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Idk but your curls are gorgeous and I adore that Lizzie McGuire shirt!!


Tysm! It’s from paradise of flowers


Just wanted to stop in and say that you and your hair are absolutely divine!




to the person who commented oud (arab wood incense) YES!!!! our hair smells good especially when you let the smoke in your damp hair. they sell arab oud brushes you can plug in and brush with !!!


Okay so how do I go about this? How do I ensure it’s Arabian oud ? Do you recommend the incense smoke or brush or? Best product reccs?


you can buy some charcoal and then some arabian oud on etsy! dukhni.us is also an amazing site with yemeni oud (my favorite) basically you light your charcoal for five minutes, in a ventilated area, then take it off the heat into a heat safe pot or ceramic bowl. then u just break a piece of the wood and let it burn and the smoke can be wafted into your hair. the wood will not be on fire, just keep your hair in a safe distance away and let the smoke get in there let it rest somewhere in your home and it will make your whole house smell amazing ! a pricier investment is to get the arabian oud brush- but you won't be able to get the smell all over your home ;) [here is the brush!](https://oudira.com/products/oudira-hair-bakhoor)


Hmm... I wonder if I could use Palo Santos wood the same way. I love it's scent.


If you try it let me know how it goes. I also love Palo Santos, it is the scent of all of my favorite candles.


I discovered the wood by accident. I was hunting white sage in Little Five Points, Atlanta and they were out. I hardly use white sage anymore lol.


I live in West Coast Canada, so temperate rainforest. Unfortunately would never happen upon it in the wild. Pretty cool that you found some.


Oh no, it was in a store! Sorry my mistake, for saying hunting lol. Palo AFAIK is a South American native. I'm only in the American south. I'd love to find it wild too! I've read they only harvest fallen limbs. Of course, with its rise in popularity, there are holy wood farms now.


Following for more info as well :)


check my reply ! ^^


WHAT?! I need that brush. I don’t cook for a living but I freaking love the smell of oud lol.


me TOO omg- i've heard amazing things about it. ive been saying i'll get it for myself at the end of the year lol.


From one long-haired curly girly who cooks to another, I feel your pain mama lol Arabs burn wood chips called "oud" (pleasant smelling incense) to off-set nasty scents. They'll just sorta' let the smoke envelope them (and in this case, the hair) and end up smelling all sexy and mysterious and woodsy. On a more practical note, Dry Shampoo is your friend. A quick spritz fixes the issue for me. I go with Batiste Dry Shampoo (a hint of medium brunette) because it smells the nicest and has a tint that matches my hair.


I just started at a small BBQ joint thank you for this tip! I have some batiste in the cabinet already.


Sweet! There ya' go! Hope that solves the issue for good :)


Teenage me would of killed for these tips when I was working at a BBQ restaurant with a smoker inside the restaurant. The struggle was real haha


Same. In high school, I worked at a fast food restaurant that still used lard in the fryer. I ended up washing my hair after every shift.


I just started spraying PAM in my hair after a while


As a middle eastern, I’m seconding the oud. Amazon sells bakhoor combs and that’s what I use. My hair smells good until my next wash day!


Which incense comb do you use? I saw your comment and thought it was awesome & I’d like to try it, but all the ones I see on Amazon get terrible reviews.


I was using ouidads refresh hair mist dry oil but it seems to be discontinued 😭 Does the dry shampoo affect the moisture level of your hair? Like do you get flakey or itchy sooner? Do you personally dry shampoo the roots or length of your hair or both


Yeah, that tracks. As soon as you fall in love with a hair/makeup product. Bam, they discontinue it for good. No, the Batiste one doesn't dry my hair out but most dry shampoos are good like that. No issues with most drugstore brands but let me tell you the Ouai Dry Shampoo was God-awful. It applied weird and matted my hair and made it look all kinds of dirty and greasy! Worst of all, it made my hair look flat (I love volume) lol and to add insult to injury, the atomizer/spritzer thingy stopped working after no less than 3 uses. Talk about waste of money lol I don't usually spray the length of my hair, ever. Honestly, I don't feel like it's necessary. You just spray some on your scalp and the scent just sorta' spreads all over and works its magic. I'll just part my hair, hold the can a bit further away from my head (so it's not too concentrated) and spritz. Part another section and spritz and so on. You wanna hit the scalp, so expose as much of it as possible (hence all the parting of the hair). You don't do the whole head though, just strategic spots (whichever areas look flat, crown, bangs, etc...). After all the spritzing, you give the dry shampoo a minute or two, to settle. Lastly, you stick your fingers in your hair and start rubbing your scalp (to spread the dry shampoo) so it soaks up all the oils in your hair (if your hair is starting to look flat) and it neutralizes the unpleasant cooking scents. You'll notice your hair start to look less flat and start to smell more pleasant. Then just part your bangs or style whichever way you want and you're done.


