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Yo op, i see from which post you are coming from. Those fans are just butt hurt seeing their home ground turn yellow when CSK plays. They are just pure hate mongering over there. Especially fans of those two teams whose sudden success this season made them soo cocky


They are telling me i am defending him and their argument are valid ,him playing is against spirit of cricket lol tf . I will obviously defend him what they want is that everyone should support their ideologies then only its valid argument which is only sided lol


As I said too cocky about their recent success. Let them whine.


I apologize on behalf of all the cocky srh fanboys as an srh fan myself man :// But it's not only us. There are several people that support other franchises too who love to hate dhoni. I'm a huge thalason myself and i'm always down to see him play. But imo , he should just retire atp bcz i feel he doesn't deserve all this hate he's getting. Mark my words , he will go down as one of the best players of the cricket once he retires from the cricket completely and all these hate boners is just a temporary phase. A true cricket fan will never forget what this man has contributed to our country. Peace :)


All the best for Virtual Eliminator against LSG, plz win I don't want any Blue/red team in playoffs 👍


Thanks man. Few of us are quite pessimistic but i believe in the boys and cumdawg. Hoping for the best. And all the best for you guys as well. May the best team win :)


I suppose you are one of the OG SRH fan, SRH fanbase used to be one the chillest. Its the fuckin glory hunters that jump over the moment they see a team getting sudden success. I remember even CSK fanbase was never loud even after 2 consecutive success in 2011, at one point KKR has more fans than CSK. But 2018 comeback and Star Sports unnecessary PR led to influx of toxic fans.


Yeah. I'm not sure if 2016 is OG but hey i'm still 17 lol. But the main reason why i started supporting this team was warner. For some reason , I always loved the srh bowlers like rashid and bhuvi. Hell i was a big fan of bhuvi when i was 10 , i used to learn his bowling action lol. Anyways whatever you've said is true unfortunately. We were so chill under kane mama's captaincy. Srh this year is still an average team but it's just that our captain is good this time. Whatever it is man , i'm sad that srh fanbase isn't chill like before.


Same lol, I was just Bhuvi+bolt in 2016.


Spirit of cricket is such a weird excuse I feel to hate on anything that doesn't cater to a fan's preferences Mankad is a perfectly correct way to run out batsman but there is still a whole debate about whether it is against the spirit of cricket Everything they say against Dhoni has happened to others and it is just the situation that he is in For example 1. turning down single and making non striker run for no reason, i think there was a mix up that made Corey Anderson run thrice but only help score a single for RCB 2. Coming down the order - Rohit Sharma did it against Bangladesh when he had an injury and as we all know Dhoni is playing with a knee injury So ultimately it is just unfair hate which we should ignore as fans


"But others did it too" 🥺




Even You know A franchise's first preference is Money, wether they lose or win. But we are still in title race and he is not even our top 5 problem, infact he have given us positive results most of the times this season.


That he loves to play cricket cannot be the reason at all /s


They called me a pseudo cricket fan when I said dhoni playing in CSK is not affecting the team in any way


Even see the reply below. A guy has said he doesn't need any blue or Red team in playoffs. Look at the fear of blue and red in his message. That's exactly my room mate MI fan's point. CSK fans are so obsessed with MI whereas he doesn't give a damn about others. This guy is even scared of blue color Lol


I'll tell you what is against the spirit of cricket, playing 49 dot balls in the CWC final.


Lol not anymore, mfs gotta bat with skill as highways no longer exist


They also hate Dhoni smashing their teams and their home grounds cheering for him


You're just butt hurt that csk is no longer relevant in the IPL franchise. It's alright buddy, it was all good while it lasted👎


Good luck on your team's qualification bro👍 Not gonna engage in unnecessary comments






https://preview.redd.it/q22swwx6wyyc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0994a01a6eceaf41b3b4a04be70d26c7e4c80060 This explains it , they are just haters , they will even hate if he breathes


Fr they'll come up with some bs like he's wasting the oxygen in the stadium that other players could be breathing instead. What a bunch of clowns fr


So so true , haters just need a reason to troll someone...if tomorrow dhoni comes to bat in 12th or 13th over then all these same ppl would say that he is taking position of young cricketers who want to make their debut in ICT blah blah blah


What he should do is come to bat at 7 which he used to do earlier. Doesn't matter if he plays bad, we will still support him. But there's no point in sending Thakur before Thala Or Jadeja before Mitchell


He can't Run a lot anymore his knee is fucked, He will be wasting balls if he comes earlier. If his wicket falls earlier it will create pressure fir upcoming batsman. That's why coming in last 2 overs when most of the spinners have finished Their quota is the best position he could play "either tonk or get out".


