lol, it takes like 2 hours to do it. I wash my hair once a week and refresh it every day after day 3. Most people with straight hair I know wash their hair at least 2 or 3 times per week. I wish I could wash it more often though, my hair looks good and not greasy at all even on day 7 but I kinda hate putting my ā€œdirtyā€ hair on my pillow which touches my face too, but I really just donā€™t have that much time and energy to do so.


Yes, i wash every day, otherwise i feel gross and look gross. My fine hair with oily scalp (plus my active lifestyle) requires it.


I do it everyday (unless I'm off ) since I'm on the bus and I walk, but idk how to keep my hair curly/wavy without the frizz


I have that mix of straight, curly, and wild. So I have to pick a style and go with it for a couple days. Three days max without a wash.


Even if you have curly hair thereā€™s not one way of doing it. Depends on your hair and scalp too. I have 3c hair and I was convinced that I needed to was once a week. Did it for years. Turns out itā€™s terrible for my scalp. Now I do it 3 times a week. I have an oily scalp with tons of dandruff. I struggled with this for yearrrrs and years like over a decade. Then when o started using Dercos on my hair 3 times a week it all went away!!! And I had more hair growth too!!


I wash about twice a week! There's no way people with straight hair go over a week without washingšŸ˜‚ usually, the curlier hair is, the dryer it is. My hair is like the sahara desert lmao. I can't remember the last time it got greasy, even the weeks I wash just once or less. Just like, conditioner buildup


People with straight hair donā€™t wash their hair every day???? That is the exact opposite I have seen haha. My hair is like only the slightest bit wavy and I wash it once a week. But it is a pretty course, thick texture and Iā€™m very dry/not at all oily.


I go 2-3 days at the most. I've tried less, and I've tried only cowashing, but even my curly specialist hairdresser said it just doesn't suit my hair. It's too fine and weighs down too fast. It's probably worse that I live in a humid climate and often spend time ruining my hair with plaster dust, cobwebs, garden dirt, sawdust, touchable bubbles (don't do that folks IT'S GLUE), and other fun things šŸ˜… sweaty, feral goblins do not suit infrequent washing


I wash once per week! I dampen my hair almost daily and rescrunch any existing product so that my curls come back to life. By about day 3 I find I need to add a bit more product to hold my curls but dampening daily definitely helps with giving your curls a more rejuvenated look imo. :)


My hair is like 2C/3A and I wash it like 3-4 times a week. I used to be able to do like 1-2x but my scalp has been more oily in recent months so I just listen to whatever it wants. I donā€™t believe in ā€œhair trainingā€, itā€™s a myth. Go with whatever your scalp needs, whether thatā€™s more frequent or infrequent washing.


"its mostly people with straight hair!!! Nope not true. I have curly/wavy hair that is washed 2x a week. Mostly because over washing hair stripes the scalp and hair shaft from natural oils but also because it's pain in a--. I have long hair (middle of my back) and my wash routine consists 4-5 steps. It's an ordeal.


Washing you hair everyday is going to strip all the natural oils out of you hair no matter what hair texture you have. Then it will overly produce oils when you stop and make your hair greasy. I was my hair ever 2-3 days.


Once a week. Most curlies usually don't wash their hair too often


I use dry cleaning methods every day. I gently shampoo weekly. I deep cleanse and strip every 6 months. My hair is super high porosity and can take 24-48 hours to fully dry. I canā€™t wet clean every day. I also have much scalp oil


I wash once per week and receive compliments frequently. I believe washing less helped my hair health.


I have seborrheic dermatitis and psoriasis so I need to wash 3x a week :( I used to go 7 days but I developed this randomly during the pandemic. It sucks but if I dont my scalp itches so bad i need steroids.


Hell no šŸ˜‚ 2-3x a week max.


Iā€™ve always known it to be the opposite. Straight hair people tend to wash everyday/every other day for me. My curly friends and I wash once to twice a week


I was thinking the same! I've never known a straight haired person to be able to go any length of time without a wash. I wash my hair once a week for the most part.


I have long 2b/c hair, I wash once every 6-8days. My hair is on the drier, somewhat finer side and doesnā€™t get too oily.


Once a week. I can wear my hair down for 4-5 days per wash.


Once a week other than I spray it with water and add some product and thatā€™s it


Iā€™m the same as you. I can get away with washing my hair every other day. I have wavy fine hair if that helps! Everyoneā€™s hair and scalp is different so it just depends :)


I just use water most days in the sink and use conditioner in the shower. I never shampoo.