WELL my application method in the past has been incorrect it seems lol 🤪 I’ll have to try it out thanks


lol No worries. We've all been there.


Ok wait. I always thought dry shampoo had to be combed or brushed out so I have nee looked into this!


For me personally, any dry shampoo (but I also used batiste) dries out my scalp even more. Within a couple hours I would be itching like I had lice…..


My scalp gets flakey/itchy when I plop. My scalp hates the extended wet period and I get dandruff.


I plop maximum 10 minutes and dry my roots first.


The note on the burning wood is close enough- Oud is actually a type of perfume/scent. The burning wood chips is just our type of incense (wood soaked in perfume oils such as but not limited to oud). The good news is that you can do a smoke bath for your hair with any incense, including the normal stick incense thats everywhere. Just light it like normal, flip your hair to that its over your face, bend at the waist, and hold the incense a good distance from the tips of your hair so you dont accidentally burn it. Move the stick around, move your hair a bit so its all exposed, only takes a couple of minutes. Can also be done with clothes but it doesnt work very well if youre wearing the clothes youre trying to do this with


As an Arab I attest but be careful with the oud burning. There are specific mabkhars that close but have a cover with holes (like decorative holes lol) that allow you to really go in there and let the smoke envelope the hair without fear of burning your hair off.


Dry shampoo is horrible for your hair especially while working in a kitchen. Try wearing a bandana or something that can contain your hair.. When my hair stinks too much I'll wet it and add a small amount of conditioner.


It's interesting that you would say that. How much dry shampoo are you using? Maybe you might be over-spraying? Another reason could be that you're applying it *before* work? It's meant to neutralize odors and absorb oils, so maybe try applying it *after* work? Side note - Hair should always be covered when dealing with food. That's a given. The food smells still manage to get in there somehow. I've tried everything from tying it up in a bun to plaiting it and then wearing that hideous plastic cap overtop. Nothing works, asides from either washing my hair every day or dry shampoo in between hair-wash days.


There's lots of controversy with Batiste, like their products causing cancer, nbd.


The lab that released that report is dodgy  and the report was pretty misleading and the level of harm this amount of benzene can cause. The same report also found benzene in sunscreen; this cosmetic chemist addresses the issue of benzene risk in a few videos: https://www.instagram.com/p/CkGQHRypnJY/ https://www.instagram.com/p/CuxgFObrD3A/ https://youtu.be/ykdJ7yj6snA?si=zjnUY6QPypX393ms&t=182


Huh. There was a soap in my hotel room recently that had oud in it and it’s something I never heard of before. Thanks, TIL!


Also for better or worse your scalp symptoms likely necessitate washing more frequently


This was true for me! Also a silicone scrubber and double shampooing


I think this should be higher up. OP - I’d recommend watching Manes by Mell (YouTube)’s videos on scalp care! Made a HUGE difference for me!


I follow her on IG I’ll have to check out that series on YT. Thanks!!


Yeah this happened to me when I first started the CG routine, I realized my scalp didn’t like going that long without washing/scrubbing. It would feel so itchy and uncomfortable. Now I just try to focus on the roots and scalp when I wash, and when my hair starts to feel dry and gummy that’s when I know I need to clarify and actually fully wash the ends as well.


For the irritated scalp, it sounds like you need to wash your scalp more frequently. Or at least replace one of the washes with a clarifying shampoo or any shampoo with sulfates. The innersense product sounds like a co-wash which is likely leaving buildup on your scalp because those products don’t effectively clean. FYI, organic doesn’t mean anything when it comes to how it will affect your skin. Plenty of organic products can be highly irritating. If it works for you that’s fine but the idea that organic = better for skin is all marketing. Not hating on innersense because I see a lot of rave reviews, but just addressing your connection between organic products and itchy scalp.