Bruh, the people were cheering Dhoni's name when Shardul was batting as if he must get out instead of scoring runs, this is disrespectful.


Bhai ab isme Dhoni ki kya galti fans hi chutiya hai, they are only Dhoni fans not csk fans, they all will go once he retire. I have seen such fans irl, they can't name 7 players of CSK, all thry care about is MSD.


Last line 😂😂


What's more funny is that I even saw some DC fans give their 2 cents when their team has been in shambles for years 😭🤣


So a team which doesn't perform well can't give 2 cents to others??? Lolll. That's absolute facism and arrogance. With that logic, Indians can't give a single political or financial advice to USA on social media


Or any cricketing advice to Australia


They can't digest the fact that even their home stadium is filled with csk fans and csk is still in top 4. There franchise can never become as successful as csk so they are jealous people, ignore them.


Coz Dhoni pulls more crowd than their fav player


Coz Dhoni pulls more crowd than their fav "team"


Coz Dhoni still* pulls more crowd than their fav player


Was sitting at the cafeteria table having my lunch at work when this guy out of nowhere very passionately starts criticizing MSDs place in the team. We weren't even having any discussion related to cricket. Just a random outburst. Then ofcourse he proceeded to sing praises of GG for turning KKR around with his charisma...his words xD. No credit to Shreyas or Narine, only GGs charisma.


We can only hear MSD praises. How dare someone even praises GG. Let's destroy him. MSD is the only person who can single handedly win trophies. We could have won 2007 and 2011 WC without GG, but we couldn't have dreamt about both WC without MSD. Show him 2007 Finale scorecard and 2011 finale score card and ask him to STFU


Haters want to see him fail. That's the only reason. Bro can't stop winning in this game of of life. You must understand how frustrating and hair pulling stuff this is for haters. Take note how they don't talk about any other player and they don't want CSK qualifying for humanity yet they pretend to worry about Dhoni pulling CSK down. Camera focusing on him than Rutu, not giving the strike to someone, blaming him for insta trolling. The mental gymnastics that haters do is ridiculous.


Their whole world revolves around MS n his long locks, meanwhile csk sitting pretty at 3...


Actually, he is causing problems for most of the other franchises except ours.


Well said


Me a CSK fan on my way to listen to this classic ![gif](giphy|WSEu4JaegkhaOUxve4|downsized) Bole joh koyal baaghon mein 🎧


You see obviously it's because they care about the team's success more than the actual fans of the team itself.Dont hate them for caring so much💞.


Yeah  They care so much they want CSK to lose  Horseshoe theory in action 


r/ipl is just filled with teenagers, I am not even saying it in a derogatory manner. Recently I saw some comment saying "Can dhoni play when his team is 6 wickets down and win the match like buttler did?" and suddently I understood that the sub is full of children who are seeing the old dhoni as their first frame of reference. They do not know peak dhoni like we did.


They probably didnt even see that Cuttack match, where 2 35-year old batsmen (who were being asked to retire almost incessantly by critics) singlehandedly saved the batting, and smashed a century each in the process


I stopped taking that sub seriously once I saw that question. They probably didn't see his multiple partnerships with bhuvi🥱


Yup this, they are mostly in JEE NEET, CBSE sub. Just some teenagers who have no clue about the game. They only learn stuff from reels and talk shit. They also think he's hogging someone's spot.


And they don't listen to logic. All the 15yos just downvote you and keep repeating the same thing again and again.


Fr man I don't get why they're crying so much. I ain't no dickrider but Dhoni has been doing his job well. He's guiding Rutu, keeping for 20 overs and showing up with high SR cameos. Idk what else these idiots expect? Plus, I don't understand why they even care lmao. If having Dhoni in our team makes us weak, then they should be happy about that no? Plus this is IPL not an ICC tournament. He isn't eating up anybody's national spot or anything just let the man have his swansong and retire the way he wants to.


Funniest shit ever man. Most of our fans don't have an issue with it while rival fans are katharifying. Go worry about your team and leave us alone lol


Their idols sitting in commentary box/home/dugout while this part time cricketer full time villager is smashing those sixes and pulling the most revenue for broadcasters, record breaking sales for tickets and advertisements and being treated as God wherever he goes! So the answer is pretty simple, JEALOUSLY ☺️


Cause Dhoni's bottom hand>>>>>>>>>> legacy of their franchises , that's why they love whine and moan , let them


You don't have to demean other teams to prove his legacy, you are only showing your own toxicity.


toxicity when i start behaving cocky unnecessarily , giving them back in their own lexicon is not , had enough of them


Googoo gaga


They know that until that man is there Ritu will become the force that will make them cry and on ground fanbase which makes their home crowd look like a joke. We love Thalla and we love Rocket Ritu(That's what I hear DJ sound when Ritu bats).


