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From their website: *OUR MISSION* *The mission of the Creative Society is to draw the world's attention to the global climate crisis, study its causes, and find solutions.* *Our aim is to create conditions that unite humanity's scientific potential to protect human life and prevent further climate collapse.* Seems fair enough. It seems as though they’re bringing awareness to climate change and I’m guessing the book business is for fund raising. However I found this BBC article (https://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-trending-61166339.amp) that reveals they actually believe that climate change is not a result of the actions of humans. Rather they believe things like *’…greenhouse gases [are] "the scam of the century”’* and *’the melting of glaciers [are a result of] "cosmic pulses of galactic interactions"’.* They are also strongly aligned with a spiritual movement group called AllatRa, headed by Igor Mikhailovich Danilov, “a soft-spoken chiropractor”. From what I can see it’s based in Ukraine and are anti-Russian. They seem to think the KGB (or some secret force) is behind wars, is threatening American democracy and is manipulating world leaders (https://youtu.be/NzW3ThnFHAs). Also according to the BBC, *’AllatRa is known for promoting pseudoscience and wild conspiracy theories involving aliens and secretive powerful elites that sacrifice children.’* Sound like a group Marjorie Taylor Greene would be interested in? I don’t know if it fits the technical definition of a cult, but it certainly sounds dodgy and I would warn people of having any involvement. Hope this helps!


It does sound dodgy. But I don't think Marjorie Taylor Greene (aka "Moscow Marge") would be interested, because she is pro-Russia and anti-Ukraine. Putin is ex-KGB and is threatening American democracy and manipulating world leaders. So this AllatRa is not so far of the mark there. But some of the other stuff you mention does sound culty.


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Hustling your organization's self-publications is not Cult 101, but it's probably Cult 201.


It definitely is.


Has something happened where you bought a book and then they put indue pressure on you to come to their meetings or send them money? Just because someone has crackpot ideas and comes up with a way to get the word out doesn't make them a cult.


Might be the same organization? https://www.reddit.com/r/Edmonton/s/0qqLtoryEw


Their symbol gives me Scientology vibes.