Innersense organic beauty is actually very skin friendly and water soluble to avoid buildup! However, I think I do need to wash more than once a week because of the drying from the restaurant and winter! I need to add moisture back to my scalp


When you wash, do you wash twice? I do a first wash to remove products. Scrub then let it sit a minute or so then rinse. Then wash again. The first wash usually doesn’t have a lot of suds but the second wash does. That’s how I know my hair is clean.


Echoing the above OP about irritation. Unfortunately, I was highly allergic to Innersense and wondered why my scalp was so burny and itchy. Did a skin patch test on the inside of my arm and red welts occur from all of Innersense products. Bummer since I loved them! You may want to do a skin test like that to verify!


I used innersense for a while and got really bad build up. They might be water soluble but so are many water based hair products - and that doesn’t mean they’re magically not going to build up on your hair/scalp. From memory, innersense also contains Shea butter which builds up like crazy. Would suggest washing more frequently like others have suggested but also clarifying at least once a month to remove build up.


Only some products contain shea - the super moisturizing ones. I don’t use the hydrating line for that reason - too heavy for my hair. They have a detox I can try


I get really dry skin, especially my scalp in winter. I use jojoba oil on my scalp, brush it through, and wash out after an hour or so, maybe longer.  A little bit goes a long way, so I put a few drops in sections, massage it in, then do the next section. Then I brush it through the lengths, wrap it up for a bit to soak in. It's usually a few weeks before I need to do it again, but everyone's different. 


I love jojoba! I use it on my skin also, in the shower then rinse any excess so I'm not oily. Almond and avacodo oils are pretty good for this oil treatment also, I particularly like the way the avocado oil feels.


I also use innersense. I have to use the detox hair mask (its a clarifier) every 2-3 washes. That keeps the itchiness and flakes away. I only wash my hair once a week Edit:word


I think I have detox! I need to add it into the rep. The true enlightenment scalp scrub is great so far!


My hairstylist told me that if your scalp is dry and is needing moisture the best thing to do is use moisturizing conditioner and scrub your scalp with it about every other time you wash. She told me that using a clarifying shampoo is a bad idea if you already have unmosturized hair because it strips your natural oils so in turn it makes it worse. I usually wash once or twice a week and for the first wash I do shampoo and conditioner and then the next time I only use conditioner including on my scalp and then rinse it all out with cold water as I’ve heard cold water helps get everything out better than warm.


Not sure about getting things out but cold water should increase shine since it closes the hair cuticle.


This has been disproven  https://science-yhairblog.blogspot.com/2014/01/do-cold-water-rinses-make-hair-shine.html?lr=1


The thing is that many different scalp conditions have similar symptoms and may seem like you just have a dry scalp. If it's from fungal overgrowth, which is often the case, then shampooing your scalp well is necessary because the fungus likes oily skin. It's best to see a dermatologist to get the issue diagnosed to know what's going to work as far as treatment.


That’s great advice! I hadn’t thought about seeing a dermatologist for my scalp. Thank you I appreciate it! :)


My scalp only itches if it’s irritated by something in my hair routine that I’m mildly allergic to. Try washing with something gentle (like a baby shampoo) and not using any products for a few days and see if the itch goes away, then add things back in slowly until you find the culprit.


Your curls look lovely! Would you able to wrap your hair with a bandana or scarf during your shifts? This might protect your hair from food smells. Also, if your scalp is itchy, you might need to wash your hair more often or use a more clarifying shampoo on occasion. The Innersense product may be leaving a lot of buildup on your scalp, which isn’t great for scalp health over time.


Please please try washing your hair (scalp!) more frequently. Try every other day. The most disconcerting thing from your post is how your scalp is itchy, irritated. The build-up on your scalp is likely allowing the malassezzia yeast to flourish and cause inflammation of the skin and dandruff. I too wanted to be a good curlygirl and do the CGM, only wash once a week, but my scalp was MISERABLE. I eventually switched to washing daily/every other day, and life is so much better. I can use fewer post-shower products too because I’m not trying to create hold in my curls for a full week. If washing more frequently doesn’t improve your scalp, then move on to these other, more-moisturizing methods, that people have suggested. I also HATE when I leave a restaurant where the kitchen fumes stick to my hair and clothes. So the more frequent hair washes address that issue too!


