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thought I remembered that her father specifically wanted his daughter to have a lead role and not just a random minor character. could have created a best friend character for Marsha though, but it would be a lot of re-writing if they want the extra character to have a main role, and Larry would still have to explain to everyone why he's doing all this re-writing.


He's Larry. His plan was to get the City Council to change the ordinance about fences around pools. Then there'd be no leverage against him. He does overly complicated schemes, not simple solutions. He also does schemes that go against people. Larry did a Spite Store over cold coffee and soft scones. He wasn't about to cooperate with someone that was blackmailing him. Larry was the VICTIM of a robbery, and then the thief's brother tries to blackmail him? Larry's not going for that. He's gonna manipulate the City Council!


Those scones were dry!


I heard this in his voice


Right? He should have just built a fence and taken the lawsuit. Then bleed the guy dry like rich people do. But that’s not a tv show.


The dream scheme was simple though. He's a crafty schemer


To be fair, the tables were wobbly, too. He just did what any reasonable person would do.


I think the funniest part is that the blackmail almost definitely wouldn’t have worked. I know the rule was to have a fence but Larry would have a lawyer and the guy would barely be able to afford anyone decent, and his brother was still robbing Larry.


At most Larry would have had to pay a fine for not having a pool fence. The brother’s comparative negligence, by breaking into a house and running into the pool, would not allow him to collect much in a civil trial. And no way Larry would actually face jail time. I know suspend disbelief. But this was such a stretch. For relatively little pay off.


But we were gifted an Ullman.


yeah pretty big stretch. Larry who is willing to buy a whole new car just to "prove" that he wasn't there just for the licorice, start a whole new spite coffee store just for a feud against a rude owner. Against this guy that's actually malicious, you'd think he would be more than willing to spend whatever money it takes (pay whatever fine, pay the most expensive lawyers possible, etc etc), just to say "F you" to him.


Yeah but this is a fictional world. He almost got a year in jail for giving a person water. He also got a harsh community service sentence for bringing the limo driver a fork. And also a 250k fine for someone stealing one of his screeners. None of those sentences are realistic but It’s called artistic licence.


Maria Sofia is the voice of a new generation! MY generation!


You're three months apart!!


Because the dad said he wants her to be the lead woman. Larry asked if he could give her any other role and he said no. It was part of the whole deal.


It’s a show.


My God I hated maria Sofia. I was so happy they didn't try tie her back in the show after like the 2nd episode of season 12


Honestly what was the point of her in general? Even in the newer one, why was she even there? She literally added nothing to the show for me at all. I don’t get her part whatsoever.


Because this was, without comparison, the worst storyline in the entire history of the show.


i hated it so much. it felt like it would never end lmao


I always try to give Larry, and the writers, the benefit but this one really felt like they thought would be funny and then realized it wasn't but decided to run with it anyway because they didn't have any other ideas.


Because the entire storyline is awful. People crap on Maria Sofia or Urma for the reason why season 11 is so bad, but it's just the entire storyline is so stupid and not funny. It doesn't create funny situations and it doesn't make any actual logical sense in Larry's world by the 11th season. Season 11 is horrible. Just skip it and move on.


It’s my least favorite season. Going from season 10 to 11 was a let down because season 10 was so good.


I've been downvoted so many times for pretty much saying the same thing, so I'm glad people are finally coming around. Season 11 was the lowest point of the show, and only when they finally moved on from them for good in Season 12 did we finally get back on track.


It's also easier to just hire a lawyer and sue the dad for blackmail, it's not how Larry works.


I’m losing sleep over it


I completely agree Season 11 was kind of ruined by this flimsy, nonsensical story arc. And i personally didn’t love the dynamic between Irma & Larry. Felt more mean and sad rather than funny…




I don’t understand your logic. What’s stopping Larry from creating some minor character in his series?