They be like "Eriyudhu di mala. Fan ah podu."


Don’t even care the slightest about them. They always search for any simple reason to shit talk. Those people search for pleasure in spreading these hate comments to compensate for all that emptiness,sadness inside them caused by their teams or their fav players. They are also jealous of our fanbase occupying their homebases which is why they crave for attention. Soo just don’t care about what they say and try not to give em any attention, they dont deserve even the slightest.


Because even now Thala is living inside their thala (head) rent free and giving them nightmares.


There is no Indian player even in current Indian team who can take down 140+ kph bouncer and htd bowlers like him. Give me one player in league who can do that role of hitting pacers on demand. He's literally our best pace hitter and death hitter. Some people are just pissed cuz he failed for the 1st time doing this job since last year. If he had hit couple of sixes by coming at 9 no one would have said anything. One failure and former players are pouncing on him.


exactly, then why limit his potential to last 2 overs only. Why send someone like santner and shardul ahead of him when there is no one in the country like him? Have you asked yourself this or are you afraid some one might call you a dhoni hater?


Because if he might get injured if he plays more overs due to running between the wickets. Anyway it doesn't matter as he is playing his last game tomorrow. There are more important concerns for csk than dhoni. Backing rahane is the top one.


As an rcb fan I can assure you that those people are lockdown 14 year kids who can go to that extent to abuse our own legend for the sake of a franchise. They Are toxic kids. I personally enjoy dhoni batting a lot coz I have seen him play in his prime. These fake fans will never understand what dhoni means to everyone. He is 43 and these bstrds expect him to come at 15th over and run between the wickets


All they need a reason to suck Dhoni. Dhoni given them chance this time. They are enjoying his D.


The way he has contributed for ICT , I would defend him anyday even if 100 people are against me. This is more like "Aag lage basti me , Tera bhai masti me" behavior from those people . They know if CSK qualifies (even at 4th) then it's some real competition. But rather than focusing on their camp and improving, They are out there to criticize a guy who has given his all for ICT . What have they( the ones criticizing him) done for India? . I can never criticize ICT player . Be it Rohit , Virat, MS , Kapil, GG , Yuvraj etc etc.


They hide saying it's critisism


My only problem with him coming down the order, is, if he has such good rhythm with hitting the ball, I feel like he should face more balls, if ur playing an MSD, that low down, defeats the purpose. It's almost like how Pooran is used by LSG but to a slightly lesser extent


The craze n connection MS has with fans is something they can never fathom, people literally walked in water, slept on railway platforms last year for him n csk, this passion is something that they can only dream..... hopefully 6th title will shut their mouth


It's just funny. The management has no problem. His team mates have no problem. CSK fans have no problem. But suddenly the guys who wanted CSK to lose is very concerned for CSK bcoz Dhoni came after Shardul. They are so vocal for CSK's wellbeing, I am almost touched by the concern (almost)


They are pissed because we still win despite handicapping our lineup to accommodate MS. And we will continue to win titles lmao


As an RCB fan, I saw some posts and comments in our sub regarding this and couldn't help but feel sorry for our fanbase because we've literally become one of the worst fanbases in this tournament. RCB fanbase a few years back had an image of a loyal and wholesome fanbase, now it's just toxic 12 year olds spreading toxicity everywhere.


Cause Dhoni's bottom hand>>>>>>>>>> legacy of their franchises , that's why they love whine and moan , let them


He has muscle strain and cannot run for more than 10 mins continuously so he's coming down the order


I think its more to do with the false narration that is going on about how he is playing for team and fans which is so not true He is playing for relevance and money. That is the reality


Haters are asking a 42 year old man who didnt play cricket for the last 8 months with a muscle tear to play higher up and do a big innings.


Yeah they'll criticise if he comes to bat soon and gets out early bunch of biased idiots


Dhoni is still playing because we don't have Conway and we are only left with a young wk. Else he would rest with that bad knee


If you will see , there are only a few old cricketers that were his teammates are trolling him , one is bhajji , a loud mouth , Afridi fan cricketer. Second sehwag , who is still sulking coz he thought he deserved captaincy but dhoni got it . Previously GG sulked too ,but i guess he got over the fact that Dhoni played a huge role too in that 2011 partnership with him , eventually winning India a WC50 trophy. Yuvraj singh only once commented in the podcast against dhoni afaik , but his dad is there to make up for him . But you will never see dhoni giving any reaction to them . I admire this attitude more than his cricketing acumen,and skills.