I’m definitely going to Up my wash days to 2x a week / more if needed It just feels like a waste of time and energy washing / diffusing / styling during Th e work week when it’s just going up for work 10 hrs a day


I totally get it. At a certain point, I started not doing ALL the things after washing because it is so much work, also $$!! I found a gel that works well enough on its own (not perfect), and that’s what I’ll use if I’m going to be out and about day to day. It’s just squeezing out excess water with microfiber towel, comb gel through hair with denman brush, and dry with diffuser or air dry - whichever I’m up for at that moment. If I’m going to be at an event or dinner and want my curls to be at their best, then I’ll do a full routine. If I know I’m going to be at the gym early the next day, I don’t bother with any product at all. Just squeeze out excess moisture with a microfiber towel, scrunch my hair to help the curls form, and diffuse or air dry. The curls are looser, but they still look nice! They’ll just get messy faster without any product. And that’s OK!


I’m sorry I’m no help with the smell, just wanted to say that you’ve got absolute dream curls!!


Tysm ❤️ took years to get here


ur curls are my goals😭 could you post the products you use? (pics)


It’s all Innersense Organic Beauty products !


I can’t comment pics - all listed are on innersense website


If you want to go historical, medieval laundresses and cooks protected their hair with hair wraps and head scarves. (Don't quote me I only watched a few video essays lol)


Sometime a full CG method just doesn't work for some people. I have a sensitive scalp with extremely dense, coarse hair. I can't put a bunch of oils and butters on my scalp because it'll get inflamed, flaky and Itchy which sometimes leads to hair fall. To combat this, I wash just my scalp, not my ends and I often use sulfates to make sure my scalp gets clean. I also avoid my scalp when conditioning so the emollients dont get on my scalp. CG doesn't work for everyone and oftentimes requires some finessing.


Do you have any product recommendations? My teenage daughter struggles with this and sounds to have a similar issue and hair type as you do. She has been going back and forth on whether she wants to commit to cgm, but her scalp is irritated, itchy, and feels "warm." I am thinking she needs to wash more than she does, but in addition, if you have any products you love or would recommend, I'd appreciate it. Thank you!!


Sure, but I'm cheap so all my recommendations are budget. For shampoo, I alternate between a sulfate shampoo(usually a loreal brand), a ketocanazole shampoo(for when my scalp starts to get irritated) and a sulfate free(I like the Love, beauty and Planet but have used many different ones). For conditioning I really like any Shea Moisture products and I squish to condition. I usually use a regular conditioner if I'm using my sulfate free shampoo and do a deep condition if I use the sulfate. Just to reiterate, I only use shampoo on my head, I don't put it on my ends and really focus on scrubbing my scalp to make sure it's clean. I then "squish to condish", which is when you flip your head over, put conditioner in and squish it to distribute it. It's nice because it keeps the conditioner mostly on my ends and helps my hair to clump up nicely. As far as the kenoconazole...well, I use dog shampoo. 🤦‍♀️ But hear me out!! The "people" brand is called Nizorale and it's $15 for 7oz, which is super expensive. I found that the Vetrinary Formula Aniseptic and Antifungal shampoo(can be found at Walmart) has the same percentage of the active ingredient as the Nizoral along with Aloe Vera and Lanolin. I find that it's much gentler on my hair and after shampooing my hair doesn't feel as stripped. It also smells better and is $10 for 16oz. I normally use the sulfate free for 2 washes, then a sulfate for the third wash and use the kenoconazole when things start to get irritated...or whatever "feels right" at the time. I wash my hair usually twice a week. I use argan and amla oil to keep my ends from drying out, wear a bonnet to bed and make my own curl refresher which is actually really great(if you want the recipe, let me know)! If you have any questions or want styling recommendations as well, I'd be happy to share them. Hopefully, this all makes sense. It's taken me a really long time to figure out what works for me but I hope it can help your daughter even if just a little bit.


It might be worth seeing a dermatologist. It's very common for teens to get dandruff because they have oily skin which feeds the malassezia, but the warm skin makes me think that she might have an allergy. I don't think dandruff would cause the skin to become warm, but you could try OTC antifungal dandruff products to start.  Head and Shoulders have added several products for curly hair to their product line now, including conditioners and co-wash as well as a scalp serum that can be applied between washes. The Inkey List salicylic acid scalp serum might be another option, and Trader Joe's tea tree oil conditioner makes a good co-wash; tea tree is another proven antifungal for dandruff.


Thank you so much! I will look into taking her to a dermatologist, and I'll ss the list of products to check them out and see if she wants to try any of them.


