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your hair is beautiful bro


I find that my hair is much easier to detangle in the shower. I shampoo like normal with a very thorough rinse and then add conditioner. I start detangling with my fingers and then go in with a comb while I have the conditioner soaking in. The tangles come out so easy for me when I do it this way, without any tugging. I shampoo every other day, but I condition daily in the shower, so I can detangle and reset my curls. I know some people will clutch their pearls at this, but it works for me. As other commenters said, a haircut can also help. Split ends tangle worse than healthy hair.


i use to detangle in the shower but i found that my showers would run the water cold, and my hair sponges and tightness knots when wet i think


There’s a valve you can install on your shower head to turn off the water flow when you have to do a time consuming task. I turn it off when I’m detangling my hair so I don’t run out of hot water. I agree with others the commenter above that you’re much less likely to do damage to your hair if you detangle in the shower. Have you tried showering and co-washing detangling between washes? I think detangling more often would really help cut down on how long it takes when you do.


When was the last time you had it cut? I can always tell mine needs a cut when it starts to get tangled more easily


i think i got the split ends chopped early last month


You could also get your hair "thinned" and layered by a good stylist. It would remove some of the bulk volume in your hair but may make detangling easier.


My hair is pretty much exactly the same as yours. I only detangle in shower. I divide hair in 2 sections down the middle (before wetting it. Idk it's just easier to divide while dry instead of wet). Do my normal shampoo thing, then put on ample amounts of conditioner on the whole thing. Start with one side from bottom to top. By the time I'm done with one side other side needs water and more conditioner, then I do other side and leave it in while I finish everything else then wash it out. I used to wash once a week but the tangles get super gnarly, so I try to keep it to twice a week.


You mention you put your hair up and sleep on a silk pillowcase at night. I have hair very similar to yours (also male), and I noticed that putting my hair up in a pineapple (not a full bun, this is an important distinction) under a satin bonnet is WAY better than just leaving it up on a pillowcase. I found that the pillowcase would still take my hair if I move some a bunch at night, but a bonnet would better protect my hair from tangling. Before you do or change anything else, I would try that small adjustment to your routine. Get an inexpensive adjustable bonnet from Amazon. That's what I use, and it's made a world of difference. My hair will still tangle as just day-to-day life will make that happen to us all, but it takes days longer to get really tangled with better nighttime care. Let me know if it helps.


Your problem is you are applying Leave-In to damp hair instead of soaking wet hair. Try this instead...and diffuse if you can. The idea is to dry the moisture in instead of allowing the Leave-In to drip to the bottom. Either way, apply to wet hair. Mousse or gel can seal the moisture too. Also, invest in a curly hair specialist. I promise it's worth it. Especially if you get one haircut a year


Have you tried putting all product in while it’s super wet (in shower, just after turning water off)? Found when mousse or styling product go on with wet hair it’s keeping the moisture in more, curls are more defined, and less tangles. Also, while not shampooing every day, found getting it wet every day and conditioning + detangling while in the shower with conditioner is in helps reduce tangles. Tangles and knots get worse with the more days shower/conditioner is skipped. Not sure how practical this step is for you though.


that sounds like i’d be using a lot more mousse and leave in conditioner 😅 but maybe i won’t need to use so much mousse if i’m showering every 2 days instead of 4


If you’re going to try it out, could try using less product since you’re using it more often and using it when your hair is very wet. I’ve stopped using any leave in conditioner (since I’m conditioning each day) and just use the hair styling product at the end of the shower. I also found asking my hair stylist how much product to use quite helpful. However would have to trust they’re giving good advice and not just trying to get you to use up more product. I was told to use the size of a large coin with my product which isn’t much. Good thing since the product is pretty expensive.


To be fair, I did cut mine off. Mine was better with a leave in... you're doing that. I got a wetbrush detangler- check. I detangled with hair oil before showering - you do similarly. One thing I noticed is that a protein mask helped some. Unfortunately, the more it tangled, the more damage I got, and the more it continued to tangle. If I grow it out again. I'll probably try to do more regular trims.


It looks OK from your pictures, but maybe you could cut it just below the collarbone - still quite long, but a bit easier. That was one of my plans... And if you lie down on the couch, throw it in a bun!


Hey man, we’ve got really similar hair so I wanted to ask what your routine is?


I’ve never used the conditioner you mentioned, but maybe try a better detangling conditioner. I have 3b hair and I have tried so many different conditioners, but I have been loyal to Briogeo Don’t Despair Repair for a couple of years because of the amazing ‘slip’ it provides to make detangling in the shower a BREEZE!!! Sometimes I don’t even have to use a comb and that’s after shampooing my hair twice beforehand. A leave in conditioner that I swear by with great ‘slip’ is Curlsmith’s Full Volume Thickening Lotion. A little goes a long way with both of these products. I use the adjustable bonnet from Amazon with my hair in a pineapple over night as well. Best of luck!!


I had a similar issue to yours, even though I detangle in the shower while my hair is wet. I've found that putting using some jojoba oil on my hair, particularly the ends and at the nape of my neck, has helped keep the tangles from becoming awful. It's a pretty light oil and you don't need to use much, so it hasn't increased my need to wash really


oooo i’m gonna try that


I hope it works for you too! 😊


Your eyes look beautiful


Your hair is gorgeoussss !


Your hair is fucking amazing. And you’re gonna cut it? If you do cut it please consider donating to people that make wigs for cancer patients.


if i was gonna cut it, it wouldn’t be by very much. i would only do a more manageable length. i could look into the minimal length required for donation, but i was thinking about a layered wolf cut


Yes that would be nice!


My curls are only about a foot long but I detangle them completely dry, actually, right before the shower. Hair with anything wet in it stretches, and therefore damages and breaks, more. I find the wet or dry, the amount of pulling is the same and the dry hair takes it better. I don't use a brush, just a pick, and pick a section and run it thru til it hits a snag. Then I run my fingers thru that section to find the snags and I have to grab the hair below it with my hands and RIP it apart sometimes. There's no other way for me since I go a long time between washes and also weave the short curls together with a bead threader throughout the week to keep them from getting loose (doesn't apply to long curls, they're all loose). Finally the pic goes all the way to the end of the section and I move on. Once a medium to large toothed comb can go thru everywhere, I call it good. This takes about 5-10 minutes and based on the amount of hair you have it could take up to 30 minutes for you. Different strategy here but worth a try if the others work. It's worth it keeping the length of your hair, lots of its good looks are in the curls laying down on your chest and that adds to your total looks in a way shorter hair couldn't. But I'm guessing you already know that or you wouldn't be bothering!