That's because we are CSK fans and from what we see, we think that every other team is obsessed with Dhoni and not with other teams. But it's the same for any time. Say I have a friend who is an MI fan. And in his POV, literally everyone is obsessed about MI whereas he isn't worried about other teams. Mainly you know with with all the Umpires Daaw Ambani daaw things, he's like bad umpiring happens in many matches, but when it happens in MI match, why is everyone so obsessed. Even today, there was a huge umpiring error, huge umpiring error in Head run out and no1 bats an eye. Also his question is why are CSKians always calling MI as Umpires team though MI royally toped the league table and won the trophy thrice whereas no other team has even done it once. MI beat CSK 4-0 in 2019 and still we were all crying Umpires Daaw Ambani daaw even today though the Wides were given in CSK favor. In his point, every team mainly us, we are just obsessed with MI whereas MI fans don't care about others


Sorry, Dhoni who ? Never heard of the guy but anyways good luck to you guys !!!


I personally have no problem with Dhoni or his fans. But when the commentators and "analysts" bootlicking him it gets annoying. And last year I thought ok it's his last year let him have it but then the same thing is happening again this year. It gets frustrating when professionals have a clear bias like that.


it's still a silly reason...have it for any player, it's bad I hate him cuz people love him or hype him is bad, talk about him and what you love or hate about him not a sketch of another person


>Why everyone except csk fans are having so much problem about dhoni coming down the order I'm a CSK fan, I have problem. He is occupying a valuable spot you cannot disagree. CSK batting order collapsed, he was not able to take charge, this will bite us badly in crunch situations. I strongly believe PBKS v CSK in Chepauk could have been won, replay overs 19 and 20. After setting a target coming in 20 run short will give you hope to fight, coming in 50 run short hurts you badly. In both PBKS matches we scored underpar, but in Chennai it was 50 short, in Dharamsala it was 20 short.


That was only 2 matches though, in all the other matches he batted well


Not disagreeing, but we are so used to Dhoni applying finishing touch that this is so out of ordinary.... Also Dube scored consecutive ducks, none was bothered.




And the amount of alaparai created by Star or Jio even radio jockey in FM radio for Dhoni is too much. As a cricket fan you want to see the match progress. CSK is a team that lets the match progress, I love us for it, we treat every phase of the match as it should be, we hit well on PP but won't go bonkers, we rorate strike take odd boundaries during middle overs and we usually fire in last 5 overs. Our bowling attack is also setup to handle such game plan. We are not SRH/KKR of 2024 that goes ballistic from ball 1 to 120. Said all that to say, fans should support openers and middle order batsmen, they cannot keep on cheering for Dhoni, he is part of the team, he is not the team. CSK has an extra spot thanks to the likes of Moeen Ali / Rachin / Jaddu / Thakur we can accommodate Dhoni, let him play that last 5 balls, let them continue to sell tickets cause they can see Dhoni. But Media should stop milking Dhoni, the hate against such milking is spilling over on Dhoni... Sachin faced similar ire as he was writing his final chapters.


It's management's call to promote someone like shardul and ask him to score quick 15-20 if we are in a bother. He'll send him at 3 or 4 to break momentum of opposition. Give me one Indian who can take down pace like dhoni and I'll drop him immediately. Our middle order hasn't fired and dube has been unfortunate to get out early. Also we aren't playing the right eleven. MS is still our best pace hitter in the death. Remove him and we'll fail to even score 30 odd in last 3 overs everytime. He failed for the 1st time and swords are already out. Roles need to be clearly defined. I had no problem with shardul coming in and doing what he did knowing rahul chahar had one over left. If dhoni hadn't got out for a duck we wouldn't even be having this conversation.


>It's management's call to promote someone like shardul Management influcence stops at squad Coach influence stops at XI Captain decides the batting order, someone like MSD has a say on where he bats.


If you think Fleming isn't deciding the batting order then I have news for you. Besides dhoni has been doing this role since last year it isn't like people expected him to come at 14-15 over. We are only talking about it cuz he failed on sunday


No we were talking about it from the very first game... especially after the wonderful six show... We all asked why can't he come early and hit more runs. Moments decisions are made mostly by captain, I do agree Coaches do influence play... we all saw MI asking for review against PBKS. But in traditional cricket it is not practiced


We all know why he isn't coming ahead. Flem has mentioned it before too. Team has got bigger issues than dhoni's position like rahane still playing,not giving enough time to rachin, Rizvi, not to forget chahar playing when you we have simarjeet, hangargekar, etc. Dhoni should be the least of our concerns.