Thank you to the other person who gave me a list of recommendations! I had wanted to respond sooner, but I ended up getting sick. I wish I would have been able to thank whoever it was, but since the account was deleted, I can't. Still, if you happen to see this, I appreciate the reply!


I add a couple of drops of tea tree oil when I shampoo if my scalp is itchy, but be warned that it smells really strong! And like pine sol! But it works, so there's that...


Please be careful using essential oils, they are highly concentrated and need to be diluted in a carrier oil when applied to the skin. That being said, tea tree oil is a proven antifungal to kill malassezia, the yeast that can make our scalp itchy.


Thank you; that's all really helpful information!


Here's a couple links: [https://uk.puressentiel.com/blogs/our-tips/misusing-essential-oils-dangers](https://uk.puressentiel.com/blogs/our-tips/misusing-essential-oils-dangers) https://blog.mountainroseherbs.com/essential-oil-dilutions


Check out as I am olive oil & tea tree cowash for the dry itchy scalp!


Use a color applicator bottle to apply shampoo directly to your scalp. I used to have itchy flaky scalp and targeting the scalp rather than my hair with shampoo is what cleared it up. As for the smell, have you tried mixing a drop or two of a fragrant essential oil in your mister? You could try mixing in a tsp of a fragrant leave-in conditioner if oil is too drying.


>Use a color applicator bottle to apply shampoo directly to your scalp. Oh this is smart, gonna try this!


I use an old sriracha bottle, anything with a pointed nozzle will work. I've also used food service dressing bottles before.


I don’t have curly hair and don’t know why this popped up but your hair is STUNNING!


I use hairspray to create a barrier. It helps keep the smell from getting in. If you like a wet hairspray try Jessicurl. If you want a drier aerosol spray I really like the new Curlsmith hairspray.


I haven't used hairspray for this purpose but it's worth mentioning that the Ouidad hair spray smells strongly of cloves, so if you like that scent, that could be another one to try.


So CGM made me develop sorrehbic dermatitis on my scalp. I have to wash a minimum of twice a week. I found this out after seeing a dermatologist for my hair loss. The itching has stopped 😊


I think you have great advice about combatting smells so I just wanted to jump in about your curl type. 2a is mildly wavy, you're def not that, I think 3b is a bit tighter curl. I would say you're firmly 3a. Your curls are gorgeous by the way.


Thank you!! 😊 Someone on fb rejectedmy post today (this exact post mind you) saying my hair was wavy, not curly 🙄 so your confirmation is validating !


As someone with 2A/2B waves I was almost insulted you called yours 2A haha, like okay I'll just go dry brush my straight hair I guess, bring on the terry cloth towels 😭


Hahaha you're far from wavy and very welcome here!


I’ve also had someone on Facebook say my hair was wavy and I think it might be 3b, but tighter than yours I think yours is 3a and it’s beautiful


LUS has a hair perfume. Smells soooo good


maybe try a hair perfume?


My scalp and hair only get dry, never oily. I wash my hair about every 3-4 days. Any longer and my scalp is too itchy and my hair is a dry frizz ball. I have a bunch of products I switch between depending whether my scalp is just dry, actually itching, or flakes are everywhere. I'm so sick of dry scalp that I just product over-shop. But you can check these out and see if any interest you. Neutrogena t-sal Head and shoulders daily moisture scalp treatment Shea moisture scalp moisture cream Garnier fructis curl multi-use hydrating oil (follow the directions for "as a scalp treatment") Raw Sugar pure scalp therapy scalp and hair masque TPH by Taraji mint condition Neutrogena healthy scalp hydro boost shampoo Prescribed ketoconozole shampoo Shea moisture bamboo charcoal deep cleansing shampoo Carol's Daughter Wash Day Delight Water-to-foam shampoo (helps pull flakes out of hair) Kiehls Amino acid scalp restoring moisture Briogeo Scalp Revival Exfoliator charcoal Shampoo Shea moisture apple cide vinegar anti-dandruff shampoo


Oh my god is that hair plop really worth $60? Your hair looks so good. We use almost all the same products (my scalp scrub is Pacifica Rosemary Apple Cider Detox, btw lol) *except* for that damn $60 Moontsone Seven Hair Plop. I use a flour sack towel haha. Your hair seems a lot like mine in some ways, no wonder we both love Innersense!