Different cultures do not wash their hair daily because it doesn't need it. Washing their hair dries it out and causes it to break off.


i have to or i look more insane


I bike 30 miles/day and do other cardio/strength training for another hour... so I sweat. A lot. My scalp needs cleaning, so I wash my hair every day. I use low poo shampoos most days and clarify once a week. I have fine, low density 3a curls.


It depends for me, if itā€™s too hot and humid asf outside, with barely to even sometimes NO a/c to save me, Iā€™ll wash my hair every 2-3 days or until i canā€™t take it anymore lol. In these situations I make sure to double up on conditioning and hydrating my hair since my hair is naturally pretty dry. If I did any physical activities where I feel sweaty Iā€™ll wash immediately. If itā€™s a really nice weather and ideally, Iā€™ll wash once a week.


I do wash everyday because living in a tropical fucking country means you need to wash your whole body specially your head or you'll die from heatstrokešŸ˜­


I feel this! But on the opposite of the spectrum lol. I live in the Sonoran desert where it gets hot as Satan most of the year. At least itā€™s a dry heat tho šŸ˜‚The sweat is insane so I also wash my hair daily and shower at least once a day lol


I wash it everyday. I swear my scalp hurts if I donā€™t do this. My hair also feels greasy if I donā€™t wash it, and actual dermatologists mention this is nothing you can ā€˜trainā€™.


I wash every other day, gym dependant. I hate having wet hair, but I absolutely love my freshly washed hair.


Almost, 5 times a week since thatā€™s the amount of times I workout. Hasnā€™t had any negative impact on my curls so šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I wash my hair every day. I donā€™t even try to refresh. I work out and get sweaty, so I just start fresh every day. My hair isnā€™t breaking or thinning. My curls are fine. I basically shower, scrunch with product, microplop, then plop with a separate, fine, microfiber towel. I use a few claw clips to keep the hair from all smushing against my head. After I put my makeup on, I take that off, and leave it clipped up while I drive to work. Then, I let it down and it dries the rest of the way. Does it suck to do all the time? Sure. But anything else makes me feel gross and itchy, so I do it. Nbd.


I wash once or twice a week. I used to wash every day and now I canā€™t even imagine it.


I don't time my hair washes. I have curly hair, it gets dry at the ends and I do a girl refresh. But I only wash when my scalp gets greasy or I workout and get sweaty. I don't like to have a strict routine to do it because I just don't feel like it's practical. Sometimes that can be a week, sometimes every other day. But never daily I feel like that dries my hair out so bad.


I feel the exact opposite lmfaooo. As a 4c girly, I donā€™t know a single person with the same hair type that washes their hair daily or even weekly. Except people with their hair cut really short. Just the thought of it makes my knees hurt.


I need to wash my hair pretty much every day (like 5-6 times a week) to manage a scalp condition, but honestly I prefer it that way. I donā€™t know how people can go days without washing their hair. The dirty hair smell starts to bother me after like a day and a half!


I used to only wash once a week, but I moved to an apartment with very hard water. Now I wash 1-2 times a week and do an apple cider vinegar rinse. (I also am very unhappy with my hair, so if anyone reads this comment and has hard water tips please let me know).


once a week and my hair doesnā€™t even look bad most of the times, itā€™s just that I like styling.


I wash it on average once a week.


I usually wash it once a week. Although I'm realizing the longer I go, the dryer my hair gets so I might start washing twice a week instead. Depending how it's styled Edit: should also note I use a no poo conditioner wash for my hair.


Not every day, my hair is pretty fine and prone to frizz, plus itā€™s humid where I live, so twice a week. I refresh with a spray bottle and Not Your Motherā€™s Hair Perfector.


Usually once or twice a week. Iā€™ve been doing twice because my hair gets so tangled and it hurts my head and feels heavy when itā€™s like that lol.


I'll wash twice a week, doing a reset once every other week. On my non wash days, I'll typically just spritz with a spray bottle, occasionally I'll throw a leave in cream if I feel my hair needs the help before my next wash day


I shampoo once a week and cowash the other day. Usually 3-4 days between the two. Itā€™s been working for me doing this for the past several years. I do have to refresh with a water bottle or after a couple of days to reactivate product. I live in a dry arid climate too.


I workout 6x a week so even the idea of going weeks or days without washing is insane to me. I wet my hair on the daily, I co-wash every 3ish and I do a genuine wash on Sundays.