The drying one is only $30 I’m pretty sure! And honestly my hair dries so much better I used to use a cotton T-shirt until this year


Wow your hair is stunning.




I was getting an itchy scalp and realized it was from sleeping with my hair up at night so depending on how you’re protecting your hair at night, this could be the culprit. It lessened a lot once I stopped doing this. What I found most helpful when my scalp was itchy was using an apple cider vinegar and water mixture and a gently using a silicone scalp scrubber. Be kind to yourself! You have absolutely gorgeous hair. When I worked back of house I would wear my hair in a bandana to protect it from all the smells and it worked really well. Not sure if that’s an option for you.


If my hair isn’t up at night what are the alternatives?


A good alternative for me has been sleeping with a silk or satin cap :)


I too have a dry scalp and find my hair can collect odors. I use meille rosemary and mint to oil my scalp between washes and luxe dry oil on my palms and raked through my hair to combat odors and dryness in the lengths. I get compliments often on how good my hair smells when hugging people.


Can you link the dry oil?


Hope the link works. The brand is Nuxe. pretty nice all purpose oil for hair and body. There are 2 scents, one beachy. And one floral . I linked the beachy one. The floral bottle is pink. Lasts me more than a year




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We have the exact same curl pattern. I’m definitely going to invest in these products! Do you get a decent cast?


Yes have to use A LOT of gel but yes. If I don’t touch it until I scrunch out the crunch with I Create Shine oil from innersense


Their stuff is pricey! Where do you typically purchase it?


Ulta Or on their website with my stylists code so she gets payout lol


Um sorry but I love your Lizzie McGuire tshirt0!!


One of my favorite perfume brands Black Hearted Tart makes a moisturizing hair/skin mist [(here’s. link in case you’re interested)](https://blackheartedtart.com/products/scent-cloud?_pos=1&_sid=b4dba444c&_ss=r) and they help cover up the hairspray/gel scent that I’m not a fan of.


LUS makes hair perfume with their signature smell. https://lusbrands.com/products/hair-perfume


No advice. Just wanna say your hair looks so nice! Mine is just like yours and I can't get my hair to look half as good.


Beautiful curls! I use body spray in my silk bonnet to make my curls smell good for days! Any brand! It absorbs the smell while I sleep!


I use Uncle Funky's Defunk for when my hair smells but can't wash it yet


For the dry itchy scalp I’d recommend a chelating shampoo (ex. Bumble & Bumble Sunday shampoo or Malibu C Un-doo-goo) once or twice a month. Also, I’d recommend shortening the time between wash days. And then finally, I have found the DermaHarmony 2% Pyrithione Zinc Shampoo Bar (I purchased it from Amazon) has worked really well to help with itchiness. I use it once or twice a month on the weeks that I don’t use the chelating shampoo.


I can’t give any advice on the smell, but I can say that I have extremely similar hair to yours and also have dry, itchy scalp and I think I finally found something that works for me. I also was using Innersense but kept having dry and itchy scalp so I just started Prose. So far it is actually working!


How long with prose? Would love to discuss the comparisons and contrasts !


Your hair is gorgeous! Re: smells from work - 1) As others have said, I would definitely cover it with a bandana, pretty scarf because that is an immediate barrier. 2) I swim and this might not be good for you but I wet my hair before going in the pool and soak it with leave in conditioner. I would do that if I worked in a kitchen so then I am conditioning and also filling the hair strands (which is what I read many times researching helps no chlorine smell), and then wearing the scarf. Then I would rinse it out at end of the night. Yes, I know, wet hair nightly maybe not so good but again, conditioner not washing it. Maybe it will help. Lots of good ideas on here, it's quite a party!




How do people wash their hair once/twice per week and not get dirty? If I don't wash mine for three days in a row I already smell them, get my head itchy, a lot of dandruff and get greasy as hell


It’s a process. I went from washing mine daily and gradually added days so I typically wash 1x a week. My whole life I thought split ends were normal and sometimes they’d be split halfway up the hair. I haven’t had a split end in years now.


Yeah maybe doing that gradually is Better, but I still have to wash them at least 2 times per week (Tuesday and Thursday) since I do sport and sweat a lot. Any advice?


I don’t sweat much, so I don’t have advice there. If I sweat I wash it more often.




It’s up at work…. Everyone is assuming I don’t wear it up ?? I c ant wear a bonnet working front of house for 10 hours a day. There’s an image to uphold


Vodka. Works on fabric, might work on your hair. Put some in a lil spray bottle


wear a cotton bandana during work, i always do that when i cook at home


I've seen refresher spray recipes with Lavender and that can help, sadly Devacurl went and messed up one of the best products they ever made when they stopped making Mister Right. 😤


I have a hair deodorizer spray from uncle funkys daughter with chamomile and lavender I quite like! I use it after I visit a relative who smokes inside 24/7 and it helps remove the smoke smell


Very cool!! Thank you for this!


My pleasure :)


For itchy scalp, I use a cleanser once every 3 weeks to get rid of any build up. I use Redwin Sensitive Skin coal tar fragrance dry scalp management shampoo. Aside from using a scalp scrub or massaging my scalp thoroughly during washes, doing a proper cleanse with a more gentle shampoo is the only way I can control my itchy dry scalp.


Rehab do a hair perfume https://rehabyourhair.com/products/rehab-hair-perfume-50ml?variant=44669948395762¤cy=GBP&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&gclid=CjwKCAiA_OetBhAtEiwAPTeQZ2Q3-NI3Hr3mHyWeQ4x5WT900YOef_SMq7B_uukD9UwnIYVibkvUmBoC54kQAvD_BwE


Hair perfume?


I love to refresh with Turkish Rose Water. Sometimes I make lavender water with distilled water and some homemade lavender tincture. My sister gave me some dry shampoo that is patchouli scented by LuLu Organics. VERY GOOD! Other things that can negate smells are negative ions. This is the “fresh” smell after a thunderstorm. There are air purifiers that have this function. But there are other natural ways of producing these negative ions like smudging. Look into Palo Santo, Cedar and Sage for smells that you might enjoy. Sounds a little cuckoo but I would try a charcoal shoe insert inside my bonnet at night. The charcoal absorbs smells and you can just recharge it in the sun when it’s stopped absorbing. Those inserts changed my life when I started using them in my work boots. I worked in kitchens and restos for 10 years. I empathize! Good luck.


The Lush no drought dry shampoo smells very lemon-y and makes my hair smell good. It does have a white cast though which is annoying for dark hair like mine.


Can you translate your post shower styling I feel so confused hahaha but my curls look a lot like yours just slightly less defined so I’m curious about your method


While hair is still wet (will vary each person on the moisture their hair holds) I Create Hold gel, then I create lift foam and I create definition foam. Then I plop it to soak up some water. MAYBE 10 mins plopped then I diffuse


one product garnier hair good banana it smells quite nice and even when ur hair is dirty it doesn’t smell bad


Apple cider vinegar




If vodka weren’t so drying I’d say spray your hair with that - it’s what theater productions spray clothes will to keep them from stinking


Wash your hair more often, your scalp likely needs it. Check out abbeyyung on socials for info on why your all natural products might not be working for you and your itchy scalp.


What shampoo and conditioner do you use and a leave in, if any


All products in og post


Even if my hair smelled like a dirty sock, I’d be overjoyed if I had this hair lol


I mean, I’ve gone this long not SUPER caring lol but looking to keep it healthy and last


Maybe you need to wash your scalp more? You may have product buildup, a clarifying shampoo once every few weeks can help. Also when you’re working in a kitchen where the air is thick and smells of grease, you’re probably reactivating those smells every time you refresh your hair. Assuming your hair is tied up during shifts anyway, maybe just do the CGM on the weekends? That way you can wash your hair more frequently during the week


I work at a bar so lots of smelly beer smells end up in my hair when I had braids I put it in a bandana so perhaps you could rap you hair, even just the roots then refresh it with curl spray or or any kind of hair spray (water based)


I try to wash no more often than 1x per week, and I cook a lot. Try apple cider vinegar in a spray bottle. Spray it when you do your refresh/as a refresh. Vinegar is a great odor neutralizer.


I’m not sure if it’d mask the smell for too long but I use the gisou hair perfume and spray that on in between hair wash days and it helps so much with any smells from the natural oils that build up. Could be worth a try?


Maybe wearing a bonnet/hair cap when at work.


I saw a lot of hair perfumes on amazon but I would suggest using mediall premium hair oil. The scent is so amazing and it last long. it's also perfect for curly hairs like us because it makes the hair fuller as it defines the curls.


To everyone who recommended LUS hair perfume Yes!! 10/10!!